Democrats Praying for a Trump Assassination?

Posted originally on Apr 26, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Thompson Bennie

COMMENT: I have been a Democrat all my life, and I am 72. I suppose I was a Democrat because my father was. Like you, after watching what they have been doing to Trump and the flood of illegal aliens that have resulted in my own neighborhood becoming no longer safe, I will vote for Trump. After Bernie Thompson put in a bill to strip felons of Secret Service protection and deny RFK Secret Service protection, it is becoming painfully clear these people will kill opponents just to retain power. That no longer reflects what my father believed in and fought in World War II to protect no I in Vietnam. I have always watched your political forecasts from Socrates with curiosity. Now I can see its forecasts are inevitable.

God bless you for your contribution to humankind.


JFK Willingboro Oct 1960

REPLY: Yes, I grew up in a Democratic house. My father took me to see John F. Kennedy in 1960 in Willingboro, New Jersey. He shook my hand, but unlike Bill Clinton, that did not inspire me to run for president. I was raised with the belief in being fair and against corruption. There is no way my father would be a Democrat today. The Democratic Party no longer represents what it once did.

Through my years, all I have witnessed is how handing ANY power to those in government becomes like a drug addiction, and they will stoop to absolutely anything to retain that power. This is our current crisis. The Democratic motto should be: We have defeated the enemy. We occupy the Hill. We have become the enemy. Walt Kelly, an American cartoonist (1913-1973), said: “We have met the enemy, and he is us!”

Civil Unrest 2023

We all have opinions. Yet, Socrates does not. It has taught me a lot about life and the evolution of society itself. Democrats are discovering that weaponizing the law against Trump has not been successful. The respect for them has collapsed internationally. There is NOBODY I have spoken to outside this country who does not view this as political and shocking. They thought the United States was the beacon of liberty in the world. This is not my personal opinion; these timing arrays have been produced long before our current political crisis. This election in 2024 will NEVER be accepted by either side. You will not have enough police or prison space to contain the civil unrest. Biden is doing everything possible to simultaneously create World War III as a distraction from the political corruption unfolding before our eyes.

The LEFT is historically ALWAYS the most violent, no matter what country. The LEFTIST revolutions of 1848 and 1917, as well as Mao in China, all resulted in the deaths of OVER 200 million people. You never see this from the RIGHT, which tends to be based on you leaving me alone and me leaving you alone. The LEFT is always determined to control everyone, forcing them to conform to their ideas no matter what country they look at.

2024 Presidential Election by Popular Vote
2016 PresElection Copy

We can see that both the 2016 forecast and the 2024 forecast show that Trump should win. This is all based on economics – not polling and asking people. Polls have been wrong so many times. If you asked if Biden would win and you only called people in NYC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC, of course, you would get a 70%+ poll. Even for BREXIT in London, our computer was correct, and ALL the polls in London were wrong. They manipulate the questions to produce the bias of the people conducting the poll.

2020 Election Forecast 6 Models

Was the 2020 election rigged? Absolutely! All the studies show that removing the mail-in ballots won Trump’s election. However, the computer showed 50/50 rates with three models for each side. The computer forecasts have been correct. They are by no means my opinion.

10 Decide Election

Normally, at most, 10% of the population decides the president. It is always the independent thinker. Obama won the general election with 52.9% of the popular vote. I have said many times, that the only presidents ever elected with more than 60% were FDR, Johnson after the Kennedy Assassination, and Richard Nixon. Everyone else wins with typically less than 55%. This is NOT a Democracy. We live in a Republic. ALL republics collapse from within. No enemy will defeat America; we are doing that quite well without the help of Putin or Xi. You cannot do what Biden is doing, using a couple of percent to impose a dictatorship upon the rest.

2028 Presidential forecast

Now, look at the projections for 2028. I have NEVER seen a president get 70%, no less than 78.3%, of the vote. The footnote that Socrates is highlighting is that there may not even be a 2028 election. We are staring into the eyes of civil unrest that will tear the country apart at the seams.

Liberty Crying

The Democrats have been trying to bar Trump from running with the 14th Amendment BS. That has not worked, so they have Soros-backed Democrats prosecuting Trump in four forums, trying to bleed him dry financially while simultaneously keeping him off the campaign trail with outrageous court orders. Even this is not enough. They have utterly destroyed everything the Constitution was meant to prevent. LIBERTY no longer exists. Just look at what they are doing to Jake Lang. This is the treatment you get when they have no valid evidence.

Government never admits mistakes

The government lied to us about COVID. That has started the collapse of confidence in the government. Socrates warned the PEAK IN GOVERNMENT CONFIDENCE was 2015.75 on the ECM. Trump was elected in 2016, and the Democrats have been doing everything to defend the SWAMP.

