Matt Gaetz Explains Why He Cannot Support Removal of Speaker Johnson

Posted originally on the CTH on April 2, 2024 | Sundance

During this interview with Dan Ball, Representative Matt Gaetz explains why he cannot support the effort by Marjorie Taylor Greene to vacate the chair and remove Speaker Mike Johnson. {Direct Rumble Link}

As outlined by Gaetz, there are two or three specific republicans, former democrats, who will vote to support Hakeem Jeffries if the opportunity arises.  With all of the exits from the GOP House team noted, it will be a struggle to keep the house in republican control in 2025 even with a resounding victory by President Trump.  WATCH:

The Left Wants to STEAL The People’s House!

$600,000 For 20 Minutes Work – Ronna McDaniel Likely to Have Significant Payday After NBC Firing

Posted originally on the CTH on March 27, 2024 | Sundance

As we noted yesterday, assuming the general termination clause in any employment contract exists, Ronna McDaniel is likely to get fully paid the terms of her 2-year previously signed contract amount as her firing was simply a breech by the hiring company, NBC.

Politico is reporting the former RNC chair is likely to receive exactly that.  Her two-year contract was for $300,000/yr totaling $600,000.

McDaniel was fired after one Meet the Press interview less than 20 minutes in duration.  Now she will likely get the full contract payment.

Politico – […] The ramifications of NBC’s decision yesterday to part ways with former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel just two days after her paid network debut on “Meet the Press” are just starting to shake out. But they could be expensive.

McDaniel expects to be fully paid out for her contract — two years at $300,000 annually — since she did not breach its terms, according to a person close to McDaniel. That means that her single, not-quite-20-minute interview Sunday could cost NBC more than $30,000 per minute, or $500 per second.

That might be just the beginning of the fallout following yesterday’s announcement from NBCUniversal News Group Chair Cesar Conde that the deal, first announced on Friday, would be canceled. McDaniel spoke yesterday with Bryan Freedman, renowned lawyer to the estranged cable-news stars, to discuss legal options even beyond recouping the dollar value of her contract.

While no arrangement is final, the person close to McDaniel said, Freedman would be an obvious choice: He represented Megyn Kelly in her own acrimonious parting with NBC, as well as ousted anchors Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson in disputes with their respective former networks.

McDaniel, the person said, is exploring potential defamation and hostile work environment torts after MSNBC’s top talent — momentarily her colleagues — took turns Monday blasting her on air.

NBC declined to comment about the $600,000 figure or her potential claims. (read more)

It’s enough to make you wonder if this entire NBC fiasco was just a purposeful laundering of money for previous services rendered.

Instead of going the book deal route, McDaniel gets hired by NBC then fired without cause a few days later.

Cha-ching, $600k, and NBC gets all the eyeballs and clicks that go with the hot mess story.


You decide.

Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious…

Facing Backlash NBC Has Fired Recently Hired Ronna McDaniel

Posted originally on the CTH on March 26, 2024 | Sundance

Last Friday, NBC announced they had hired former RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.  Today, after much backlash over her hiring, they fired her.

Assuming there is an ordinary and/or reasonable termination clause in her contract, Ronna likely just became one of the highest paid political/media personalities for 3-days of work.  Sheesh, what a hot mess.

WASHINGTON – NBC and Ronna McDaniel have severed ties following unprecedented internal backlash over the network’s decision to hire her as a political analyst, including top NBC personalities denouncing the move on-air.

“After listening to the legitimate concerns of many of you, I have decided that Ronna McDaniel will not be an NBC News contributor,” NBCUniversal News Group Chair Cesar Conde wrote in a message to employees. (read more)

Unrelated/Semi-Related story I forgot to mention earlier.  When I was recently flying out of Washington DC, I happened to be on a flight with dozens of former and current Intelligence Community bureaucrats – all from DC, and all heading to some kind of symposium.   On this flight you could watch television on your monitor, pick the channel and watch it (not a very long flight).

Every single one of the IC people from DC, including former Acting CIA Director Mike Morrell (see below), chose to watch MSNBC on their monitor.

