Moore: Biden’s Runaway Spending And War On Energy Has Led To US Economic Calamity

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 11, 2024 at 07:00 pm EST

Eight ISIS Linked Illegal Alien Border Crossers Arrested in Philly, LA and New York

Posted originally on the CTH on June 11, 2024 | Sundance

Eight illegal aliens previously released into the U.S. homeland by border officials, were arrested by ICE after the FBI intercepted their communication related to bomb plots and asked DHS to detain them.

Think about this….  DHS released ISIS terrorists into the USA, the terrorists planned terrorism, the FBI intercepted the plans, then asked DHS to pick them up.

One thing is certain, the FBI usually assists these terror plots, but there are lots of awake people looking at the FBI as suspect and sketchy now.

There must have been a massive paper trail, information system, and too many people who knew the background, which led the FBI to considering the group too dangerous to hide/support this time.

Oh, and the bad guys were from the same place the recent Moscow terrorists came from, which makes this even more interesting.

USA – Eight men from Tajikistan with potential ties to ISIS out of central Asia were arrested over the weekend in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, three people familiar with the matter told NBC News on Tuesday.

The suspects had been on the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force radar and were arrested by personnel with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, better known as ICE, the sources say.

All eight men crossed through the southern border into the United States and their criminal backgrounds checks came back clean at the time they crossed the border, according to two officials familiar with the matter.

At least two of the men crossed the border in the spring of 2023 and one of those men used the CBP One app, created by the Biden administration to allow migrants to book appointments to claim asylum, those officials say. (read more)

The New York Post also has an article about it – SEE HERE. “The bureau had been investigating whether dozens of migrants from Uzbekistan crossed the US-Mexico border with the help of a Turkish smuggler tied to ISIS.”

That talking point about “fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here.” …  eh?

Biden Does Weird Stuff Again During D-Day Memorial in France

Posted originally on the CTH on June 6, 2024 | Sundance 

Even the media who notice how dementia seems to be increasing in Joe Biden pretend not to understand the full scale of the problem.   As the Daily Mail describes the awkward moments, they couch their explanation amid soft sentences intended to obfuscate the reality that Biden is impaired and getting worse.

He may not have lost all his marbles, but the hole in the bag is big enough for most to have dropped.  After Biden had his episode and Jill tried to give him directions by covering her mouth, eventually they both just left the stage and French President Macron carried on by himself.  WATCH:


( Daily Mail Story HERE )

Todd Bensman Exposes Biden’s Scheme to Blame the Border Crisis on Republicans

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: June 4, 2024 at 2:00 pm EST

Has Jill Biden ever had a conversation with her husband?

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 31, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST

Brat: Biden’s Mishandling Of The Economy Has Been A Disaster For All Americans

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 28, 2024 at 04:00 pm EST

Hearts of Oak: Mike Yardley – Navigating Censorship, Democracy, and the Future of Free Speech

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 18, 2024 at 02:00 pm EST

Scott Bessent Unpacks the Latest Bidenflation Numbers: Americans Are In Crisis

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm EST

US Implements High Tariffs on Chinese Goods

Posted originally on May 15, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Trade War 2

Worsening relations with China, the United States just hit China with a new wave of extremely high tariffs. Around $18 billion worth of Chinese goods will be affected, but the White House deems the tariffs necessary to help American industry.

Washington wants everyone to drive an electric vehicle, so long as it is not produced in China. The current 25% tariff on Chinese EVs will rise to 100%, utterly eliminating any EV trade with China. US Trade Representative Katherine Tai said that tariffs on lithium-ion batteries, essential for EVs, will triple in 2025 – the same time that Washington expects the masses to curtail their fossil fuel use.

Semiconductors, a long-debated product in short supply, will double from 25% to 50%. A recent report by McKinsey consultants shows that US companies are struggling to hire and retain staff in this delicate sector. The $52 billion in subsidies provided by Washington under the CHIPS Act has not made a meaningful impact. Still, they expect production in the US to grow simply because we are making it difficult for China to import their goods in a competitive landscape. They fail to consider the impact of shortages on the overall market.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has praised the new round of tariffs, claiming that free trade with America’s top partner is bad for American businesses. “China’s overcapacity distorts global prices and production patterns and hurts American firms and workers, as well as firms and workers around the world,” Yellen misspoke. America does not operate on the mercantilism model; we are a consumer economy. All of these tariffs will cause prices to rise for the already struggling consumer.

Biden insists that consumers will see “no increases on costs” and repeatedly stated that these tariffs will not impact inflation. Do you recall the semiconductor shortage of lately when people could not purchase new phones without weeks or months of waiting, as one small example? Then they are pushing everyone to go electric while eliminating foreign competition. China WILL retaliate and mark up American goods, but worse, they will continue offloading their purchases of US Treasuries.

This is yet another example of disastrous fiscal policies that will invariably harm the American consumer and economy as a whole.

Panama to Curb Migration Through the Darien Gap

Posted May 15, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Red Cross Panama

President-elect Jose Raul Mulino of Panama is taking on the migrant crisis as one of his first pieces of legislation. “Panama and our Darien [Gap] are not a transit route. It is our border,” Mulino said, referring to the notorious Darien Gap between Panama and Colombia that has become a favored travel route for migrants en route to America. The number of crossings multiplies each year, with an estimated 500,000 people passing through last year alone.

Mulino is reversing the policies of the previous government who aided migrants in their voyage to America. His new plan involves illegally deporting anyone found in Panama. “Because when we start to deport people here in an immediate deportation plan, the interest for sneaking through Panama will decrease,” Mulino said of the plan, according to Voice of America. “I assure you they are going to say that going through Panama is not attractive because they are deporting you.”

Some question whether Panama has the ability to conduct mass deportations. You have the Biden Administration openly flying migrants into America. Panama and other Southern American nations are paying the price for America’s open border policy. In all actuality, we cannot expect a foreign nation to secure our borders when leadership is openly inviting foreigners to come to America.

Panama has its own issues to focus on. The International Monetary Fund believes GDP will drastically slow from 7.3% in 2023 to 2.5% in 2024. Fitch downgraded Panama’s credit rating, stamping the nation with a junk status for “fiscal and governance challenges.” The Panama Canal’s capacity has been reduced due to droughts, and some regions are facing water shortages. The next president of the United Stated will see Panama’s efforts to curb migration as an olive branch or an obstacle, and any trade or aid will depend on November’s outcome.