New Hampshire Attorney General Sends Cease and Desist Letter to DNC as National Party Tells Democrats the Upcoming Presidential Primary Is “Meaningless” – Vote for Nikki Haley

Posted originally on the CTH on January 8, 2024 | Sundance

As the DNC is telling New Hampshire Democrats the upcoming primary is “meaningless,” the background Democrat control officers like David Plouffe are telling them to vote for Nikki Haley.  The New Hampshire Attorney General has had enough of this manipulative scheming and sends a letter to the DNC telling them to stop. [Letter pdf HERE]

Forgive me…. but I am laughing a little.   When you work as hard as we have to showcase the fraud within the two-private-corporation election system (DNC & RNC), year after year, after year, this type of stuff is just gold, GOLD.

You see, there comes a point in the display of the marionette strings when they just start glowing so brightly, those who try to retain pretenses can no longer support the ruse.   Yes, finally, the DNC bloom comes off the ruse.

[SOURCE pdf Link]

NEW HAMPSHIRE (NBC) – The Democratic Party’s infighting over the New Hampshire primary just got litigious.

The New Hampshire attorney general’s office on Monday sent a cease-and-desist order to the Democratic National Committee after the national party demanded state Democrats “educate the public” that their upcoming presidential primary is “meaningless.”

In its letter to the DNC, the New Hampshire attorney general’s office declared that that demand was illegal voter suppression and warned the DNC to stop trashing their primary or risk “further enforcement action.”

“Telling any person qualified to register to vote or vote in New Hampshire that the January 23, 2024, New Hampshire democratic Presidential Primary Election is ‘meaningless’… constitutes an attempt to prevent or deter New Hampshire voters from participating [in the primary]… in violation of RSA 659:40, III,” Assistant Attorney General Brendan O’Donnell wrote in the order to the DNC, citing a portion of the state’s voting rights law.

“This matter remains open, and this Office reserves the right to take further enforcement action based on the actions described in this letter and any other actions that violate State election laws,” O’Donnell concludes.

The DNC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The back-and-forth is the latest fallout from the DNC’s attempt, under direction from President Joe Biden, to demote the New Hampshire primary for his party. The New Hampshire Republican primary remains unchanged. (read more)

PREVIOUSLY – […] “I think it’s probably too distasteful for a lot of people. But for those who would be up for it, to do something tactically—I don’t know if it would stop Trump, but, you know, it could help extend the primary.” … “I think, when you look out in the rest of the states, Trump’s clearly a dominant favorite, but in a two-person race, there’s a healthy number of Republicans who are open to an alternative if she’s the only one. So, I think for liberals, or Democrats, or independents who might not ever support Nikki Haley to be the president to cast a strategic or tactical vote, to me, makes a lot of sense.”  ~ David Plouffe

Nikki Haley Exposed as Neocon Fraud & Corporatist Shill, Ivy League Presidents Fold on Free Speech. Plus: Israel-Gaza Debate, w/ Batya Ungar-Sargon & Omar Baddar | SYSTEM UPDATE #194

Posted originally on Rumble By Glenn Greenwald on:Dec 7, 7:00 pm ES

Dimon Benefits – One Week After JPMorgan CEO Says Support Nikki Haley, Wall St Delivers $500k in One Night

Posted originally on the CTH on December 5, 2023 | Sundance 

On November 29th, JPMorgan CEO said those who control American politics should donate to and support Nikki Haley {LINK}.   A week later she brought her tin cup to Wall Street.

(Via NBC) – Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley raised over $500,000 at a massive fundraising event in New York Monday attended by top Wall Street financiers, according to people familiar with the matter.

The sheer amount of money Haley raised reflects the formidable and financially viable campaign she is creating. At this rate, Haley’s campaign could be well positioned to compete against former President Donald Trump, first in the Iowa caucuses, and then the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries.

The venue for this week’s fundraiser was the luxurious Upper West Side penthouse of former Facebook
executive Campbell Brown and Dan Senor, chief public affairs officer at the hedge fund Elliot Investment Management, according to people familiar with the matter. The address was only provided to guests who RSVP’d.

