Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban in Germany?

Posted originally on May 9, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Porsche 1970 911

Germany is moving full speed ahead to reach their asinine climate targets. The citizens who are in essence the very carbon they wish to destroy must be punished for not sacrificing enough to uphold Angela Merkel’s Climate Protection Act. Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening the German people with “an indefinite weekend driving ban.”

“In the dispute over a reform of the Climate Protection Act, Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has warned of drastic cuts for motorists – including weekend driving bans. This is according to a letter from Wissing to the heads of the SPD, Green and FDP parliamentary factions. It was made available to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Thursday …

The letter states that if the amended Climate Protection Act does not come into force before 15 July, the ministry will be obliged under the current law to present an action programme to ensure compliance with the annual emission levels for the transport sector in the coming years.”

The climate zealots are worried that this overt threat will expose their ultimate goal to reduce, if not outlaw, private car ownership. Greenpeace has even come out and criticized Wissing for threatening driving bans, as if that measure is not precisely the goal of reducing emissions and ultimately 15-minute cities. Members of various parties in Germany, most of whom support climate change reductions, have attempted to redact his statements. Afterall, Germany does have a poor not so distant history of limiting freedom of movement.

It is not responsible for a minister to stir up unfounded fears,” Green Party parliamentary group leader Katharina Droege said, despite being in favor of reducing 80% of emissions by 2030 and making Germany climate-neutral by 2035.

The Free Democrats (FDP) believe that Germany should be climate-neutral by 2045, and while they reject banning car ownership, they would like to begin by implementing speed limits and favoring companies that abide by clean energy trade agreements.

The Social Democrat Party (SDP), highly in favor of forcing Germany to rely completely on renewable energy by 2040, criticized the proposal as well: “The proposal does not further our common goal of reducing CO2 emissions, but to unnecessary uncertainty for people in our country.” The SPD Bundestag faction clearly rejects driving bans for cars and lorries. Such manoeuvres would hardly advance the ongoing deliberations on the Climate Protection Act in the Bundestag, said Müller.”

AfD logo

The AfD Party is the only one in Germany who believes that climate change is not a man-made phenomenon. Hence, the government is attempting to frame the AfD as far-right radicals who wish harm on all of society. The AfD has agreed to keep the restrictions of the Paris Agreement, however, but will not eliminate fossil fuels.

The Germans must understand that their politicians are failing to act in the best interest of Germany. Instead, they are acting upon the wishes of the larger globalist agenda that does not want to see a strong single economy but a unified collection of a one-world government power.

There are an estimated 49,098,685 cars on the road in Germany. This law would change the lives of countless Germans, German manufacturing, and permit the government to have untold power over the people. This is why the media has presented the only party in Germany showing resistance to the climate change agenda as a threat. The true threat are the people in Bonn and Brussels.

Putin Sworn in on ECM May 7th Target

Posted originally on May 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

The Daily Mail

Putin was inaugurated in the Palace of the old Czars. He at least proved that he (1) could walk, (2) did not require an Easter Bunny to guide him, and (3) he could read a complete sentence. I suppose that, in contrast to Biden, it is rather stunning. But in truth, at least Putin does make the decisions in Russia compared to our unelected people really running the White House

Russia Now Responds This War is US, UK & NATO vs Russia – Not Ukraine

Posted 0riginally on May 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Russia_Warns_Ukraine_s_F_16s_Will_Be_Treated_as_Nuclear_Threats 5 6 24

Russia is changing its game. I have been warned that Putin has been under pressure to deal with the real threat to Russia, the US, the UK, and NATO. Ukraine is just a mercenary soldier who is expendable as far as the West is concerned. Nobody cares about Ukrainians. They are just there to kill Russians. As I have warned, nobody in Washington has EVER expected Ukraine to win. The real powers, the US, the UK, and NATO, are all stepping up the game, and they are preparing for World War III and want to destroy Russia utterly.

The game is changing here on May 7th. All I can pray is that Ukraine does not do something really stupid because, on May 7th, Putin will be inaugurated.

Capital Gains Taxes Loom Over Blue States – Welcome to the Great Reset

Posted originally on May 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong


Eleven states may face capital gain taxes to comply with the Biden Administration’s 2025 budget, in which the government must hunt the people for taxes to pay for a fraction of their spending. The concept of capital gains was not within the original Constitution.  The Founding Fathers established a completely new nation in an attempt to flee government tyranny, but yet again, Democracy has fallen into a Republic where the people have no say.