I thought to myself, ‘this should indicate something.’  lolol But, I kept quiet and just read their emails, text messages, and whatever else I could see on their laptops 

CHECK THE DATE – Republican Mike Gallagher Quits Congress, Dropping GOP Majority to One Seat

Posted originally on the CTH on March 22, 2024 | Sundance 

Following Ken Buck (U-CO), Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher (U-WI) announces he is leaving congress.

This exit drops the GOP majority in the House to one seat, following a path that seemingly continues to put the Democrats in control prior to the 2024 election.  This should be the GOPe insurance policy against President Trump’s successful election outcome.  There are trillions at stake.

Gallagher’s exit date is as subtle as a brick through a window:


I said last year to watch out for April 19th, Patriot’s Day. {SEE HERE}

December 2023 – (Via Politico) – […] during a flight from Canada to D.C. on Tuesday morning: former Speaker PAUL RYAN attempting to persuade Rep. MIKE GALLAGHER (R-Wis.) via text message to endorse Haley’s presidential bid. (more)

This is what we are up against.

Everyone has a leverage point.

Be open with your secrets, or you position yourself to be compromised.

I digress….

…If conspiracies were theories, Suspicious Cat wouldn’t exist.

Highlighting Her Alignment, Ronna McDaniel Joins MSNBC

Posted originally on the CTH on March 22, 2024 | Sundance 

Oh, there’s no UniParty silly….  No, none at all.  lolol 

We are past the point where it’s worth talking to anyone who doesn’t accept the nature of the UniParty opposition we are facing.

WASHINGTON DC – Ronna McDaniel, who stepped down as chair of the Republican National Committee earlier this month, will join NBC News as a political analyst starting Sunday.

McDaniel is expected to contribute to both NBC and MSNBC. Her first appearance will be on Sunday on “Meet the Press,” where she will give her first interview since stepping down from the RNC.

[…] “It couldn’t be a more important moment to have a voice like Ronna’s on the team,” Carrie Budoff Brown, who leads political coverage at NBC, wrote in a memo shared with The New York Times. 

[…] McDaniel joins other Republican contributors at the network including Marc Short, former chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, and Brendan Buck, former counselor to Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan. (read more)

In order for professional Republicans to continue hoodwinking gullible masses, they must pretend not to know things.

Republican Zionists Collaborating to Buy TikTok

Posted originally on Mar 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Censored 1

China is NOT the reason that Congress nearly unanimously agreed to ban TikTok – the final frontier of free speech. America relies on China for the majority of its pharmaceuticals. China is America’s largest trade partner, and most of the products we use daily are made in China. There have been state provisions, but not much has been done on a federal level about China buying countless acres of farmland across America. Congress did nothing when a member was found to be having an affair with a Chinese spy. Congress did nothing about the Uyghur humanitarian crisis in China. Congress did nothing when it was found that Chinese spies were infiltrating embassies. The list continues.

There are videos on the American version of TikTok criticizing the CCP that have not been removed. There are a lot of videos showing the situation in Gaza that cannot be found elsewhere, and they have not been banned either but no one is worried about Israel having control over American data at this point.

So who put forth the bill to ban TikTok, and why did 90% of US representatives agree to pass legislation within 8 days?


Republican US Representative Mike Gallagher put forth the bill to ban TikTok. Palantir and Google are his top donors, as you can see for yourself on Open Secrets. You will see that these companies along with META have bought the majority of Congress. Who else is funding Congress? AIPAC, an American lobbying group advocating for pro-Israel policies. AIPAC was Gallagher’s top donor during the last election cycle.

We know that META and Google are in partnership with the CIA and other powerful agencies. They influenced the last election by removing “disinformation” and repressing stories that would harm the Democrats, although they fund both Republicans and Democrats. They did not want to fund the anti-establishment candidate. Google search results consistently lean left and we saw what happened with their failed AI launch of Gemini.


“The thing I don’t like is that without TikTok, you can make Facebook bigger, and I consider Facebook to be an enemy of the people, along with a lot of the media,” Trump recently told CNBC. “I think Facebook has been very dishonest. I think Facebook has been very bad for our country, especially when it comes to elections,” Trump said.

Trump’s Former US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, a Goldman Sachs alumni, is now attempting to launch a fund to purchase the dangerous TikTok platform. He is recruiting every known Zionist, from Michael Milken to Mossad’s spy chief Yossi Cohen. All of the people who surrounded Trump during his presidency no longer support him.

