From the Mailroom

Posted originally on the CTH on October 4, 2023 | Sundance

I get it; truly, I understand. The important part is the last element noted.

Do not give power to the dark imaginings; pray to the source of the only pure truth.  Live your best life, boldly.  Resolve yourself; lead, protect with great intensity; stand firm against all of it in any measure of your capability.


Be relentlessly affirmed in your mental resolve.  Remember, you control your thoughts and focus.

I Wish I Never Found You…

…”It was easier being in the dark. Whoever you are, man, your analysis regularly blows my mind. I’m unable to poke holes in anything you write. You make me feel smarter, but in fact I’m simply better informed. Since Rush passed, you have provided the clearest vision and I wish you had his reach.

It’s interesting to note that I’m not Christian and I see it’s a major source of your inspiration. To me, Christianity is bunk, and historically the church has been unkind to my people, to say the least. However, when those who use it as a spiritual guide to the path of righteousness, I have great respect. That’s you, Sundance. Regardless of the path, we both seek the same destination. The truth.

Every day I read your web page and more often than not, I get upset and then have to calm myself so as not to disrupt my home. Few want to know what’s really happening because it’s too painful, too unbelievable.

Because I read a tremendous amount of history books, I have too much perspective, I fear for the future, and I can’t look away. This parallels the Bolshevik/Mao Revolutions in unsettling ways. I have 20 good years left if I’m lucky, and just trying to stumble to the finish.

If 20 years ago someone said that:

An objectionable TV personality became our greatest president.
That the previous admin would release a pandemic w/ the CCP to destroy him.
That it fostered a socialist cultural revolution.
The country would be trillions in debt.
The elections would be rigged.
That Washington would be effectively one party.
That our border would be invaded by hordes of Barbarians
That our police would be neutered.
That people who’ve never been slaves demand restitution from people who’ve never been slave owners.
That our media would be complicit vs. investigative.
That basic social constructs such as gender would be abandoned.
That a one-world government was the objective
That in spite of what people experience every day they can be made to believe that the weather is killing them.
That in spite of all this, people go about their lives as if nothing is wrong.
That in spite of this, I’m living the best days of my life and I’ve never been happier.

All the above is true. None of it would I have believed 20 short years ago.

Thank you for your insight. Be careful Sundance. We can’t have you meeting the same fate as Andrew Breitbart.


When I say, “I get it”, I mean in the deepest bone marrow I understand.

We are all in this together.

Slowly at first my friend, until suddenly all at once.


…When the silent ones can no longer tolerate their own silence.

Fauci Worried People Won’t Obey Mask Mandates

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted Sep 6, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Masks were ineffective. They forced us to cover half our face to appear in public for years. It had nothing to do with health and everything to do with being a mass social experiment to see how blindly the people would obey their laws. Anthony Fauci realizes that a second round of COVID restrictions will be much more difficult to manage as many have woken up to the fearmongering.

“I am concerned that people will not abide by [masking] recommendations,” Fauci said. “We’re not talking about mandates or forcing anybody, but when you have a situation where the volume of cases in society gets to a reasonably high level, the vulnerable, the elderly, those with underlying conditions, are going to be more susceptible, if they do get infected, of getting severe disease leading to hospitalization. We know that. That’s a fact,” Fauci told reporters at CNN.

Let us recall that Fauci was spotted at a super-spreader event, a baseball game, without a mask. All of those pushing for mandates were spotted breaking those very laws. He knows this is all a show. CNN was not even willing to comply as the reporter read Fauci a study published by the New York Times that discusses how useless masks and mask mandates have been. They even asked Fauci about the inconsistent studies regarding masks and how they should have never been mandated in the first place.

Typical Fauci babbled on about the science. He said that although masks may not protect individuals, they can still protect the public at large. Nothing he says makes sense. They are attempting to prepare us for another mass COVID outbreak. Interestingly, COVID seems to become a problem when we near elections, and some are calling it an “election virus.” Jill Biden has now come down with COVID after receiving every vaccination under the sun. They want the people to begin talking about how it must be spreading. The cat is already out of the bag, and we know the truth — masks do not work. We will not comply.

Thought Crimes

The Charlie Kirk Show Posted Originally n: Aug 17, 8:07 pm EDT

Corporations Losing Their Minds

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted May 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

There has been a huge backlash against Target just like Budweiser. Both boards of directors should be fired and barred from ever serving on any board or any corporation – EVER! They are engaging in indoctrination that supports changing the gender of children without parental consent. If you cannot consent to sex no matter what under the law before 18, then how can a child consent to a sex change before 18 openly denying any notification to parents?

This has gone way too far. This is no longer about equality and inclusionism. This is indoctrination and it will be remembered by historians as a critical factor for the collapse of Western society. I will NEVER buy a Budweiser product again nor anything from Target. Corporations are here to serve EVERYONE, and if they stood up and said will only vote for a Democrat or a Republican, they have entered the realm of politics. That is what is taking place here. ANY company engaging in indoctrination OF ANY KIND should be boycotted. Look at SVB. Their risk management was selected to check boxes for WOKEISM – not qualification.

