Beam Me Up Scotty is Here!

Posted originall on May 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Beam me up, Scotty!

At last, the dream of teleportation is becoming a reality. All we need is someone on another planet or starship to save us from this human catastrophe these idiots are creating. In a recent experiment that seems straight out of a Star Trek episode, an international team of researchers has achieved a remarkable feat in the field of quantum teleportation.


In this new study, published in the journal Science Advances, scientists from the University of Turku in Finland and the University of Science and Technology of China have developed a new method of quantum teleportation that overcomes this noise and achieves a high success rate. They managed to perform near-perfect quantum teleportation despite the presence of noise that normally interrupts the transmission of quantum states. The key to success is the use of multipart hybrid entanglement, which amounts to a controlled entanglement of the qubits with their local environment.

Before we get to beaming out living beings, imagine you have written a secret message on a piece of paper. You can then use teleportation to send this message to someone far away without anyone else seeing it. That will send the CIA, NSA, and Google up the wall—OMG, what is it about? With quantum teleportation, instead of physically sending the paper, you would create an exact copy of the message in another location while destroying the original message.

Quiet Earth Eliminating humanity

Of course, if the Biden Administration gets its hands on it, they will use it to create hybrid transgender people incapable of reproducing to save the planet from human beings and CO2. Schwab’s perfect world – the quiet Earth.

World War III is coming Sooner than you may think, Be Prepared

Attached is a PDF file that is explaining how we have gotten to the point that a Third World War is very likely. The blame for this resides in Klaus Schwab who created the World Economic Form (WEF) in 1971. Schwab has written two books on his theories which are a cross on Marxism and Technocracy which will be explained in the attached paper. His first book published in 2016 was The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the second published in 2020 was COVID-19: The Great Reset. In this book Klaus has the help of Thierry Malleret a French economist. Klaus and is associates have since 1971 has taken over the European Union (EU) as his followers now hold most if not all key EU positions. The WEF and the US neocons would Love for what is show below to happen in 2024.

Klaus and his supporters believe that only “technical” people are capable of ruling us. Because only people with degrees in science, engineering economics and medicine to name a few and the intelligence and know how to properly rule us. His long term goal is Trans-humanism, which is the belief that “WE” can be uploaded into an danced computer and therefor live forever. I have background in the fields need to do this if it was possible and my option is Klaus is dreaming. The attached book is a free download and the one that is attached here is a “Version 01” and there will be new uploads of this book as justified by new data and research.

The image below is the cover for the book I am writing. It reflects the world that Klaus & Gates want to create. As you can see he lives in the Utopian upper city and we live in the Primitive Serf/slave lower city.

This is the world that the world elites want to make for you!

This is my book you can download

World War III is coming Sooner than you may think, Be Prepared

Attached is a PDF file that is explaining how we have gotten to the point that a Third World War is very likely. The blame for this resides in Klaus Schwab who created the World Economic Form (WEF) in 1971. Schwab has written two books on his theories which are a cross on Marxism and Technocracy which will be explained in the attached paper. His first book published in 2016 was The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the second published in 2020 was COVID-19: The Great Reset. In this book Klaus has the help of Thierry Malleret a French economist. Klaus and is associates have since 1971 has taken over the European Union (EU) as his followers now hold most if not all key EU positions.

Klaus and his supporters believe that only “technical” people are capable of ruling us. Because only people with degrees in science, engineering economics and medicine to name a few and the intelligence and know how to properly rule us. His long term goal is Trans-humanism, which is the belief that “WE” can be uploaded into an danced computer and therefor live forever. I have background in the fields need to do this if it was possible and my option is Klaus is dreaming. The attached book is a free download and the one that is attached here is a “Version 01” and there will be new uploads of this book as justified by new data and research.

The image below reflects the world that Klaus wants to create. As you can see he lives in the Utopian upper city and we live in the Primitive Serf/slave lower city.