Capital gains were introduced in 1913, The 16th Amendment granted US Congress the power to levy income via taxation, which remained at around 7% until 1921. Congress quickly determined that they needed to extort citizens for more money and created two brackets. The 7% tax became a standard for income tax, but investors who held for over two years, an insignificant amount of time, were punished for saving and forced to pay 12.5% to Washington. Fast forward to 2025, and we are looking at the top marginal rate rising to up to 57.9%! The current capital extortion rate is around a quarter of one’s capital.


This idea of hunting down the rich is utter nonsense as it becomes an excuse to eliminate the middle class. The big money can take the risk, but the average investor cannot. This will deter small business investment and entrepreneurs who greatly contribute to innovation as they bring creativity and imagination to business.

Naturally, the 11 states are primarily blue. Californians really destroyed their state by voting for Gavin Newsom, and now they may face a top tax of 57.9% to cover the state’s excessive spending and growing deficit. New York and New Jersey, two states that should have stayed red, will face the second-highest capital gain taxation at a rate of 55.5%. These states already pay astronomical taxes on things such as property. Minnesota is looking at a tax of 55.45%, Oregon 54.5%, and Maine 51.75%, with the remaining states (Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Georgia, and Idaho) all facing capital gain extortion rates above 50%.

2032.95 World Ends Here scaled

Why on Earth would anyone want to conduct business in these states? If Biden remains in power, it will be a wonder if major corporations continue to choose to do business in the United States at all. Businesses could go literally almost anywhere else and face lower rates of taxation. Additionally, the American consumer has been stretched so thin through dollar devaluation, inflation, and taxation that they are not spending the way they once did. Capitalism is under attack; success is a punishable offense.

Schwab 2030 Overthrow USA 1

America’s consumer economy will continue to decline while places like China see their middle class grow and the consumer economy rise. China is not creating worthless spending packages on climate change. Remember, they told us clear as day that the goal is to destroy America’s standing as the world’s leading superpower. Klaus Schwab has been aiming for 2030, but the computer has been honing in on 2032 before Schwab released plans for Agenda 2030. Unfortunately, this is all precisely on schedule as America enjoys its final time in the spotlight as the world’s financial capital.

Interview Martin Armstrong on GoldSeek

Posted 0riginally on May 5, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

About that 97% consensus of significant man made global warming

Where did it come from and what is the supposed consensus? A good 16 minute clip on the answers can be found here at

Tucker Carlson Interviews Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

Posted originally on the CTH on May 1, 2024 | Sundance

Aleksandr Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter, and Amazon won’t sell his books. Tucker Carlson talked to him in Moscow.

Watching this interview while sitting in a kitchen in Russia is a little odd, however, what Dugin explains does seem to lineup with my perspective as an American in Russia.  The explanation for why leftists (progressives) in the USA seemingly reversed their entire worldview about Russia in a decade does seem to make sense.

I have shared that modern Russian social society is much more traditional than the expressed Western value system you find embodied in progressives.  Russia is far more nationalistic and less globalist; meanwhile, the USA has moved far closer to globalism and is less nationalistic.  Within this shift, the change in democracy also reconciles.

As Dugin notes, Western democracy is no longer about the majority of the citizens; the national identity has been erased in favor of governing rules by a minority.  The commonality of sex (two genders) has been erased in favor of multiple-gender identity, expanded individualism, which is simply a reflection of the fractured bond of commonality.  It is an interesting conversation.  WATCH:

It should be noted before people in the USA and English speaking “West” start running around with romantic images of Russia, that the Russian people do not think about such issues… AT ALL.  The average Russian thinks about social politics about as much as the average American, which is to say – not much at all.

However, all of that said, someone asked me about COVID-19 in Russia and what was the general sensibility of the issue.  I have had some rather fascinating discussions thanks to that question.

I never thought I would find a population more cynical about COVID-19, the “pandemic of ’20/’21” and the vaccine protocol than Americans on average.  I was wrong.  In my conversations with Russians about it, the average person in Russia was far more cynical than the average American.

I’m not sure why, but a larger than 50% group of the Russian people did not buy into the fear and hype.  From the conversations I have encountered, more than half the population didn’t trust the claims by the Western medical establishment.

