Vivek Ramaswamy States Christie Exit Was Part of Larger Control Agenda – Predicts DeSantis to Become Haley Partner

Posted originally on the CTH on January 10, 2024 | Sundance

In this video [see below], presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is essentially describing the “splitter strategy” CTH has discussed and outlined in granular detail for years.  Essentially, a process where the billionaire donors, hedge fund managers, corporations and multinationals – what we define as the Sea Island group (SIG), control the private corporation known as the RNC.

On this facet of his commentary, Ramaswamy is correct.  However, from there he gets things wrong.

Yes, as we have said, the Chris Christie exit is part of the continuum.  Remember, within mutually aligned motives the candidate doesn’t need specifically to be an active participant; they only need to be looking out for their individual interests, usually financial.

When the ‘time to exit’ tap on the shoulder is received, it comes via a key backer saying, “there’s no longer a path.”  The money stops, and the candidate suspends their campaign.  That’s how the process works.

Did Christie get that tap on the shoulder, at the specific time needed to retain the “never Trump” effort, thereby creating further support for Nikki Haley?  Yes, absolutely – again, that’s how it works.

The SIG moved all their poker chips to Nikki after they realized the weird behavior of DeSantis meant he was no longer a viable option.  When Brian Kemp began creating distance with DeSantis, that’s when the shift to Haley began.

Immediately preceding the shift to Nikki Haley, and specifically because DeSantis was not gaining traction, the evangelical brothers Mike Pence and Asa Hutchinson also received their tap on the shoulder and withdrew from their Iowa effort.

Within the plan of the SIG, Pence/Hutchinson were only camped in Iowa to pull a coalition of evangelicals together to hand them to DeSantis.  But that part of the effort never gained traction.  As a consequence, the SIG shifted to New Hampshire, where their allied Democrats could assist.

Ramaswamy is correct in the statement that the billionaire donors within the SIG want a head-to-head between President Trump and Nikki Haley, but only because that’s all that remains of the collapsing roadmap.  Where Ramaswamy is wrong is that when Haley loses, the SIG/Never Trump group will shift to supporting Biden (Newsom).  That’s the UniParty.  Ultimately, in the big picture, the foundational effort is not about supporting DeSantis or Haley, it’s about stopping Trump.

The hubris of Vivek Ramaswamy in this video then makes everything else he says ridiculous, and also explains why he cannot gain traction.

Who is Ramaswamy to say, “our America-First movement“?  As if this is something he created. :::spit:::  Right there, in that statement, is where we notice who Ramaswamy is.   He is trying to co-opt the MAGA Trump movement for his own motives and intents.

There is only one person who holds the allegiance of the American working class and the America First movement.  That person is President Donald Trump.  President Trump alone will decide later who will take that pragmatic economic-based MAGA movement forward – after his four-year term.  This is not that time.

At CTH we accept things as they are, not as we would pretend them to be.

If Vivek Ramaswamy was authentic to his words, if he really wanted to advance the America First movement, he would accept the futility of his position and endorse Donald J. Trump.  His unwillingness to do that says more about him, about his [¹]’glowing‘ motives and intents, than anything he might say about Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.

WATCH 01:33 minutes:


[¹] I have stayed generally neutral on Ramaswamy for a reason.  However, he is now sending the exact signals I would expect to see if an intelligence community operator was nearing the end of his usefulness.  It’s called ‘Linguistic Programming‘.  ie “they will never allow,” etc.

Chris Christie Caught on Hot Mic Lamenting Current Status of Never Trump Operation – Nikki Haley Is “gonna get smoked” and Ron DeSantis Is “Petrified”

Posted originally on the CTH on January 10, 2024 | Sundance 

There are several layers around this story that are interesting and funny.

The obvious story is how Chris Christie is talking to Wayne MacDonald, a former chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party, and discussing the futility of Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.  The lesser obvious story speaks to the reason for the entire RAT team’s effort; they each had/have a role to play on behalf of their corporate benefactors.

“She’s gonna get smoked,” the former New Jersey governor said of Nikki Haley. “And you and I both know it. She’s not up to this,” Christie continued.  Chris Christie also claimed Ron DeSantis called him about Iowa while “petrififed” at the prospect of coming in third.  LISTEN:

The Latest Iowa Poll:

Trump: 52% (+7)

Haley: 18% (-1)

DeSantis: 18% (-4)

Ramaswamy: 5% (=)

Christie: 3% (-1)