Jason Aldean Song Jumps to #2 on Billboard Top 100 – Achieving 11.7 Million Video Streams Last Week

Posted originally on the CTH on July 24, 2023 | Sundance 

Apparently, someone on the BLM/Woke activism side of the narrative engineering grievance industry decided to call country music singer Jason Aldean a racist for his song “Try That in A Small Town”.   [The song and video are at the end of the article.]

As the story is told, the song and subsequent music video upset the professional grievance industry who took exception to the contrast of small-town values juxtaposed against urban riots, violence and looting.

While it might sound odd, and as a consequence of the spotlight provided by Mr Aldean, intolerance to chaos, small-town values, peace, respect, kindness and neighbor helping neighbor is now declared by the grievance experts as an exhibition of profound racism.  It all seems rather bizarre, because redefining social values is typically Marxist.

Making things even more odd, Country Music Television agreed with the grievance team and immediately pulled the Aldean video from the network.  However, perhaps as an outcome of the interest created by this oddball controversy, viewers and listeners have driven the song and video to the top of the charts.

(Fox Business) – […] According to Luminate, which tracks streams and music sales, the audio and video streams from Aldean’s latest song went from 987,000 to 11.7 million, a 999% increase in the week following the release of the music video.

Luminate also confirmed to FOX Business that sales for “Try That In A Small Town” have spiked as well. The week before Aldean released the music video, it sold 1,000 tracks. Last week, the country music song sold 228,000 tracks, per Luminate.

Another major accomplishment for Aldean came in on Monday. “Try That In A Small Town” came in second on Billboard’s Hot 100 list. This marks the country music singer’s first number two spot on the chart. (read more)

I’ve watched this video below a few times, and I still don’t see what makes it controversial.


Mr Aldean released this statement in the face of the controversy.

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