Additionally, fewer than half the population of Russia appear to have accepted the vaccine.  We are told the vaccine compliance rate for the first injection in the USA was around 65 to 70%.  It does not seem like 70% of Russians took the vaccine; it seems that Russia had a much lower compliance rate based on responses to the question.

I’m not exactly sure why the biggest segment of the Russian population didn’t fall for the COVID-19 pandemic hype; perhaps their cynicism against “institutions” of a totalitarian state helped them on this subject, I don’t know.  However, the most frequent response is the average Russian just didn’t believe COVID-19 was as dangerous as the various health agencies were saying it was.

The government of Russia pushed the vaccine, perhaps not as aggressively as the USA and other Western countries, but they did push it hard.  However, it appears much less than half the population followed the govt advice.

I’ll have more later on some granular Russian dynamics as they appear to present.

It really is bizarre being here in Russia.  There are zero Western tourists or travelers in this country.  The only tourists and/or foreigners Russia has seen for over two years are all from Asia (mostly China).   When the average Russian hears my American voice speaking English, the immediate reaction is shock, followed by extreme curiosity – it’s wild.

There’s nothing to be fearful about or worried about.  Everywhere seems to be safe, orderly and exceptionally well cultured; maybe even a little annoyingly so.  The polite and unwritten social rules are followed by everyone with a general compliance unlike anything I can remember seeing in the USA.   Everything from how you cross the street to obeying social standards on subway travel is extraordinarily polite and mannerly; factually it’s a little weird.

Do not romanticize Russia in your mind’s-eye; there are major issues here, and the quality of life in the average USA neighborhood is much higher.  However, on the cultural part of polite social norms, most Russian social life is like a step back into the 1950’s USA with perhaps a bigger dose of visible counter-culture evident.

The USA boomer generation would recognize the shallow coldness behind the eyes of Russians who avoid eye contact and appear to be task oriented in life.  Oddly, if you grew up as a USA Gen-Xer, socially current Russia is probably more like the place of your fond memories, and going to a large shopping mall is like stepping back in time 30 years.  If, however, you have a gen-Z or ‘zoomer’ in the familial crew, they would think modern social Russia is backwards and too regimented.

From what I can tell, those Western (generational) viewpoints are entirely due to the speed of transition that Dugin notes from the rising of Vladimir Putin to the leadership of Russia.

There ain’t no welcoming room for Barack Obama, Bill Ayers, Cass Sunstein, Samantha Power and/or any of the progressive crew here.  Russian patriotism is probably at the highest generational point in a long time, and I doubt President Putin is going to miss the opportunity to perma-ban all the Western corporations that exited Russia after the sanctions came along.

The reality of the Western sanction regime is really going to take an entire series of articles to explain.  T-mobile cell phone service works here (go figure, no blocks at all), as long as you don’t interface your device with Russian internet wifi, which is really funny.

Yes, you can connect to all the banned Western stuff through the cell phone network (value of a yellow phone in Russia), and simultaneously you can connect and access all of the banned stuff the USA government controls and stops Americans from seeing/using if you have a grey zone originating phone and cell phone number.  lolol

It really is bizarre how an individual person can operate, in this fragmented communication world, once they teach themselves the tools and techniques.   Perhaps the most stunningly obvious difference between Yellow and Grey – anyone with a passport can open a bank account in Russia. The RU banks even have their computers set up to plug in to your device and upload apps, because the Apple/Google app stores don’t permit it (sanctions).

There is a lengthy learning curve, but it is well worth the time figuring out how to navigate the financial matrix the West has constructed.   The sanctions against Russia are stunningly irrelevant, and were not designed to keep Russia out of the western financial system. The Sanctions were created to keep Americans, Canadians, AU/NZ, Japan and EU locked into the West.

The President Overtaking the Federal Reserve – BAD IDEA

Posted originally on May 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Federal Reserve Eagle

I do not agree with Donald Trump’s view of the Federal Reserve. I speak on behalf of sound economic policies that benefit the people. I do not blindly support a political candidate for the sake of being on the right side. Now, I criticized Trump during his presidency for constantly pressuring the central bank to lower interest rates. There are rumors swirling that Trump, if elected, would set the price of interest rates himself without the advice of the Federal Reserve. While this may be an extreme side of the rumor, Trump and every other president would like more power over the Federal Reserve — BAD IDEA!

