DeSantis Responds to Ramaswamy Challenge to Pull Out of Colorado – Saying: No Way, Those Delegates Are Now Mine

Posted originally on the CTH on December 20, 2023 | Sundance 

Folks, before getting to the substance of what you are about to see and hear, let me point out something very serious.

When you listen to the gleeful whispers of demons on your shoulder, something physically begins to manifest.  Look at Ron DeSantis carefully.  I mean, really look at him.  Do you see it?  Notice the absence of light, joy and happiness around him.  The Florida Governor is traveling in a very dark psychological place, and it shows.

In this interview (prompted), Ron DeSantis is asked about the challenge by Vivek Ramaswamy for all candidates to pull out of the Colorado primary after the state supreme court decided to use black-robed political power in an effort to remove President Donald Trump from the ballot.  DeSantis, dancing with demons, says he is not withdrawing from Colorado, because those precious delegates will now be his.  WATCH:


DeSantis on War with the Bahamas? Re-Posted Nov 14, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

DeSantis initially attempted to remain a bit vague on where he stands on America’s participation in foreign wars. He redacted a statement made early on in his campaign about America’s involvement in Ukraine, saying they are, in fact, deserving of US resources. Ron DeSantis did a good job as the governor of Florida by putting Florida first, but would he put America first as president?

DeSantis showed great leadership when he sent two planes into an active warzone to retrieve American citizens. He has vowed to deport pro-Hamas protestors, which is at least a US-related issue. Ron went overseas to visit Netanyahu, who called him a “friend of Israel.” “We didn’t talk about American politics,” Netanyahu said. “I have enough politics here.” Once again, a US politician is failing to put America first.

DeSantis is now saying that Israel’s response to the attack by Hamas is inevitable. “What are you supposed to do? I mean, I used to say even when they would just fire the normal rockets because they’ve been firing these rockets for years and years. And I thought to myself, like, if the Bahamas were firing rockets into Fort Lauderdale, like, we would not accept that for, like, one minute. I mean, we would just level it. We would never be willing to live like that as Americans,” DeSantis said.

Now, the Bahamas has no plans to attack Florida, and the analogy is a bit ridiculous. Florida-Bahama tensions are non-existent. But most importantly, DeSantis is showing that he would pledge full support to Israel if elected president and escalate this war in accordance with the globalist agenda.

The presidential hopeful has stated that America is responsible for protecting Israel. He is ramping up fears of nuclear war to explain America’s involvement. “Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons creates a risk like you’ve not seen in this region,” DeSantis said. “It’s an existential threat to the state of Israel and to the United States of America.” The media loves the old “weapons of mass destruction” tactic.

Now, this is the man who once called the war in Ukraine a “territorial dispute” before changing his mind and condemning Putin as a war criminal. He is not coming out as a blatant Neocon like Haley, but make no mistake about it: DeSantis is a pro-war candidate.

Shrinking Ron DeSantis Goes Shopping for a Lift With MSNBC, Morning Joe, Viewers

Posted originally on the CTH on November 2, 2023 | Sundance 

The guy gets more pathetic with every poll that shows him shrinking.  The latest strategy to garner Republican support is for the Florida governor to appear on MSNBC “Morning Joe” to participate in the orange man bad conversation.

The devolution of DeSantis is actually quite funny; it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of visible desperation.  We all knew this was going to happen, but it’s still pathetic to watch it play out in real time.  In the big picture, the arc of this collapsing narrative was very predictable, because Ron DeSantis winning the 2024 GOP nomination is not the goal of the people who funded and talked him into this mission.  The real goal is to stop Trump, and that brings forth all of the silly desperation as Trump keeps dominating.

As Ron DeSantis brags on his electability, MSNBC runs graphics showing how badly his campaign is doing.  Too funny.  Additionally, Ron DeSantis now pushes the narrative that Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election and took nuclear secrets to his home in Mar-a-Lago.  WATCH:


Longer excerpt below.


What the Heck Is on His Feet?

Posted originally on the CTH on October 28, 2023 

This is not an intelligent man of temperate disposition.  This is an empty vessel filled with the thoughts, catchphrases, and opinions of others, including his apparel.

What is this choice of goofy footwear supposed to represent?

