Creeper Joe Biden Really Did Try to Nibble on a Little Girl in Helsinki

Posted originally on the CTH on July 16, 2023 | Sundance 

After hearing Steve Bannon talk about this at TPUSA I had to go look to see what it was all about.  Jumpin’ ju-ju bones, it’s crazy.

Creepy Joe Biden really did try to nibble on a little girl at the airport in Helsinki. Even Yahoo News wrote an article about it. What the heck is wrong with this guy.  WATCH:

YAHOO – President Biden appeared to nibble at the shoulder of a startled little girl during his departure from Helsinki on Thursday.

A video of the incident, which took place as the president greeted embassy staff members and their families before he boarded Air Force One at Helsinki-Vantaan International Airport, shows Biden leaning into a young girl and placing his mouth on her shoulder as he nibbled lightly.

The little girl — who appeared frightened during the experience — later turned her head when Biden, who will turn 81 in November, tried to give her a peck on the head. (article link)

International media are laughing, but it really is quite disturbing at this point.


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