Mike Davis: “This Is A Criminal Conspiracy To Violate Rights”

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Apr 26, 2024 at 07:50 pm EST

The Clinton-Fueled Haitian Crisis (video)

Posted originally on Mar 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Democrats Destroying the United States – Here Comes the Recession

Posted originally on Mar 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


The stats are in, revealing that Biden has flooded the nation with over 6.4 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S., bringing the total to now 13.7 million that the government must support. They bankrupting cities, raising crime like never before since countries are tempting their prisons and shipping them to Bidenville. The number of recorded immigrants flowing through the border is about 172,000 per month, and that does not count those whom Biden has been secretly flying in to hide the actual NUMBER.


The true crisis is that the Democrats are allowing these people in to change the politics of this country because their policies have been unpopular and are as destructive as Communism once was to China and Russia. These new arrivals are less educated and lack skills other than raw manual labor. In 2018, 55% of immigrants had a bachelor’s degree. You will not find that among the flood of illegals today. Today, nearly 50% lack any high school training. Aside from their lack of English skills, they are certainly not competent for the new age of computers.  The scuttlebutt in Marxville (Washington, DC) is that the majority of these illegal immigrants are male – approaching 55%. They will be offered citizenship if they join the military to build up in preparation for World War III.


As if this was not bad enough, Biden actually did declare World War III on Twitter dated March 26, 2022, stating that this was the start of the war to defeat Russia; he formally stated that this would be the “great battle for freedom” that was supposed to be between “democracy and autocracy” and “liberty and repression.” The problem is we live in an autocracy ourselves. We have no democratic right to decide if we are to go into World War III. The NEOCONS are in control of their hand puppet, and they decide they want to wage war against Russia. We, the people, are NEVER asked. We are to sacrifice our future and that of our children for the hatred the NEOCONS have against the Russian people. There is NOBODY interested in peace whatsoever.

Buy Bullets

On top of that, because Biden is not even in the White House 40% of the time, all these agencies are doing their own thing without any coordination. The NEOCONS control the State Department, and they threaten China with war over Taiwan. Meanwhile, Janet Yellen, on behalf of the Treasury, flies to China, begging them to buy US debt as the NEOCONS threaten war against them.

ECM Wave 2020 2028 Pi

Based on our Economic Confidence Model, the US economy will now go through an economic declineprojected to peak on May 7th. We should enter a 4-year decline into the summer of 2028, unleashing a recession but with higher inflation thanks to continued shortages. Now, consumers and businesses can expect more supply-chain problems thanks to this bridge collapse that will accelerate shortages impacting farmers. Indeed, one of the conspiracy theories concerning the bridge collapse has been that the Climate Change Zealots rigged the bridge to collapse, knowing that this would cut off the majority of fertilizer for farmers. This certainly helps their cause, for this is planting season, and cutting off the fertilizer supply at this critical moment may reduce the food supply this year.

WHCBT M Tech 3 29 24

Add the problem of this massive wave of illegal migrants that offer nothing to expand the economy but instead are here for everything free. A reduction in the food supply at this critical juncture may prove to be devasting when you have expanded it with illegals approaching 14 million. Even looking at Wheat, our computer is projecting a low here in March/April, and prices appear to be rising on the horizon. Throw in war, and commodities tend to rise faster. To put this immigration crisis in perspective, they now outnumber the population of EVERY state except four!

State ………… Population
California…… 38,889,770
Texas………… 30,976,754
Florida……… 22,975,931
New York….. 19,469,232

While cargo such as autos and coal will be rerouted to other ports, hazardous materials, including fuel, are prohibited from traveling through tunnels. That is why this bridge has been so vital. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg warned of delays and backlogs. This will contribute to the continued inflation we see, which will surpass economic growth. There will also be a massive loss of tens of thousands of port-related jobs. Part of the US Naval fleet is also not trapped.

The Democrats have clearly undermined the economy by refusing to close the border. Worse still, immigrants in Chicago have refused vaccinations of any kind, and the Feds say nothing while Americans lose their jobs for refusing to take COVID-19 vaccines. The combination of these events clearly undermines the economy, and civil unrest will rise as we enter a recession. The 2024 election will simply not be accepted by either side, and the hatred created politically undermines the viability of the United States to survive beyond 2032 as a single nation.