DeSantis spoke with ahead of his remarks at a breakfast with Nevada Republicans at Treasure Island on the Las Vegas Strip. (Source)

Someone once swore to me that a person very close to DeSantis was intentionally undermining his effort because they quietly disliked (immensely) the fraudulent operation surrounding this long-planned 2024 presidential bid.  I laughed it off, but they were very serious.  As time goes on, and these subtle exhibitions of his authentically stupid persona surface, I no longer dismiss that prior statement.

Local Florida News Station Broadcasts Reality of DeSantis Campaign

Posted originally on the CTH on October 6, 2023 | Sundance

WFLA news broadcasts in the Tampa Bay area of Florida.  Recapping Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign trip in the area, the broadcasters were brutally honest.

According to the reporter on the ground, about 200 people showed up for DeSantis, and things get worse as the political analyst explains the status of nonexistent campaign funds and donors pulling away from the governor in his doomed bid to reestablish the Bush era in national politics.  WATCH:


DeSantis haz sad….

Desperate DeSantis Appears on Bill Maher Show to Defend Joe Biden from 2020 Election Questioning

Posted originally on the CTH September 30, 2023 | Sundance 

With Donald Trump holding an unbreakable majority lead with the base voters, and with Nikki Haley now surging to take the lead over the Never Trump Republicans, Ron DeSantis is watching his lane disappear.

Last night, in a desperate move to appeal to the left, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appeared on HBO with Bill Maher to defend Joe Biden from criticism.   Mr. Maher was more than happy to bring up the issue of 2020 “election deniers” like Kari Lake, and DeSantis was more than willing to join the Maher parade.

Amid DeSantis’ 12% support system, there was likely a percentage of Trump supporters who were willing to grant benefit of doubt; that segment will likely now disappear. WATCH:

Think about it….  DeSantis claims, without evidence, that he alone would have possessed the fortitude and determination to push back against the entire global professional medical establishment during the 2020 COVID-19 madness, and yet he buckles on the soft ball about the 2020 election fraud.  This guy is as phony as the Sea Island/Jeb Bush operation behind him.

Ron DeSantis Drops to Fifth Place in Latest New Hampshire Polling

Posted originally on the CTH on September 20, 2023 | Sundance 

One week ago, a poll of South Carolina voters showed that Ron DeSantis had dropped to fourth place with only 9% support, far behind President Trump at 46% {LINK}. Today a poll out of New Hampshire shows DeSantis dropping to fifth place with 10% support. {LINK}  To give some scale to the collapse, this represents a drop of more than 75% of DeSantis’ original support since mid-January of this year. [From 43% to 10%]

The New Hampshire University Poll [SEE DATA HERE] also shows, while he doesn’t carry much support, the very specific demographics of DeSantis supporters are old, rich, white men who listen to Buck Sexton on the radio. This demographic pattern repeats in just about every poll; it’s quite remarkable.  I will admit to finding it funny, when the predictions from a year ago show up with such clarity.

[Data Source]

New Hampshire – Thirty-nine percent of likely primary voters’ support Trump, followed by entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (13%), former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley (12%), former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (11%), and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (10%). Six percent support South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, 2% support former Vice President Mike Pence, and 1% or less support North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum (1%), former Texas Congressman Will Hurd (1%), former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (<1%), or talk show host Larry Elder (<1%). Less than 1% support another candidate while 6% are unsure whom they would support. (more)

After He Camped Out in Iowa with Emphasis, Vote Support for Ron DeSantis Collapses to 14%

Posted originally on the CTH on September 8, 2023 | Sundance 

The Ron DeSantis and Jeff Roe strategy was pretty simple.  Push all other states to lower concentration and focus extremely hard on Iowa.   All resources were shifted into Iowa for Ron DeSantis and the Florida governor almost moved his entire family there to campaign heavily.  DeSantis has promised to campaign in every one of the 99 counties in Iowa.

That said, a weird thing keeps happening.  The more that voters are exposed to Ron DeSantis, the more they pull away from supporting him.

This is something I shared last year when I said DeSantis was going to run this year.

The issue is honesty and authenticity, DeSantis has neither.  As you read this Ron DeSantis is trying out the latest control script against Trump by saying he would have done a better job in the spring of 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic, and he would have fired all of the NIH, CDC, FDA and NIAID health advisors in U.S. government, including Anthony Fauci.

