This Doctor Proved They’ve Been Doing Biowarefare For Decades. Now They’re Censoring Her.

Posted originally on Rumble By Kim Iversen on: Mar 8, 2024 at 3:00 pm EST

Biometrics to Track Malaria?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Great Reset re-Posted Sep 15, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

“For the first time in history, a biometric solution will be applied to track and trace the delivery of malaria vaccines, helping to save lives,” the World Economic Forum stated. The globalists want our individual biometric data in order to program each individual into a centralized database. Again, they begin all testing on the most vulnerable and desperate countries that do not have the resources to object to aid. The WEF is now stating that it must begin collecting individual biometric data to defeat malaria.

The WEF mentions that one in four children are unregistered at birth, a big problem for governments who need to track and tax everyone. Yet the WEF is framing this as a health risk, stating that health workers need access to medical records. They claim that a mere birth certificate is not enough since it is a manual process that is prone to errors. “Moreover, there is a need to bring these biometric solutions to remote areas in global health contexts, often lacking connectivity and electricity. But this is starting to change,” the website states.

Simprints, a UK social enterprise; NEC, a Japanese technology company; and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, have all come together to develop the WEF’s “first scalable child biometric system.” The WEF has locked in on Ghana as its first target. The malaria vaccine requires four doses, and those wishing to have their children vaccinated must submit that child’s biometric data.

“Like all sensitive data, using biometrics requires robust technical and legal protections. Privacy-by-design must be baked in from the ground up through data siloing, encryption and strict consent protocols,” the website states. Who will have access to this data? How can we ensure it will be encrypted? We know their plans for the Great Reset – they will be using any data available for the coming global database. This is the first step toward eliminating birth certificates and forcing all new lives to submit their individual biometrics to the system.

Bill Gates: You Don’t Have a Choice

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted Sep 5, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

“But you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice, you don’t have a choice,” Bill Gates proclaimed three years ago in regards to the mRNA vaccine. Gates, with no medical training, has not abandoned his lofty goal of altering the population through medical tyranny. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation websites discusses the Immunization Agenda 2030, a key piece to the overall agenda.

The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) discusses the need for continued COVID-19 vaccines, despite numerous governments claiming the virus is no longer a cause for concern. “Moving forward, strong immunization systems will be needed to ensure that people everywhere are protected against COVID-19 and other diseases,” the website states. “Ensuring everyone receives the vaccines they need will provide exceptional return on investment and help keep the world safe from future pandemics.” They say the people have a “fundamental right” to vaccinations, but no right to medical independence.

What can vaccinations do, according to IA2030? They have the ability to completely eliminate poverty while contributing to a strong workforce. Vaccine manufacturing will also contribute to “national industrial infrastructure” in low to middle income economies. The vaccines can even combat climate change! “Immunization protects urban public health and interrupts disease transmission, ensuring sustainable cities and communities,” page 14 of the IA2030 document reads. The magical medicine can also solve gender equality! “Removal of gender-related barriers to vaccination contributes to gender equality, as it supports women’s full participation and equal opportunities for accessing health services.” Climate, gender, sustainability, equality – is there anything these vaccinations cannot do? I guess the biggest downfall of the COVID vaccine, in particular, is that it DOES NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION OR INFECTION.

Gates stresses the importance of global cooperation by all governments. There will be more vaccines as this program is designed to “accelerate the development of new vaccines,” meaning more experimental jabs will appear on the market without proper testing. There will also be global stakeholders behind these vaccines who will ensure that their investments are secured by pushing the larger Agenda 2030. “You act like you have a choice!” Yes, I do, and I will not risk my life for Gates and his globalist stakeholders who want us to abandon medical autonomy for profit.

Fauci Commits Perjury Before Congress?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted Jul 24, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Malaria is Back – Thank Bill Gates and Oxitec

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted Jul 3, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Cases of malaria have emerged in the US for the first time in 20 years. The timing could not be better as they are planning to release a new mRNA vaccine to combat malaria. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded Oxitec, a biotech company, a large grant to develop genetically modified mosquitos. They are making us sick and profiting on providing us with a cure.

