Ron DeSantis Wins Endorsement From “America’s Most Unpopular Governor”

Posted originally on the CTH on November 5, 2023 | Sundance 

The timing here is just splendid.  According to multiple MSM sources, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is scheduled to endorse Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for the 2024 GOP nomination.  The endorsement is scheduled to be announced tomorrow in Iowa.

This endorsement comes on the heels of a recent Morning Consult poll [SEE HERE] showing Governor Kim Reynolds is “America’s most unpopular governor.” How appropriate is that?!

[…] “Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-Iowa) is America’s most unpopular governor, with a 47% disapproval rating, up from 39% in the first quarter of 2023. Her unpopularity increased partly because of a surge in negative sentiment among independent and Republican voters during a year in which she signed a strict anti-abortion law and took a lashing from former President Donald Trump over her apparent closeness with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.).” (link)

[Source Link]

You might remember when I said, and repeated, to “watch the RGA.”  Well, surprise, surprise, guess who is the current RGA Chair?  Yup, Kim Reynolds. {link}  These people are entirely predictable.

[CTH, January 2023] […] “As I’m watching President Trump doing the familiar targeting of the GOPe roadmap, in this instance hitting the Club for Growth (CfG), my spidey senses are telling me their modified 2024 path will involve increased emphasis on the Republican Governors Association (RGA).

In the 2020 midterms, the RGA headed by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey was positioning: specifically positioning Ron DeSantis.  If the modified establishment roadmap rolls out as it looks right now, I suspect the RGA will play a key role in it.”  (keep reading)

You might not have remembered the way the RGA was positioning [reference the $20 million donation to DeSantis in April 2022, which was always intended as a laundry operation for the 2024 GOP primary], which always had this Reynolds endorsement lined up to be triggered, but at least we know Donald Trump saw the roadmap as outlined.

Back in February, 2023, President Donald Trump was noting the same strategic plays that we were.  Fortunately, he was keeping an eye on how the Republican Governors Association (RGA) was intending to execute their anti-MAGA moves against the base working class voters. [Trump Truth]

[Background Article]

Once you see the strings on the marionettes, it becomes impossible to return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them.

Lastly, while this endorsement was pre-baked into the 2024 roadmap and entirely predictable, it has been triggered early.

Kim Reynolds endorsing Ron DeSantis is a break from tradition.  The Iowa governor rarely endorses a presidential candidate; hence, that was the motive for the plan.  The roadmap added this little ‘shock and awe’ move as part of the design long before people were even willing to admit that DeSantis was running.  However, the endorsement was not supposed to happen until after the 2023 holidays, when it would be closer to the Iowa caucuses and carry more benefit.

Why did the DeSantis handlers need to trigger this endorsement early?  Because DeSantis is going backward in Iowa and Nikki Haley is now pushing ahead of him.

The more the Iowa voters get to see Ron DeSantis, the less they like him.

The GOPe roadmap is collapsing… the timing of this predictable move by the RGA component shows desperation.

The billionaire class of the professional Republican manipulators are failing, Bigly!

Be of good cheer, we are kicking their ass! 


Too Funny – The Most Media Coverage Ever Recorded for Ron DeSantis Is All About His Boot Lifts

Posted originally on the CTH on October 31, 2023 | Sundance

You know things have collapsed into an unserious candidacy when this is the predominate conversation about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  However, it is a little more than just ordinarily funny; it’s factually well-deserved snark.

The issue of Ron DeSantis wearing weird boots and lifts, to give himself the illusion of greater physical stature, has been building over time on various internet discussion formats.  Yesterday, podcaster Patrick Bet-David took the issue directly to the source.  The discomfort on DeSantis’ face was clear and palpable – even as he claims he is 5′ 11″ at the end of the clip.  WATCH:


Politico even did a forensic and expert analysis using three experts in shoes, boots and lifts [READ HERE].  Seriously, it’s their #1 most read article. lolol   The determination by the experts is that Ron DeSantis DOES wear lifts.  Everything about this story is hilarious and has become viral internet meme fuel.

Unfortunately, once the meme momentum gains this level of popularity, it sticks.

My sincere apologies in advance, but I must confess to my nonstop laughter.

What the Heck Is on His Feet?

Posted originally on the CTH on October 28, 2023 

This is not an intelligent man of temperate disposition.  This is an empty vessel filled with the thoughts, catchphrases, and opinions of others, including his apparel.

What is this choice of goofy footwear supposed to represent?

DeSantis spoke with ahead of his remarks at a breakfast with Nevada Republicans at Treasure Island on the Las Vegas Strip. (Source)

Someone once swore to me that a person very close to DeSantis was intentionally undermining his effort because they quietly disliked (immensely) the fraudulent operation surrounding this long-planned 2024 presidential bid.  I laughed it off, but they were very serious.  As time goes on, and these subtle exhibitions of his authentically stupid persona surface, I no longer dismiss that prior statement.

