The Big Ugly Surfaces in The Story of Mike Davis and Harmeet Dhillon, Contrast Against the Backdrop of GOPe Maneuvers in California

Posted originally on the CTH on July 6, 2023 | Sundance 

I will be as generous in explanation as brutal honesty permits.  This is hopefully the last I will write about the internecine network of California GOPe manipulative politics and the latest episode of republican fraud within in.

Fibber Mike Davis (below left) gave an interview {Rumble Segment Here} which now provides some clarity on his character and the issues of his defense of Harmeet Dhillon (below right), in an effort to protect her from the outcome of Dhillon’s own creation.   Within the interview Davis notes that in addition to her RNC and California GOP professional relationships, Dhillon also represents the Trump campaign as a lawyer.

Within the interview we discover who and why Davis was protecting when he made claims about the Trump campaign seemingly being okay with a California GOP scheme to allocate proportional delegates to Ron DeSantis.  In essence, the “Trump campaign official” who didn’t raise objections to the CA rule change, the one Mike Davis was protecting from scrutiny, was actually Harmeet Dhillon herself. The same Harmeet who signed off on the 6/17/23 email proposal, then reversed after sunlight.

Mr. Davis also admits he and Mrs. Dhillon have a professional working relationship with the Article III Project organization that forms the basis of Mr. Davis’ affluence and influence.  Davis and Dhillon swim in, and benefit from, the same financial ocean.   Here’s the result:

Within Harmeet Dhillon’s lengthy explanation of her backtracking [SEE HERE], in the second segment {SEE HERE} she uses carefully constructed lawyer speak to highlight that she was duped by the other two California GOP officials, Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel.  Mrs. Dhillon will not and cannot say she was lied to, for two reasons.

Mrs. Dhillon carefully says, “I was told by the state party” and “I accepted these representations” in the customary way a lawyer would obfuscate their choice not to say I was lied to.  Indeed, against the inaccuracy of the original justifications by Dhillon, and if we are to take Mrs. Dhillon at her word, she says in her reversal of position that she was misled and mistaken in her opinion by materially false representations of Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel.

Unfortunately, Harmeet Dhillon cannot be more deliberate in her statement because she has a professional role to maintain, and the admission that she was duped is against her brand image.

Harmeet Dhillon represents herself to her clients and her audience as the counterbalance to manipulation in elections and politics.  If Dhillon were to admit she was a victim to manipulation in California election rules and politics, her brand would suffer significant harm.

Given that Mrs Dhillon is supposed to be a subject matter expert in the world of political rules and specifically RNC constructs, she cannot be viewed as incompetent to the rules and constructs she is expected to comprehensively understand.

As a result, Harmeet needs to carefully extract herself from a situation that shows her inept ability, yet simultaneously admit the original position she took was wrong.

Navigating a professional path between duplicity and incompetence is always challenging.  Making matters worse, Dhillon is being paid by the Trump campaign specifically for legal expertise navigating rules and regulations of GOP primary electoral politics.

Despite the wide grin on the face of Marc Elias, getting the rules wrong in Harmeet’s own backyard is not a good look and not funny.  Everything that followed Dhillon’s original really bad GOP rule justification is an exhibition in professional face-saving.  However, this is not the first time Harmeet Dhillon has fallen back on the “I accepted these representations” excuse.

When Dhillon was originally challenged on the 2022 partnership with notoriously corrupt and conniving Henry Barbour in Mississippi, Mrs. Dhillon also defended and justified her lack of knowledge about the Barbour background by saying she was assigned the role to work with Barbour by the RNC (Ronna McDaniel).

It’s never Dhillon’s fault.  Her lack of knowledge or skill within the job of her self-proclaimed political and electoral expertise is always the fault of others. 🙄 Just ask Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson or a host of other incompetence justifiers within the world of political interest. Perhaps even ask voices within the orbit of President Trump himself and you will find a multitude of high praise statements and cover stories.

This is where Lisa Monaco, Marc Elias, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann, Norm Eisen and Barry Berke start laughing uncontrollably.

This is also why Steve Bannon’s frequent WarRoom guest, Attorney Mike Davis, stepped in so quickly after the Laura Loomer revelations began to get traction and sunlight.  Davis continued to say the proportional rule change was not objected to by the Trump campaign; yet, Davis would not say who in the campaign was seemingly aware of the CA GOP rule change and was okay with it.

The “Trump campaign official” who didn’t raise objections to the CA rule change, the one Mike Davis was protecting from scrutiny, was actually Harmeet Dhillon herself.

After all, as noted by Mike Davis, Mrs. Dhillon is an attorney for the Trump campaign, and the leaked email containing the position of Harmeet Dhillon, Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel -from three weeks ago- was against the interests of President Trump.  Surely, if the rule change was an issue, the attorney for the Trump campaign would not support it.

It is much easier to protect incompetence by saying “go fuck yourself” to questioning, than to admit a person with a close business relationship has just made a very big mistake.  {DIRECT RUMBLE LINK}

Mike Davis Helps Clear Confusion Over Proposed California GOP Delegate Rules Changes


President Trump should recognize the value in what Ms Laura Loomer has just provided.  Loomer likely saved the Trump campaign from something a thousand times more costly than the monthly billing cycle of Dhillon Law Firm.  And Loomer did it all free of charge – because it was the right thing to do.

Consider me done with this episode, unless the critics want to continue engagement.