Toronto Police Suggests Permitting Auto Theft to Prevent Home Invasions

Posted Mar 18, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Thieves have been knocking down doors in Toronto neighborhoods. The government is not permitting the police to curtail crime and has sided with the criminals over the Canadian public. Toronto Police Service Constable Marco Ricciardi is now urging residents to leave their keys in their cars to make it easier for criminals to steal. “To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your [key] fobs at your front door because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car. They don’t want anything else,” Ricciardi said.

Major crime is rising in Toronto and throughout Canada, with Toronto actually being one of the safer cities. Auto theft increased by 37.7% last year, with 6,019 vehicles stolen, according to recent crime statistics. When compared with figures for 2021, auto theft increased by an alarming 50%.

The top ten major offences reported by the Toronto Police Service for 2023 year to date include:

  • Assault—21,398 (up 10.4%)
  • Auto Theft—8,287 (up 37.7%)
  • Breaking and Entering—4,821 (up 18.9%)
  • Robbery—2,086 (up 8.1%)
  • Sexual Violations—2,175 (up 12.1%)
  • Theft Over $5,000—1,194 (up 24.5%)
  • Assault with a weapon—3,059*
  • Assault Causing Bodily Harm—688*
  • Breaking and Entering with Intent—656*
  • Robbery with a Weapon—637*

Toronto neighborhoods experiencing the most significant year-to-date increases in major crimes include:

  • Princess-Rosethorn—up 208.9%
  • Kingsway South—up 138.1%
  • Miliken—up 106.2%
  • Bayview Woods-Steeles—up 100%
  • Banbury-Don Mills—up 85.7%

Twenty-six neighborhoods in Toronto reported a >50% increase in major crimes in the past year. Homicides are now rising with 689 reported in 2019 compared to 874 in 2022. There were only 49 recorded homicides in 1999, so one must ask, what changed? The demographics changed. The economy changed. And legislation, mainly gun laws, have changed. Toronto police have been prohibited from carrying revolvers since the 1990s. It is far more difficult for a law-abiding citizen to obtain a firearm compared to criminals, and people simply cannot defend their homes or families.

The Toronto police department and the Trudeau Administration should be absolutely ashamed. They expect citizens to quietly permit criminals to steal their possessions, threaten their families, and pander to illegal activities since they are forbidden from protecting their selves. Perhaps Trudeau should eliminate his security detail and stand in solidarity with the people who must accept living in a lawless land.

Murder and Rape Legal for Lawless Migrants

Posted Feb 27, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Laken Riley was a 22-year-old student on the Dean’s List at the Augusta University’s College of Nursing in Athens, Georgia, with a bright future ahead of her. She went for a run on a popular trail during the day and never returned home. Her body was found discarded in the woods and investigators, Democrat lawmakers, and the media have done everything to conceal the identity of her murderer. Laken Riley is one of countless victims targeted by illegal migrants who are above the law.

Initial reports of her murder did not include the assailant’s identity or migration status. Jose Antonio, 26, of Venezuela, entered the US through the El Paso, Texas, border passing that Texas Governor Abbott has attempted to secure. There is surveillance video footage of Antonio attacking Riley, but it was omitted from initial reports as the media continues to side with the criminals both in office and on the streets. Numerous media outlets described Antonio as an “Athens resident.” The Associated Press had the audacity to release a devious article entitled“The killing of a nursing student out for a run highlights the fears of solo female athletes,” suggesting that women “can try to say safer while exercising.” Riley notified her friends that she was going for a run and when to expect her back. She brought her phone and left during the broad daylight.

There is nothing that citizens can do to remain safe when illegal, unvetted aliens have more rights than law-abiding citizens.


There are countless stories of migrants committing crimes only to be released back out into society. Disgraced DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas believes that crimes committed by migrants “should not be politicized.” Mayorkas uttered this statement after a human smuggler killed a 71-year-old grandmother and her 7-year-old granddaughter. “All [DHS] had to do was make one phone call to El Salvador to know he was an MS-13 gang member on the list,” Angel Families said.

