White House Shifting and Parsing Words Around Joe and Hunter Biden “Business” – Witness Devon Archer Scheduled to Give Testimony to Congress July 31st

Posted originally on the CTH on July 24, 2023 | Sundance 

Previously Joe Biden said, “I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses.”  Today, the White House appears to have modified that position and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre now says, “the President was never in business with his son.”  WATCH:

The issue has specific weight now because Hunter Biden’s friend and eyewitness to the Biden family business coordination, Devon Archer, is scheduled to deliver testimony to the House Oversight Committee a week from today, Monday July 31st.

“The Oversight Committee will continue to follow the facts to provide the transparency and accountability that the American people demand and deserve. We look forward to speaking soon with Devon Archer about Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s business affairs,” James Comer (R-KY) said on Monday.

Jason Aldean Song Jumps to #2 on Billboard Top 100 – Achieving 11.7 Million Video Streams Last Week

Posted originally on the CTH on July 24, 2023 | Sundance 

Apparently, someone on the BLM/Woke activism side of the narrative engineering grievance industry decided to call country music singer Jason Aldean a racist for his song “Try That in A Small Town”.   [The song and video are at the end of the article.]

As the story is told, the song and subsequent music video upset the professional grievance industry who took exception to the contrast of small-town values juxtaposed against urban riots, violence and looting.

While it might sound odd, and as a consequence of the spotlight provided by Mr Aldean, intolerance to chaos, small-town values, peace, respect, kindness and neighbor helping neighbor is now declared by the grievance experts as an exhibition of profound racism.  It all seems rather bizarre, because redefining social values is typically Marxist.

Making things even more odd, Country Music Television agreed with the grievance team and immediately pulled the Aldean video from the network.  However, perhaps as an outcome of the interest created by this oddball controversy, viewers and listeners have driven the song and video to the top of the charts.

(Fox Business) – […] According to Luminate, which tracks streams and music sales, the audio and video streams from Aldean’s latest song went from 987,000 to 11.7 million, a 999% increase in the week following the release of the music video.

Luminate also confirmed to FOX Business that sales for “Try That In A Small Town” have spiked as well. The week before Aldean released the music video, it sold 1,000 tracks. Last week, the country music song sold 228,000 tracks, per Luminate.

Another major accomplishment for Aldean came in on Monday. “Try That In A Small Town” came in second on Billboard’s Hot 100 list. This marks the country music singer’s first number two spot on the chart. (read more)

I’ve watched this video below a few times, and I still don’t see what makes it controversial.


Mr Aldean released this statement in the face of the controversy.

[Source Link]

Hunter Biden Business Associate to Testify as Witness that VP Joe Biden Was on Phone Calls Organizing Influence Needs

Posted originally on the CTH on July 24, 2023 | Sundance 

Devon Archer was a good friend and business associate of Hunter Biden. According to reports from the New York Post, Archer is now scheduled to deliver witness testimony that he was present during approximately two dozen phone calls where Joe Biden was organizing business operations with his son Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden has previously denied any involvement with the business affairs of Hunter Biden. The business of Hunter Biden essentially boils down to Hunter selling various business executives on the ability of his father to use his political position to influence government action. Devon Archer was part of the conversations and a witness to the phone calls between various executives, Hunter and Joe.

(Via New York Post) – […] Hunter Biden would dial in his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on speakerphone into meetings with his overseas business partners, according to testimony expected before Congress this week from Devon Archer, the first son’s former best friend.

Archer, 48, who is facing jail for his role in a $60 million bond fraud, is scheduled to testify to the House Oversight Committee about meetings he witnessed that were attended by Joe Biden either in person or via speakerphone when Hunter would call his father and introduce him to foreign business partners or prospective investors.

“We are looking forward very much to hearing from Devon Archer about all the times he has witnessed Joe Biden meeting with Hunter Biden’s overseas business partners when he was vice president, including on speakerphone,” said Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the committee chairman.

One such meeting was in Dubai late in the evening of Friday, Dec. 4, 2015, after a board meeting of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was paying Hunter $83,000 a month as a director.

Archer, who also was a director, is expected to testify that, after dinner with the Burisma board at the Burj Al Arab Hotel, he and Hunter traveled six miles north to the Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach to have a drink with one of Hunter’s friends. (read more)

In the big picture, setting aside impeachment or other political fallout, there’s very little likelihood Joe Biden could ever win reelection.   Beyond the issues of increased visibility on the bribery, corruption and influence peddling aspects, the issue of Biden’s cognitive decline and physical inability, represent the proverbial cherry on the cake.

