RFK Jr. Shows His True Colors: He’s A Radical Leftist Cosplaying As A Moderate

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 10, 2024 at 4:30 pm EST

There’s an Alignment of Interests for the Trump Alternative Between Team DeSantis and Team RFK Jr.

Posted originally on the CTH on May 7, 2024 | Sundance

You’d have to be intentionally looking the other way not to see the alignment of interests between the RFK Jr. operation and the dormant but ever hopeful DeSantis operation.  I’m not necessarily talking about the average supporter, but more akin to the financial backers and background influence operation.

Having erased all preconceptions about honest motives and intents as it pertains to DC swamp dwellers, the aggregate UniParty tribe, I am left reviewing and reconciling visible activity through the prism of constant deceptive motive and anti-Trump corruption.  Honestly, it’s exhausting.

RFK Jr. is reportedly paying right-wing “influencers” to steer favorable opinion of him as a safe Republican alternative to President Donald Trump [SEE ARTICLE HERE].  This paid “influencer” approach mirrors the activity by Ron DeSantis in his failed (currently suspended) bid to win the GOP nomination, and it would appear some of the same characters are participating.

The effort by Kennedy Jr. to peel voters from Donald Trump would also undercut the premise of those who claimed Kennedy’s main target would be Biden supporters.  Additionally, Adam Townsend noted on Twitter several days ago, how it was difficult to find the old speeches, interviews and remarks by RFK Jr., as if there was an effort underway to scrub Kennedy’s extreme leftist positions.

Then, after the internet scrubbing, we see Bill Ackman (CEO Pershing) pushing RFK Jr, and then a seemingly timed rebranding effort and video launch with Woody Harrelson narrating [SEE HERE].   This RFK Jr. rebranding video is then promoted by Elon Musk, who is -not coincidentally- a close friend of Bill Ackman.

Several months ago, I noted the construct around RFK Jr., essentially just noise and opaque activity, felt like we were witnessing an intelligence operation; perhaps driven by the IC effort to steer the election toward a favorable outcome for their interests.   The recent activity only appears to bolster that potential.

Then, we jump to Marjorie Taylor Greene and her effort to target Mike Johnson for removal as speaker of the House.  MTG is not politically unintelligent.  She would know, with certainty, that removing Johnson now would create a crisis likely to end with a Democrat speaker and internal House effort to block Donald Trump.

MTG is bolstered in her effort by the support of an expressed never-Trumper in Congress and supporter of Ron DeSantis, Thomas Massie.  Greene is meeting with Speaker Johnson while leveraging her threat to oust him from office.

[…] Ahead of her meeting with Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shared her list of demands for the speaker amid her push to oust him from the House’s top job. (more)

Ousting Johnson right now is a move against the interests of President Donald Trump.  The only reason to make the threat of Johnson removal is to leverage the possibility of undermining Trump.   Again, knowing how the Deep State operates, I review this activity by MTG through the prism of corruption and compromise.   Is there an entity in the IC background holding something over MTG as a pressure point toward an anti-Trump outcome?

Standing over there in the corner is the fully assembled and suspended Ron DeSantis operation.  That multinational group of interests that support DeSantis maintain a massive financial stake in opposition to President Trump.

All of these aligned Machiavellian interests are triggering a vibe of coordination – or an alignment of interests.  It all just feels very familiar and very Republican.

I dislike Washington DC immensely.

RFK Tells the Truth About Ukraine

Posted originally on Apr 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


RFK Jr. Pretends Not to Know Intel Agency FISA Game

Posted originally on the CTH on April 13, 2024 | Sundance

There are three basic options for this response from RFK Jr.  (1) He really is not that intelligent, and doesn’t know of what he speaks. (2) He knows the full background context and is pretending not to know. (3)  He’s working on behalf of an alternate interest.

The reason is simple, the last reauthorization of the FISA-702 process took place in December/January of 2017/2018.  At the time of the issue you might remember the intense debate that encompassed what was called the “Nunes memo”.

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) Chairman Devin Nunes had written a memo outlining the contents of the FISA application used against Carter Page.  The Intelligence Community wanted to keep the information about the FISA application hidden from public review.

Devin Nunes’ memo was designated “Top Secret Compartmented Intelligence” (TSCI) by those who wanted it to remain hidden.  Nunes was asking President Trump to use his declassification authority to remove the classified status, so that the American people could read how the DOJ, CIA, FBI and ODNI constructed a fraudulent FISA application to conduct political surveillance on Donald Trump.

Keep in mind, on March 17, 2017, SSCI Vice Chairman Mark Warner leaked a full and unredacted copy of the FISA application to the media. Three days later, on March 20th, FBI Director James Comey admitted during public testimony that Donald Trump was the subject of an active counterintelligence investigation.

Warner and Comey were running an operation using DC media to get the momentum they needed for a Special Counsel investigation.  The SC investigation was needed to cover up the activity of the DOJ, FBI, NSD, ODNI and SSCI during the 2016 election cycle.  Every element of the intelligence apparatus in DC was opposed to the efforts of Nunes and Trump to expose the unlawful targeting effort.

To get the Nunes memo declassified, both President Trump and Devin Nunes used the leverage of FISA-702 reauthorization to force the IC to declassify it.   If the ODNI, FBI and DOJ did not agree to declassify the memo and make it public, then 702 would be allowed to expire, and the IC would lose their currency.

It worked.  The DNI, FBI and DOJ acquiesced to the memo declassification.  Then they worked diligently to undermine it.

That’s how they roll.

The FBI is to America in 2024, what the Soviet FSB was to Russia in 1984. A fully weaponized government inversion is underway within the United States.

Either Robert Kennedy Jr. is clueless (doubtful), or he’s pretending not to know what DC does with their power (likely).

Yes, there is a lot of irony within his pretenses. Then again, he’s a Kennedy.

Who was Francis Scott Key?

Posted originally on Mar 29, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

With the bridge debacle, the name Francis Scott Key has been a topic of controversy. Francis Scott Key was an American poet, author, and lawyer from Frederick, Maryland. He witnessed the British bomb Fort McHenry in 1814, inspiring him to write numerous works of art, the most popular of which is the “Star-Spangled Banner.”


There are other bridges and statues honoring Francis Scott Key throughout the nation. There was even a ship named the SS Francis Scott Key that fought in World War II. His memory is being erased from history. The Key monument in San Francisco was destroyed by protestors on June 19, 2020, the same date that is now the celebrated holiday of Juneteenth. Instead of rebuilding the monument, California replaced it with 350 black steel sculptures to represent the first 350 Africans sold by African royalty to America to be used as slaves. This is extremely divisive and perpetuates the narrative that a subsect of our population should not have loyalty to America.

The woke left refers to the national anthem produced by Key as the “white national anthem” in an attempt to divide us. We are all American – divided, we fall. It is the people vs the government NOT the people vs the people. There is a good probability that the bridge will be renamed after someone far less influential.