This is the world that the world elites want to make!

Why War is Inevitable & the Outcome is as well

Posted originally on Mar 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Diplomacy 2

One of the basic rules of war is that you always keep two fronts going simultaneously. The first is the obvious battlefield. However, the second is communication. Suppose you DO NOT keep communication open through the back channels. In that case, there is NEVER the possibility of PEACE, and the war then becomes concluded only when one side is obliterated. This is what has taken place, and the demonizing of Putin is HIGHLY dangerous, for it shows there is no intention of peace. You cannot keep calling someone a piece of shit publicly and then expect the people to accept a reversal of that policy.

Goring Herman on War

Demonizing an opponent is to create hatred that leads your troops to be willing to die for some greater good. Field Marshall Goring explained it well when he was on trial at Nuremberg. You always denounce the peacemakers as conspiracy theorists, or as Nuland is calling the anti-war Republicans – “Putin’s wing of the Republican Party.” Victoria Nuland is the real Commander & Chief, not Biden, who is directing this war. She has made clear that she has absolutely no intention of stopping the war. The Neocons have spent their entire lives drooling at the thought of conquering Russia and China. When Communism fell, they never changed their view. When Ronald Reagan wanted to meet with Gorbachev, sensing that Russia wanted to end Communism, the Neocons objected, and I can tell you they told him, “You can never trust a Russian.” Reagan refused to listen and met with Gorbachev, and the Berlin Wall collapsed.

Zelenskyy Johnson

There was a peace deal that this war would have been over in 6 weeks. Putin withdrew his troops from the outskirts of Kiev as a sign of good faith that the deal would be that Zelensky would have secured the rights of the people in the Donbas and agreed not to join NATO. Putin agreed to withdraw all his troops from the occupied region in return for that agreement.

The Neocons sent Boris Johnson to kill that peace deal, proving that the West, from the outset, wanted this war they spent time to create. Since then, 500,000 Ukrainians have died, countless millions have fled Ukraine, and now sending more arms will not matter if there is nobody there left standing to fight.


This is why Zelensky fired Ukraine’s top commander, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, over his objection to the offensive and the astronomical health toll. Zelensky told the truth and initiated a draft for 500,000 fresh troops. Zaluzhnyi warned that Ukraine could not defeat Russia. The conflict with Russia had become a stalemate for months. Zaluzhnyi was very popular with the troops, and firing him was a major mistake that Zelensky, lacking any military experience, thought a general could just order people to die with no repercussions. Zelenskyy appointed the commander of Ukraine’s ground forces, Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrskyi, to lead the army, which was a sharp blow to the morale of the troops.

Khruschev Brezinski

Syrskyi has been instrumental in Ukraine’s biggest successes during the war, including overseeing the defense of the capital in the early days of the invasion. Syrskyi was born in 1965 in the village of Novinki, Vladimir Oblast, Russian SFSR, then in the Soviet Union, into a military family of ethnic Russians. As of 2023, his parents and brother live in Russia. This demonstrates how intermixed the entire Ukraine is with ethnic Russians as Ukrainians today. I have reported previously that Kruschev grew up there and rebuilt Kiev after World War II. He merely reassigned Crimea to be administered by Kiev when it was part of Russia. Then, his successor, Brezhnev, was born in the Donbas.

The geopolitical situation concerning the Ukraine war will catalyze World War III. Historians said Europe, with its alliances, stumbled into World War I. The same is unfolding here in the 21st century. Political leaders make decisions on the immediate event without ever even thinking about what will be the next step.

This Ukrainian War is very much intertwined with the rise of China as an economic and Military superpower. Ukraine has become the stomping ground concerning the rivalry of the three great powers: the United States, Russia, and China.

China on the Rise

The Ukraine war has triggered a completely new dynamic in the relationship between these great powers with respect to this rivalry. What is being overlooked here is that China, and not Russia, is capable of replacing the United States as the leading world economic and military power, as we warned several years ago, back in 2011 and 2018. Our model projected that China would eventually replace the United States as the leading economic power.