Just look at the so-called terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. Why are they never put on trial and are still imprisoned without Due Process of Law against everything every nation has ascribed to for generations? Because those in government WILL NEVER ADMIT A MISTAKE! The Jury found him not guilty of 223 counts.  Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was the BEST case they had. Obama reiterated his first campaign promise to close Guantanamo Bay and end torture back in 2008. That was a lie, and it is still open 23 years later. Why has nobody else been placed on trial? Because they have no case. When they tried to secretly release some prisoners, they sent them back in jeans and t-shirts. They were killed because others assumed that they had been brainwashed by the Americans. The government will not put these people on trial because they were WRONG! 

Despite these unprecedented and desperate measures they are now targeting against Trump, he still beats President Joe Biden in key battleground states. They have destroyed the rule of law for political gain, and this alone will destroy the nation because when the other side gains power, they will retaliate and do the same. This is an invitation to prosecutors in the Red States to start going after the Democrats for interfering in the election. We all know now that COVID was a lie, Epstein didn’t kill himself, and Biden didn’t win.

Mill John Stuart Legal Persecution

The unhappy reality is that their illegal campaign against Trump pretending to use law, relentless as it’s been, isn’t working out quite the way they had anticipated. When it comes time to redesign the government, we MUST strip the government of any right to prosecute crimes legally. In ancient Athens, if you killed someone, it was the duty of their family to prosecute you—not the state. The only state crimes were against the state or the gods—i.e., the trial of Socrates. The king of England used to fine people for anything. That was the Magna Carta insistent upon a jury trial.  He lost revenue and then inserted himself into private disputes, claiming the theory it “disturbed his peace.” Suddenly, the King became the prosecutor, and in so doing, he used the law for political purposes, which is what John Stuart Mill wrote in his epic book – On Liberty. He explained that the reform still had not freed the people from “legal persecution.”

Shakespeare Killl Lawyers

The Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution ensured the right to counsel. Why? Shakespeare’s account that the “first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers” meant the king’s prosecutors because the people had no lawyers. This is the damage that the Democrats have unleashed upon the United States once again. These trials of Trump are interfering in the 2024 election, and historians will remember it as the beginning of the end of the United States. They will tear our nation apart at the seams. This is all the evil that the American Revolution was about. History repeats.

Soros Calls for Assassination of Trump

As Democrats rack their brains to come up with new and more creative ways to destroy Trump and retain power, Alex Soros showed the way implying assassinate Trump. We now have Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), ​​a ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, who has turned his attention to Soros’s suggestion. Soros is not just funding prosecutors to overturn the United States; he is interfering in elections, desperately trying to turn Florida and Texas Blue.

Thompson is trying to set the stage for that assassination by removing Trump’s personal safety.  Thompson introduced a bill designed to strip convicted felons of Secret Service protection. Here is the issue. A felon can run for President – that is NOT a bar to holding office. In case you’re wondering just how many convicted felons are currently receiving Secret Service protection, the answer is ZERO. But all that could change in a New York minute if Trump, who is facing 88 felony charges, is convicted on at least one.

Let me explain something here. THIS IS NOT POLITICAL GRAND STANDING-people are really saying kill Trump! The word behind the scenes is the Democrats are so fearful of losing their control that there are far more people taking that Trump needs a bullet. Even Alan Dershowitz has now come out and publically stated what many of us are hearing behind the headlines. The media would cheer if Trump is assassinated. Never in my entire life did I ever expect to see how low the politics have fallen into pure hatred. There was a guy who said he would put a bullet in Trump’s head, and the Department of Justice can’t find him – clearly because they don’t want to. Democratic Rep. Jason Crow said on CNN, of course:

“Donald Trump is a very violent and dangerous man,” Crow said, speaking on CNN this afternoon. “He is unstable. He is not well … he is a danger to … the domestic security of our nation and the security of individual Americans.” 

Statements like these are inciting violence on the opposite end of the political spectrum. The Democrats are so desperate to change the very fabric of the United States with their WOKE agenda seeking to destroy the family unit and divide groups, pitting them against one another, that we are dangerously cascading into a banana republic where heads of state are just assassinated to win elections. This is not the country I grew up in, and it is not what I wish to leave to my grandchildren.

