HARNWELL: Political earthquake rocks Germany as its “next chancellor” says Ukraine should make peace

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 26, 2024 at 07:40 pm EST

The Greatest Salesman Who Ever Lived?

Posted originally on Jun 18, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

I think Zelensky may be the greatest salesman of any politician who ever lived. Every time he comes to our country he walks away with $60 billion dollars and I like him!” Donald Trump said during a rally over the weekend. As a fellow businessman, Trump joked that he liked Zelensky for “The Art of the Deal” and for swindling the West out of countless billions. “Now, here’s the beauty. He just left four days ago with $60 billion, and he gets home, and he announces he needs another $60 billion. It never ends,” Trump claimed. “I will have that settled prior to take the White House as president-elect.”

The issue here is that Zelensky is not a salesman; he is an actor. The West has always been willing to fund Ukraine and began shelling out money to support Ukraine’s military over a decade ago. His job is to act the part, traveling the globe amid a “full-scale invasion” of his country to ask for money that has already been set aside for Ukraine. This also becomes the issue with Trump securing the White House as the establishment cannot end this war prematurely.

Russia has no plans to expand its empire. HONOR THE MINSK AGREEMENT TO END THE WAR! Politicians know that this is the only solution. Instead, they are offering Ukraine a potential seat at the table to join NATO, effectively beginning the next world war that your sons will be expected to fight. Putin has said it numerous times – hold elections in the Donbas areas and we will call a truce.


Now there are those who believe Russia is evil. Russia wants to expand its empire and conquer all of Europe, they mistakenly believe. They’ve long believed the dispelled myth that Trump has colluded with Russia to tamper with elections and sell out the United States. The left is now trying to portray a Trump victory as a victory for Putin. Should we not all declare victory if a world war is prevented?

Our computer has projected a Republican win on 4 out of 6 models. The information within Socrates is beyond the comprehension of one person. I cannot compute a Trump victory. Sure, the American people want him back in the White House, but the establishment and Neocons would rather assassinate him than have him act as president.

Ukraine the Expendable Vanguard for World War III

Posted originally on Jun 4, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Ukraine_Hryvnia M 6 3 14

The US dollar continues to soar against the Ukrainian Hryvnia despite all the propaganda desperately trying to pretend Ukraine can win and survive. The entire purpose of the Ukraine proxy war against Russia has been to kill as many Russians as possible to further expand the U.S. and NATO’s conventional superiority over Russia. This has been the strategy in play that the West can conquer Russia and divide it up and that Putin will never fire a nuclear weapon. Ukraine has been the vanguard viewed as expendable.

1 WSJ Ukraine Debt

Anyone with Ukrainian debt should sell before it is worthless. It is already in crash mode. This will all be defaulted on in the end.

Ukraine_Hryvnia Y Array 5 17 24

Our computer clearly shows that Ukraine will not survive this as a nation-state. This has not by any means benefited the Ukrainian people. This is why Zelensky suspended any election, for he knew he would be removed from office. Look at the Yearly Array. Ukraine is flat-lining. They are EXPENDABLE no matter what the propaganda of the Western press puts out on command from a central office, just as PRAVDA did for the USSR. This is NOT my personal opinion.

IBEUUS Y FOR 3 29 2017

This was the Forecast Array for the Euro from 2016. Note that 2018 was the reaction high, while 2019 was the lowest yearly closing, and 2020 was the intraday COVID low, with the bounce into 2021, which was a turning point with a Panic Cycle. The Euro reaction high was 1.235 in 2021, and it crashed in 2022, bottoming at 0.941. Note that the volatility would rise in 2024, and 2025 is a turning point, with the next target being 2027.

The West has threatened Russia that just one nuke in Ukraine would unleash all nuclear weapons pointed at Russia. Their rhetoric is unbelievable. They present to the media that they out-finance, out-gun, and out-man Russia in a direct confrontation with NATO. They act that they alone can wipe Russia off the face of the earth without a single shot from Russia. These world leaders no longer represent the people. No one even wants to de-escalate this march toward World War III.

Russia_is_ready_for_nuclear_war_Putin_warns_the_West 6 3 24

Russia has made it clear that it is prepared for a Nuclear War, which the West is constantly crossing every red line Putin has drawn. Based on my sources, Russia has about 1,710 deployed nuclear warheads. These are based on a triad of strategic delivery vehicles roughly consisting of 326 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 12 ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs) with 192 submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and 58 strategic bombers.

