Russia Begins Mass Deportations After Terrorist Attack

Posted originally on Apr 3, 2024 by Martin Armstrong

Russia is not taking any chances after the senseless terrorist attack that claimed 144 lives. The four men arrested for the attack were from Tajikistan, and ISIS is now claiming responsibility. No one in charge believes that ISIS is responsible for these attacks but Russia is taking precautions and beginning a mass deportation is Islamic migrants.

President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, claimed the men who carried out the attack have “no nationality, no homeland and no religion.” President Putin believes that Ukraine and Western intelligence is responsible for the attack. Russia supports Iran. Why would they carry out a mass shooting on Russian soil of all places? The West is desperate to create a false flag to claim that Russia is the oppressive enemy so they can send in NATO.


Zelensky basically said that Russia deserved this mass shooting incident. He is attempting to instigate Moscow to act. “They (Russia) came to Ukraine, they are burning our cities – and they are trying to blame Ukraine,” Zelensky said one day after the attack. “Putin and his thugs are just trying to blame somebody else… It has happened before. There have been blown-up houses, shootings, explosions, and they always blame others,” Zelensky later stated without empathy. “They sent hundreds of thousands of terrorists here, on Ukrainian soil, they are fighting against us and don’t care what happens in their country.” Ukraine’s military intelligence (HUR) believes Russia carried out the attack on its own citizens in an effort to blame Ukraine.

Now, look at how Russia responded with the trial. All four men appeared in the courtroom in horrible condition, badly beaten. One man was forced to stand trial while in a coma. There were videos of Russian forces cutting off one man’s ear and forcing him to eat it. Russia is making a clear statement that anyone who carries out any act of terrorism will receive no grace. The Russian people want migrants who do not mesh with their own society out of their country.

The Tajikistan embassy warned its citizens to stay in their houses. Kyrgyzstan is warning its citizens not to travel to Russia. Russia is cracking down on migration and making it more difficult to obtain work permits.

Buses filled with migrants were spotted en route to St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo International Airport shortly after the attack. Hundreds of migrants have been places in temporary detention centers and/or deported.

There are cries of human rights abuse, stating that Russia is acting unfairly toward a collective group when only a few are responsible. The issue is that Russian culture does not align with the culture of these migrants. Worse, their motives are unknown and no one knows who they are truly reporting back to be it the CIA or ISIS. We see terrorists sitting comfortably in courtrooms in other nations, given the opportunity to prove innocence despite clearly carrying out horrific atrocities. Russia will not allow that to happen. They are taking no chances and putting their citizens first

Russian Day of Mourning – Death Toll Climbs to 137 as Nation Grieves

Posted originally on the CTH on March 24, 2024 | Sundance

According to the latest information from Moscow, the death toll in Russia has climbed to 137, with more than 150 people still being treated for serious injuries as a result of a terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall theater in Moscow

Today is a National Day of Mourning across the nation.  Events at cultural institutions were canceled and closed, flags were lowered to half-staff, and television entertainment and advertising were suspended. A steady stream of people brought flowers adding to a massive makeshift memorial near the burned-out concert hall.  The entire region is still in a state of shock. [CBS NEWS Report]

Dear God, bring these grieving families to Your throne of comfort. Their pain is unimaginable as they anguish the loss of their wives, husbands, children and loved ones.

Father of mercy and comfort wrap Your loving arms around them. Help them to breathe and overcome the choking knot of despair in their throat. Please provide strength for their continued faith in You even through this unfathomable pain. Lavish them with Your love, and fill the void in their crushed and broken hearts.

In Jesus’ powerful name, I believe and pray.


Дорогой Господь, приведи эти скорбящие семьи к Своему престолу утешения. Их боль невообразима, поскольку они переживают потерю своих жен, мужей, детей и близких.

Отец милосердия и утешения, обними их Своими любящими объятиями. Помогите им дышать и преодолеть удушливый узел отчаяния в горле. Прошу Тебя, дай им силы для их непоколебимой веры в Тебя, даже несмотря на эту непостижимую боль. Одари их Своей любовью и заполни пустоту в их раздавленных и разбитых сердцах.

Во имя Иисуса Христа я верю и молюсь.



“People came to a concert, some people came to relax with their families, and any one of us could have been in that situation. And I want to express my condolences to all the families that were affected here, and I want to pay tribute to these people,” Andrey Kondakov, one of the mourners who came to lay flowers at the memorial, told The Associated Press.


I can pray.

That is what I can do.

He listens.