Too Funny – MSNBC Panel Watches Al Sharpton Say: “Can You Imagine if Madison or Jefferson Tried to Overthrow the Government?”

Posted originally on the CTH on August 3, 2023 | Sundance 

Oh, my goodness, this is side-splitting funny.  No one has ever accused Al Sharpton of extreme intellectualism, but this one even beats his epic “resist we much, we must and we will much, about that be committed” monologue.  {Direct Rumble Link}

During an MSNBC pundit round panel, the ever smart Al Sharpton has thunk up just the right metaphor for the moment, as he turns deliberately to his fellow panelists and declares, “can you imagine our reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government?

lolol… And he’s looking so pleased with himself. The funniest part is no one on the panel had the nerve to say, “um, Al, they did”!   Oh, it’s too funny… WATCH:

Lord, thank you.  Give them exactly these tongues.  I needed that giggle today and just can’t stop laughing.

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