Russia has not exchanged official data with the United States about the structure of its strategic nuclear forces since 2023. Those same nongovernmental sources put the United States nuclear forces at around 1,770 deployed nuclear warheads. China has been building and modernizing its nuclear  arsenal at an unprecedented pace. Reasonable estimates place that with a minimum of 500 warheads, it is expected to grow to 1,000 by 2030. The combination of China and Russia clearly outnumbers the USA and Europe.

1 Zircon Hypersonic Missile Launch

That said, the number of warheads is only one measure. Russia has developed both space weapons that can take out the targeting satellites and its advanced hypersonic missiles that most experts say are virtually impossible to shoot down. Back in 2022, Putin made it clear that Russia would start to deploy more hypersonic weapons, noting that the first warship equipped with state-of-the-art Zircon hypersonic missiles was commissioned in 2022.

Hypersonic Missile

The USA is exploring how to defend itself against hypersonic missiles. One theory is the exploration of “boundary layer phenomenology,” which is the idea that disrupting the airflow surrounding a hypersonic projectile may throw it off course. Disrupting the airflow may send it off course, but it will still hit something. The other hope is to deploy lower-flying networked satellites in an effort to establish a continuous targeting track of an approaching hypersonic weapon. This can be seriously compromised by taking out the US targeting satellites.As of now, there is no defense is that a hypersonic projectile that will travel much too fast to track them because it will move from one radar aperture to another, making it virtually impossible to establish a consistent targeting track or lock.

Russia New Test

Then Russia tested a new supersonic version of a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on April 12th, 2024. This is capable of attacking NATO and the USA undetected. The Russian Ministry of Defence only claimed this was part of “state testing of prospective missile systems, as well as confirmation of the stability of missiles in service.” This has caused chatter down the line when the Neocons are pushing for war.


Then there is the BrahMos missile, a two-stage supersonic cruise missile with a range of 290 kilometers that was developed jointly by India and Russia. India has been leaning also more in the direction of Russia rather than the US/British/NATO direction. China has developed supersonic spy drones that have been gathering intelligence on US positions in the Asian arena.

1 2024_06_03_19_07_31_US_tests_hypersonic_missile

The USA has been testing hypersonic missiles as it tries to catch up with Russia, India, and China. However, the USA is well behind Russia in supersonic defense and offense. This is the REAL story behind the propaganda that makes great headlines that the West can turn Russia to ashes before they even launch a single missile.

Ukraine_drone_targets_second_Russian_long_range_military_radar 5 27 24

This Ukrainian Proxy War has introduced drone warfare. This is different altogether. Ukraine targeted with drones Russia’s strategic air defense radar system that has NOTHING to do with Ukraine. It was part of the Russian nuclear defense system, just as the USA has NORAD to detect Russian missiles that would launched at the USA. WHY did Ukraine do this when it had nothing to do with Ukraine? Was this to try to open a window for the USA/NATO to launch a sneak nuclear attack on Russia?

1 _Ukraine Drone ECONOMIST

Ukraine has used new AI software called Eagle Eyes that allows drones to fly without GPS, limiting the impact of Russian jamming. The software allows unmanned drones to travel using sight rather than satellite-based GPS navigation. Additionally, drones fly at low altitudes and slow speeds. The radar systems used by the USA and Russia can be defeated with slow-moving drones that follow a program of the terrane and use AI technology to see, thereby correcting its course if needed. The successful attack using drones to destroy the early warning system of Russia opens yet another attack path. You can create a nuclear-capable drone to defeat all the radar systems, rendering everyone vulnerable.

2 kamikaze_killer_robots

Add to this a kamikaze robot that will kill anything that moves. This Ukraine War is a petri dish for advancing warfare. We are getting closer and closer to the potential for the likes of Terminator.

I have never witnessed such arrogance and stupidity merge. The rest of the world is watching, and they know very well that the West is the greatest threat to world peace – that is what the BRICS countries are all about. They will NOT stand by and watch the West annihilate Russia and then turn on their next target until they have wiped out everyone who has ever disagreed with them. Only a fool can not see that China, North Korea, Iran, and many others will stand by Russia because their enemy, the West, is their enemy as well. While the NEOCONs this a victory will be 33% of the USA surviving, our computer does NOT see a victory for the USA and indeed Europe.

The European People’s Party (EPP) is leading in the polls for the election on June 6 – 9, and they are the warmongers of Europe. In fact, the head of the EPP has gone as far as to state that the EU must be ready for war without US. They have stated that they stand with Ukraine and are prepared to sacrifice all of Europe for Ukraine.

