Putin Wins Transparent Russian Reelection, Biden Calls it a Dictatorship – Zelensky Cancels Ukraine Elections, Biden Calls it a Democracy

Posted originally on the CTH on March 18, 2024 | Sundance

It really is a transparently obvious contrast that highlights how far the west has fallen. Russia holds transparent elections and Vladimir Putin wins 87% of the vote, resoundingly being reelected; yet Biden calls it a dictatorship. Meanwhile Ukraine cancels all elections, Zelensky declares the political opposition party unlawful; yet Biden calls it a democracy.

The totalitarian areas and liberty areas are ideologically inverting as a direct outcome of western governments deliberately cleaving the globe. What they call “globalism” is actually a fracturing of the international compact. This reality is now transparent and obvious to the ordinary person, and the Ukraine vs Russia example stands as direct evidence of just how abusive the Western government gaslighting has become.

(Via Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin won a record post-Soviet landslide in Russia’s election on Sunday, cementing his already tight grip on power in a victory he said showed Moscow had been right to stand up to the West and send its troops into Ukraine.

[…] The outcome means Putin, 71, is set to embark on a new six-year term that will see him overtake Josef Stalin and become Russia’s longest-serving leader for more than 200 years if he completes it.

Putin won 87.8% of the vote, the highest ever result in Russia’s post-Soviet history, according to an exit poll by pollster the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM). The Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM) put Putin on 87%. First official results indicated the polls were accurate. The United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and other nations have said the vote was neither free nor fair due to the imprisonment of political opponents and censorship.

Communist candidate Nikolai Kharitonov finished second with just under 4%, newcomer Vladislav Davankov third, and ultra-nationalist Leonid Slutsky fourth.

Putin told supporters in a victory speech in Moscow that he would prioritize resolving tasks associated with what he called Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine and would strengthen the Russian military.

“We have many tasks ahead. But when we are consolidated – no matter who wants to intimidate us, suppress us – nobody has ever succeeded in history, they have not succeeded now, and they will not succeed ever in the future,” said Putin. (read more)

The average Russian person doesn’t hate the average American person, not even close.  However, it is fair to say the aggregate Russian government presents a general outlook of spite toward the American government as a direct result of the domestic gaslighting, fraud and institutional lying that shapes the views of most U.S. citizens.

Internally our USA national pride is being eroded as our abusers gleefully continue their efforts.  Some Russian voices really understand this dynamic and feel almost a sense of pity toward the average American.  We are losing something very valuable, and the leftists/communists really don’t care because they hate our country.  President Donald Trump is correct to keep pointing this out, “they hate our country.”

The most hypocritical elements of this abuse cycle are not just evident today, the overall “western” response during the COVID-19 scam was a case study in projection.

Vladimir Putin did not arrest moms in playgrounds in Michigan during the COVID hype.

Russian police officers did not arrest paddleboarders off the beach in Malibu.

The FSB didn’t fill skate parks with sand, or shut down restaurants, or destroy the livelihoods of middle America.

It wasn’t the Kremlin police arresting people in New York City for going to restaurants without authorization papers.

It wasn’t the Russian police firing rubber bullets into the crowds in Melbourne, Australia, because the people refused to wear masks.

It wasn’t Moscow who created “bubbles” in New Zealand demanding a person apply for a permit before visiting their elderly parents, or arresting people for going to McDonalds and trying to navigate through police checkpoints and roadblocks.

It wasn’t the armed Russian military who set up involuntary detainment facilities in Australia and then called them quarantine camps- where if you crossed the arbitrary yellow line painted on the porch of your detainment cabin, you would be arrested and thrown into solitary confinement.  It was western political leadership called “democratic” premiers and national democratic leaders of the Scott Morrison administration.

It wasn’t the Russian intelligence services who monitored Facebook accounts in Canada and questioned people who dare speak about the concept of liberty or raise concerns about totalitarian dictates.

It wasn’t Vladimir Putin who declared a national emergency in Canada, then arrested his political opposition for protesting in downtown Ottawa.   And it certainly was not the Russian government who confiscated the bank accounts of dissident citizens who dared to raise their voices in support of truck drivers.  It was Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

It wasn’t Russia who hired state-sponsored hunters to track down unvaccinated citizens in Austria, fine them and confiscate their wages if they did not comply with vaccines.

It wasn’t Vladimir Putin who blocked those citizens from shopping in supermarkets forcing citizens into a black-market just to scrounge for food and essential medicine.  It was the government of Austria.

It wasn’t the police in Moscow who set up vaccine checkpoints in Paris and demanded formerly free citizens to show their authorization papers to sit outside at a cafe table.

If Western leaders like Joe Biden think they have some credibility to stand in their G7 assembly and talk about the value of democracy, they would be well served if their handlers mentioned how their insufferable ‘gaslighting’ was now falling on deaf ears.

Few things raise the anger of people to a level where foul language is the better option than the physical violence that might surface without it. However, this level of hypocrisy and pretense is surely pushing the boundaries.

To all the leaders of various “western democracies” who will now clutch their pearls as the backlash from the citizens starts to come full circle, you did this to yourself.

No one is to blame other than Biden, Trudeau, Ardern, Morrison, Macron, Johnson et al and the leaders of NATO, all political abusers, who suddenly demand the support of the citizens they abuse in order to fend off their new enemy, Vladimir Putin.

My last point on this Russian election.  You might remember when the people of Egypt voted after the NATO alliance and Obama/Clinton group helped install the Muslim Brotherhood (Mohammed Morsi).  The USA meddled in the politics of Egypt, removed Hosni Mubarek and installed an Islamic extremist.

The Egyptian people were horrified by what Morsi was doing and begged General al-Sisi to help them.

Much like Vladimir Putin, Egyptian candidate Fattah Abdel al-Sisi won the next election with over 80% of the vote.

The freedom and liberty inversion continues…

…. And it’s strange how few people can see it.

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