Florida Power & Light Successfully Lobbied DeSantis

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Oct 6, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The Florida Supreme Court denied Florida Power & Light’s request to spike energy rates by 20%. The court demands that state regulators properly explain the need for the drastic spike in rates. Floridians Against Increased Rates, Florida Rising, the Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida, and the League of United Latin American Citizens of Florida took the energy company to court and stated it violated state law and public interest. So where does DeSantis come into play?

DeSantis appoints the Florida Public Service Commission, and he approves the board. Who donated $9.5 million to the DeSantis campaign? Florida Power & Light. The governor is responsible for their jobs and budget. The originally approved money grab cost Floridians $692 million last January, followed by an additional $560 million after the most recent hike. People here will tell you that their energy bills have doubled, if not more. FPL is one of many energy companies in the state that are taking advantage of the people.

The Supreme Court said that they could not find any justification for the increased energy costs. “In this case, after hearing from 60 witnesses and receiving 635 exhibits into evidence, the commission produced an explanation of its public interest determination that spanned little more than a page,” Justice John Couriel stated. “The order provides conclusory statements about the virtues of the settlement agreement, not the reasoned explanation required for our review.”

The energy company’s reply is contradictory to everything DeSantis is campaigning on. “FPL customers are already benefiting from this agreement, which enables the company to continue making sustained, customer-focused investments in infrastructure, clean energy and innovative technology while keeping bills as low as possible,” the statement said. DeSantis claims he is against the push for sustainable clean energy. In fact, he denied accepting funding from the Inflation Reduction Act that would have provided Floridians with rebates for installing green energy measures.

I am a bit disappointed in Ron DeSantis. I can discuss the insurance crisis in Florida in another post, as insurance companies have fled Florida and the ones that are left are demanding double-digit increases each year. As I am writing this post, word came in that Progressive Insurance is pulling out of Florida now too. A lot of people here pay more for insurance than taxes. So while it is a low-tax state, the rising insurance and energy costs are quickly making up for those costs.

We all saw the first GOP debate where DeSantis looked around the room before raising his hand to say he was against additional aid to Ukraine. Looking around the room before giving a response is not indicative of a leader. I initially liked DeSantis, but now his integrity is in question.

Club For Growth Cries Uncle – McIntosh Tells Donors No Attack Effort Against Trump Is Working

Posted originally on the CTH on September 29, 2023 | Sundance 

It is important, VERY IMPORTANT, to remember the Club for Growth (CfG) is the Ron DeSantis career financial vehicle.  Ever since his first steps into Congress, CfG has been the primary financial sponsor for the now Florida Governor.  There is no moment in the political career of DeSantis where CfG does not exist.

While the DeSantis SuperPAC Never Back Down is the mechanics of the DeSantis election strategy, CfG is the well invested advising side, and David McIntosh has been the source of DeSantis’ career guidance for a decade.  That’s how intrinsically connected Club for Growth is to Ron and Casey DeSantis.

CfG has also opposed Donald Trump for his “America First” economic plan from the moment they realized Trump was serious about economic nationalism, control over immigration, a renewal of the American manufacturing sector, balanced trade and reciprocal tariffs.  All of these policy points are against the interests of McIntosh and the larger Club for Growth agenda.  The CfG has been working against Trump since 2016.

That is the appropriate context for a memo written by David McIntosh to those who fund Club for Growth, as reported by the New York Times.  McIntosh writes a brutally honest letter to the professionally Republican donor class, saying all of their efforts against Trump have been futile, and there is no effective strategy that will break the bond the American middle-class voter has with President Donald Trump.

(New York Times) – A well-funded group of anti-Trump conservatives has sent its donors a remarkably candid memo that reveals how resilient former President Donald J. Trump has been against millions of dollars of negative ads the group deployed against him in two early-voting states.

The political action committee, called Win It Back, has close ties to the influential fiscally conservative group Club for Growth. It has already spent more than $4 million trying to lower Mr. Trump’s support among Republican voters in Iowa and nearly $2 million more trying to damage him in South Carolina.

But in the memo — dated Thursday and obtained by The New York Times — the head of Win It Back PAC, David McIntosh, acknowledges to donors that after extensive testing of more than 40 anti-Trump television ads, “all attempts to undermine his conservative credentials on specific issues were ineffective.”

[…] “Even when you show video to Republican primary voters — with complete context — of President Trump saying something otherwise objectionable to primary voters, they find a way to rationalize and dismiss it,” Mr. McIntosh states in the “key learnings” section of the memo.