Nuclear Launch Button R

The West, at the direction of the Neocons, has blown up Nord Stream and launched every possible sanction to destroy Russia financially.

  • The West has tried for more than two years to cripple Moscow’s finances by way of sanctions.

The strategy is to try to intimidate Russia into allowing NATO to destroy them without nuclear war. They are insane. If you had a gun and someone busts into your house unarmed, will you do nothing?


Ukraine Has Lost – Nobody Ever Expected it to Win

Posted originally on May 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


I appeared on Russia Today over the weekend because it is important to show the Russian people that the West is not all hateful Neocons. However, the forecasts are NEVER my personal opinion. That is why so many governments turn to us. I do not tell them only what they want to hear. Ukraine has lost. Our computer has flat-lined on its future warning: if the Ukrainian people still want to have anything left, they better dump Zelensky NOW and seek peace as he promised to get elected. Peace is ONLY attainable when there is communication.

Estonian_foreign_minister_on Ukraine

Even Estonia is courting disaster, taking direction also from the Neocons, just like Zelensky. Putin nor the Russian people want to invade Europe. If you do not NEGOTIATE instead of hurling threats, you will force them to defend themselves, but this time, China will join, and Europe will lose.

The Neocons will say whatever they need to go to war. Time Magazine reported the comments of Colin Powell who made his famous speech to sell the Iraq invasion before the United Nations. He said years later – they lied to him.

Well, I was quite surprised when it started to fall apart. You know, ‘Well, there aren’t three sources; it’s really one source.’ What? And then suddenly a number of members in the intelligence community at fairly senior levels started writing books saying, ‘Well we knew [the source of the intelligence] was flaky.’ You did?

Even Tony Blair made a public apology for all the lost lives based on the lies presented as valid intelligence reports. Yet here we go again, but this time, Russia and China do have weapons of mass destruction and will use them when they are pushed. These people will never stop. They just hate humanity and can sleep at night worrying that someone in the world is doing something they disapprove of.

We are being hurled into World War III, and our future of the world will be different both financially and geopolitically, all on propaganda and lies as always. Those who are so caught up in the propaganda to hate Russians, trust me, you are courting your own demise. If you think Russia can be defeated, conquered, and broken up with no harm to the USA or that China would stand by and just watch, you are a real fool. It is easy to get into war, but it NEVER ends when you thought. Blackrock and others threw in billions believing the Neocon BS that Russia is weak and this will be over in a few weeks. They will lose every dime unless Biden bails them out. Ukraine has lost. It is a shame so many people were inspired by hatred. This would be no different from expecting Cuba to defeat the United States.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is an exiled Russian oligarch who has now admitted he “backed the wrong horse” “Ukraine has already lost the War” he said after asking his Ukrainian “friend’s” to cover their ears. As I said on Russian TV, NOBODY expected Ukraine to win. That was the propaganda the press was given – the great battle like Star Wars fighting against the evil Empire. But this is not a movie. The Neocons wanted Ukraine to kill Russians, with no regard to how many Ukrainians would be left.

Then, they even bragged how the Ukrainians would fight to the very last man – which we are rapidly approaching.

There has never been any consideration for Ukrainian lives, and Zelensky is counting on being swept away to Miami when the last Ukrainian falls.

Ukraine_Hryvnia Y Array 5 17 24

I am sorry, but this is NOT my personal opinion. I must report what our computer projects. I have warned that Ukraine would lose. From the beginning, I would get hate mail claiming I was putting out Russian propaganda. They did not realize that they were the fools. I reported at the end of 2022 that 100,000 Ukrainians had already died. The hate mail came that such a number was Russian propaganda. Then Ursula said 100,000 in her speech, and Zelensky had her remove that information because it was “classified” information.

Churchill on Truth
Neocon 1

My info always came from the Ukrainian side. I am not stupid – the first victim in war is always the truth.AsChurchillputit, the truth needs a bodyguard of lies to protect it.

I am stating this now. If the Ukrainian people do not accept peace and overthrow Zelensky, who takes his orders from the Neocons and has betrayed his own country, Ukraine will not exist. The refusal to accept peace means that Russia can take all of Ukraine, and then we are looking at the stupidity of European leaders who ONLY want war to destroy Europe for a third time. This time, the monuments may not survive, ending tourism in Europe thereafter.

These Neocons have been waging war since WWII and have lost EVERY single one of them. Even MacNamara, who was the Neocon that took us into Vietnam, confessed before he died – we were wrong. It was a civil war. They thought Russia was behind that when they were not. Some 58,000 Americans died for that mistake, and countless millions of Vietnamese.