Cohen happens to be retiring from his role as spy chief. Trump pardoned Milken, the father of the junk bond, before leaving office. I have no problem calling out both sides for wrongdoing.

Liberty Strategic Capital, led by Mnuchin, is currently working to buy TikTok with the backing of an assortment of known Zionists. “I think the legislation should pass, and I think it should be sold,” Mnuchin told CNBC. This is legalized robbery and bipartisan corruption. The Republicans are supporting this measure to purchase TikTok, but it is highly unlikely that Biden would intervene because he needs to discredit his only opponent, and the CIA supports his donors – AIPAC, META, and Google.

President Trump Warns of a Looming Bloodbath in the Auto Industry Related to Chinese EV Plants in Mexico – Media Go Bananas

Posted originally on the CTH on March 17, 2024 | Sundance

Having previously written about the issue of three major Chinese EV makers putting massive investment into production facilities, the remarks by President Trump in Ohio warning of a “bloodbath” in the auto industry are exactly accurate. {Background Context Here}

According to media, last December the three Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and Chery, announced they were going to spend billions building new EV manufacturing plants in Mexico.  Each Chinese auto manufacturer was going to spend between $1.5 to $2.0 billion. The Chinese don’t make that much of an investment in something unless they are sure the U.S. government is going to force the EV market to exist.  These manufacturing plants would crush the U.S EV market.

Drawing attention to the issue, President Trump said he can stop the pending crisis. However, if he did not win the election the American auto industry would end up with a “bloodbath” of closed plants, lost jobs and diminished labor union workforce. Trump is not wrong.  WATCH: 


Showcasing the absolute lying fake news that most American media have become, all of the news agencies reported these comments to be about general “violence, retribution and retaliation” by Trump if he lost the election.   Reuters even twisted the comments to say, “Trump predicts the end of U.S. democracy if he loses 2024 election.”

Last December, when the original reports of the big three Chinese automakers were released, the headline was, “Chinese EV giants are planning factories in Mexico, and it’s alarming US officials.”  Yet somehow, drawing attention to that exact same issue three months later is the end of democracy or something.


Speaker Mike Johnson Vows to Pass Future Ukraine Spending With Democrat Votes to Support

Posted originally on the CTH on March 14, 2024 | Sundance

This should not come as a surprise.

Facing an ever-diminishing number of Republican representatives willing to support Joe Biden’s demand for massive and unending spending for Ukraine, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson now tells DC media he will pass the spending with Democrat votes.

Retention and continuation of spending for Ukraine is the ultimate example of a UniParty Congress.  The powers that control the mechanics of spending taxpayer money simply don’t care how much opposition exists amid the taxpayers.  They will fund Ukraine, and public opinion means naught.

Emphasis mine, because there’s an ancillary story.

WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, West Virginia — Speaker Mike Johnson told POLITICO that he expects to pass a future Ukraine assistance bill with Democratic votes, an acknowledgment of the persistent resistance to any new aid within the GOP.

Johnson said in a Thursday interview at the House Republican retreat that aid to both Ukraine and Israel could come up as one or even two separate bills. He said he anticipates it would happen using the House’s suspension calendar, which he’s used often in recent days to overcome pushback from his own party. (read more)

This type of outlook and UniParty ideology is what leads to this next dose of sunlight.  President Trump refused to attend the Sulphur Springs retreat and talk to the Republicans gathered there.

(Daily Mail) – Former President Donald Trump rebuffed an offer to speak at the House GOP retreat in West Virginia, instead choosing to appear at a Florida court case related to his handling of classified documents.

The former president joined more than 100 House Republicans who chose to skip out their annual retreat, where GOP leadership hopes to get its free-wheeling conference behind a united message after months of inner turmoil.

Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters on Thursday he will impress upon members the importance of ‘stand[ing] together’ as they discuss their strategy on the economy, border and foreign policy.
The only way to turn it around is to stop the fighting, so says the speaker.

‘Everyone says the next election cycle is the most important one of our lifetimes. We’re all accustomed to saying that, we say it every election cycle. Everybody knows this one truly is,’ Johnson said.

‘We have entire industries, sectors in the economy facing existential threats … the world is a tinderbox right now, because our stature on the world stage has been diminished,’ he went on. ‘There are so many problems.’