“Every traditional postproduction ad attacking President Trump either backfired or produced no impact on his ballot support and favorability,” Mr. McIntosh adds. “This includes ads that primarily feature video of him saying liberal or stupid comments from his own mouth.”

[…] The memo says this of Win It Back’s most promising pandemic-themed ad: “This ad was our best creative on the pandemic and vaccines that we tested in focus group settings, but it still produced a backlash in our online randomized controlled experiment — improving President Trump’s ballot support by four points and net favorability by 11 points.”

Win It Back did not bother running ads focused on Mr. Trump as an instigator of political violence or as a threat to democracy. The group tested in a focus group and online panel an ad called “Risk,” narrated by former Representative Liz Cheney, that focused on Mr. Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021. But the group found that the Cheney ad helped Mr. Trump with the Republican voters, according to Mr. McIntosh. (read more)

Ron DeSantis Drops to Fifth Place in Latest New Hampshire Polling

Posted originally on the CTH on September 20, 2023 | Sundance 

One week ago, a poll of South Carolina voters showed that Ron DeSantis had dropped to fourth place with only 9% support, far behind President Trump at 46% {LINK}. Today a poll out of New Hampshire shows DeSantis dropping to fifth place with 10% support. {LINK}  To give some scale to the collapse, this represents a drop of more than 75% of DeSantis’ original support since mid-January of this year. [From 43% to 10%]

The New Hampshire University Poll [SEE DATA HERE] also shows, while he doesn’t carry much support, the very specific demographics of DeSantis supporters are old, rich, white men who listen to Buck Sexton on the radio. This demographic pattern repeats in just about every poll; it’s quite remarkable.  I will admit to finding it funny, when the predictions from a year ago show up with such clarity.

[Data Source]

New Hampshire – Thirty-nine percent of likely primary voters’ support Trump, followed by entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (13%), former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley (12%), former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (11%), and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (10%). Six percent support South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, 2% support former Vice President Mike Pence, and 1% or less support North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum (1%), former Texas Congressman Will Hurd (1%), former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (<1%), or talk show host Larry Elder (<1%). Less than 1% support another candidate while 6% are unsure whom they would support. (more)

Donors Retreat from DeSantis, Advance Toward Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on September 19, 2023 | Sundance 

The Sea Island group must have a very difficult time accepting that all of the efforts to advance with Ron DeSantis are not succeeding.  They are going through the five stages of grief, with each starting to accept their ability to influence election outcomes has collapsed in the face of unrelenting support for President Donald Trump.

As the DeSantis operation enters the desperation phase, familiar to those who remember the moments in 2016 when Cheeeto-faced Glenn Beck was pleading with the evangelical community to support Ted Cruz, we see the purchased influencer crowd becoming more toxic, hate filled and vitriolic.  Alas, their angst is as shallow as their principles.  The reality is their bank accounts dictate their constitutional values. It’s all very pathetic and predictable.

On the opposite side, those who don’t play the pretending game; those who carry the pragmatic working class values that find optimal solutions to challenges; that tribe of deliberate and steadfast honest warriors; that group continues to push forward, supporting President Trump.  It is an unrelenting force of MAGA, strengthened by the adversity of opposition, tested in the battlespace grit and determination, that team is winning.  Be of good cheer.

When we first saw the primary elements of their attack approach we said, the new sons and daughters of this American revolution are going to look completely different.  The Green Dragon Tavern may be a church, a lunchroom, a picnic table or a tailgate.  The assembly of the like-minded is not focused on the labels of the assembled, we just don’t have time for that.  The MAGA mission is the purpose… The fight is wherever it surfaces…. Delicate sensibilities must be dispatched like a feather in a hurricane, and relentless we push forward.

As we share in a reminder every morning, “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.” I can assure you of only this, if we do not stand victorious it will not be because Donald J Trump left anything on the battlefield.

2024 is MAGA burning the ships behind us.  This one is for all the marbles. This is not a place where tepid half-measures and gentlemanly pastels will suffice.  Get right with God, put on the armor, absorb the focus of fighting like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark, and get comfortable being uncomfortable. {Direct Rumble Link}

He can’t be stopped!!


DeSantis Drops to Fourth Place in South Carolina

Posted originally on the CTH on September 14, 2023 | Sundance 

It’s a Washington Post-Monmouth poll {DATA HERE} of South Carolina.  However, keep in mind that Ron DeSantis has spent a lot of time in the Palmetto State and was very confident of his ability there.

The poll found that 46 percent of potential Republican primary voters in South Carolina support President Trump while the state’s former governor, Nikki Haley, stands in second place at 18 percent. Ten percent support Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and 9 percent back Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. {media report}

[Source DATA]

The split approach appears to be working. However, the recipient of the split is collapsing.