Going to school and seeking degrees is no longer even important. If you do not check a box, you will not be hired in the big corporate world anymore. The WhiteHouse is bragging about being WOKE and look at the result. Qualification is now secondary.

Girls are being discriminated against in sports. Family values and traditions are to be overthrown. Those who identify as Transgender in only about .5% of the population. This whole movement is being pushed to also reduce the population. Mothers are now birthing people and women are no longer identifiable. As I have said, Thailand is the capital of Transgender surgery.  They even have their own theatre with “Ladyboys” performing and tourists go to watch. The difference is that they are openly accepted and call themselves “Ladyboy” and do not see to demand everyone else call them a woman. They are NOT confrontational and they are NOT engaging in indoctrination.

We must look behind this movement as to its real purpose and who is funding this agenda for other objectives.

Would You Welcome a Refugee into Your Home? 

Armstrong Economics Blog/Immigration Re-Posted Apr 4, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The refugee crisis has become a problem across the European Union. According to the UN Refugee Agency, over 72,000 people applied for asylum in the UK alone, which is double the number of applicants from 2019. However, these are simply the documented cases. Germany received the highest number of applicants among the EU at 127,730, followed by France at 96,510. In fact, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain took in 70% of all first-time applicants in the European Union. Using the UK as an example, refugees are not permitted to work and fully rely on state support. So how does a nation financially support a mass influx of refugees?

The UK provides asylum seekers with free housing and £40.85 per person, per week. That is barely enough to survive, especially with the current rate of inflation, but these people cannot legally work. They often do not speak the language and have trouble assimilating into a vastly different culture. The government is relying on taxpaying citizens to foot the bill, and some recognize that the UK simply does not have the resources to provide welfare to hundreds of thousands of incoming refugees each year.

Social justice warriors are up in arms about this situation. They believe that nations should simply open their borders and everyone can live in a land of rainbows and sunshine with unlimited resources. The video above is a great example of how these social justice warriors are promoting an agenda that they simply do not understand.

Not one protestor questioned in this video agreed to house a refugee. “Are you willing to adopt a refugee and take them into your home?” the reporter asked. Excuses range from not having the space to living in a rental. At one point, he tells a protester, “Oh, right, that’s someone else’s problem.” These people are clueless and do not understand the economic repercussions of open borders.


channel image

Rubin Report By Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Peter Lloyd and Savanah Hernandez about Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota Peggy Flanagan doubling down on protecting gender reassignment surgery for transgender kids and Elon Musk’s reaction.

Systemic Violence in Miami-Dade Schools, Supported by MDSPD, Surfaces Yet Again – Video Surfaces of 9-Year-Old Latina Student Beaten Mercilessly by Older Black Students on Bus

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on February 4, 2023 | Sundance

Let me be very clear, having investigated the Miami-Dade and Broward County school system for over a decade, this is not surprising.

Following the path of Trayvon Martin and the weird school discipline program he was a part of, I ended up spending a lot of time deep in the research of these school systems.  Things are not what they appear.

The recent video of a 9-year-old Latina student and her brother being beaten mercilessly by older black students on a school bus is not an isolated incident.

[New York Post] – […] In a statement, the Miami-Dade Schools Police said the offenders have been arrested.

“The safety and wellbeing of our students are of the utmost importance,” it read. “This school district goes to great lengths to promote the values of restraint and respect as well as using social media responsibly. We ask that parents reinforce these principles at home.”

Meanwhile, three female Florida high school students — two 17-year-olds and a 15-year-old — were arrested this week for their role in yet another violent campus melee caught on tape. (read more)

Note, that in all reporting you will find the “Miami-Dade School Police Department” (MDSPD) are involved…  NOT, I repeat NOT, the Miami-Dade Police Department.  The MDSPD are the gatekeepers for what Miami-Dade and Broward County schools call the ‘Promise Program.’  The MDSPD essentially act like prison wardens to keep violent thugs inside the school system away from regular police units.

In an education system set up by former School Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, a totally separate law enforcement system was put into place for the schools.  Any student engaged in criminal conduct was diverted away from the criminal justice system and into a system where MDSPD would handle all criminal activity by students.

The MDSPD turned the intent of the ‘Promise Program’ into a gladiator academy.  The program was so poorly thought out, and the unintended consequences so brutally ignored, this was always going to be the outcome.

They are now more than ten years into this system, and there is no possibility of reforming it.  Students entering into Miami-Dade and Broward County Schools are cannon fodder for a culturally Marxist, politically correct, social justice, education/political system.

By keeping students out of the criminal justice system, the MDSPD are now essentially groomers with badges assisting and coordinating with violent street gangs and organized crime.  Add in the systemic elements of Black -vs- Latino racism, and what you end up with is an entire school system structured like a prison ward with internal gangs and factions of criminal activity inside the schools.