Several co-hosts listed on the invitation also had ties to Elliot Management founder and longtime Republican donor Paul Singer, including Annie Dickerson, a “close confidante” of Singer’s for years, according to Politico. Steve Cohen, a partner and the head of trading at Elliot Investment Management, was also there.

Cliff Asness, a co-founder of investment firm AQR Capital Management, Kristin Lemkau, CEO of JPMorgan Chase’s wealth management division, Robert Rosenkranz, head of Delphi Capital Management and Ray Chambers, a philanthropist who once had a stake in the NHL’s New Jersey Devils were all spotted. (read more)

Check the DATE:

[2018 GO DEEP]

Nothing ever changes in the GOPe playbook.

After Pledging $70 Million, Charles Koch Selects Nikki Haley as the Vessel to Remove His Trump Problem

Posted originally on the CTH on November 28, 2023 | Sundance

In the era where they refuse to accept their irrelevance, billionaires and their political money are easy parted.  So goes the game of grift amid the professional political class when contrast against the power of We The People.  It’s actually quite funny to watch and doesn’t annoy me one bit.

Charles Koch, a man of notorious disposition who loves open borders and multinational trade – which puts him on the outside of the America First movement, had previously pledged to spend $70 million (through his Americans For Prosperity political action committee) to remove President Trump.  Today, Charles Koch selected Nikki Haley over Ron DeSantis to be the vessel for his effort.

Via Daily Mail – The conservative U.S. political network headed by billionaire Charles Koch on Tuesday endorsed Nikki Haley for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, saying she was the best candidate to beat President Joe Biden next year.

It is the latest boost for the former South Carolina governor who has seen her stock rise with strong debate performances and improving poll numbers.

Her traditional conservative positions also align with the Koch network, which uses its money to push for tax cuts and less government regulation.

Setting out its reasons, the group said beating former President Donald Trump in the primaries was a top priority.

‘Between her surging to second place in the polls since August and being well-positioned amongst supporters of the other candidates, she is in a strong position to gather more support,’ said Emily Seidel, a senior adviser to the Koch group’s Americans for Prosperity Action, in a memo. (read more)

Be of good cheer; this endorsement by Charles Koch is actually quite funny.  Considering that Koch previously supported Ken Cuccinelli, we can imagine the big sad in the DeSantis camp.  lolol

Meanwhile, in the world of reality, here’s a summary of the latest polling.


Ain’t life a peach?

Best election year ever!

Billionaire “Never Trump” Group Dumps DeSantis for Nikki Haley…

Posted originally on the CTH on November 25, 2023 | Sundance

The Daily Caller has an interesting synopsis of the donors who are now rallying behind Nikki Haley.

The billionaire donors named in the outline are the same donors who backed Jeb! in 2016.

(Via Daily Caller) – […] “I’m a long way from making my mind up — something could change — but I’m very impressed with her,” billionaire co-founder of Home Depot Kenneth Langone told the NYT. “I think she’s a viable candidate. I would certainly like her over Trump.”

Langone has already contributed to Haley’s presidential bid, and is weighing donating additional funds, according to the NYT. Another Home Depot co-founder, Bernie Marcus, has endorsed Trump.

“It’s invigorating to be truly excited by a candidate again,” Jonathan Bush, CEO of Zus Health and cousin to former President George W. Bush, told the NYT.

Bush, who held a fundraiser for Haley’s campaign in early November, voted for President Joe Biden in 2020 and libertarian Gary Johnson in 2016, according to the NYT.

“The topic that everyone is on is, ‘How do you beat Donald Trump?’” said Bush. “And she was careful to say, ‘Look, people will decide about him, but this is where I am on certain issues.’ And she rattled off some issues, related to our debt, related to our role in the world. But what you picked up was an electric energy.”

Haley has seen a bump in the polls for the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary, which will take place on Jan. 15 and Jan. 23, respectively. The former ambassador has either tied or jumped ahead of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for second place behind only Trump in both states, according to recent polling. (read more)

FROM CTH ARCHIVES 2018 – […] Those GOPe types will back Nikki Haley in 2024 as they did Jeb in 2016. The outlooks are same/same. This is all entirely predictable.