In April 2021, the Gates Foundation announced that 150,000 mosquitoes would be released throughout Florida. Aedes aegypti, a mosquito species known to carry infectious diseases, was set to be released in mid-2021 in both Texas and Florida. The braindead idea was that these mosquitos, although deadly to humans, cannot reproduce and therefore would eliminate the mosquito population. The number of diseased mosquitos set for release continues to increase. In August of 2020, CNN reported that 750 MILLION diseased mosquitoes were set to be released in the Florida Keys. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is utterly useless and agreed to this mass experiment without analyzing the risks. Governor Ron DeSantis did nothing to prevent these GMO insects from infecting Floridians.

Oxtitec is calling this experiment “Friendly Mosquito Technology.” The company “anticipates” that it will not post a risk to animals, people, or the environment. The government, CDC, WHO, FDA, EPA, and every corrupt government agency funded with tax dollars to protect the public is allowing this to take place.

“During these field tests, Oxitec will release into the environment male mosquitoes genetically modified to carry a protein that will inhibit the survival of their female offspring when they mate with wild female mosquitoes. The male offspring will survive to become fully functional adults with the same genetic modification, providing multi-generational effectiveness that could ultimately lead to a reduction in Aedes aegypti mosquito populations in the release areas. EPA anticipates that this could be an effective tool to combat the spread of certain mosquito-borne diseases like the Zika virus in light of growing resistance to current insecticides.”

Gates funded the largest mosquito-growing facility in the world. A two-story building in Medellín, Colombia, is producing 30 million modified mosquitos per week. They are dropping eggs packed in gelatin capsules into the water to hatch, as well as releasing fully grown adult mosquitos into the air.

The government is permitting Gates to use the population as his test subjects. Every government agency has approved of this method, swearing up and down it is safe. Now we have a resurgence of a deadly disease not seen in the US for two decades. Where is the outrage?

Lab Leak – Wall Street Journal Confirms Three Wuhan Scientists Likely Contracted SARS-COV-2 in November 2019

Posted originally on the CTH on June 20, 2023 | Sundance 

The Wall Street Journal confirms earlier independent reporting today that three Chinese scientists from the Wuhan lab fell ill in November 2019 with a likely COVID-19 viral transmission.  WSJ writes, “the researchers’ names were noted last week in an article in Public, which publishes on the Substack platform, and were independently confirmed by the Journal.”

WSJ – […] “Ben Hu, a scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who had done extensive laboratory research on how coronaviruses infect humans, was identified in U.S. intelligence reports as one of the researchers who became ill in November 2019 with symptoms that American officials said were consistent with either Covid-19 or a seasonal illness. None of the researchers died.

[…] The current and former U.S. officials told the Journal the three who fell ill were Hu; Yu Ping, a Chinese scientist who wrote a 2019 thesis on SARS-related coronaviruses found in bats; and another scientist named Yan Zhu.

[…] November 2019 is roughly when many epidemiologists and virologists think SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the Covid-19 pandemic, first began circulating around Wuhan, a city in central China. China has said that the first confirmed case was a man who fell ill on Dec. 8, 2019.

Hu is a leading researcher on coronaviruses who worked closely with Shi Zhengli, the leading expert on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Much of Hu’s research focused on modifying coronaviruses so they could bind to human cells.

The stated purpose of the research was to identify viruses that could lead to a pandemic and facilitate the development of a vaccine. Critics say that such research requires stringent precautions because such work can make the viruses in the lab more infections for humans.

Yu Ping, who also worked for the institute along with Zhu, is an expert on the geographic spread of coronaviruses and wrote a thesis that was the first to describe a new family of SARS-like coronaviruses that are most closely related to SARS-CoV-2. (read more)

With additional mounting evidence of the lab leak in Wuhan as the originating source of the pandemic, it is worth revisiting the statements from former Acting CIA Director Mike Morrell back in 2020 when the intelligence community was dismissing the lab leak theory.