CUGUSA Y Chart Array 1 1 23

A number of people did not like that forecast, but my job was to present the UNBIASED projections of the computer. I have grandkids. I hate to see the future we are leaving behind. This is the data from the Federal Reserve. The differential peak occurred in 2006 with a premium of $1.3 trillion.  Even since then, China has been growing in leaps and bounds, and it may even surpass the US in the 2025/2026 period and reach a peak by 2032.

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2024 1 18 Jamie_Dimon_tells_Dems_to_be_respectful_of_MAGA_supporters

All I can do is show the trend and provide the timing as to when this will unfold. This war that the Neocons are hell-bent on launching will destroy the United States in the process. The risk of dissent and even a separatist movement because of their demonizing Trump and everyone who voted for him is causing a major divide. Even Jamie Dimon has warned the Democrats this hatred they hurl at Trump is dividing the country and our model shows the separatist movement is rising. Even more than one-third of Alaskans want to separate from the USA now.

The immediate American National Security Strategy confirms the forecast we made back in 2011 and 2018 that the People’s Republic of China is the only competitor that intends to reshape the international order economically while its political government increasingly possesses the diplomatic, military, and technological power to propel and fulfill Beijing’s ambitions to create an extended sphere of influence in the Indo-Pacific region. Eventually, China will become the world’s leading economic and military power.

This is why, in the Ukraine War, the United States Neocons aimed to weaken Russia, its second geopolitical rival, politically, economically, and militarily. Then, they intend to focus on the confrontation with China, their formidable and biggest adversary. To achieve their strategic goal, the Neocons have sought close cooperation with Europe and pushed NATO to expand to Asia.

Under this new Chancellor of Germany, his visit to Washington demonstrated that Germany was apparently ready to take on a leadership role in the Ukrainian Proxy War. However, NATO intends to bring the European allies involved in a future conflict with China together with Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea. This is the planned Indo-Pacific network of partners and allies against China. There is reason to infer that Macron’s recent statement to send Troops into Ukraine may be more of a rivalry with Germany for the lead role.

This may seem a wise move on the surface by the Neocons first to take down Russia, which they perceive to be the weaker of the two geopolitical rivals. Secondly, they will launch another Proxy War using Taiwan for canon fodder rather than directly confront China, which is clearly the stronger opponent.

I believe that the Neocons are making a huge mistake by opening a strategic military two-front confrontation against China and Russia, which is a ticking nuclear time bomb that will engulf the entire world. North Korea is producing arms for Russia, and it has instructed its army to “grid for war.” North Korea has a deal manufacturing ammunition for Russia. In return, Russia is providing the desperately needed food for North Korea.

This Proxy War in Ukraine was a turning point for Europe as a whole, for everyone behind the curtain knew it was foolish to think that Ukraine would defeat Russia. This was merely a propaganda pitch the mainstream press was fed and ran with to the detriment of the Ukrainian people. As I have pointed out, it is a psychological tactic to demonize your opponent to get the people to then hate them and apply that image to all people associated with them being in a country or politicos. It is working when you see CNN claimed journalists using hate language to describe Putin.

Zelensky has routinely lied about the casualties to keep up the propaganda. This demonstrates the determination behind this propaganda over the last two years, rendering it understandable when one knows that Germany plays a particularly important role on the geopolitical chessboard of the United States. For years, the unspoken fear was the union of Germany and Russia, which would be a formidable match of industrial production with Russia’s limitless raw materials resources. A union of Russia and Germany would represent the only power that could threaten the United States economically in that sphere comparable to China’s.