Angel Families is a new term used to describe families of victims murdered by illegal migrants. An organization by the same name is demanding that the Biden Administration uphold its oath to protect Americans from foreign invasion. “Our Goal is for this to happen before it takes hundreds of thousands of lives. Our American citizens deserve protection from illegal aliens and support from our politicians,” the organization stated.

The federal government is not imposing US laws on non-US citizens living on US taxpayer funds. It is now on individual states to implement legislation to protect their citizens. Even then, the federal government under Biden-Harris is pushing back on every single attempt to impose law and order.

Where are the feminist groups? The bleeding heart virtue-signaling liberals are in a state of cognitive dissonance where they cannot accept the reality that the illegal migrants pose a grave danger to society.

Mass deportation is the only answer, but that will never happen so long as the establishment remains in power. The cost of open border policies has risen to hundreds of billions, but no price tag can be placed on a human life.


Migrants Violently Attack Police – Released Without Bail

Posted originally on Feb 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

There is no law and order in Biden’s America, where not even the police are safe. A mob of migrants attacked two New York police officers in Times Square. Surveillance cameras captured the attack that occurred in broad daylight. You can see the migrants drag two officers to the sidewalk, where they proceed to kick and punch them as they lie helpless on the ground. Police are not permitted to defend themselves in New York, in general, but it would be a political uproar if they attempted to defend themselves against the illegal migrants.

The cops attempted to break up what is described as a disorderly group loitering. The situation turned violent after one cop attempted to make an arrest, leading to the entire group surrounding and attacking the police officers who were not permitted by law to protect themselves. Civilian employees of the NYPD are not even permitted to carry a gun. Five young men were arrested and immediately released back into the public where they could re-offend without consequence. A picture is circulating of one of the men giving reporters the middle finger as he casually walked out of the courthouse.

NY Police

“Do you want to know why our cops are getting assaulted? There are no consequences. And we must change this. End of story,” said NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell. These men are unvetted. They entered the nation illegally and continue to desecrate American law. Anyone attempting to control the illegal migrants is at risk because the law is not on their side.

“Attacks on police officers are becoming an epidemic, and the reason is the revolving door we’re seeing in cases like this one. It is impossible for police officers to deal effectively with crime and disorder if the justice system can’t or won’t protect us while we do that work,” PBA President Patrick Hendry. What these men did would be considered a felony that would result in possible jail time for any American citizen. People have lost their lives in much smaller alteractions with the authorities. The migrants bypass the law just as they bypassed the border and have become a danger to the public.

Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office released a message: “Violence against police officers is never acceptable. It is paramount that we conclusively identify each defendant and specify each participant’s role in the incident. Every defendant charged so far is facing felony charges that carry a penalty of up to seven years.” If violence is unacceptable, then why are you preventing the NYPD from upholding the law? You created this violence and chaos because the people would never support your causes.

Defund Police

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul lightly said, “I mean, if someone commits a crime against a police officer in the state of New York and they’re not here legally, it’s definitely worth checking into” in regards to deportation. Why on Earth would we allow VIOLENT CRIMINALS to roam free? Hochul wanted harsher punishments for people who refused the vaccine compared to illegal aliens who attacked public servants. These men absolutely need to be deported along with every other person who illegally entered this country. Crime is rising rapidly, and there is no one to protect us.

Instead of showing the footage of the attack, I am posting what other news outlets have failed to report – the police protests. The NYPD came together to protest the attack after the criminals were released without bail. Hochul, Braggs, and Adams should realize that these are the people protecting them from their new overseas blue voters. All hell would break loose in New York if the police department went on strike, and at this point, could you blame them?

943 Pages of Epstein Legal Documents Released

Posted originally on the CTH on January 3, 2024 | Sundance 

I don’t write much about the myriad of sick and twisted stories that surround Jeffrey Epstein, because everything in that rabbit hole is a matrix of perversion and manipulation by sick people, sick government officials, and blackmail material in a world of darkness and evil.

Additionally, all of the previous claims about Donald Trump being associated with that perverse industry and assembly are false {Citation Here}.  However, I can understand how the merge of exploitation, sex trafficking of young women, sexual blackmail and politics can hold ramifications for our current state of affairs.

The link to the recently released documents IS HERE.