Lenin Stalin

CENTRALIZED governments are authoritarian, and these decrees from Washington to rule from above are the very same usurpation that Stalin pulled off in Russia. Most assume he poisoned Lenin, who envisioned Russia as a confederation of independent states retaining their sovereignty, as was the case once upon a time in the United States. Lenin has even left a letter warning DO NOT ALLOW STALIN to follow him. When a federal government seeks dictatorial power over everyone, imposing a one-size-fits-all agenda, it cannot possibly survive. God help us! It was Khrushchev who began the de-Stalinization of Russia when he came to office. He tried to return Russia to the vision of Lenin. But the powers that be would not have that, and they staged a coup to remove him from office and replace him with Brezhnev. History repeats because HUMAN NATURE never changes, no matter what country you look at. We are in the midst of a coup to retain centralized power.

This New York Judge Merchan wants to imprison Trump, hoping that will secure the victory for Biden to complete the destruction of the United States as we know it. In this contempt hearing, the prosecutors said they are seeking a fine. “We are not yet seeking an incarceration penalty,” Assistant District Attorney Chris Conroy said. Many have been cautioning about imprisoning Trump. That would divide the country like never before, and there might not be enough police in NYC to protect this judge and prosecutors.  Thus, many have been warning not to imprison Trump, but some have proposed putting him in a holding cell in the courthouse rather than on Riker’s Island. This would create a real nightmare for the Secret Service, but sources confirm they are planning contingencies. This, no doubt, is the support behind Thompson stripping the Secret Service from a felon so Judge Merchan can imprison Trump.

Bidin is pushing a 44.6% capital gains tax plus your state tax, which will devastate investment. Undoubtedly, our computer shows a recession into 2028, which can be achieved by undermining investment. The Democrats did that to real estate and created the Savings & Loan crisis by raising taxes, and they created a sell-only market. Whatever wealth you thought you had in your home will be destroyed under this Democratic proposal. They view us as the enemy, and they decide what we are allowed to keep from our income because the LEFT always sees us as economic slaves, and they own everything. Schwab is saying that when you will own nothing, but you will NOT be happy – I went behind the Berlin Wall before it fell.

Representative Dan Goldman, a New York Democrat and former prosecutor who worked on Trump’s first impeachment inquiry in the House, has been a particularly outrageous Democrat who has vehemently hated Trump, claiming he is a threat to Democracy. But that is minor. He said this during an appearance on MSNBC‘s Inside With Jen Psaki.

“It is just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit. He is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be eliminated.”

LIVE: Pres. Trump Speaks at “Buckeye Values PAC Rally” in Dayton, Ohio – 3/16/24

Posted originally on the CTH on March 16, 2024 | Ad rem

President Donald J. Trump will appear as a Special Guest Speaker at a Buckeye Values PAC Rally in Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday, March 16, 2024.  The event, at the Dayton International Airport, was organized by Buckeye Values PAC, an outside group supporting Bernie Moreno – who is running for the chance to take on Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown this fall.

The president is scheduled to speak at 4 p.m. ET.


RSBN YouTube Livestream – RSBN Rumble Livestream

When the Rule of Law Fails – Civilization Follows

Posted originally on Feb 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Smither Jack Prosecutor

There is rising speculation over whether prosecutors in Donald Trump’s classified documents case, Jack Smith, will attempt to have presiding Judge Aileen Cannon recused (removed) from the trial after she granted the defense access to certain unredacted classified papers. Smith wants to deny Trump any knowledge of who will testify against him. This is typical of an unethical prosecutor who manipulates judges and courts to ensure they always win and keep the highest conviction rate in the world, along with the 500% greater chance you will go to prison in the USA rather than China.

TR Docket Sealed

In my case, after Republic National Bank pled guilty with a deal to return all the money they stole and make all my clients whole with the promise nobody in the bank would ever go to prison, as always in New York, I filed a motion before Judge McKenna which was to compel the government to explain what were the charges since in a reverse proffer session they finally admitted I stole no money. I represented myself because they had taken my lawyers away with another parallel civil court. I filed this motion to compel the government to explain just the theory of the case. They argued this was a pro se brief, and the court could not expect them to answer because I did not know the law to defend myself. I then moved to dismiss the case since if I did not know the law to defend myself; then I could not have knowingly violated the law. Judge McKenna smiled and asked the government if they would not answer my motion now.

Republic Pays 606 WSJ

Since they had no answer, they went to the Chief Judge, had my case removed from Judge McKenna, and reassigned it to Judge Keenan, who instantly denied that motion. This is how these prosecutors act. The Constitution, law, due process, nothing matters to them. They MUST retain their perfect conviction rate. Jack Smith is now widely expected to pull the same maneuver. We will see if the Florida Federal Court is as corrupt as New York. Just for the record, they should have made a motion to recuse before Judge McKenna, to which I should have had the due process right to object. That was denied by the back-room deal with the Chief Judge, and then, as you can see, they sealed the records, so I cannot even see how they removed the judge.

