The Truth Always Surfaces

Posted originally on Dec 10, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Zelenskyy Johnson

COMMENT: It first seemed you were just a Russian supporter. The more I read, the more I became shocked that we have instigated this conflict with Russia and all the conspiracy theories are being proven true. The person who referred me to your site said you had the best sources because everyone wanted to know what Socrates was forecasting. Your post today about Boris Johnson telling Zelensky there is no peace with Russia truly hit home. These people have no qualms about letting millions die for nothing. It makes me wonder if these people want power and enjoy hurting others. I cannot comprehend their thinking, let alone their moral character. Johnson has the blood of many on his hands, and he cannot wash them clean like Pontus Pilate.


REPLY: The West wants this war. Zelensky was told to keep fighting to kill as many Russians as possible. Lindsey Graham said it was the best money he ever spent to kill Russians. The problem is that 500,000 Ukrainians are now dead and still counting. Not a single leader in the West gave 2-seconds of thought about all the Ukrainian deaths and that 8 to 10 million have fled their homes. They have destroyed Ukraine because of their hatred of Russians. It was the unelected interim government installed by the US, EU, and Britain that started this civil war, attacking the Donbas on their instructions. The people voted for Zelensky because he promised peace. Johnson interfered and said no way.

McCain was at Maidan encouraging a revolution and that the United States would stand behind them. Can you imagine if a Russian addressed the crowd on January 6th, encouraging them to overthrow the government? The Neocons have used Ukraine for their purpose to wage war against Russia, and they never cared about the Ukrainian people or their country.

McCain at Maidan
McCain Kiew This is your moment
Ukraine Map

Khruschev arbitrarily drew the Ukraine border for administrative purposes. He grew up there and was responsible for rebuilding Kiev after World War II. His successor, Brezhnev, was also born there in the Donbas. Does that mean the Cuban Missle Crisis was not with Russia, but with Ukraine since they claim the Donbas? From the beginning, before the US started this civil war, I had employees on both sides in Donetsk and Kyiv and warned on February 20, 2014, that Ukraine should have been divided based on language. I stressed that point again in 2022. I also warned back on December 3rd, 2013, before the Maidan Revolution, that “Ukraine Maybe The Most Important Country To Watch.” This has NEVER been my personal opinion or wish. Our computer pinpointed Ukraine before anything even took place.

Our computer pinpointed Ukraine as the place where World War III would begin. 

Zelensky Lives in Luxury – Top Aides Acquire $75 Million Yachts

Posted originally on Nov 29, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

As the people of Ukraine continue to suffer under his rule, Zelensky is living a lavish lifestyle. The former comedian is said to have properties around the world. So while he is begging the world to “do their part” and fund his war, he is using much of the funds for his own pleasure. Two of his associates, Boris and Serhiy Shefir, are taking the fall after it was discovered that people acting on behalf of Zelensky purchased two yachts worth $75 million.

The yachts named “Lucky Me” and “My Legacy” were purchased in Abu Dhabi and Antibes in October 2023. The names alone are an insult to the people. Zelensky has repeatedly fired top-level officials for misusing foreign aid while hiding his own wrongdoings. Zelensky is listed in the Panama Papers, and the fact-checkers try to divert people away from this fact. I estimated last October that he had $100 million stashed offshore, which was a conservative estimate as others were claiming the figure to be closer to $850 million.

Zelensky 850

Zelensky purchased a $5 million property in Egypt under his mother-in-law’s name, Olga Kiyashko. “A suspicion is creeping in that Ukrainian bureaucrats, with the help of their relatives, are stealing financial aid to Ukraine from the West,” the political scientist continued. He stressed that Ukrainian corruption is to blame and that egocentric officials who prioritize personal gain over care for their own people infest and control Kyiv’s political system,” Egyptian political scientist Abdulrahman Alabbassy commented. It is said Zelensky owns a $35 million home in Sunny Isles Beach, FL, but I have not been able to verify the claim.

Fried Zelensky Fink Yellen

His people are skilled in hiding money and assets. Before he was installed as president, Zelensky gifted the majority of his stake in numerous businesses to Serhiy Shefir who later became his top consultant and is now one of the two brothers taking the blame for purchasing the luxury yachts.

Zelensky’s victory in Ukraine will be looked upon as the Judas who sold his country for 30 pieces of silver. The corruption in Zelensky’s government is perhaps the greatest in the world. He is leading men and women to slaughter while half the population has fled. There is no strategic benefit to the Ukrainian people, and Zelensky’s promises of ending corruption and peace with Russia, for which the people voted, have been ignored. The volatility will rise sharply from 2024; a critical target will be 2026.