2020 – Politico […] Morell noted separately on Thursday that if the virus leaked from a Wuhan lab, the U.S. would shoulder some of the blame since it funded research at that lab through government grants from 2014-2019.

The National Institutes of Health said in a statement on Thursday that a $3.4 million grant awarded to EcoHealth Alliance, which in turn awarded funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology over the last 6 years, had been terminated but didn’t say why. “Any questions related to the origins of the outbreak should be directed to ODNI,” the statement said.

“If it did escape from the lab, not only bad on China but also bad on the U.S. for giving funding to a lab with safety concerns,” Morell said, referring toState Department cables from early 2018 that warned of the lab’s risky coronavirus experiments and shortage of trained technicians.

“So if it did escape,” he added, “we’re all in this together.” (link)

Thus, the motive for the U.S. government to deny any role in creating the virus that was unleashed unto the world.

Move along… move along…

The COVID Mockingbird Narrative (Video Montage)

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted May 29, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Pfizer – The New Evil Empire?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Vaccine Re-Posted May 29, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I warned that our computer was projecting that Pfizer was making a major peak. Many could not see how that forecast would be correct. Here we are and Pfizer is not a company you want to work for or invest in. Seriously, anyone who has a family member working at Pfizer should cash out before it is too late and people start drawing them out and hanging them on the street as they did to the bankers during the Panic of 1869 giving rise to the real term – Black Friday.

FDA Detects Serious Safety Signal for COVID-19 Vaccination Among Children

Pfizer only cared about money. They experimented on society with unproven vaccines. Now studies show that those who just blindly listened to the government and the media talking their children to be vaccinated, now show that those children have heart problems. Pfizer may have been the real mover and shaker behind our forecast for a sizable decline in the population post-2032. On top of that, there are concerns starting to rise that the spike protein has been altered and some fear that it may even be passed on to future generations all because this was rushed out why screaming the sky is falling.

The Greed of Pfizer may be their undoing and it may simply become too risky to even be employed by such a firm if this turns out to be a major cause of population reduction in the next 10 to 15 years.

CDC Quietly Recalls all Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccines in US

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted May 18, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

This should have made headlines across the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly told the US government to destroy all available Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines. “Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is no longer available in the U.S. All remaining U.S. government stock of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine expired May 7, 2023. Dispose of any remaining Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. Dispose of any remaining Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations,” the site states. Over 19 million Americans received the Johnson & Johnson “safe and effective” vaccine. The 12.5 million doses in storage are to be immediately destroyed. The health agency did not state why they were pulling the vaccine.

On February 27, 2021, Johnson & Johnson boasted that the FDA approved the first single-shot vaccine. However, the company admitted that 41% of those who participated in the vaccination study had comorbidities. The corrupt FDA still allowed it to be prescribed, knowing that almost half of the study participants had negative side effects. At the time of this writing, the Johnson & Johnson website makes no mention of the vaccine recall. They are focused on their positive Q1 earnings report, however.

The millions of people throughout the world who took this vaccine, by choice or by force, deserve to know the reason it has been recalled. In the US, the government offered the pharmaceutical companies full immunity so there will be no class-action lawsuit.

One can assume, based on the CDC’s own guidance, that the single-dose vaccine increased side effects. The CDC states that test subjects must wait 8 weeks between the first and second mRNA jabs “as it might reduce the small risk of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with these COVID-19 vaccines.” The site continues, “While absolute risk remains small, an elevated risk for myocarditis and pericarditis has been observed among mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients, particularly in males ages 12–39 years. Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis were identified in clinical trials of Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine and through passive surveillance during post-authorization use outside the United States.” They also discuss the “small risk” of these deadly side effects in children aged 12 to 17.

The people should demand immediate answers. Answers would be required immediately if they were producing anything but the COVID-19 vaccination. Why did the FDA approve a vaccine that they knew to be dangerous? Will they recall other vaccines with increasing death tolls? We deserve clear answers.


First published on BitChute at 21:11 UTC on March 17th, 2023.

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