History is our Only Road Map to the Future

Posted originally on Mar 18, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

History Repeats

Many people hated history class because they said it was just about a lot of wars and killing people. That was true of modern history, particularly, for they were teaching events – not how or why they took place in the broad context. History is so much more. It is a catalog of our dreams, inspirations, trials, successes, and failures. Yet history is also a road map to the future, for you will see that given similar circumstances, human nature will respond the same way no matter what culture or century.

Greek Philosophers

As I have said before, the most valuable lesson my father taught me was to NEVER judge someone by my own thinking process. To truly understand history, you MUST understand the thinking process of how society arrived at that moment in time. I studied the Greek philosophers and could make the connection between why Marx arrived at his conclusions and why our Founding Fathers adopted a Republic rather than a Direct Democracy. It is vital to understand the thinking process behind events—not merely the event and the outcome.

Claudius Speech 48AD

I have studied how and why the Roman Empire achieved its greatness. Emperor Claudius (41-54AD) was a very intelligent man and a history lover. Other contemporary historians have quoted his works, but unfortunately, they have not survived.  His speech before the Senate of Rome from 48AD has survived. He argued that prominent men from the provinces should be granted membership in the Senate. In doing so, he avoided the mistake of England, which resulted in the American Revolution – NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. The American colonies were not given a seat in Parliament. Had the King followed Claudius, we would still be drinking Afternoon Tea.

Claudius AV Aureus Britaish Conquest

We are not merely sleep-walking into World War III with insane leaders who no longer represent the people, but they are acting only in their self-interests in retaining power. The Biden Administration is forcing its policies upon everyone, like the King of England, and he has weaponized the Department of Justice to rig the election of 2024. They NEED war before this election – DESPERATELY! The entire fiscal mismanagement since World War II has run its course. Any government collapses when it can no longer sell the new debt to pay off the old. If we ran a business as they run governments, we would go to prison for 20 years since they call that a Ponzi Scheme.

History will show us the way if we dare to look. But it is also a warning that those in power are now destroying our civilization. They think they will retain power as promised by Soros and Klaus Schwab. Sorry, our computer says otherwise.

History offers a guidebook to the future. All we have to ask is: Has this been done before? What was the outcome?

The Most “Non-Pretending” and Brutally Honest Video So Far This Year

Posted originally on the CTH on March 17, 2024 | Sundance

This video is buckets of brutal and pragmatic honesty.  So much so, that it’s actually stunningly refreshing.

In an era where everything is seemingly constructed around false pretenses, manufactured narratives and just plain nonsense, the cold reality of truth stands as a beacon that draws attention from those who just know that things are not right.  Watch this video and see a woman who is completely unafraid to state the truth without pretending.


Donald J. Trump… because, America. Yep!

Every single day more people realize why President Trump is opposed by the system.

Our Predictions Are Coming True: Exposing Biden’s 2024 Game Plan

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: Mar 16, 2024 at 2:00 am EST

Canada to Incorporate Social Scores in Banking

Posted originally on Mar 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


The Canadian banking system is set to be radicalized by open banking framework. Proponents are framing this as a way for banks to easily share information and access user data. The truth of the matter is that this is an opportunity to merge social standings with banking to provide government complete control over our finances.

The organization Open Banking Excellence, a World Bank partner that originated in the UK, claims that it will host all of a bank’s relevant needs in one place. The organization, which has reached 40 countries, aims to “create exceptional platforms and content that promotes knowledge sharing, new thinking and partnerships within the industry – catalysing the adoption of Open Finance and Data for better financial inclusion worldwide.”

CBDC Cover

“It’s about having that fairer, more inclusive, more open society,” said Helen Child, founder of Open Banking Excellence. Open Society, well, that does sound familiar. Why is there a need for inclusivity and fairness in banking when it should come down to numbers? “It drives financial inclusion,” she added, “It’s democratizing data.”

Data. That will be worth more than gold as we move forward with a cashless society. There is no easier way to control the masses than to control their access to money, their ability to buy, trade, and freely move about. The Canadian Press outlined the true motive in plain sight: “One of the biggest areas of growth is in credit assessments. Under open banking, lenders could directly access an individual’s banking data, so they can look beyond credit scores. Consumers can also use it to build their credit scores, for example, by proving reliable rent payments.”

Looking beyond credit scores equates to determining if a person is fit to participate in the global economy based on their personal views. Look at what happened to Nigel Farage. He never committed a crime or did anything to warrant what many have called the “Farage fiasco.” Nigel was suddenly debanked by Coutts and was unable to access any of his checking or savings accounts. His credit cards were deactivated. He was unable to participate in society without a moment’s notice.

Nigel Farage 2019 WEC

Farage did his due diligence and found that there were countless people who experienced the same financial attack carried out by the banks on behalf of the government.