FT June 27 1998 Rouble

Judge Keenan, a former prosecutor, should also have had a hearing to allow me to object to this back-room deal – he did not.  The bankers told the government I had to be shut down because they were losing money in their manipulations. I had forecast that Russia would collapse in June 1998 within about 30 days. That was the collapse of the Long-Term Capital Management.

NYT Soros_s_Quantum_Fund_lost 2 billion

Even Edmond Safra, the owner of Republic National Bank, lost over $1 billion, so I believe he stole the funds from me and told the government he had no idea where the money was. All you had to do was go down the list of all the big players who lost billions, for they assumed if they ganged up together, they could manipulate the world. Just look at who had all loses on the same trade, and that is the evidence that they are “the club,” as I call it; they do not compete against each other but join together. If they were manufacturing cars, they would be charged under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act statutes and broken up like AT&T, etc.

When I asked a NY Lawyer why bankers are never charged? He said: “You don’t shit where you eat.“The prosecutors were so bought that no rational person would ever believe $1 billion left a bank, and they had no idea where it was. There would be a wire transfer, a check written – something! There was nothing. They could not be that stupid. This was all about shutting down my First Amendment rights and stopping the forecasting.

Keenan John

It became obvious when Judge Keenan dared to publicly claim I stole the idea for the ECM from the 1998 Movie Pi. They could care less about even facts when they alleged I was dealing in Japan back in 1992. I suppose I used a time machine as well. It was the forecasting they were desperately trying to discredit at all costs to support the bankers manipulating the markets and blowing up the world economy every time.

Keenan 4 10 07 Movie Pi

The Southern District of NY court is beyond all hope – it’s too corrupt. Judges commit felonies all the time, and they alter the transcripts, changing the very words spoken in court. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals dared to claim they lacked the power to order judges to obey the law – see US v ZICHETTELLO id/97. I argued since time means nothing and they can change the words spoken in court, they might as well say I confessed to killing JFK while they were at it and just order the death penalty since trials are a nuisance anyway. Stalin executed Kondratieff because he said there was a cycle and communism would collapse as well. He was taken from court when they ran out of reasons to imprison him and just shot him in the parking lot.

Trump does not stand a chance of winning in New York City. I have never seen the courts there EVER provide a fair trial to anyone! There is a higher probability that it will snow in Hell before Trump ever gets a fair trial in New York City. We are NOW about to see if the Florida courts are as corrupt as New York. Jack Smith will try a backroom deal and say the President needs this. Tuesday, Judge Cannon ruled in favor of Trump, stating the filing from Jack Smith:

fails to identify the information at issue, provide any explanation about the nature of the investigation, or explain how disclosure of the code name would prejudice or jeopardize the integrity of the separate investigation (assuming it remains ongoing).

With each passing day, this corruption is becoming so bad that the only solution becomes separation of the United States, particularly in light of the Biden Administration seeking a total dictatorship over Texas, tearing up the constitution and nullifying all State’s rights, which the Founding Fathers swore that day would NEVER come – see Federalist #46.

Without the Rule of Law – Civilization Cannot Exist.

The worst kid you ever knew in high school becomes a prosecutor.

The Broker – Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Schedule Meeting in Turkey Next Month

Posted originally on the CTH on January 29, 2024 | Sundance

While Turkey is a NATO ally, Recep Erdogan strategically refused to participate in the process to ostracize Russia.  True to Erdogan’s strategic political interests of being an influence broker, Turkey is the only NATO country that does not participate in the sanctions regime against Russia.  Next month Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to Turkey for diplomatic discussions.

Turkey represents the literal gateway for most Western travel into and out of Russia.  However, first things first.  Despite the position of Turkey, notice how Hungary receives all the EU admonitions for not supporting the Ukraine side of the conflict, while NATO/EU never criticize Turkey who never even joined the EU/Western sanctions regime.  Inside that hypocritical contrast there is a revealing story.

Turkey established themselves as the neutral entity for future brokering negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.  Turkey has multiple geopolitical ties to Russia, including the purchase of Russian military equipment.  Apparently, despite the severity of the original sanction demand, Western interests -specifically the U.S. government- had no issue with Turkey proactively taking their ‘neutral’ position.  Always remember this.

Given all of the domestic headlines in the USA, there is a very good reason for Americans to keep paying attention to all things that happen in the orbit of Russia right now. Many people ponder the issue of a dollar-based central bank digital currency; however, only a few people have paid attention to the self-fulfilling prophecy of the CBDC that was created by the Russian sanctions regime.

Those who ask about the possibility/probability of a dollar-based CBDC, and the possibility of the timeframe therein, should always be referenced back to the Western financial sanctions against Russia.  It was that triggering point that put the USA and Western alliance on the irreversible path to the U.S CBDC, and the process is no longer a matter of “if” because the determining issue is no longer (primarily) in U.S. control.