‘We have to stand together stick together. Get the job done,’ said Johnson. I’m absolutely convinced if we do that. They’re going to expand our house majority give us the Senate and the Republicans will take the White House as well and then we will all be in a much better mood next January because the agenda will change 180 degrees.’

But a stay at the plush Greenbrier Resort in the Allegheny Mountains was not enough to entice more than half of House Republicans. (read more)

The MAGA influence is fracturing the Republican apparatus.  The traditional GOPe of Wall Street and Multinational donors is now about half of the Republican conference.  The other half is MAGA-minded.

It’s progress, but painfully slow.  The Ukraine funding issue has helped to identify the two groups more clearly; however, it is going to take a lot more effort to remove the remaining GOPe globalists.  Keep fighting.

Buck Passes – Representative Ken Buck Announces He Quits, Effective Next Week

Posted originally on the CTH on March 12, 2024 | Sundance

Assuming that Ken Buck did not get tapped on the shoulder by the USIC for zipper problems, a rather substantial assumption all things considered, perhaps the Colorado representative just wanted to give his UniParty allies a pre-election day assist at flipping the House.

[Source Link]

Fox News – Colorado U.S. Representative Ken Buck announced on Tuesday that he we will resign from the House by the end of next week.

[…] Buck has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since November 2014 and is currently assigned to the House Judiciary Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee.

Buck was also one of three House Republicans who opposed the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Buck previously announced he was not running for another term. His resignation will squeeze the GOP’s majority even more.

The breakdown will be 431 members with 218 Republicans and 213 Democrats. Now, the GOP will only be able to lose two votes of their own on any given issue.  (read more)

In related news, the people around Joe Biden have submitted their fiscal year 2025 budget proposal to congress. [pdf here] The ridiculous spending request is $7.3 trillion, that’s TRILLION, which is $1 trillion more than this year.

While jaws are agape at the insanity of such a spending proposal [NPR outline], let me remind everyone that the people behind Biden fully expect a Central Bank Digital Currency to pave the way for unlimited spending.

The global cleaving has a purpose and benefit that is much larger than just eliminating the dollar as a lesser value trade currency.  Digital money can be valued and/or devalued by those who express “full faith and credit” in the same institutions that manufacture jobs, GDP and inflation data…. all of which determine national value.

Just as they define the new “western democracy,” so too can they define the value of the leader nation in the new “western democracy.”  Hail Hydra!

Feel better now Comrades?

…Let’s Go Trump!

They Call it a “Bloodbath at the RNC” as Team Trump Begin Cutting 60 Staff Jobs and Canceling Vendor Contracts

Posted originally on the CTH on March 12, 2024 | Sundance 

Alright, alright, alright. All the right people are pearl clutching as the new MAGA RNC leadership starts eliminating positions, reprioritizing the Republican National Committee on the functions that matter, and canceling professionally republican vendor contracts.

Essentially, the business end of the professionally republican RNC is being taken apart and retooled as a more election centric operation.

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump’s newly installed leadership team at the Republican National Committee on Monday began the process of pushing out dozens of officials, according to two people close to the Trump campaign and the RNC.

All told, the expectation is that more than 60 RNC staffers who work across the political, communications and data departments will be let go. Those being asked to resign include five members of the senior staff, though the names were not made public. Additionally, some vendor contracts are expected to be cut.

In a letter to some political and data staff, Sean Cairncross, the RNC’s new chief operating officer, said that the new committee leadership was “in the process of evaluating the organization and staff to ensure the building is aligned” with its vision. “During this process, certain staff are being asked to resign and reapply for a position on the team.”

The overhaul is aimed at cutting, what one of the people described as, “bureaucracy” at the RNC. But the move also underscores the swiftness with which Trump’s operation is moving to take over the Republican Party’s operations after the former president all but clinched the party’s presidential nomination last week.

Trump’s campaign took over operational control of the RNC on Monday. On Friday, former North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley was elected the RNC’s new chair, and Trump daughter-in-law Lara Trump was elected as co-chair. Both had Trump’s endorsement. Additionally, Trump senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita was named as the RNC’s new chief of staff. (read more

Oh dear, vendor contracts are being cut.