Tucker Carlson Discusses Russia and the Big Question, “Are We Being Played by Western Intel?”

Posted originally on the CTH on February 12, 2024 | Sundance 

Here’s the baseline context of my review on this discussion provided by Tucker Carlson, as he takes part in the “World Government Summit at What’s Next for Storytelling?”

Tucker is shocked, shocked to see with his own eyes that Russia is a modern, beautiful, safe, clean, well-run nation filled with generally happy people who are just like you and me – only they don’t pretend.  That’s it, that’s the major difference.

If you were to analyze all of the varying realities around the opinions of those few people from the West who have literally put boots on the ground in Russia, the major thing that everyone would have a hard time explaining is this non-pretense.  However, as soon as you say, “They don’t pretend,” anyone who has visited Russia in the last two years says, “Yes – that’s it; exactly that.”  Essentially, that’s what Tucker is trying to explain also.

Yes, we in the West are being played by Western interests in creating our opinion of Russia.  Yes, to just about everything Tucker Carlson is saying in this segment – only more.  Tucker didn’t even go to the beautiful places like St. Petersburg; he was limited by self-choice to being stuck in Moscow.  WATCH (prompted):


Any independent journalist who writes about the constructs in/around Russia, yet has not been there in the last few years, can be completely disregarded.   Yes, we are all getting played, and I have repeatedly said the same thing openly.

Why should you care?

There are a lot of really good answers to that question.  However, the most substantive answer revolves around our perception of the world we live in.  I cannot emphasize enough how the Western World has flipped the dynamic, and now “propaganda” is the government tool of the West.

At the end of this rainbow of propaganda, we will find this is not a place we want to live.  We do not see it now because the propaganda is so all encompassing, but eventually people will see it.

Without trying to sound more important than we want to be, you can see for yourself that Tucker Carlson and his producer team are about 4 to 6 months behind me in putting the big puzzle pictures together.  Carlson is starting to figure out that it’s worse than he suspected – much worse….. and keep in mind Tucker’s world view is framed through the prism of only a very small group of people with whom he text messages and gets all of his information.

Tucker doesn’t watch TV, doesn’t participate in social media much and relies upon others to guide his vision and hearing.  However, even with those limitations, he’s starting to figure out that our current situation in the USA is much more dire than the average person realizes.

The communists behind Obama know they can rely upon the hubris of the American psyche to overlook the boiling water around them until it’s too late.   Very few people can fathom how far the USA is falling by staying in place and/or losing ground in the era of GREAT PRETENDING (Obama era), while the rest of the world doesn’t collaboratively pretend.

The USA still has the edge on most “free” societies thanks to the incredible foresight of the founding fathers who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  However, the rate of our loss in freedom is accelerating exponentially now, as the DHS models conduct internal surveillance to keep us in line.   Typing that seems like something odd, but trust me this is the soft and gentle version of our reality.

As the U.S. goes ever further into this world of pretending, where we continue to hold on to the quaint ideas that manipulation and governmental targeting can be reversed with a few elections…. the rest of the modern West is awake to the reality that conflict with government, actual physical confrontation, is now the only recourse for unaddressed and dismissed grievances.

The WEF Corporations and Bankers are controlling most Western governments; the rise of the farm protests throughout the EU now are really starting to become very problematic for the EU leadership.   They are retreating from the original goals of the Build Back Better movement.

(CNBC) – The European Union prides itself on being a champion for the environment.

But that reputation is now being firmly tested, after it toned down its climate policies following angry farmer protests that are taking place across the continent.

The European Commission, the executive arm of the EU, now intends to scrap a plan to halve pesticide use. In addition, the institution also decided last week to omit the agricultural sector out of a strict timeline for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 90% before 2040.  (read more)

This confrontational approach is the direct and targeted approach we will need for the upcoming political war over an American, Dollar-Based, Central Bank Digital Currency.   This war is looming; do not poo-poo or dismiss it.  Look at the current financial structures of the USA.  Everything, and I do mean e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g, is in complete alignment with this process that is seemingly guaranteed to happen.

In Europe, their tactical resistance is being done to stop the EU Build Back Better agenda.  However, in the USA we will need a modified version of this approach to stop the dollar-based CBDC.

Democrats and Republicans are both in alignment and agree to trigger the CBDC as the financial crisis/debt solution.  Every wish in the list of all things progressive becomes easier to manifest with the dollar-based CBDC in place.

Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and a host of other nations are in alignment to avoid the worst aspects of the dollar-based CBDC.

Things are going to get very interesting when the legislative debate over the creation of the digital dollar begins.

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