The de-dollarization of half the trade globe, the general cleaving of finance that followed the Russian sanctions (see the efforts of BRICS+), has essentially created a system where major economic nations are trading between themselves in non-dollar-based exchanges.  India trades with Russia in Rupes to Rubles. China trades with Russia on old fashioned ledgers of value (due to proximity somewhat of a quasi-bartering system); Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, South Africa and a host of non-Western nations are all in various stages of direct trade in national currency outside the dollar zone.

At the core of the issue behind the question of a U.S. or dollar-based Central Bank Digital Currency, you will find this global financial cleaving.   Intra-Western trade (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the EU) is still done in dollars, and trade done into the Western system is still done in dollars.  Ex. if China wants to trade into the USA, they must complete transactions in dollars. However, trade from grey zone to grey zone nation is no longer contingent upon dollars.

Very few people are talking about these new financial trade alternatives. Yet ultimately, this cleaving is likely what will result in a dollar-based U.S CBDC.   Remember, the need for alternative trade currencies was triggered in time by the immediacy of the sanctions against Russia.  I do not believe the Western financial alliance thought the Russian allies could assemble the alternative so quickly.

If the DoS and CIA truly believed the sanctions would cripple Russia, it’s then likely our institutions vastly underestimated the prior diplomatic talks that preceded those sanctions.  As a big picture consequence, no geopolitical issue is as connected to your kitchen table as anything that connects with Russia.  So, pay close attention to how Russia is engaged by the rest of the non-Western world (grey zone), and you will get a good idea about the speed and timing of a pending U.S. CBDC.

As soon as the grey zone trade is predicted to take place in non-dollar terms, the U.S CBDC will be fast-tracked.  The only way for President Donald Trump to stop the CBDC process would be to immediately end the Russia-Ukraine conflict and subsequently remove the sanctions. [And that might not even work.]  As long as there are financial trade blocks based on dollars and who we like, there will be an easy justification for the financial cleaving to continue.

RUSSIA – Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Turkey next month in a rare foreign trip to a NATO nation, according to a Kremlin announcement on Monday.

Yuri Ushakov, a top adviser to Putin on foreign policy matters, told the Interfax news outlet that “a visit is being prepared.” As to the purpose of the visit, Ushakov added: “I can say that Ukrainian issues will probably be one of the main subjects of negotiations.”

Though a key NATO nation, Turkey and its president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, serve as a rare diplomatic bridge between the Kremlin and its Western rivals. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Ankara has supported Ukraine with military supplies while refusing to join Western sanctions on Moscow.

Turkey has positioned itself as a mediator between the two nations, hosting two rounds of peace talks in Antalya and Istanbul in 2022. Turkey was also key to the Black Sea Grain Initiative that temporarily facilitated the export of agricultural products from southern Ukrainian ports amid Russia’s naval blockade.

Following a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the beginning of this month, Erdoğan said Ankara remains ready to help “establish lasting peace, stability and prosperity in our region.”

“We have previously acted as a host country for direct talks between the parties to the conflict,” the president said. “We are, as before, ready to do our best in this matter and act as a mediator….Ukraine in order to take joint steps with Russia certainly needs to soften its position.”

Putin last visited a NATO nation in 2020 when he traveled to Germany to meet with then-Chancellor Angela Merkel. His Western travel options have been limited by his war on Ukraine and the arrest warrant issued for him in 2023 by the International Criminal Court over alleged related crimes. (read more)

I really do not like Turkish President Recep Erdogan.  His political policy is full of dangerous self-interest (Muslim Brotherhood) and thirst for power (recreation of the Ottoman empire).  However, on the issue of ending this Russia-Ukraine conflict, I will admit Erdogan has positioned himself very well.

If Trump wins in November, Erdogan will play a major role in the end of hostilities.

You might even say Erdogan holds the key to eliminating the self-fulfilling prophecy of a US CBDC that Obama/Biden created.

The GOP Backs Trump – Kennedy Warns of Civil War

Posted originally on Dec 21, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

2024 election

Finally, the Republicans have come together as a party to condemn the absolute tyranny of current administration. The leading GOP candidates have put their criticisms aside to express their absolute disgust at the Colorado’s Supreme Court’s ruling to remove Trump from the ballot.

Vivek Ramaswamy

No candidate was more outspoken in his disgust than Vivek Ramaswamy who has vowed to remove his own name from Colorado’s ballot if disqualified. “Today’s decision is the latest election interference tactic to silence political opponents and swing the election for whatever puppet the Democrats put up this time by depriving Americans of the right to vote for their candidate of choice,” said Ramaswamy. He accurately noted that the Democrats have tried EVERY trick in the book to block a Trump 2024 victory. Below is the letter he posted on X, explaining why weaponizing our elections denies EVERYONE the freedoms we were promised by the Founding Fathers of this very nation.