It is an intellectually honest position to say Joe Biden is extremely unlikely to be the DNC club nominee in 2024.  The issue for that part of the political discussion then centers around how he would exit – or be exited.

Failing health would be the most transparently obvious justification to remove Biden that affords him and the corrupt circle around him the ability to avoid the scrutiny for the illegal conduct.  However, there are quite a few alternate possibilities depending on the willful acquiescence (or refusal) of the Biden syndicate.

The corporations, multinationals, billionaires and global elite institutions who determine the illusion of choice in the U.S. election system, have likely already assembled the narrative process for Biden’s removal, and we simply await deployment.  Under the guise of Biden health issues, there is no rush for removal.

California Governor Gavin Newsom appears to have been positioned as the beneficiary of the club support; we just have to wait and watch for the rollout.

In my opinion, if the plan is generally something close to this outline, the timing of the triggering is more likely contingent upon the removal of Donald Trump from the right side of the illusion construct.

Something like a Newsom -vs- DeSantis 2024 race has always presented as the best option for those who control the illusion of choice, of course that structure is dependent on the removal of Donald Trump.  So far, DeSantis is unable to fulfill his requirement to achieve the desired club outcome; the Sea Island billionaires are not pleased with the inability of the DeSantis handlers to effectively manage this process.

It certainly looks like the outcome for Joe Biden is in a holding pattern, as those who need to pull the trigger for his removal are waiting to see what Lawfare and the DC system can do to support the DeSantis side of the objective.   If they lose DeSantis completely, can Sea Island replace with a Tim Scott or similar?  Would this be their better play?

There are a lot of variables in the background, but the Joe Biden removal process itself all points in one direction – toward a foregone conclusion.

Hillary and Bill were guilty of selling political influence for financial gain, the FBI protected them, they rode off into the sunset.

Hunter and Joe are guilty of selling political influence for financial gain, the FBI have been protecting them, we wait their departure.

There’s a pattern to this.

Prepare for Big Distraction – IRS Whistleblowers Scheduled for Public Testimony in Biden Bribery Scandal Tomorrow 1:00pm

Posted originally on the CTH on July 18, 2023 | Sundance 

Tomorrow (Wednesday), the House Oversight Committee will hold a public hearing at 1pm ET, gathering information from two IRS whistleblowers who have come forward with evidence the DOJ and FBI pressured them to stop the investigation of Hunter and Joe Biden and their alleged bribery schemes.

Essentially, large payments were made by foreign governments, and affiliated businesses within China and Ukraine, to Joe and Hunter Biden in exchange for political policy.  The IRS agents investigating the case were blocked by DOJ and FBI officials during their investigation of the criminal activity.

Both IRS agents are going to testify publicly.

In advance of the testimony, a senior FBI supervisory special agent has now corroborated the claims made by both whistleblowers.

“Today, a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation confirmed key portions of the IRS whistleblower’s testimony. The night before the interview of Hunter Biden, both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview. On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden—they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.”

“The Justice Department’s efforts to cover up for the Bidens reveals a two-tiered system of justice that sickens the American people. The Oversight Committee, along with the Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.” (more)

In addition to officials from the DOJ serving in both the Trump and Biden administrations, AG Bill Barr and AG Merrick Garland respectively, the US attorney in Delaware is also now implicated in a cover-up effort to protect the Biden family.

With corrupt officials inside federal Law (DOJ) and Order (FBI) now accused of participating in the criminal conduct and coverup, congress remains the only viable mechanism for evidence and information to reach the public.

[Via Daily Mail] – […] The House Oversight Committee, led by James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, said the FBI agent’s testimony was shocking.

They said the Biden transition team was given advance warning that Hunter Biden was about to be interviewed regarding his tax affairs and the gun charge, and Hunter then refused to speak to them.

He was charged with possessing a handgun, a Colt Cobra .38 Special, for 11 days in October 2018 despite knowing he was a drug user. 

Last month Hunter agreed a plea deal on both separate charges, and will appear in court at the end of this month. 

‘Today, our committee staff conducted a transcribed interview with a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation,’ the Committee tweeted.

‘The agent CONFIRMED key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, including that both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were TIPPED OFF about the planned Hunter Biden interview.

‘In fact, on the day of the Hunter Biden interview, FEDERAL AGENTS WERE TOLD TO STAND BY AND TO NOT APPROACH HUNTER BIDEN— they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.

‘The former FBI supervisory special agent told committee investigators he had never been told to wait outside to be contacted by the subject of an investigation.

‘The agent’s testimony is sickening and reveals the lengths to which the DOJ is willing to go to cover up for the Bidens. The Oversight Committee, along with the @JudiciaryGOP and @WaysandMeansGOP, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.’ (read more)

Obviously, we are at an inflection point within our Republic.  The corruption is visible and well documented, yet the gatekeeper media are trying to protect their allied Biden administration.