Zelensky – Dictator for Life – Investors Get Out – Ukraine Will No Longer Exist after 2027

Posted originally on May 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Time Men of Year Zelensky Hitler Stalin

Many Ukrainians see Volodymyr Zelensky as a dictator who has betrayed his own country for a handful of silver. From tomorrow, May 20th, Zelensky’s presidential term is formally at an end—but no new elections will be held as long as Ukraine is under martial law because he would be overwhelmingly voted out. He preaches that Ukraine is fighting for freedom and then denies them the right to vote on his policies – so much for freedom and democracy. Zelensky has no incentive for peace at this point in time.

2019 Zelensky Wins

Zelensjy won the election, which some say was rigged, promising PEACE with Russia. Comments from Russia were positive hoping there would be peace. But Zelensky lied to the people just to gain that power and then did the exact opposite.

Zelenskyy Johnson

When peace was at hand, Boris Johnson hopped on a plane to make certain there would be no peace. This has raised major concerns in Ukraine that the people are sent to the slaughter with no right to decide the fate of their own future. This is why on the ECM turning point, May 7th, 2024, two Ukrainian military officers were arrested because they sought to save their country by assassinating him, just as the military command tried to assassinate Hitler. Naturally, Ukrainians immediately claimed they were working for Russia. That was not true.

As long as the war drags on for years, Zelensky has unilaterally declared himself a dictator, probably for life, and there will be no elections. He has the audacity to argue that since Ukraine is fighting for the sake of democracy, like so many other leaders, they do the opposite of what they say. He has no intent to allow elections to take place.

Two days before this term was to end, Zelensky pushed through legislation that would make it easier to identify every conscript in the country. It also provides incentives to soldiers, such as cash bonuses or money toward buying a house or car, that Ukraine cannot afford, but the American taxpayer will cover all the pensions for those in the Ukrainian government. This shows how desperate Ukraine has become with the growing strain that more than two years of war has had on Ukraine’s forces. Zelenskyy also signed two other laws Friday, allowing prisoners to join the army and increasing fines for draft dodgers fivefold. Small businesses are likely to collapse as most of their workers will now be conscripted into the military. This will further undermine the Ukrainian economy.


Zelenskyy and Fink had “agreed to focus in the near term on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of our country, channeling investment into the most relevant and impactful sectors of the Ukrainian economy,” CNBC reported in December 2022. I have to warn DO NOT INVEST IN UKRAINE. The country will no longer exist, and Zelensky suspended all debt payments with the war along with elections – in any book on finance, that is a SOVEREIGN DEFAULT.

Confederate Bond

There was also great hope as the British bought Confederate Debt. That did not end well for them when they lost the war. Anyone in their right mind knows there was NEVER any expectation that Ukraine would ever defeat Russia. This is like Cuba starting a war and people really thinking they could defeat the United States. This is beyond hope—it is just propaganda people wanted to believe.

2024_ Blackrock wants money back WSJ

Now, Blackrock, with the Aladian, obviously might be able to do high-frequency trading, but when it comes to the global economy, it was not that smart. Now Blackrock is asking for its money back because they now realize that Ukraine will lose, and all their efforts thinking this would be over quickly and Russia would be defeated was absurd. Blackrock and JP Morgan will take big losses on Ukraine for their absolute stupidity in making investment decisions based on propaganda and newspaper headlines.

Ukraine_Hryvnia Y Array 5 17 24

When we look at Ukraine, we see that the Array has flatlined into 2027. Ukraine will NOT survive as a country that we have known. Zelensky has been a traitor and taken orders from the Neocons and destroyed his own country.


Ukrainian Military Attempts to Assassinate Zelensky

Posted originally on May 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Zelensky Money Hungry

As I have warned, Zelensky is seen as a puppet of the West, and they are starting to realize that he is destroying all of Ukraine on orders from the American Neocons. I have been warning that any assassination of Zelensky will come from within. Ukraine has reached the same realization where there was an attempt to assassinate Hitler to save Germany.

Here, on our May 7th ECM target date, two Ukrainian colonels were arrested involving an internal attempt to assassinate Zelensky, who is widely seen as a traitor to his own people. When the last Ukrainian falls, he will be on a plane to Miami to live tax-free under the protection of the American Neocons.

That was the ONLY hope of saving Ukraine just as assassinating Hitler would have saved tens of millions of lives. ABSOLUTELY nobody in the West thinks twice about killing Russians or Ukrainians. The people are starting wake up, but it looks to be too late.