Establishment favorite Nikki Haley has even condemned the measure, albeit lightly. “We don’t need to have judges making these decisions, we need voters to make these decisions so I want to see this in the hands of the voters. We’re going to win this the right way, we’re going to do what we need to do,” she commented. Of course, she is obligated to say this as this obvious abuse of the justice system has enraged the public.

Ron DeSantis reposted a gif of bananas dancing as a nod to the lawless banana republic this nation has dissolved into. “The Left invokes “democracy” to justify its use of power, even if it means abusing judicial power to remove a candidate from the ballot based on spurious legal grounds. SCOTUS should reverse,” he posted on X.

At the time of this writing, Vivek is the only candidate bold enough to remove himself from Colorado’s ballot. He vehemently believes candidates are proving that this measure was effective if they fail to follow suit.

Trump Won NYC

Robert F. Kennedy, an Independent, warned the nation’s voters that they should be extremely concerned about the future of the US. “Every American should be troubled by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove President Trump from the ballot. The court has deprived him of a consequential right without having been convicted of a crime. This was done without an evidentiary hearing in which he is given the basic right of confronting his accusers,” he posted to X. “If Trump is kept out of office through judicial fiat rather than being defeated in a fair election, his supporters will never accept the result,” he added. “This country will become ungovernable. It’s time to trust the voters. It is up to the people to decide who the best candidate is. Not the courts. The people. That’s Democracy 101.”

Trump Not My President

Listen to what Kennedy is explaining here. Trump is currently the most popular candidate by far. If he is denied the opportunity to run in an election, the people will NEVER ACCEPT THE RESULTS. They are setting the stage for a Civil War if they fail to allow Trump to run again. It does not matter who wins the next election, as neither side will accept defeat. Half of the nation will view this move as blatant election fraud and manipulation, and as Kennedy said, “This country will become ungovernable.”

Judge Chutkan Indicates She Will Have to Pause DC Prosecution Until Presidential Immunity Decided

Posted originally on the CTH on December 13, 2023 | Sundance 

In a three-page opinion and order [pdf Available Here], DC District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan outlines that she may be forced to pause the case against President Trump until the appellate court, and then likely the Supreme Court, make a decision on presidential immunity.

[Source pdf]

Within this opinion/order, we find the reason for Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to jump over the appellate court and ask the Supreme Court to expedite a review and determination on the issue.

The jurisdictional issue on the specifics of the pre-trial appeal is likely to slow down the trial dates being pushed by Special Prosecutor Smith.  Overall, this has been a very bad day for the Lawfare team, as they run into judicial processes that cannot be facilitated by politically motivated higher courts.

9.9.23: Revelations dripping in, Obama, Biden, Illegals, DS, Hold on! PRAY!

And We Know Posed originally on Rumble on:Sep 9, 11:20 am EDT

Investigating The DA of Georgia

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Sep 2, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The Collapse of the Rule of Law

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Aug 16, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I hear Trump is to be arraigned, this time the first with a mugshot that will certainly go viral worldwide, on Aug. 25th. This is immediately after the BRICS summit on Aug, 22-24 with discussions of a new non-dollar trading currency. I can’t believe these lunatics are going to prove to the world America is now a banana republic at such a critical juncture of time. They just can’t help themselves can they? Your De-Dollarization report released this month couldn’t have been timed better.

Regards, Rob

REPLY: Our computer had this week for a Directional Change and next week as a target for a turning point. Then we have a Panic Cycle the week of September 25th. Our February Monthly AI Timing Array, published on the private blog, showed that August was a key turning point. There was a Direction Change in April and a May low. June suddenly rallied and closed above the May high. August has been a key target, and the volatility will rise afterward.

We have a severe Constitutional Crisis. All of these prosecutions against Trump are to interfere with the 2024 election, which violates everyone’s constitutional rights. But worse still, they have all coordinated their attacks and conspired together. This is destroying our legal system. This will now be unrestrained about the legal system, for Republican prosecutors are now free to indict Hillary, Pelosi, and down the line. State prosecutors can now indict all the Democrats, and the DOJ, firmly in control of the Neocons, cannot order a state prosecutor to stand down. All of these indictments against Trump when he is the lead candidate for the 2024 election signals to the entire world that this is the end of the United States experiment in Liberty & Justice for All. It is simply all over. The abuse of the law will now become a free-for-all. Mark Meadows has already moved to transfer the case from the crazy prosecutor to a federal court.