Abandon hope all ye conniving GOP who choose to challenge MAGA.  We The People are in charge now.  We want a reckoning.

Donald Trump isn’t just our candidate, he’s our murder weapon – and the GOP is our target. We good now?

THE TELL – DeSantis Shows His Small Minded Controlled GOPe Status During CBS Interview

Posted originally on the CTH on September 13, 2023 | Sundance 

This is a good one to bookmark for future reference.  I have asserted confidently that Ron DeSantis is an empty vessel who carries the thoughts and opinions of others as his own.  If you follow him closely you will see key moments when this is visible, one of them happened today.

In this CBS interview with Nora O’Donnell (a deep state DOS narrative engineer), notice the framework of the first question that triggers the downstream consequence of nonsense.  This is what happens when narrative engineers are working on points that are based entirely around cognitive dissonance.

The first question frames the subject matter:

“If Putin gives the North Korean’s advanced nuclear technologies, how would you respond to that threat?”

Now, think about this carefully, using your non-pretending intellectually honest brain.

North Korea is, and has long been, a proxy province of China.  No one of any reasonable intellect would disagree with that statement.  However, Russia needs to be framed as the current danger to our national interests.  The question itself is ridiculous.   Russia giving “advanced nuclear technologies?”  How about the decades of advanced nuclear technologies that are part of the free flow between Beijing and Pyongyang?  China has already given North Korea advanced nuclear technologies.

Arguably, and with mountains of circumstantial evidence to back up the assertion, China is in full control of the North Korean nuclear weapons systems. If there’s one level of military assistance that North Korea doesn’t need, it’s anything around their nuclear weapon systems.  Yet, notice how DeSantis just takes the narrative as presented, and then runs with it going even further as the follow-up questions are posed.

DeSantis goes on to say he would preemptively strike North Korea if he thought their nuclear capabilities were realized.  That is just buckets of geopolitical nonsense, that only comes from the mind of a man who has no intellectual honesty to understand or articulate the nature of the real relationship between China and their proxy province.

The whole interview goes downhill from that point, with DeSantis even pretending the USA does not currently conduct military operations inside Mexico – which we do.  As Mexican President AMLO has frequently outlined, albeit with increased recent emphasis, the Defense Dept and CIA are consistently operating cross-border incursions into Mexico as part of a network relationship with the cartel leaders.

This level of pretending might suit the professional political class, but in reality, there are too many people now fully aware of what the truth is.  Ron DeSantis is framing a foreign policy in direct alignment with the Bush, Cheney, Deep State worldview.

Also notice that Nora O’Donnell does not touch the Ukraine issue, the #1 foreign policy point that is slowly bringing a frustrated America to boil.  That omission is not accidental.

After He Camped Out in Iowa with Emphasis, Vote Support for Ron DeSantis Collapses to 14%

Posted originally on the CTH on September 8, 2023 | Sundance 

The Ron DeSantis and Jeff Roe strategy was pretty simple.  Push all other states to lower concentration and focus extremely hard on Iowa.   All resources were shifted into Iowa for Ron DeSantis and the Florida governor almost moved his entire family there to campaign heavily.  DeSantis has promised to campaign in every one of the 99 counties in Iowa.

That said, a weird thing keeps happening.  The more that voters are exposed to Ron DeSantis, the more they pull away from supporting him.

This is something I shared last year when I said DeSantis was going to run this year.

The issue is honesty and authenticity, DeSantis has neither.  As you read this Ron DeSantis is trying out the latest control script against Trump by saying he would have done a better job in the spring of 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic, and he would have fired all of the NIH, CDC, FDA and NIAID health advisors in U.S. government, including Anthony Fauci.

The problem with that campaign talking point is that it’s pure nonsense, and every intellectually honest person knows that.   DeSantis would never have done anything any different, because no one had any concept of what this COVID-19 issue was really all about.  DeSantis is using hindsight and armchair quarterbacking, and that comes out as pure fakery – because it is.  DeSantis has no honesty or authenticity.  That’s not going to change, and Iowa voters are seeing it up close.

The latest polling from Iowa State University shows this problem in real time. [LINK]  AMES, IA — Donald Trump far outpaces other Republican presidential nominees in an Iowa State University/Civiqs poll, which surveyed 1,128 registered voters from Sept. 2-7. The results are the first in a five-part, monthly poll intended to track shifting voter perspectives before the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 15, 2024.

Among the participants, 434 said they “definitely” or “probably” will attend the Iowa Republican Caucuses and identified themselves as Republican or independent. Just over half (51%) of these likely Republican caucus-goers picked former President Trump as their top choice. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trailed in second place with 14%, followed by former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (10%) and entrepreneur and political commentator Vivek Ramaswamy (9%). (more)