DeSantis Responds to Ramaswamy Challenge to Pull Out of Colorado – Saying: No Way, Those Delegates Are Now Mine

Posted originally on the CTH on December 20, 2023 | Sundance 

Folks, before getting to the substance of what you are about to see and hear, let me point out something very serious.

When you listen to the gleeful whispers of demons on your shoulder, something physically begins to manifest.  Look at Ron DeSantis carefully.  I mean, really look at him.  Do you see it?  Notice the absence of light, joy and happiness around him.  The Florida Governor is traveling in a very dark psychological place, and it shows.

In this interview (prompted), Ron DeSantis is asked about the challenge by Vivek Ramaswamy for all candidates to pull out of the Colorado primary after the state supreme court decided to use black-robed political power in an effort to remove President Donald Trump from the ballot.  DeSantis, dancing with demons, says he is not withdrawing from Colorado, because those precious delegates will now be his.  WATCH:


Tucker Carlson Calls DeSantis Influencers: “the nastiest, stupidest, and the most zero-sum people I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Posted originally on the CTH on December 18, 2023 | Sundance

Oh snap, this is buckets of funny.  The DeSantis influencers are having major ‘splodey heads right now.  The meltdowns are too funny.  What makes this even more hilarious is that DeSantis online influencers considered Tucker Carlson to be a major player in their tribe.

Speaking at the Turning Point USA event to Tim Pool {Direct Rumble Link}, Tucker Carlson gave his opinion on the Ron DeSantis online influence campaign; saying, “the people who represent him online are the nastiest, the stupidest, and the most zero-sum people I’ve ever seen in my life.”  WATCH:

It’s funny, because it’s true.

Christina Pushaw put all of her attention into recruiting online “influencers” in 2022, and they turned out to be the most rude, obnoxious, nasty people on all social media.  It’s just too funny, because we watched it unfold in real time.  

FEC Complaint Filed Against DeSantis Campaign and Super PAC for Illegal Coordination

Posted originally on the CTH on December 18, 2023 | Sundance 

Given Federal Election Commission (FEC) campaign finance laws and limits therein, any outside super PAC is forbidden from coordinating with the official campaign of the candidate.  Over the years the use of super PACs to fund campaigns has become increasingly obvious as the lines were blurred.  The DeSantis campaign and Never Back Down Super PAC took ‘obvious’ to an entirely new level within the 2024 election effort.  Now, a complaint has been filed [SEE COMPLAINT HERE]

The coordination between the Never Back Down group and the DeSantis campaign has been brutally obvious.  NBD even pays for almost all the campaign expenses and were not trying to hide the coordination when the Florida Governor was touring Iowa riding on the Never Back Down bus.

Additionally, DeSantis campaign managers even held donor fundraising events with the leadership of Never Back Down at the same venue, delivering speeches to the same audience, and generally being obvious with their enmeshed operation.  However, it’s still illegal by FEC rules, and the complaint filed is most likely to lead to significant action by the FEC.

Prior to 2023 the most brutally obvious coordination was between Carly Fiorina and the super PAC “Carly for America” in 2015/2016.  Factually, almost all of the Fiorina campaign expenses were paid by the CfA Super PAC.  Interestingly, in June 2015 it was Ted Cruz’s “Keep The Promise” Super PAC that funded the $500,000 seed money for Carly Fiorina before Donald Trump even announced his candidacy [Doc HERE].

That Cruz to Fiorina seed money was one of the visible “tripwires” in our “splitter strategy” outlining how the professional Republican apparatus constructs the illusion of choice.  Cruz was campaigning in 2015/16 for the same intents as DeSantis in 2023/24, that’s why the participants are identical.

Ted Cruz was funded in the ’16 race to create the path for Jeb Bush.  However, despite our efforts to show how obvious it was, still too few people were willing to accept that both the RNC and DNC corporations control the political systems and end up selecting the candidates.   Most GOP voters believed the Republican primary election was authentic and/or natural – it never was.

Fast forward to ’23/’24, and there has been a great awakening.  Now, with the continued visibility of Donald Trump in politics, more people see how the two private corporations collude with billionaires and multinational corporations to select the acceptable Republican candidate.  The cloud behind the “illusion of choice” has lifted, and thanks in no small part to the Never Trump movement, people can see how the GOPe control operation works.

I would make the argument the DeSantis 2024 operation was planned out long ago, around the time when DeSantis and Paul Ryan left congress (2018).  That’s just how the professionally Republican operations work.  They are always positioning their efforts long before anyone is paying attention.  It is not coincidental to me that this was the exact same time when Nikki Haley left the Trump administration.

Fortunately for us, and unfortunately for the deaf/blind professional Republican apparatus who ignore us, the playbook used by the RNC club, billionaire donors, multinationals and DC control officers is failing.  There has been a great awakening, and MAGA base voters moved faster and with more intensity than their Bernie Sanders counterparts on the other wing of the UniParty.

The MAGA base had the fortunate insight from the GOPe effort to destroy the Tea Party movement.  All those abusive memories came back into play in 2016, and they still remain to this day.   Presidential candidate Donald Trump represents the second party in the political dynamic, and the broad American working class have figured it all out.

Donald Trump represents We The People, and that’s ultimately why the professional DC system is trying to eliminate him.

They will fail, just like their DeSantis operation failed.

Jeff Roe Resigns from Ron DeSantis Super PAC After Staff Leaks Massive Turmoil Amid Campaign Collapse

Posted originally on the CTH on December 16, 2023 | Sundance 

Following a scathing insider report of the turmoil within the campaign and SuperPAC for presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, chief strategist Jeff Roe resigns.