The intent expressly stated in the Constitution recognized that there could be a situation where they would charge a Senator or Congressman and prevent them from voting in order to pass an unpopular bill. Even the founding fathers never anticipated that they would use the law to prevent someone from running for office. This violated everybody in this country’s fundamental substantive due process of law.

U.S. Constitution Article I. Legislative Branch Section VI Clause I

The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

There is such a thing as the Supervisory Power of the Supreme Court. Because Trump is now charged in three separate states, plus the notorious District of Columbia, this calls for a petition directly to the Supreme Court under their Supervisory Power because each court pretends that Trump is not the leading candidate. Here we have this ethically corrupt judge in DC who refuses to even acknowledge that Trump was the president calling him Mr. Trump in court. This demonstrates her bias.

Before Justice Barrett joined the Supreme Court, we commented on the Supervisory power of the Supreme Court.

The Supervisory Power of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court’s relationship to inferior federal courts is not a matter on which the Court typically reflects in any depth. Nevertheless,
the Court in Dickerson recently expressed great confidence in at least one aspect of that relationship: its authority over inferior federal court
procedure, even outside the confines of the statutorily authorized federal rulemaking process. As Dickerson suggests, the idea that the Supreme
Court possesses supervisory authority over inferior court procedure is well
entrenched in its cases.

Dickerson v. United States 530 U.S. 428, 437 (2000)

Each of these courts is out to interfere with the 2024 election. The prosecutors have coordinated these indictments, and as such, they have CONSPIRED against all the civil rights of every person in the United States. I am NOT writing this as a Trump supporter. If the Republicans did this to a Democratic candidate, the law would be the same. I fear that this has now become the NORM, and as such, NO ethical person will ever dare try to run for office if his family is assaulted, and he would be criminally charged for nonsense because a powerful group does not like his policies. EVERY Democrat in Congress should now demand that Biden pardon Trump, for if they do not, the United States will be torn apart, the Republicans will retaliate against Democrats, and the rule of law will collapse.

On June 25, 2020BEFORE the election, we posted that the election would be manipulated and that Trump should have won. Still, our computer was warning he would probably lose since our geopolitical models showed it could not be Trump starting wars. I warned that historians recorded that the election of 53 BC in Rome was so corrupt that all the bribing got so out of hand that interest rates virtually doubled to pay all the bribes. Given that interest rates before the election of 53 BC had stood at 4% and in post-election years 8%. That corruption undermined the economy, and interest rates rose further during the peak of speculation before the crash stood at 12%.

It was a Debt Crisis that forced Julius Caesar to cross the Rubicon in 49 BC – not a thirst for power. The people cheered Caesar, and it was the senators who fled Rome and ran to Asia, for the people would not support them. The negative image of Caesar was fake news spun by Cicero, who was only of the corrupt oligarchs. I wrote for the conclusion of that June 25th, 2020 post:

“So buckle up. The election of 2020 is going to be the most corrupt, manipulated, and outright fraudulent election in American history. There is a lot at stake. This is a major effort by Marxists to take control. The election of 53 BC was the precursor to civil unrest which began just 3.14 years later when Julius Caesar (100-44BC) crossed the Rubicon on January 10-11, 49 BC. Interestingly enough, it will be four years to the peak of this Economic Confidence Model – 2024.”

We will not even make it to the November 2024 elections. This corruption will lead to a turn in the entire world economy post-May 7/8th, 2024. The 2020 election took place on November 3rd, 2020 (2020.841). Our Rubicon today may very well be 2023.981 – December 24th. Perhaps this will be our political Christmas gift to the world so they see America as not much different than a banana republic. Maybe that is why Biden is flooding the country with illegal aliens with their hand out for welfare.

In 1985, we took the back cover of the Economist for three weeks in July. We announced the peak in the dollar and the end of deflation. Our AI computer, which has the longest track record of anything in the world, was correct then, and we forecasted the Age of the Takeover Boom.

We published these charts back then, demonstrating that the US share market was grossly undervalued. The low in the book value from the Great Depression occurred in 1977. That is what happens in a Public Wave – private assets become cheap. You could buy a company, sell its assets, and triple your money. We had forecast that the Dow would rise from 1,000 to 6,000, and many thought we were nuts back then.

Yes, we attracted the takeover players who used our model to make a lot of money. Alan Bond used it to create Bond University in Australia.

The point here is straightforward. I have warned that our computer has been so negative on the 2024 election even Zero Hedge reported that I was warning, “We may not even have an election in 2024…”

Our computer projected that Trump would win the 2016 election against all the biased polls. Three out of four of our models’ projected that Trump would win, and one was a tie.

