REPORT: DeSantis Campaign Looking for a Fat Lady

Posted originally on the CTH on January 20, 2024 | Sundance 

Help Wanted

WHO: Fat Lady
WHERE: South Carolina
WHEN: Soon
WHAT: Sing

According to numerous meatball sources, somebody sneezed.  DeSantis has cancelled Sunday media appearances. It looks like the end is nigh, Armageddon is at hand, it’s over, the drain is circled, a fat lady is needed…

Via DAILY MAIL – […] DeSantis has also in recent days dwelt publicly on the sentiment among Trump supporters he met on the campaign trail, and their pledge to vote for him in the next cycle.

Speaking on Tuesday in South Carolina, DeSantis said that Trump voters in Iowa had told him they would support him in four years.

‘They were coming up to me saying, “We want you in 2028, we love you, man,” he said.

He told a similar story on NBC News.

‘I had people come up to me saying, “I love you, man. I’m going to do Trump this time and you next time,”‘ he said.

‘That’s not what I wanted to hear, but being there we did make an impression and it’s important.’ (read more)

(Via New York Times) – After a humbling loss in Iowa, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida is starting to signal that he is building an off-ramp from the race for the Republican presidential nomination, a seeming acknowledgment of his dim prospects of defeating Donald J. Trump given his low poll numbers in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

So far this week, Mr. DeSantis has cast his eyes forward to 2028 with anecdotes about Trump supporters saying they would vote for him next time around if he runs again in four years. He has conceded that Mr. Trump’s thumping victory in Iowa on Monday made for a “good showing in terms of him winning the nomination.” And he has openly admitted that he believes he made a strategic mistake by icing out the traditional media earlier in the campaign.

It all amounted to a kind of frankness that Mr. DeSantis has not always shown in his public comments about the nominating contest — and a marked change in tone for a candidate who spent most of last year brashly promising he would win Iowa, which he lost by 30 points.

On Thursday, the conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Mr. DeSantis if his campaign would survive through the end of March. The Florida governor replied that things were not necessarily going to plan. (read more)

Come for the Great MAGA King, you gotta get through the MAGA tribe first!!

Not happening !

DeSantis Team Downsizing, Focus on South Carolina

Posted originally on the CTH on January 18, 2024 | Sundance 

There comes a time in every failing presidential campaign when the political consultants reorganize to take advantage of the smaller bucket of cash.  Team DeSantis is not trying to win in New Hampshire, they have decided to put all remaining resources into South Carolina.

Additionally, with DeSantis failing in the objective to win Iowa, it looks like the Christina Pushaw group of online influencers, herself included, have been dropped as a priority from the campaign strategy.

(Via New York Times) – […] As Mr. DeSantis’s team licked its wounds on Wednesday, his super PAC, Never Back Down, trimmed operations in several places, including Nevada. Other staff members were also laid off, including almost the entire online “war room” team, a person with knowledge of the matter said. Those who were cut had their email accounts immediately suspended. It was unclear how many people in all lost their jobs.

Mr. DeSantis also began moving a majority of his campaign staff — a separate group — to South Carolina to prepare for its Feb. 24 primary, according to a senior campaign official, who insisted on anonymity. And rather than campaign exclusively in New Hampshire this week, the final stretch before the primary election on Jan. 23, Mr. DeSantis will stump in South Carolina over the weekend, hoping that his conservative message will better align with primary voters.

His campaign on Wednesday framed the decision as a chance to deal a knockout blow to Ms. Haley.

“When Nikki Haley fails to win her home state, she’ll be finished and this will be a two-person race,” Andrew Romeo, a campaign spokesman, said in a statement. “We’re wasting no time in taking the fight directly to Haley on her home turf.”

But the move showed that Mr. DeSantis was all but giving up on competing in New Hampshire, where his poll numbers have been abysmal, trailing in the single digits far behind Mr. Trump and Ms. Haley. (read more)

The previous record for spending on a political campaign without benefit belonged to Jeb Bush.  I suspect when DeSantis fails in New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina, he will take the title from Jeb.