What we must keep in mind is that the Federal Reserve’s original design, which lasted for about one year, was brilliant. The classic banking model involved borrowing from depositors on a demand basis and lending long-term, making a profit on the spread in interest rates, such as for business loans and mortgages. This was relationship banking, not today’s transactional banking model.

This was fractional banking insofar as about 8% of the money needed to remain free to service demand requirements. The crisis comes during an economic contraction when people run to the bank for a loss of confidence and demand to withdraw their funds. This results in the value of cash rising in purchasing power compared to assets, so asset values collapse.

Federal Reserve 12 Branches

The idea of “elastic money” was to increase the supply of cash during such a crisis to meet the demand for withdrawals and that would offset the need to sell assets by calling in long-term debts. By increasing the money supply on a temporary basis, the Fed could offset the contraction in theory smoothing out the business cycle.

This was a brilliant scheme. However, it has been Congress, and not the Fed, that corrupted that mechanism. The banks technically owned the Fed as this was supposed to save the taxpayer money. The banks should contribute to their own bailout fund. Furthermore, the Fed’s design was also about buying in corporate paper when banks would not lend money. This was a mechanism used to offset rising unemployment if corporations could not fund their operations. They supplemented this by the management of regional interest rates to balance the domestic economy. Each branch of the Fed could raise or lower their local interest rate autonomously to attract capital when there was a local shortage or deflect capital when there was too much.

Congress began to manipulate the Federal Reserve for their own self-interest when World War I broke out on April 6, 1917. The alteration to the design of the Fed was to direct it to buy government bonds, not corporate. In this first step, they never reverse this decree after the war. They removed the brilliant design to stimulate the economy directly by purchasing corporate paper during a recession. In the last 2007-2009 crisis, the government wrote a check to TARP and hoped that the banks would lend money, but they did not. Removing this first pillar of the independent Fed distorted the entire system. It then made little sense for bankers to own shares in an entity that was no longer privately controlled.

DowIntRates 1929

Banks became traders during the 1929 Boom-Bust Cycle. Goldman Sachs became deeply involved in the bull market, establishing numerous trusts and mergers. Goldman Sachs expanded the leverage going right into the eye of the storm that was about to hit starting on September 3, 1929. The crash wipes our 70% of Goldman’s entire market.

The Glass-Steagall Act, also known as the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162), was passed by Congress in 1933 and prohibited commercial banks from engaging in the investment business. Around 5,000 banks failed during the Great Depression largely because banks sold trusts and foreign sovereign government bonds to the public in small denominations. Bill Clinton later repealed Glass-Steagall and handed the power back over to the bankers. Disaster strikes every time the government tries to manipulate the free market.

People believe the Fed has the power to create money out of thin air, yet never explain why the Fed was given that power. You cannot have a fixed money supply as the population increases, then you end up with DEFLATION, which is the rise in the value of money. You can double the money supply, but if the people hoard it, as they tend to do during private waves when the public loses all trust in government, you will never create inflation. There was a huge contraction in the velocity of money during the Great Depression for this very reason.

The Biden Administration, as has the Trump Administration, has come after the Fed. Politicians merely want the economy to appear strong under their reign and fail to see the long-term impact of policies. Politicians have no knowledge of economics or the insight to run the Fed. Not to mention that law does not permit Washington to bark orders at the Fed, although Washington does oversee the Fed and can force the central bank to change its policies to align with government spending or repel debt buyers.

Trump on Interest Rates

Trump is a borrower, not a lender. His bankruptcies were the result of the business cycle and he leverages himself to the hilt so when the recession comes, he gets in trouble and when it is booming he claims to be a fantastic investor. But he is no trader. He could have hedged the business cycle but did not.

Chairman Jerome Powell and Trump clashed repeatedly. Not so coincidentally, Powell and numerous Fed bank presidents have their terms expiring in 2028 – a key year, as indicated by our models. The Biden Administration has already driven the economy off a cliff. The central bank is merely trying to heal an already injured economy with a limited medical kit.

The Fed is INDEPENDENT and will not be bullied by Biden or Trump. The Fed understands that it has become the world’s central bank and its actions in raising rates have had a far greater impact externally particularly in emerging markets because so many other nations issue their debt in US dollars.