WASHINGTON—The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability today released a timeline of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes. The timeline includes significant dates beginning in the Obama-Biden Administration, including when then-Vice President Biden traveled to Ukraine, Romania, and China on official business and Biden family influence peddling schemes in those countries. President Biden has repeatedly denied knowing anything about his family’s business dealings despite evidence to the contrary. The timeline contains important dates as to when Joe Biden knew and lied to the American people about his family’s business schemes.

  • The Complicated Web of Biden Family and Associates’ Companies:  Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies—most were limited liability companies formed after Joe Biden became Vice President.
  • The Biden Family Received Millions of Dollars from Foreign Sources:  Bank records so far show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their related companies. The Committee has identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while he served as Vice President and after he left public office.
  • The Biden Family Used Business Associates’ Companies to Receive Foreign Funds:  Despite creating many companies after Vice President Biden took office, the Biden family used business associates’ companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies.
  • Attempts to Conceal Large Financial Transactions:  After foreign companies sent money to business associates’ companies, the Biden family received incremental payments over time to different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions appear to be meant to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden bank accounts.
  • CCP-Linked Chinese Nationals Hid the Source of the MoneyCCP-linkedChinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party hid the source of the funds paid out to the Bidens by layering domestic limited liability companies. The Biden family and associates’ activities, in coordination with Chinese nationals and their corporate entities, appear to be an attempt to engage in financial deception. Multiple Biden family members received money from the Chinese after it passed through an associate’s account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his company’s account from a Chinese-controlled entity.
  • Biden Family and Associates’ Activities in Romania Indicate Influence Peddling Scheme:  The Biden family and associates’ activities in Romania bear clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017. While Vice President Biden lectured Romania on corruption and ethics, the Bidens received over a million dollars from a company controlled by a Romanian individual accused of corruption, Gabriel Popoviciu, through a Biden family associate.
  • FBI’s Biden Bribery Record Mirrors Evidence Obtained by the Oversight Committee: The Oversight Committee has reviewed the FBI’s unclassified FD-1023 form that memorialized a trusted confidential human source’s conversations with a Burisma executive who claims Joe Biden demanded $5 million and then was paid in exchange for certain actions. The Burisma executive stated that he did not pay “the big guy” directly but used so many bank accounts to hide the money. It is unclear what, if anything, the FBI has done to verify the allegations contained within this. (link)


I think it is safe to assume the Biden administration will deploy a big distraction to take attention away from the hearing Wednesday at 1pm ET.

Creeper Joe Biden Really Did Try to Nibble on a Little Girl in Helsinki

Posted originally on the CTH on July 16, 2023 | Sundance 

After hearing Steve Bannon talk about this at TPUSA I had to go look to see what it was all about.  Jumpin’ ju-ju bones, it’s crazy.

Creepy Joe Biden really did try to nibble on a little girl at the airport in Helsinki. Even Yahoo News wrote an article about it. What the heck is wrong with this guy.  WATCH:

YAHOO – President Biden appeared to nibble at the shoulder of a startled little girl during his departure from Helsinki on Thursday.

A video of the incident, which took place as the president greeted embassy staff members and their families before he boarded Air Force One at Helsinki-Vantaan International Airport, shows Biden leaning into a young girl and placing his mouth on her shoulder as he nibbled lightly.

The little girl — who appeared frightened during the experience — later turned her head when Biden, who will turn 81 in November, tried to give her a peck on the head. (article link)

International media are laughing, but it really is quite disturbing at this point.


The SMELL of Freedom Featuring Joe Biden

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Jul 17, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

There are countless videos of President Joe Biden violating the personal space of children. He is constantly sniffing their hair as well, which is all on film and not a conspiracy theory or some smear campaign. The children are visibly upset, and their brain-dead parents allow it to happen. This has been happening for years. Remember what his daughter Ashley wrote in her journal that she left behind in a treatment facility for sex addiction. She said her father, Joe Biden, forced her to shower with him. This is not acceptable.

In the first video below, YOU CAN AUDIBLY HEAR THIS CREEP SNIFFING A BABY before saying, “Don’t tell mommy!”

As Biden said, “They’re all our kids.”

Even if you’re a Democrat, you cannot deny that the behavior seen below (and in countless videos online) is extremely disturbing and shameful. Letting your children near the president should come with child endangerment charges. I truly feel sickened watching these videos and I must warn that they are very disturbing. Feel free to share with anyone who still wishes to vote for the Biden-Harris trainwreck.