Due to the increasing success of the MAGA or Trump Republican apparatus, Haley will need to carefully position herself as a stealth Decepticon and not upset the vulgarian hordes, ie. the new republican party base voter. As a smart and tactical politician Haley will invest heavily in the optics of supporting the MAGA movement; and embrace President Trump to avoid any conflict.

Much like the primary of 2016 (w/ Jeb), the primary race of 2024 will determine if Haley can con enough people into not seeing her elitist Decepticon position.

The Bush clan and professional political cocktail circuit was rebuked in 2016, so we can anticipate their strategy in 2024 will be with those strategic lessons at the forefront.  (SEE LINK)

Nikki Haley Positioned to Replace Ron DeSantis

Posted originally on the CTH on September 12, 2023 | Sundance 

The DeSantis campaign is imploding.  The most recent admission from the team managing DeSantis was their shifted goalposts for a second place in Iowa.  Additionally, there is now friction between Ron DeSantis and Jeff Roe (head of Never Back Down PAC), if the inside campaign leakers are to be believed.

There is an element of total understanding to the frustration about the bitter pill DeSantis is being forced to swallow.  I mean, think about it, the management of Ron DeSantis didn’t just posit the 2024 campaign in the last year, this has been a long thought-out strategy going back much further.  In retrospect, the DeSantis ’24 operation tracks to sometime in 2018; at least that’s when DeSantis had to give some formal nod of willingness.

Now, Ron DeSantis has to watch as Nikki Haley is shifted into his lane by the professional apparatus that controls the lane alignments.  Ron can’t win, that is transparently obvious, and he is now being bumped down in priority as the financial control people start to push Nikki Haley.  Seeing this must be driving Ms. Casey bananas.

CNN ran a puff piece on Nikki Haley recently, along with a poll showing that only she could defeat Joe Biden.

Before laughing, it’s wise to remember what CNN represents in the game of political media.  CNN is the official state media of the U.S. State Dept.  Nikki Haley was former UN ambassador and aligns with the worldview of the CNN control room and executive offices.

Haley is an empty vessel.  She has no true positions of her own and uses the headlines and sentiment of the moment to determine her outlooks.  This is why she previously said she would not run against Donald Trump, and said Bubba Wallace was a victim of horrible NASCAR racism.  These might sound disconnected but remember, at the time each statement was made – these were shallow public opinion constructs, not core beliefs.  Nikki Haley has no core values; she is a consultant’s dream candidate who will morph to the positions of the handlers.

ABC is now coming out with another puff piece to support Haley, in a boost to the narrative started by CNN.

[…] A FiveThirtyEight/Washington Post/Ipsos survey of likely Republican voters, taken before and after the primary debate, also showed Haley gaining ground: She was ranked as doing the third best, behind only Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy — but fewer people also said she did the worst.

“What you saw on the debate stage is what I’ve done my entire life: I speak hard truths,” Haley said afterward during a Parents for Nikki Town Hall in Manchester, New Hampshire. (more)

“Hard Truth” Example 

I’m not sure how far the professional political class will try to push Haley, but it will fail miserably – perhaps even worse than DeSantis, although that is quite a downward slope to exceed.  Nikki Haley, more akin to Mitt Romney in a skirt, is perhaps the least authentic person in the campaign, next to Ron DeSantis.

I’m not going to go too deep on this effort yet, because quite frankly I have written so much about Nikki Haley and what should be expected, that I just end up repeating myself.  However, I’m going to link to two previous articles below that I would suggest you re-review.  One was written FIVE YEARS AGO, predicting this 2024 moment, the other was written four years ago as a supplement and follow up.

If there was ever an easy candidate to predict, that would be Nikki Haley.   Read the prior articles and you will see exactly what I mean.

[This written in 2018] – [This written in 2019]

Everything outlined in those articles, much of which was predicting this exact moment, is surfacing right now.

The Big Club and Bush group support Nikki Haley, that’s why we are seeing generous support from ABC and CNN.  Yes, it really is that simple.