Bad Hygiene is Good for the Environment

Posted May 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


We are expected to sacrifice all of our Earthly comforts in the name of climate change. The latest issue brewing across the media is water conservation, specifically taking daily showers. Experts at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) state that the average 8-minute shower wastes 20 gallons of water. There are now calls to establish a new norm of NOT SHOWERING every day to save the environment.

There’s no need to shower every day,” a recent BBC article suggests. The author said she showers a mere three times a week, which would be seen as a sign of an underlying mental health disorder if not for climate conservation efforts. The author said some of her friends only need to bathe once per week. The article quotes chemist David Whitlock, who went 12 years without a shower, only spraying himself with “good bacteria.” The article calls out numerous “experts” who do not shower every day and are “brave” for admitting their hygiene habits.

Climate zealots are attempting to frame daily showers as a “performative act.” “If you go 100 years back, we didn’t shower every day, because the shower was not a normal thing to have,” Professor Kristen Gram-Hanssen from the Department of the Build Environment of Aalborg University in Denmark, as quoted by the NY Post. “We don’t shower because of health. We shower because it’s a normal thing to do.”

Caracalla Baths Rome

They cannot gaslight independent thinkers. Everyone I know will tell you that skipping a shower leads to poor hygiene, skin and hair problems, and unpleasant odors. Bathing is a simple concept we teach toddlers.

Diseases were more prevalent when people failed to clean themselves. The ancient Romans built intricate aqueduct systems to ensure their people were cleansed. The Grihya Sutras texts of ancient India, dating back to around 500 BCE, discuss daily hygiene rituals. Traders who visited ancient Japan were amazed at how sanitary the people were, as bathing was an early part of their culture.

The powers that be were insisting we wash our hands numerous times a day to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, but now they want us to sit in our own filth? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has suggested that Americans begin cutting down their time in the shower. The EPA believes we can save 2.5 gallons of water for every minute spent out of the shower. They suggest we wash our hair with the water off and believe five minutes in the shower is more than sufficient. Now, the EPA wants to frame this as a way to cut down on utility costs.

Countless articles are appearing across the web that urge the public to cut down on their time in the shower. Bad hygiene is the latest method of virtue signaling. They slowly embed these concepts into the public’s mind to engrain their version of the “new norm.” We are to reduce our consumption in all areas to combat a problem that does not exist. Notice the slow roll of propaganda that the media presents, as I, for one, do not want this grotesque “new norm.”

Don’t Come to Norway – Taxing Our Way into 2032

Posted originally on Apr 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Norway Y Combined 4 28 24

In 2021, the Extreme Left Labour Government seized power in Norway, overthrowing the eight years of Conservative rule. Labour won 48 of the 169 parliamentary seats, one less than in 2017, but the Conservatives lost nine seats and were left with only 36. We can see that 2021 was low for the US dollar after COVID against the Norway Krone, and ever since the leftists seized power, they have been steering Norway in that direction where all Marxist regimes have died violently and inevitably.

Berlin Wall Falls

All leftist governments impose their will to crush any individualism. They are obsessed with someone who has more than they do. Every leftist government ends in utter disaster. They reduce the standard of living and inevitably drive the most talented people out of their domain. Every Marxist government, from Russia to China, has committed suicide by suppressing innovation, and the most talented people will always seek to leave. In the case of Communism, they built the Berlin Wall in 1961 to prevent people from fleeing. These LEFTIST governments are now moving to impose an EXIT tax if you seek to leave their depressing economic domains. Human nature will ALWAYS prevail, and this is why every single government that has abused its power and then tried to prevent people from leaving with EXIT TAXES or a version of the Berlin Wall crumbled to dust and is all buried in a common grave by history.

Marx ten commandments socialism

The Bible is a very interesting historical document. Socialism violates the Ten Commandments, and I am shocked that nobody has challenged this progressiveness of taxation as a violation of their religious beliefs. This very reason this prohibition against LEFTIST political agendas is in the Ten Commandments is because human nature has never changed, and such LEFTIST experiments have been tried for thousands of years and have always failed.