This is a widespread phenomenon. We saw it happening commonly during COVID lockdowns, where users were not permitted to access places if their digital COVID passports failed. In China, when banks were facing a liquidity crisis, the CCP simply denied depositors the right to access their money and blocked them from physically accessing their banks. The government successfully prevented a bank run. We saw a few celebrities debanked from the system for voicing unpopular opinions without any legal proceedings or crimes committed.

Canada is one of many nations hoping to use unofficial social scores to control the masses. All of these actions are setting the stage for how CBDC will operate, a collective network containing everyone’s personal data and accounts. Governments have already begun debanking individuals and these steps will make it increasingly easier to force the masses to bow down and relinquish all control to the almighty government.

Candace Owens EXPOSES The Left For Exploiting Racism 👀🔥 *Full Q&A Clip*

Published originally on Rumble By Turing Point USA on Mar 8, 2024 at 7:30 pm EST

Proposition F – Drug Screens for Welfare Recipients

Posted originally on Mar 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Drug Trade

San Francisco’s Republican Party has pushed forth Proposition F that will require drug screenings for welfare recipients. Separately, Proposition E will limit the time police may patrol certain areas. There has been a large uptick in the number of San Franscico residents on the CalFresh state program, increasing by an alarming 42% (64,800) from 2019 to 2021.

Opponents of the measure believe homelessness will increase in the city. “It is deeply disturbing that in the middle of an unprecedented overdose epidemic, voters got a misleading and performative ballot issue that demonizes welfare recipients rather than helps them,” Jennifer Friedenbach, executive director of the Coalition on Homelessness, told reporters, claiming that this measure is a ploy for red votes.

Mayor London Breed firmly supports the new measures and says the city will provide new treatment measures for addicts. “This is how we get more people the help they need and change what’s happening in our city,” the mayor stated. “We’ve added treatment beds, helped 5,000 people get medication assisted treatment & are implementing new conservatorship laws to get our most vulnerable into care. Prop F will build on this work to get more people help,” London noted.

Residents no longer feel safe in the city. One only needs to visit San Franciso to see how dire the drug epidemic has become. The city has over 9,000 homeless shelters available to those in need, but many shelters require drug screenings for admission. No one can force these people to seek help. So, the current welfare state basically pays people to remain sick, addicted, and living on the streets. The opioid epidemic has destroyed the city, claiming 752 lives in 2023 alone. The situation is rapidly declining and major changes were necessary.

The city spends billions to treat the symptoms rather than the source of the problem. FY2021-2022 say the city shell out $1.1 billion to combat homelessness. There are countless programs available for those who needs help such as CalWORKS and County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP). They have designated Shelter-in-Place hotels, Safe Sleep sites, and various programs that make it easier to decline help and continue living off state and city resources.

Prop F is intended to curb addiction and homelessness. Although there are many layers to the homeless crisis (drugs, mental illness, etc.), but the city has made it an option not to work and live off the government instead. Those condemning the measure for permitting people to hit rock bottom do not understand that the city simply cannot continue allowing addiction to be a lifestyle choice.

Stolen Kisses < Stolen Elections

Posted originally on Mar 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

V J_kiss_times_square_2

The “V-J Day in Times Square” photo embodies the joy of American troops returning home from World War II. The image depicts a member of the Navy embracing a nurse for a celebratory kiss. Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt captured the moment on Aug. 14, 1945, the moment the news broke that Japan had surrendered to the Allies. The picture has been celebrated throughout the years and captured in statues and other works of art. But now, the far-left feels it is offensive and must be immediately deleted from the archives of history.

Veterans Affair Official RimaAnn Nelson received bipartisan backlash after sending out an internal memo demanding for the image to be immediately removed from all Veterans Health Administration facilities, claiming “historic perspectives on historical events and their representations evolve,” or in other words, must be rewritten to fit the current narrative. Nelson claimed the picture was promoting non-consensual sexual misconduct and would not be tolerated in the current woke environment.

Republicans and Democrats alike were appalled. The far-left has become so engrossed in woke culture that few can stand behind their ideology. Secretary Denis McDonough immediately redacted Nelson’s memo after public backlash and stated that the image would not be removed. It is unclear whether McDonough initially approved of the memo. Leila Jackson, Director of the Assault and Harassment Prevention Office, was noted as the point of contact at the bottom of the letter but has not spoken out.

Now, Nelson is not some well-meaning, sensitive individual. She was in charge of the VA hospital in St. Louis, which was rated the worst in the nation out of 126 facilities under her reign. The situation at the hospital was so dire that 1,800 troops fell ill with HIV and hepatitis from unsterilized medical and dental equipment. The establishment protects its own, and Nelson was placed in another leading role in a hospital in the Philippines without repercussions. Military families were discouraged from speaking out.

RimaAnn Nelson’s leadership hurt so many US troops that even John McCain spoke out when Nelson was transferred yet again from the Phillippines to a VA hospital in Arizona. The backlash against this woman came from both sides. “Under Ms. Nelson’s tenure, the [St. Louis] hospital closed twice for unsafe and unsanitary conditions, and was ranked last in the country for patient satisfaction out of 126 VA medical centers,” Reps. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) wrote to former President Obama. Nelson denied the allegations and remains in a position of authority. Her attempt to ban this symbolic picture of American patriotism is a minor blip compared to the things she has done.