If you want to discuss and share information as discovered by others, consider this a thread where that conversation can take place.

South Korean Opposition Leader Lee Jae-myung Brutally Stabbed in the neck

Posted originally on the CTH on January 1, 2024 | Sundance

59-year-old South Korea opposition leader Lee Jae-myung had just finished touring a construction site of a new airport on Gadeok Island when he was attacked and stabbed in neck while talking with reporters.

Numerous media outlets captured the horrific attack.

As a presidential candidate, Lee Jae-myung was in favor of normalizing relations with North Korea.


VIA BBC – Lee Jae-myung, who narrowly lost the presidential elections in 2022, was stabbed on the left side of his neck on Tuesday morning.

The male attacker was arrested at the scene.  Lee was transferred to a hospital about 20 minutes after the attack. He was conscious at the time, Yonhap said.

Mr Lee is not currently a member of South Korea’s legislature but is widely expected to run for a seat in the next general election, which will take place in April 2024.

He lost the 2022 presidential elections with a 0.73% difference in votes to current President Yoon Suk-yeol, making it the closest presidential race in South Korean history. (read more)

Mary & Tara – Confirmed, Child Trafficking At The Border Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine

Posted originally on Rumble By X22 Report on: Nov 18, 10:30 am EST

Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

Posted on originally on the CTH on September 4, 2023 | Sundance 

That’s BILLION, with a “B”.   According to recently revealed court transcripts, in the US Virgin Islands lawsuit against JPMorgan, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death the massive bank reported over $1 billion in suspicious activity reports to the U.S. Treasury.

Attorney for USVA, Mimi Liu, outlined details to Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan last Thursday.  According to the astonishing revelations, the entire financial relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and JPMorgan was centered around payments for sex trafficking.  There was no other business between the two entities in the 16 years of Epstein’s use of the bank.  All of the Epstein account transactions were based around his sex trafficking operation.

Additionally, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death, JPMorgan then reported at least $1 billion worth of transactions under the auspices of “suspicious activity.”  This certainly looks like what lawyer Mimi Liu called in court, “covering their ass.”

[VIA CNBC] – JPMorgan Chase notified the Treasury Department of more than $1 billion in transactions related to “human trafficking” by Jeffrey Epstein dating back 16 years after the notorious sex predator killed himself in 2019, a lawyer for the U.S. Virgin Islands told a federal judge at a hearing.

“Epstein’s entire business with JPMorgan and JPMorgan’s entire business with Epstein was human trafficking,” Mimi Liu, an attorney for the Virgin Islands, told Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan on Thursday, according to a transcript reviewed by CNBC.

Liu cited the bank’s notification to the Treasury Department as she argued that Rakoff should issue a summary judgment against JPMorgan.

The huge bank is being sued by the Virgin Islands government for allegedly facilitating sex trafficking by Epstein of young women when he was a JPMorgan customer from 1998 through 2013. (read more)

This certainly puts some semblance of scale to the issues around Epstein and his exploitation of the sex industry to his high profile and powerful clients.   The full scale is obviously unknown; however, if JPMorgan is reporting $1 billion in transactions that might be considered risk for them, we can only guess at the amount of the total transaction through the bank.

Keep in mind, JPMorgan already agreed to pay the Epstein Victims $290 million {GO DEEP} to make the victim issues go away.   What the hell is the scale of the full banking network if this amount of money is being used to throw a bag over it?

Pulling back to the 30,000-foot view, how the bank was operating certainly does start to make the shadows in the background become more visible.  After all, the U.S. government relied on JPMorgan to stabilize the banking sector recently.  And, when you overlay the influence of the BIG BANKS on domestic politics, and contrast in parallel with their assistance for corrupt activity like Epstein, suddenly the catchphrase “too big to fail” takes on an entirely new meaning.

Many of us have always said the top of the corrupt pyramid is banks, global financial institutions and multinationals.  The activity of the political industry takes place below the power structure of the financial system.  The banks control the politicians.  The banks control almost everything, and are the benefactors for the DNC, RNC, RGA, etc. etc.

This is the apex circle of influence, where Jeffrey Epstein operated in concert with the banks – who then facilitated his operations and were regulated by Epstein’s clients.