The old concept of sending a child to school to learn math, reading, history, writing and composition skills is totally removed from what remains.  Inside the campus buildings housing the “promise” predators and “student” prey, you will find a structurally deficient education system that is more akin to a regional prison system.   Outside that system are what you would customarily think of as law and order (police and courts).

However, inside that system is a self-contained gladiator academy mostly abandoned by teachers who focused on education (they left to survive), and the school faculties and administration are now wardens of the social justice system.  The wardens (former school principals) and the prison guards (MDSPD), just try to maintain the image of something parents might be familiar with.  Yet, it is all just a ruse.

This is not an exception.

Everyone will deny this is happening.

Everyone will deny what I have described above is not what is going on.  The stakeholders in the system run from the individual school administrators, the police, the school boards, the local media, all the way up to the Florida Dept of Education and the Florida Governor’s office.  All of them will deny the systemic nature of the corrupt and brutal system that exists in both Broward and Miami-Dade counties; however, all the denial in the world doesn’t change the reality.

The Miami Dade School Police Department is a false front.  The MDSPD are positioned like the greeters at the Walmart entrance, intended to give the illusion of customer service upon entry to the store, because you won’t find another employee to assist during your visit.

Behind the MDSPD false front is a system of gladiator training under the auspices of “education.”  Within this system, apex predator students are groomed and protected by MDSPD to be career criminals.  Parents who send younger or weaker students into the system are providing the in-house victims for the gladiators to train on.  That is the reality, the non-pretending reality.

If the Miami-Dade School Board wanted to change things (they don’t), they would first need to: (1) build much bigger prisons; (2) disband the MDSPD and instead expand the regular Miami-Dade police department to cover the school district; (3) pull the predators out of the schools; (4) fire the entire school administration and faculty guards of the housing units for the predators; (5) let them all reapply and go through intensive pre-screening for re-employment; (6) hire principals and teachers to replace the “administrators” and “educators.”

If the state of Florida was to conduct a sting operation and put undercover state agents inside the Broward and Miami-Dade school system (acting like students and teachers), Floridians would be stunned at the findings.  However, the results of that investigation would never be permitted to reach the public.  They would bury it….

It’s worse than I just described….. Way worse…

… And I have the receipts.


Was COVID Just a Rehearsal for WWIII?

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Feb 2, 2023 by Martin Armstrong


You’ve taught through many historic examples that politicians drag us to war because they need an external enemy to hide their failures.  Wag the dog.  Have you considered this time around the U.S. will enter ww3 to cover up the reveal of the covid vaccine blunder?  Yes, war will still hide the debt crisis of western nations, but maybe the vaccine reveal kicks this thing off.  The barrage of sudden deaths is starting to overwhelm the bullshit.  Our leaders, especially Biden, are incredibly compromised by pushing the shit vaccine.


ANSWER: The COVID lockdowns were created as an exercise in controlling the sheep. This war was set in motion for some time. John McCain ran to Ukraine and he was all exited in December 2016 as soon as Trump was elected. He assumed he could manipulate Trump and promised unlimited funding to wage war against Russia.

I know for a fact, that this war was set in motion in 2014 but it was in the planning stages well before even that. In 2015, McCain was meeting opening with the Nazi movement. COVID was clearly just a rehearsal in their exercise of the abuse of power.

Australian Aid Worker/Mercenary in Ukraine Gives Different Account of War, Russian Success Against Western Alliance and Chinese Assistance

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on January 30, 2023 | Sundance

Several people have sent this video interview requesting opinion.  The video reflects an interview between two Australians.  The interviewer is a podcaster the person being interviewed explains his background on the ground in Ukraine as “officially” an “aid worker,” however, what he describes is more like a mercenary.

The interview is rather lengthy and starts at 02:13 with a question about what is happening in Bakhmut in the Eastern Ukraine fighting battlefield.  The unknown Australian merc in the interview describes the Russians overwhelming the Ukraine forces in most battles.  The Ukrainian military units have made several strategic mistakes that have played into the hands of the more capable Russian forces.

The main Russian element being described is the Wagner group who are well known to be brutal and strategic special force fighters.  The interview is from a pro-Ukraine, pro-western alliance perspective.  However, in the bigger picture the Ukraine military units are being ground down by attrition, despite the massive amount of aid being delivered by NATO allies.  The description is a rather brutal assessment of the devastation created by horrific modern warfare.  WATCH:


Summary: Ukraine not winning. Wagner PMC/Russian tactics and technology vs. Ukraine. Chinese tech advisors helping Russians. Non-existant Medi-vac. Western Military Aid Stolen 60% off the top 40% sold on black market. Russian Artillery Domination. Ukrainian Officers Incompetence. Ukrainian Soldiers Lack Basic Equipment.