Surviving Nuclear War

Posted originally on Feb 3, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Seaweed Food

COMMENT: I just read Newsweek. I now know why you live on the beach. You can convert the water to fresh and live off of seaweed. Very interesting.


Beach Lovely

REPLY: Paul, I also like the fresh air, the white sand, blue water, and the sky is different every day.

Zelensky Tried to Capture Russia in 2012? Re-Posted Nov 13, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Some say that life is a movie, which is certainly the case for Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky is first and foremost an actor. He was a proper choice as a puppet president because he could successfully parade around as if he were a concerned leader when he only cares about stuffing his pockets with the USD while his own people perish. In 2012, two years before the Ukrainian Revolution, Zelensky was parading around as Napolean in a comedy where he invades and attempts to capture Russia but fails.

“Rzhevsky vs. Napoleon” was released on the 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s failed invasion of Russia in 1812. Life truly is stranger than fiction at times. In the film, Zelensky portrays an over-the-top comedic version of Napolean and invades Moscow. A man dressed as a woman, acting as a Russian spy, seduces Zelensky in the film. He ultimately loses the war due to sheer stupidity. So while Putin was president, making serious life and death decisions for a nation, Zelensky was running around like an utter fool. Hence, Ukraine banned the film in 2015 prior to Zelensky being installed as president. But nothing can ever truly be deleted from the internet.

When the real Napolean attempted to conquer St. Petersburg, he failed largely due to Russian Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov. Kutuzov knew he could starve out France’s army, leaving them to battle the harsh winter without supplies. Ukraine would have been depleted of its resources as well, but the West has prevented that from happening.

There is a reason that this film is banned in Ukraine, and most have never heard of the title. How could you take this man seriously as a leader after watching this nonsense? Should Britain ask Mr. Bean to become the Prime Minister? Perhaps Adam Sandler would do a better job in office than Joe Biden. Zelensky is an absolute joke, and one should wonder why governments have given him hundreds of billions when he is not qualified to lead even an imaginary army. Zelensky has always been after fortune and fame — he is NOT a real leader.

No Worries Re-Posted Nov 10, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Biden Destoryed America


Oxford University Press: Should Animals Have the Right to Vote?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Humor Re-Posted Oct 17, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

A bit of a light-hearted story amid the 24/7 news cycle of death and destruction. Extremists among the animal rights community believe that animals deserve the right to vote in elections. As asinine as this theory sounds, the community has managed to publish their proposal in the Oxford University Press, a respected source. “Should Animals Have the Right to Vote?” explores the possibility of allowing animals to vote.

Identification is not required to vote, so the animals are OK in that respect. Dead animals could even vote in America. Wild animals are not permitted in most public buildings for obvious reasons, which is a great reason to keep mail-in voting available. These people believe that each animal should receive a human representative to cast votes on their behalf. The article explains:

“Suppose it were suggested that animals’ interests would be even better protected if we recognized a right of political participation to animals. One way to do that would be to have human representatives cast votes on behalf of animals with respect to different legislative proposals. Thus, monkeys, parrots, and other creatures in the Amazonian forests in Brazil would have a say in the adoption or rejection of laws impacting their environment. Pigs, cows, and chickens on animal farms would have a say on laws related to their life conditions. This proposal would elevate animals to the status of actual actors in the political process. Right now, animals are merely subjects of our legal protection, but they don’t get to directly influence their own welfare. Under the proposal just stated, animals would have more direct control over their lives.”

How will they know if the deer or monkey is a MAGA extremist incapable of choosing the right candidate? Simple – they will vote in favor of anyone promoting the climate change agenda and other causes that the Democrats support. “For example, some candidates in an election might propose laws offering a mandatory minimum food quantity for certain categories of animals, say rabbits. Similarly, a candidate could promise shelter to various species (e.g., subsidizing farmers to build more sheds for horses and cows). In those cases, the animals’ vote would go to those candidates.”

It is safe to say that dogs would have voted against Fauci’s brutal experiments. Bats will begin forming their own political party after their image was ruined in 2020. The rodents who solely live off of others will vote for socialistic policies.

Does the wildlife support the Great Reset? The article mentions nothing about giving bugs the right to vote, so they’re still safe for consumption since most animals would vote against the slaughterhouse. Perhaps the cows will vote to permit chickens to be slaughtered like the Chic-Fil-A advertisements. A reduced human population would be in their best interest, but dogs would likely oppose such a measure. Cats are anarchists and this could create political upheaval in homes with more than one animal. The animal vote would also overpower the human vote, and at this point the two are barely distinguishable.

Remember When

Armstrong Economics Blog/Humor Re-Posted Oct 5, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Remember when-2

I See Dead Voters

Armstrong Economics Blog/Humor Re-Posted Sep 10, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

It’s All in the Genes

Armstrong Economics Blog/Humor Re-Posted Sep 6, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Marty, we have to get you a 23-year-old wife. I just read this study that if you marry a younger woman, you live longer.  Come on! Take on for the team!


ANSWER: Yes, that makes sense because a younger woman keeps you more active. I have seen that even in real life. My mother was 15 years junior to my father. That may be why the divorce rate is higher the closer the age.

Before socialism in the 1930s, you had to get the house, the chickens, and the farm and then go to a girl’s father and ask for her hand. His first question was – What do you have? You had to prove you could care for a family, for there was no welfare, etc. The Dowry went with the daughter, and that was really her pension to ensure she would be taken care of and any children. Socialism changed all that, and the age difference started declining post-WWII. Something was lost along the way concerning tradition.

I appreciate the thought. But would you be condemning a girl to a life with a workaholic. She would be miserable if she had no interest in what I do.

Grey hair does not run in my family, just salt & pepper; most seem to check out between 97 and 103. When I see a new doctor, they think there is a mistake with my age. It’s all in the genes.

Thanks anyway.

Good Stuff – President Donald J Trump Sings “Rich Men North of Richmond”

Posted originally on the CTH on September 6, 2023 | Sundance 

A remarkable remix by Maestro Ziikos puts President Donald Trump into the viral hit by Oliver Anthony, “Rich Men North of Richmond”.


Don’t Mess With Old People

Armstrong Economics Blog/Humor Re-Posted Sep 4, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Emma Kok singing Voilà

Armstrong Economics Blog/Opinion Re-Posted Sep 3, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The Amazing 15-year-old Emma Kok singing Voilà