This places Macron’s shocking proposition to send NATO troops into Ukraine to appear to be taking the lead from Germany, but also because Ukraine cannot survive. The fall of Ukraine undermines this entire strategy and exposes the flaws in the goals of the Neocons. Russia never intended to conquer Ukraine. Putin only sent in 190,000 troops when Ukraine had nearly 500,000 trained by the West. The fact that Putin’s troops reached Kiev in the first weeks demonstrated the superiority of the Russian military. Sending Western troops into Ukraine, as Macron proposed, would be insane, for then it is a direct confrontation without any communication for peace.

Macron even said, Nothing should be excluded. He also added: “There is no consensus at this stage.” However, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico suggested that “a number of NATO and EU member states are considering that they will send their troops to Ukraine on a bilateral basis.” He did not offer many details, saying he could not specify why the troops would be sent and their mission.

Putin wars of nuclear war thanks to Macron

As I warned, sending in NATO troops to Ukraine will be a Declaration of War. Putin came out and warned that Western nations “must realize that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory.” He added: “All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. Don’t they get that?” Putin has been criticized at home by the hardliners that he has been a fool and that this has been a war really with the USA and NATO.

The Mask has Dropped

I have been warning for the past two years that the prospect of creating World War III BEFORE the 2024 election was a reality. The Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, has called it like it is. He is warning that the West is on the ” edge of the abyss ” of World War Three.  Lukashenko has made it clear that he has “legitimate concerns” about the likelihood of a global conflict and accused the West of fuelling war tensions and pushing the world towards disaster. I cannot disagree. The F16s were for defense, and now NATO has lifted all restrictions.

“We are literally covered with an information wave of the so-called premonition of the third world war, which just a lazy one still hasn’t mentioned. And there are grounds for these fears,” Lukashenko said, according to Sky News.

NATO F16s 2024

Besides Macron, NATO is pushing for war, altering the terms of handing Ukraine weapons for defense to outright invasion of Russia. The head of NATO approved Ukraine to to use the F16s to fly into Russia and start bombing their cities as a deliberate provocation, praying Russia would attack so they could call them the aggressor. All they have to do is honor the Minsk Agreement, and the war will end in 24 hours. These people are filled with such hatred it is beyond description.

May 2 2014 Odessa Trade Unions House

Let’s make it very clear. Ukraine has been destroyed, and Zelensky has so much blood on his hands it will never wash off. Ukraine cannot launch any offensive. They are pulling back and now seeking to defend themselves. They have surrendered, and they hope to retake the Donbas; and Russia is likely to take Odesa – where the Ukrainians started the civil war and the whole separatist movement by slaughtering and Russian speaking Ukrainians burning them alive in the Trade Union Building in 2014, pushing their old Nazi position of ethnic cleansing.


The Neocons should take a lesson from the Romans, who knew that war’s outcome was never 100% assured. Their god, Janus, represented the beginning and ending of conflict – war and peace. In ancient Rome, the Temple of Janus stood in the Roman Forum with doors on both ends and inside was a statue of Janus, who is always represented as the two-faced god after whom January is named. So when we celebrate New Year’s Eve, we say goodbye to the past and hello to the future, which is a concept stemming from Janus.

Nero Dupondius RIC 338 Temple Janus

The Gates of the Temple of Janus were the main purpose behind the Temple itself, for it tied together warfare and religious tradition. The opening and closing of the gates were to symbolize either wartime or peace. The historian Virgil said the gates held in Discord and Fury inside the Temple during peace. When the Gates were open, this let the discord free, whereby the historian Horace inferred that if Janus himself was kept locked in the temple, then there was peace. During the reign of Augustus, it was said that the doors were shut three times – Pax Romana.

Nuland Victoria 5

These Neocons should ponder the question: What if I am wrong? They, like Zelensky, will destroy the West and render it subservient to China in the end.