The far-left is even causing rifts within the establishment, although everyone wants to rewrite history and mute the masses.

Freedom of speech has been dismantled by the few on the far-left promoting woke ideologies. It is happening across all nations adhering to the Great Reset.

The Puritans imposed their beliefs on the masses, outlawing sports, holidays such as Christmas, and authorized mass spying campaigns. Before the dawn of the internet, the government would hire authority figures to peak into people’s personal homes to ensure they were not breaking the law. It even became a felony to kiss your wife in public. Dare I say that the current ideology is even more deranged. There is no “wife” to kiss in public because “women” are not recognized as a separate sex and all terms alluding to gender is offensive. They likely found a picture depicting a war actually ending to be offensive as well.

This is yet another issue that cannot be considered a Democratic or liberal problem. The issue is a change in ideology coming from a select few ruling elite who wish to dismantle our rights to impose a new world order under a new set of values and morals. The years going into 2032 will be extremely difficult. The people will need to fight for their rights at every turn, and while the computers show that the elites WILL FAIL, the road to 2032 will be long and torturous.

California v Hate – Turning Neighbor on Neighbor

Posted originally on Mar 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Silencing Free Speech

They say life and death rest on the tongue, and in the case of California, your own words and thoughts can and will be used against you. CA vs Hate is a new program brought forward by Governor Gavin Newsom that encourages neighbors to turn on one another and lose trust in their own communities. The state has invested $110 million into this thought policing policy that entices individuals to report “hate speech” to the government.

Anything anti-establish can be qualified as hate speech, as we have seen in recent weeks. I brought it up a few times in recent writings, but “mother” and “father” are now deemed offensive terms by our government officials. Citizens may visit the online portal or call the hotline to report anything that they deem hateful. Assemblyman Al Murtuschi states these services “will help individuals and communities targeted for hate including Asian Americans, Latinos, Black Americans, LGBTQ+ individuals, religious minorities, and other communities that make up California’s diversity and strength.”

The online portal notes: “There are two main kinds of hate incidents – (1) acts of hate that are not crimes but violate civil rights laws, and (2) acts of hate that may not violate the law. Both types cause significant harm to communities.”

No crime or evidence is required for reporting. Anyone, regardless of immigration status, may file a report with this agency, which by the way, is not affiliated with an actual police department. “California vs Hate is not run by the police. Your report will not be shared with law enforcement without your consent. We will only connect you with law enforcement if you request it. Our team can share information about how to report to police or local prosecutors if needed,” the website records.

They will collect files and data on everyone to use against them once social credit scores are implemented. Who do you think this bill will target? Conservatives who disagree with the current direction of this country. Upset that you’re being taxed without representation, with those funds being misdirected toward war and the migrant crisis? You are no longer permitted to share your views as the First Amendment has been abolished in California. Migrants are also encouraged to use this hotline to target American citizens. Reporting may remain anonymous, and anyone with a grudge may report someone without just cause.

Mouth of Truth

This reminds me of the Mouth of Truth (bocca della verita) in Rome, a 1,300 kg stone disc created in the 1st century with a human face, menacing eyes, and a large gaping mouth. Legend had it that anyone accused of a crime could put their hand in the stone’s mouth, and only the innocent could pull their hand back out unscathed. The Mouth of Truth did not require a check and balance against witnesses who could say anything to sway the jury and public opinion. There is no accountability, and the law will always side with the government. This form of judgement is equally as obscure as an anti-hate hotline with no requirements or backing by the actual legal system.

In fact, Newsom states that this intended “approach does not require engagement with the criminal legal system,” meaning this is a private data-collecting entity directed at people who feel they are above the law. Actual acts of hate against Conservative ideologies go unpunished. Could someone report that they were refused service for being unvaccinated due to religious reasons, for example? No. Could someone report that they were denied a job opportunity due to laws favoring the most diverse candidate over the most qualified? Do parents have the right to file a report that their child’s school sent home inappropriate homework assignments discussing sexual topics? Perhaps a family was denied the opportunity to adopt due to their unwillingness to allow a child to make an adult decision. Could they file a report? Absolutely not. This is the far left’s personal Stasi.

The intense divide in America has pinned two sides against one another, and now, these asinine tyrannical measures will pit neighbor against neighbor. No different from the Soviet era, people will become fearful to speak their truth as it could come with consequences. This is unconstitutional but the Constitution has been ignored for the past four years. This law is intended to dismantle our communities and families. Your neighbor could be plotting against you; they do not want you to trust anyone but the government.

Britain Arrested 3,300 for Comments on Social Media – Russia 400

Posted originally on Mar 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Thank God we live in a Free Society – it would have been 10,000 arrested otherwise.