Our computer was the ONLY forecast that Nigel Farage would win with BREXIT. Nigel came and spoke at our Rome WEC in 2019 and said just that – we were the only ones to forecast his victory. He had to come because we were the “alternative to Davos.”

When we look at the computer forecast for the popular vote for 2020 compared to 2024, we have warned that the 2020 election would be very close. Our six model group was split 50/50 for the 2020 election. Now turning to the 2024 election, we have four models projecting a Republican win, but look at two of the projections – 61% and 59%. This is absolutely incredible. The only such victory that reached 61% was that of 1920 and FDR in 1936, which is eerily similar.

To Judicial Watch – if you are really interested in defending the Constitution, I urge you to petition the Supreme Court under its Supervisory Power to intervene since we have four proceedings intending to prevent Trump from being elected. The Neocons KNOW they are in trouble, and if Trump won, he now knows the same, and he would drain the Swamp this time. That is why they cannot let him in the White House, and I fear if they cannot block him with prison, they will assassinate him.

The Neocons MUST stop Trump at all costs, for they intend to create World War III.

  There will NEVER be a Fair Election Ever Again!

Sam Bankman-Fried Heading to Prison After Intimidating Key Witness Using Leaks to New York Times

Posted originally on the CTH on August 11, 2023 | Sundance 

Let’s see… We will trade you one SBF incarceration in exchange for one DJT incarceration and call it fair.

After a US judge in New York tells Sam Bankman-Fried he does not have unlimited first amendment rights, Judge Lewis Kaplan revoked bail and sent SBF to jail for using leaks to the media to intimidate a key federal witness against him – his former girlfriend.

Setting the stage for…

A US judge in DC telling President Donald John Trump he does not have unlimited first amendment rights; establishing the groundwork for sending DJT to jail for using his political platform to intimate Mike Pence, a key federal witness against him – his former Vice President.

Both of these things happened.  A narrative coincidence, I’m sure.

(Via NBC) – Sam Bankman-Fried will head to jail on Friday after a judge sided with a request by federal prosecutors to revoke the FTX founder’s bail over alleged witness tampering. Bankman-Fried will be remanded to custody directly from a court hearing in New York, where he will remain ahead of his criminal trial – which is due to begin on Oct. 2. 

Judge Lewis Kaplan denied Bankman-Fried’s request for delayed detention pending an appeal.

[…] In the motion requesting Bankman-Fried’s detention, the government said that, over the last several months, the defendant had sent over 100 emails to the media and had made over 1,000 phone calls to members of the press. The final straw, according to prosecutors, was Bankman-Fried leaking private diary entries of his ex-girlfriend, Caroline Ellison, to the New York Times. Ellison pleaded guilty to federal charges in Dec. 2022.

Ellison, who is also the former chief executive of Bankman-Fried’s failed crypto hedge fund, Alameda Research, has been cooperating with the government since December and is expected to be a star witness for the prosecution. 

[…] The prosecution described the effort by Bankman-Fried – who faces several wire and securities fraud charges related to the alleged multibillion-dollar FTX fraud – as an attempt to discredit Ellison, characterizing it as a “means of indirect witness intimidation through the press.” 

It is an argument that proved sufficient to convince Judge Kaplan to send Bankman-Fried to jail ahead of his trial. (more)

Meanwhile in DC….

(Politico) – U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan warned Donald Trump and his attorney Friday that repeated “inflammatory” statements about his latest criminal prosecution would force her to speed his trial on charges related to his bid to subvert the 2020 election.

“I caution you and your client to take special care in your public statements about this case,” Chutkan told Trump lawyer John Lauro during a hearing. “I will take whatever measures are necessary to safeguard the integrity of these proceedings.”

Chutkan’s stark admonition came at the conclusion of her first courtroom session in the newest criminal case against the former president. The aim of the hearing was for special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecutors and Trump’s attorneys to hash out disputes about the handling of evidence in the case. Once Chutkan enters a so-called “protective order” governing evidence, prosecutors say they’re prepared to share millions of pages of documents with Trump’s team, jumpstarting the case and setting it on a path to trial.

But Chutkan, aware of the national spotlight on her oversight of the explosive case, repeatedly emphasized that she intended to keep politics out of the courtroom and treat Trump like any other criminal defendant. That included potential consequences if he makes statements that could be construed as harassing or threatening witnesses.

“The fact that he’s running a political campaign has to yield to the orderly administration of justice,” Chutkan said. “If that means he can’t say exactly what he wants to say about witnesses in this case, that’s how it has to be.”

“Even arguably ambiguous statements from parties or their counsel, if they can be reasonably interpreted to intimidate witnesses or to prejudice potential jurors, can threaten the process,” Chutkan added later. (read more)