The problem with that campaign talking point is that it’s pure nonsense, and every intellectually honest person knows that.   DeSantis would never have done anything any different, because no one had any concept of what this COVID-19 issue was really all about.  DeSantis is using hindsight and armchair quarterbacking, and that comes out as pure fakery – because it is.  DeSantis has no honesty or authenticity.  That’s not going to change, and Iowa voters are seeing it up close.

The latest polling from Iowa State University shows this problem in real time. [LINK]  AMES, IA — Donald Trump far outpaces other Republican presidential nominees in an Iowa State University/Civiqs poll, which surveyed 1,128 registered voters from Sept. 2-7. The results are the first in a five-part, monthly poll intended to track shifting voter perspectives before the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 15, 2024.

Among the participants, 434 said they “definitely” or “probably” will attend the Iowa Republican Caucuses and identified themselves as Republican or independent. Just over half (51%) of these likely Republican caucus-goers picked former President Trump as their top choice. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trailed in second place with 14%, followed by former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (10%) and entrepreneur and political commentator Vivek Ramaswamy (9%). (more)

One DeSantis Super PAC Closes Operations, The Second DeSantis Super PAC Pulls Out of Key States

Posted originally on the CTH on August 31, 2023 | Sundance 

A very bad, terrible, no good news day for Ron DeSantis today.

A $50 million Super PAC scheduled to launch in support of his campaign was forced to abandon all hope after the donors backed out, essentially saying it’s futile.   Then, moments later, the Never Back Down super PAC announced they were backing down from Super Tuesday states and halting all door knocking activity in Nevada, California, North Carolina and Texas.   The burn rate on cash was too much and no resupply.

I said last year, when few would accept my predication of a DeSantis effort, to settle into an unemotional spectator position, watch DeSantis launch and implode, then watch what happens to the financed influencer campaign as the cash runs out.

All of these interests will radically shift once the cash dries up.  That’s exactly what is going on right now.   Two stories:

(Daily Mail) – A super PAC set up to back Ron DeSantis with $50 million is closing as donors backed out – while its founder said the Florida governor’s campaign was guilty of ‘rookie s**t’ mistakes and he will now back Donald Trump.

John Thomas, a Republican strategist known as the ‘Billy the Kid of Political Battles’ set up ‘Ron to the Rescue’ in November and had secured financial commitments from mega-wealthy donors.

But he said the donors began having second thoughts after the botched DeSantis campaign launch on Twitter Spaces in May. (more)

Meanwhile, the formerly $200 million funded Never Back Down Super PAC, the group that was left carrying the brunt of the DeSantis campaign costs after relaunch, has pulled all major door knocking operations from states.   This announcement was more predictable, because we could see the burn rate on NBD being ruinously high.

(Via NBC) – Never Back Down, the super PAC backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign, has ceased its door-knocking operations in Nevada, home to a key early nominating contest, and California, a delegate-rich Super Tuesday state, officials confirmed Wednesday.

They added that in recent weeks, the group also ended its field operations in North Carolina and Texas, two additional states that vote on Super Tuesday in March.

Never Back Down had pitched a wide-ranging canvassing effort throughout the early nominating states as the centerpiece of its effort to help boost DeSantis in the primary — even letting reporters inside its door-knocking boot camp in Iowa where it trained hundreds of canvassers earlier this year. The super PAC had planned to spend $100 million on the effort.

The decision to fold its door-knocking operations in Nevada and some Super Tuesday states coincides with DeSantis’ rough summer, which has featured him struggling to gain traction against the GOP front-runner, former President Donald Trump, since launching his campaign in late May. In recent weeks, DeSantis’ campaign has publicly promoted resets and staff shake-ups as he seeks to generate momentum. (read more)

Notice, this shift is happening after the first GOPe debate.  The shrinking of campaign effort is happening as more people get to know the candidate.  This is the structural problem.  The more people are exposed to Ron DeSantis, the more his polling support drops.

Listless Vessels of America – Proud, United and Determined

Posted originally on the CTH on August 23, 2023 | Sundance 

President Trump has released the following message to Ron DeSantis on behalf of the largest and most diverse assembly of Americans in USA political history. WATCH:
