Sad Meatball – Chris Sununu Slights DeSantis, Endorses Nikki Haley

Posted originally on the CTH on December 13, 2023 | Sundance

This stuff is so predictably pathetic it can make your skin crawl, or you can laugh at it. Choose the latter.

Chris Christie and Ron DeSantis both chased the ‘coveted‘ Chris Sununu endorsement in New Hampshire. However, as predictably predicted, Nikki Haley became the #1 best hope of the professionally Republican political class to challenge President Donald Trump. After all other efforts were exhausted by the billionaires and multinationals, they have collapsed into the Alamo Nikki Haley represents. Meanwhile, the vulgarian horde, the unwashed masses of deplorables, deconstruct their schemes and defenses.

The result – Chris Sununu falls into place and gives Haley his 0.05% polling boost with an official endorsement. Haley jumps from 7% to 7.05%, lolol.

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu endorsed Nikki Haley for president on Tuesday night, giving the former South Carolina governor a boost in a key early state.

“You bet your ass I am,” endorsing Haley, an energetic Sununu said to a cheering crowd packed into a ski lodge here.

“When you look at the poll numbers and you look at the ground game that Nikki has laid, it has been absolutely unbelievable,” Sununu said. “To see her out there, to see her connecting with folks, to feel that momentum — it is real, it is tangible.”

A beaming Haley walked out to a standing ovation and accepted Sununu’s endorsement with a warm embrace.

“It doesn’t get any better than this,” Haley said. “To go and get endorsed by the ‘Live Free or Die’ governor is about as rock-solid of an endorsement as we could hope for.” (read more)

Too funny.

It was always going to be Nikki despite the full-throated first wave of support for Ron.  Why was this prediction below so transparently obvious?  Simply, because DeSantis sucks as a candidate, and at a certain point the management cannot overcome the candidate weakness.  The principal has to stand alone, and Ron DeSantis is not the guy to be able to handle that responsibility; he’s just too weak and controlled.

So yeah, it was always going to be Nikki as the hopeful GOPe nominee to block Trump.  CHECK DATE:

Idaho Republican Rep Mike Simpson Views Constituent Contacts as “Intimidation and Threatening”

Posted originally on the CTH on October 18, 2023 | Sundance 

It is a good thing to see the masks dropping amid the professionally republican class who view themselves as something more than representatives of their constituents.

In public response to the requests of the voters, Idaho’s Second Congressional District Representative Mike Simpson reminds voters that their opinion means nothing.


FYI, Steve Scalise is voting for Jim Jordan.

Who is paying for Mike Simpson?  Because apparently, he doesn’t think the voters matter much.

The UniParty is on Full Display as 22 Professional Republicans Work with Democrats to Block Jim Jordan – Here’s The List

Posted originally on the CTH on October 18, 2023 | Sundance

The second round of voting for House Speaker ended with two more “Republicans” vowing to support the goals of the UniParty in Washington DC and retain alignment with Democrats.  The mask dropping is quite remarkable, and perhaps the only good thing to come from this dynamic.

Here are the 22 professional Republicans who wish to see a Democrat House Speaker:

♦ Don Bacon: (202) 225-4155; @RepDonBacon (voted McCarthy) ♦ *Vern Buchanan: (202) 225-5015;@vern Buchanan (voted Donalds) ♦ Ken Buck: (202) 225-4676; @RepKenBuck  (voted for Emmer) ♦ Lori Chavez-DeRemer: (202) 225-5711; @RepLCD (voted McCarthy) ♦ Anthony D’Esposito: (202) 225-5516; @anthonydespo (voted Zeldin) ♦ Mario Díaz-Balart: (202) 225-4211; @MarioDB (voted Scalise) ♦ Jake Ellzey: (202) 225-2002; @JakeEllzey  (voted Garcia) ♦ *Drew Ferguson: (202) 225-5901; @RepDrewFerguson (voted Scalise) ♦ Andrew Garbarino: (202) 225-7896; @RepGarbarino (voted Zeldin) ♦ Carlos Giménez: (202) 225-2778; @RepCarlos (voted McCarthy) ♦ Tony Gonzales (TX): (202) 225-4511; @TonyGonzales4TX (voted Scalise) ♦ Kay Granger: (202) 225-5071; @RepKayGranger (voted Scalise) ♦ John James: (202) 225-4961; @repjames (voted for Moolenaar?) ♦ Mike Kelly (PA): (202) 225-5406; @MikeKellyPA (voted Bainer?) ♦ Jen Kiggans: (202) 225-4215; @JenKiggans (McCarthy) ♦ Nick LaLota: (202) 225-3826; @nicklalota (voted Zeldin) ♦ Mike Lawler: (202) 225-6506; @lawler4ny (voted McCarthy ) ♦ *Marianette Miller-Meeks: (202) 225-6576; @RepMMM (voted Grainger) ♦ John Rutherford: (202) 225-2501; @RepRutherfordFL (voted Scalise) ♦ Mike Simpson: (202) 225-5531; @CongMikeSimpson (voted Scalise) ♦ Steve Womack: (202) 225-4301; @rep_stevewomack (voted Scalise). 

There is remarkable overlap amid those Republicans who previously voted to support Nancy Pelosi in her impeachment effort against President Trump.  The UniParty is on display, and despite the frustration – Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant!

WASHINGTON DC – Opposition to Jim Jordan’s speakership bid is increasing, as the Ohio Republican again failed to get the 217 votes he needs to win the gavel.

After halting voting for nearly a day in hopes of securing more Republican votes, Jordan instead lost two more votes on the second ballot. The House then went into another recess, at Jordan’s request, before a possible third vote. The GOP is expected to hold a conference meeting Wednesday afternoon as it keeps searching for a way out of its speaker mess.

Jordan’s total number of Republican opponents reached 22 on the second round of voting. With the list of defectors growing, even after a significant delay, his chances at the gavel are looking virtually nonexistent.

Despite that outlook, Jordan spokesperson Russell Dye said in a statement after the vote: “We’re going to keep going.”

Jordan himself told reporters that he was unsure when a third ballot would take place but vowed that “we’ll keep talking to members, keep working on it.”

He flipped two prior opponents — Reps. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) and Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.)  — but still lost ground in the broader tally. GOP Reps. Vern Buchanan (Fla.), Drew Ferguson (Ga.), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (Iowa) and Pete Stauber (Minn.) all flipped against Jordan after previously backing him in the first ballot.

Several other Jordan opponents — Reps. Mike Kelly (Pa.) and John James (Mich.) — changed their votes to other alternative candidates. (read more)

Sunday Talks – Chris Sununu Says Biden Impeachment Would Be “Unhealthy” for Country

Posted originally on the CTH on September 3, 2023 | Sundance 

Isn’t it interesting how professional Republicans can always find a way to protect the professional Democrats, yet you never see the reverse scenario.

That truthful reality is just one small way you can help people break out of their battered conservative syndrome.  The professional Republicans are indeed like the role-playing Washington Generals.  It’s not an accident the GOPe push their reach across the aisle, high-minded approach, it’s strategic.  All of it follows a script and the performance actors are very easy to identify.

In this segment [prompted to avoid the pure pretense], you will see Republican New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu outlining how impeachment efforts against Joe Biden should not be taken, because, well, it’s “unhealthy for our country.”   He also goes to great lengths to defend the “institutions” of our democracy that are under attack from people who no longer trust them.  WATCH (prompted): 


MAGA ’23 is not the TEA PARTY of ’12.  We have learned, adapted, increased our ranks, and we have selected a formidable leader in President Donald J. Trump to take the fight directly to them.  This reality frames the current context of their opposition, and they are lashing out.

This was always going to be a trilogy.  In 2016, the rebellion surprised the Deathstar.  In 2020 the Empire struck back. In 2024, it’s the Revenge of the Jedi.