Sparta Coinage Spears

Communism first appeared in historical records back in Ancient Greece. This was a classic battle, like our modern Cold War. Athens was a capitalistic system that had its own internal battle between the Oligarchy and Democracy, which we still have today. Sparta was a communist state, so much so that it NEVER adopted coinage, and these spits were maintained to PREVENT people from hoarding wealth—sound familiar with electronic money and canceling currencies? The Spartan system was based on the idea that the collective came before the individual. This is the cornerstone of all LEFTIST regimes.

Corinth Staters 5th-4th century

Marx believed Communism would prevail because Sparta defeated Athens in 404 BC. However, Sparta was in league with its neighbors, especially Corinth, whose coinage competed with Athens in trade. So Sparta was the Communist state, but it was aided by other capitalistic cities to knock out the financial capital of the world so they could replace it.

Philip II AR Tetradram Mint State

This division eventually led to the opening of the door for the northern Macedonians to take all of Greece under Philip II (359-336BC) and his son Alexander the Great. This Cold War between effectively Spartan Communism and Athenian Capitalism weakened Greece and allowed them to be conquered by Macedonia, which was not originally part of Greece.

To be a Spartan citizen, one had to undertake the Agoge’s rigorous military education. Only those who had completed their education in the Agoge were entitled to be citizens. The criteria for a Spartan citizen were very high. While the system ensured that the Spartans were well-trained warriors, it also led to problems replacing those who died in battle. To be a citizen, the Spartan had to pay his way into the agoge, such as supply his armor. The economic burden upon the common people was its undoing. Lacking a flourishing economy because people were steered into the military for the state, it sealed its fate with a gradually declining economic base. With the rising costs over time, fewer and fewer people could afford to pay their way into agoge.

Sparta emerged victorious during the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC, and by 400 BC, it had replaced Athens as the greatest military power in the Greek world. However, it neither contributed to the economy no less art and creativity. Then, in 371 BC, in just about 31.4 years by Thebes, the Spartans were defeated in the battle for the first time. They lost that military power and Greece’s leadership. Nothing lasts forever. During that entire period, Sparta never issued any coinage because it was an anti-capitalistic state.

Exit Tax

Whenever a LEFTIST government turns to restrict the movement of people by building Berlin Walls to keep them in or an EXIT tax to confiscate their wealth as a punishment for leaving since they are not being taxed to pay any fair share of the state when they are not there, the end is merely inevitable. The LEFT will always impose dictatorial decrees and refuse ever even once to consider that what they are doing is against human nature and the basic human right to live in peace.

In recent developments in Norway, the failure of the government’s economic policies has been taxing the “hated” rich; they are planning to introduce a more stringent exit tax to punish anyone who leaves their draconian policies. This move has attracted much criticism from many sources, but historically, the LEFT has never listened. Even in the United States, just look at those states that have extreme LEFT regimes, and you will find EXIT Taxes as well.

California Exit Tax 2
California Exit Tax

California in the US is an absolutely horrible place, and it is following the same path as Norway. California is no longer a place to invest, as is the case with New York and most of the New England states.  New Jersey has an EXIT Tax applied if you sell your home and buy something in another state. Connecticut has a 2.25% EXIT Tax. New Jersey has an Exit Tax. All of the LEFTIST government sees you as just an economic slave. It has nothing to do with paying your fair share – they are only interested in economically punishing you. If you do not get the hell out of these states, it will only get worse because they NEVER have enough and will NEVER change their policies until there is a political revolution and they are voted out of power. But the brightest will always leave, and in the end, they commit economic suicide, no different than ancient Sparta.

Yellen tax on Unrealized Gains

Spearheaded by Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, the initiative aims to deter affluent Norwegians from relocating to countries with more favorable tax regimes, such as Switzerland, by imposing a hefty tax on unrealized gains. Here in the USA, Janet Yellen wants investors to pay a tax on the increase in the value of stock every year, even if it is not sold. So if a stock goes from $100 to $150 you must pay tax on that $50. Then there is a crash, and it drops 25%. You will get no tax credit, and then it bounces 10%; you owe on that 10% bounce.

Tax Robbery

These people are absolutely destroying capitalism and Western Society. We have only 8 years left because this entire economic system will collapse. This is unsustainable. In Australia, the LEFT wants to confiscate all your wealth upon death and you should be prohibited from leaving anything to your children. Everyone should start from ZERO – except LEFTIST politicians of course. This is what 2032 is all about. These people are destroying our future and the very foundation of a free society.