It is stunning to contemplate the starting point of $269,000,000.00 [and more since] has essentially done nothing except destroy the public image and brand of Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis.   No presidential campaign has ever amassed such a proactive funding war chest and blown it to smithereens before the first votes have even taken place.

Never Back Down Super PAC Chief Strategist, Jeff Roe, delivered the following statement via Twitter:

The Washington Post presented a scathing report [SEE HERE] outlining details provided by 22 people in the DeSantis campaign and Super PAC.   Within hours of that report being posted, Jeff Roe quit.

WaPo – […] With just weeks to go before the Iowa caucuses, the experiment is now in tatters. The super PAC that funded almost all of the DeSantis advertising and field programs and much of the candidate’s travel and events has been sidelined by the people that created it.

[…]  Five senior officials have left Never Back Down since late November. Three officials with Roe’s firm were fired, and the board chairman and the founding chief executive both resigned, amid internal concerns about legal compliance. A verbal conflict from inside the group’s Atlanta offices became public, as did DeSantis’s own misgivings about the outside group’s leadership. The governor and his campaign staff have been frustrated by reporting on the drama around Never Back Down and critical of the group’s ad strategy, with DeSantis’s second campaign manager, James Uthmeier, publicly instructing donors to give elsewhere for TV ads.

Rather than a new playbook for presidential campaigns, the broader DeSantis project has exposed the dangers of depending on emerging loopholes in campaign finance law that allow candidates to turn over traditional election efforts to groups that can take donations of any size from corporations or individuals.

“The super PAC model of winning a presidential primary, I think, is staggering, if not on the ropes,” said one DeSantis donor. “And if you’re going to have a successful presidential primary campaign you need to be able to raise hard dollars.”

[…] On Saturday, a top official at Never Back Down elaborated on the firings in a statement that for the first time publicly suggested their rationale. “Following mismanagement and conduct issues, including numerous unauthorized leaks containing false information, senior officials were terminated,” said Never Back Down chairman Scott Wagner. “We don’t have time to indulge false narratives from those with ulterior motives.”

The Post asked employees for a response. A lawyer for the employees then contacted Wagner claiming his assertions were categorically false and he revised his statement, replacing the first sentence with: “Following some opinions regarding mismanagement and conduct issues, including some who believed there appeared to be numerous unauthorized leaks containing false information, NBD and some senior officials parted ways. ”

A representative for the three former employees declined to comment Saturday.

Three people familiar with the super PAC’s decision-making described reasons for suspecting the three fired officials of wrongdoing, but the organization did not provide clear evidence implicating them. Two other people familiar with the inner workings of the group said they are not aware of proof.

[…]  Still, some in DeSantis’s orbit are holding out hope for a comeback. During his first campaign for governor, DeSantis won despite shaking up his team late in the race.

“Clearly, we are underperforming. Clearly we haven’t lived up to the billing. But I do think this adaptive behavior is going to produce better results in the end,” said Dan Eberhart, a DeSantis donor. “Clearly, Haley has some momentum nationally. Clearly, Trump is lapping the field. But I think he’s got an underdog’s chance at pulling off a humongous upset.” (read more)

The DeSantis loyalists promise to keep swinging for the fences.  However, everything around their effort was/is built upon fraud, manipulation, deceit and astroturf.  This outcome should not come as a surprise to those who have followed along.

Almost everyone in the operation and in the promotion thereof, are retreads from the failed Ted Cruz campaign of 2016.  Someone in professional GOPe circles had the idea to enmesh the Never Trump group with the Bush team and try to build a brand image for Ron DeSantis that could co-opt the MAGA base.

It was a stupid strategy from the outset, made even worse by their tone-deaf missing of reality.  Tens-of-millions of core base voters have their eyes wide open now.  They are not going to destroy the movement, and the collapse of Ron DeSantis just shows how strategically smart the base voter has become.

At a certain point, the pretending hits the sunlight of reality.

Casey Just Torpedoed Ron’s Iowa Effort – Casey DeSantis Asks Voters from Every State to Descend on Iowa and Support Her Husband

Posted originally on the CTH on December 8, 2023 | Sundance

What she is saying is illegal, and desperation makes desperate people say desperate things.  During a Fox News interview, the Florida governor’s wife, Casey DeSantis asks voters from all over America to descend on Iowa and caucus in support of Ron.  Casey remarks, “You do not have to be a resident of Iowa to be able to participate in the Caucus.”

You cannot legally caucus vote for a candidate in Iowa without being an Iowa resident. [SEE RULES HERE] Notice how Ron just sits there and lets Casey say something that is transparently false.  However, perhaps this is the agenda of the professional Republican apparatus in the state – to permit caucus voting by non-Iowa residents. Martha MacCallum just sits there like a potted plant on behalf of Fox News. Unreal.  WATCH:

Side note:  Notice the shiny new cross around the neck for this interview.  The adornment is intended to emphasize the alignment for evangelical support.  It is exactly, I mean EXACTLY, the same Iowa play, the Bob Vander Plaats agenda, rolled out in 2016 by the Cruz Crew and Glenn Beck.  History is repeating.

Knowing the background of deception, astroturf, fraud and manipulation that underpins the entire DeSantis operation, these remarks by Casey are creepy and manipulative on so many levels.  The transparency of this is way too obvious.  It will backfire, bigly.