Financial Capital World Economy

After the fall of Rome, Byzantium became the major power. When they fell in 1453, the power shifted to India, the source of all the Spice Trade. Their main rival was China, and they eventually overtook India as the Financial Capital of the World. Europe undermined them as the British conquered India and then China. But World War I and II shifted that laurel wreath to the United States. The Neocons have invited war and opened the Gates to let Discord and Flury run freely to engulf the world. This time, the laurel wreath will pass to China. Nothing ever lasts forever.

Ep 3277a – Farmers Are Winning, [WEF] Promises Concessions, Biden Reports Economic Great, Game Over

Posted originally on Rumble By X22 Report on: Feb 7, 2024 at 6:51 pm EST

Where in the World Is Sundance?

Posted originally on the CTH on February 9, 2024 | Ad rem 

Just spotted at TheLastRefuge2 are photos with the answer…

Dresden, Germany.

The Dutch, Germans, French, Polish, Spanish, Romanians etc… all know the solution is farmer/trucker Solidarity!

Bremen, Germany…

$118 Billion for Israel and Ukraine?

Posted originally on Feb 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Tax Robbery

Washington has been compromised by a foreign global power. Protecting America is not a priority, in fact, abolishing America seems to be the priority for our politicians on both sides. New York is providing $53 million to illegals who are above the law, and have even assaulted police officers without consequence. The overall funding involved in the calculated invasion was unsustainable long ago. So where are our leaders sending OUR tax funds? Israel and Ukraine.

In a measure that proves politicians are two wings on the same bird, the Senate released a bipartisan proposal to secure the borders of Israel and Ukraine. Years ago, the very same people who are approving these spending packages were outraged at the proposition of a mere wall between the US-Mexico border, which would have only cost around $12 billion at the time. Washington is now requesting to send $118.2 billion to these two foreign nations.

It is now up to House Republicans to stop this madness. Some only want to fund Israel and not Ukraine. Very few are asking for all the funding to go to the US border. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said preserving Israel’s border is “sacred,” and their war should be funded without question.

America’s national debt has surpassed $34 trillion. US Federal spending has surpassed $6.5 trillion, and the federal budget is operating at a $1.9 trillion deficit. The migrant crisis will cost America untold fortunes. The masses are waking up and realizing that there are no checks and balances in Washington. Our elected leaders are permitted to do as they please with our collective funds while leaving their own people high and dry.


Posted originally on the CTH on February 5, 2024 | Sundance

I will be providing and update later tonight.

The principal elements guiding the organization, which have further possibilities beyond the EU, are similar to the Solidarity movement.

“You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only option”

Ukraine Desperate to Start WWIII ASAP

Posted originally on Jan 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Ukrainian_drones_hit_Rosneft_refinery_in_Russia 1 25 24

Ukraine is desperate. It cannot win on the battlefield, and Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law, who runs the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), is the source of all the propaganda that keeps painting Russia as weak to get the West to attack it. Ukraine is now using drones and long-range missiles, violating the air space of NATO with no concern, and attacking an oil refinery in Finland. Now, they attacked a refinery in southern Russia. It was the Ukrainians that destroyed Nord Stream. The hardliners in Russia say they are correct and they should have nuked Kyiv.

They are now so desperate they are trying to get Russia to attack NATO air space because Ukraine has free access. Even Jamie Diamond has admitted that Trump was correct about NATO – terminate it.

These people are absolutely desperate to start World War III, and people like Nuland will never go on the front line. She is like the terrorists who send kids to blow themselves up when they would never do that. Sources have confirmed that if war with NATO unfolds, it will turn nuclear. The standard strategy would be to have a sub off the coast of Europe and take out NATO headquarters. Brussels if not also Frankfurt, before anyone could respond. This is the world Nuland and her ISW are trying to create. This woman should be in prison.

US_Dow_Gold_Ratio M 1 25 24

The three timing periods during which there is a risk of Ukraine succeeding in creating World War III as early as 2024 to help the US elections are Jan/Feb 2024, July, and Sept 3/4, 2024. This tends to be highlighted by the timing arrays in gold and the Dow.