Harvard Harris Poll Shows RFK Jr. Independent Run Hurting Biden More than Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on October 22, 2023 

This is interesting.  As more people begin to realize the radical position of Robert Kennedy Jr’s policies, and as more people start to connect the dots between the CIA operative now in place and controlling his campaign, it appears the GOP/INDY shift away from RFK Jr is underway.

The latest Harvard Harris poll [DATA HERE] reflects a considerable shift in the electorate with more Democrats following the RFK Jr. operation.  President Donald Trump is winning in the head-to-head matchup between himself and Pudding Brain; however, when you add RFK Jr. into the mix, the Trump lead widens 39-33.


When Cornell West is thrown into the indy mix, the Trump lead gets larger 39-31.


President Trump also continues crushing the Republican primary field.


Factually, the MAGA movement is the most broad and diverse coalition amid all the voting blocs.  The pragmatic, common sense electorate who are enthusiastic about the America First policy agenda represent the largest group of American voters.

MAGA is far larger than the Republican Party.  This continues to be the ultimate source of the battle that is raging on Capitol Hill.  The entrenched professional Republican class are against the America First agenda, and still in alignment with the multinational donors and billionaire influence agents.  However, the base voters are not affiliated with the agenda of the professionally Republican.

Keep smiling.


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