The Influence of Corrupt MONEY in MAGA – Kelly Loeffler Throwing a Georgia Debate Party

Posted originally on the CTH on June 24, 2024 | Sundance 

I made the headline generic, because sometimes people tend to get thin-skinned and defrosted when I point out pretenses.  However, the facts of this speak for themselves.

You might remember in early January 2021, when the Georgia MAGA base was literally shouting at Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue to support President Trump during a rally, the two completely compromised DeceptiCon senatorial candidates just wouldn’t do it.  Exactly the opposite happened.

Much to the disappointment of many conservatives, President Trump supported Kelly Loeffler over Doug Collins in the Georgia Senate primary.  Personally, I cannot stand Loeffler, the selected and appointed elitist senator of GA Governor Brian Kemp, best friend of Nikki Haley, and wife of multi-millionaire Jeffrey Sprecher who owns the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

That night, January 4, 2021, as if on cue, while President Trump was on stage rallying support for Loeffler, her husband was literally telling the media how he was going to defy President Trump’s executive order to ban (blacklist) Chinese telecommunications firms from the New York Stock Exchange.

On November 12, 2020, President Trump signed an executive order prohibiting American companies and individuals from owning shares in any of the 31 Chinese companies previously listed as enabling the People’s Liberation Army, effective Jan 11, 2021.  Three telecommunications companies China Mobile Ltd., China Telecom Corp Ltd., China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd., were targeted.

Literally as President Trump was traveling to Georgia to rally in support of Senator Loeffler, the NYSE –owned by Loeffler’s husband– announced they would not delist the Chinese companies [LINK]

That’s the background.

Now check this out:


I don’t know if Sprecher is pre-positioning with Loeffler for a placement in the administration, or what their angle is…  But I can guarantee you they have an angle.  A serious angle.  And Sprecher, as owner of the NYSE, certainly doesn’t like MAGAnomics.

Yes, Jeffrey Sprecher owns the largest stock exchange in the world: the New York Stock Exchange with more than 2,400 listed companies and a market capitalization of over $25 trillion…..  There are Always Trillions at Stake.

Georgia Republican politics has overtaken Wisconsin Republican politics for Bush level manipulative antics.

Additionally, apparently Senator Tim Scott is going to be in the audience at the debate.


Kash Patel Drops BLOCKBUSTER: Paul Ryan’s Chief of Staff Held Crucial Evidence Since 2016

House Republicans Furious with Way Speaker Johnson Distributes Tenured Perks

Posted originally on the CTH on June 14, 2024 | Sundance

When I said in 2020 that House Republican representatives were generally focused on who gets the larger pieces of the cake during the office birthday party, many people just couldn’t fathom it.

With all the crisis, corruption, manipulation of government institutions, DOJ/FBI targeting and jaw-dropping weaponization that was stunningly evident, a large number of readers could not bring themselves to realize almost all House Republicans just didn’t care.  Fortunately, a lot more awakening has happened in the past four years, and I think people are now more willing to accept the reality of just how bad it is in Republican ranks.

If there was just one article this month, I would like to suggest everyone read THIS ONE IN POLITICO  There’s no paywall; everyone can read it, and the context of it is, unfortunately, exactly as I would describe it myself.   I have witnessed first-hand, exactly what the article covers.

On the day after the Mar-a-Lago raid in 2022, the FBI raided the home of Pennsylvania Representative Scott Perry. {DETAILS}  Factually, there were a series of coordinated FBI raids and targeted inquisitions that were intentionally timed to trigger immediately after the August ’22 Trump raid.

What most people do not know was that President Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows essentially set up Scott Perry.   After the DOJ framed the J6 events as a “national security threat,” Mark Meadows was essentially a walking FISA virus.  Meadows sent Perry text messages via an encrypted Signal app, however, Signal was cooperating with the DOJ/FBI to give all communication to the targeting units of a weaponized surveillance state.

SIDEBAR: I believe Meadows knew his communication with Perry would be intercepted, because Meadows was an ¹operative for the Intelligence Community. I have pointed out the Meadows issues before.  Additionally, Meadows was absolutely confirmed as John Solomon’s source from Congress and likely from the Oval Office.  Meadows consistently leaked information to Hannity’s Tick Tock buddy, that the DOJ/FBI and IC wanted to see distributed.

¹Mark Meadows is a confirmed Deep State operative, and I would not bet against Solomon being a willing assistant and operative himself. [Chase his current storyline with that qualifier in mind, and you might have a different perspective. Seven years of “Breaking”, “Explosive”, “Game Changing”, “Exclusive”, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.  All of it with ZERO “big boom” accountability outcomes – exactly as designed.]

SIDEBAR OVER – Back to Perry.  Pennsylvania Representative Scott Perry became an FBI target in part because of his proximity to the epicenter of the AME church network voting fraud in Philadelphia [there’s a reason Biden goes there all the time], and in part because Perry was a supporter of President Trump and didn’t buy the illogical 2020 election outcome narrative. {NYT Link}

Well, last week House Speaker Mike Johnson appointed Scott Perry to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, or HPSCI as it is known.  Despite the MAGA reps supporting this selection, my hunch is that President Trump was the voice who leveraged Johnson to make this happen.  Now, the non-MAGA professional Republicans in the House are going bananas.

The backlash against the appointment of Perry to the HPSCI is a remarkable dose of sunlight upon all of the Republican deep state operatives in the House of Representatives.  Texas Rep Dan Crenshaw is so filled with rage he can’t see straight.

WASHINGTON DC – […] Crenshaw, a member of the Intelligence panel, added: “The speaker needs to remember that there isn’t only one group that can threaten them. … Just do not teach the lesson that the only way for us to be effective here is threatening, because I’ll take the lesson and I’ll do it.”

[…]  Beyond Crenshaw, a person familiar with the sitdowns said two separate groups of Republicans met with Johnson this week to share their frustrations about Perry’s appointment. That includes members of the Intelligence Committee who plan to meet with him on Thursday.

One Republican, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly, said no previous committee assignment has sparked as much internal anger as Johnson’s decision about Perry.

Another GOP member added that Perry’s appointment “was the talk for a day or two” among Republicans during their recent trip to France because of how “angry” lawmakers are.

“There’s a lot of pissed people. A lot of angry people. (read more)

Pour in the sunlight…. This is good stuff.   We need to find out exactly which Republicans are angered by the appointment of Perry to the HPSCI.  The problem is much bigger than the insufferable Dan Crenshaw.

Beyond the details of this story, stand back and look at the larger picture of how the HPSCI seats were historically assigned, against the background of how stunningly bad the HPSCI has been at holding the HPSCI Democrats like Adam Schiff to account.   Let yourself think about this.

Everyone gets frustrated by the insufferable ineptitude of the House Republicans who appear on committees, and as a consequence appear on television asking the wrong questions.   Well, overlay the silo problem with the reality that Republican House accountability processes (committee assignments) are determined by seniority and who plays nicely in DC.

…”a lot of people who have worked hard to be good team players feel like they are getting passed over,” (link)

PICTURED: ~ The Average DC Republican ~

Things make sense now? 

The Big Ugly needs to get BIGGER and UGLIER before the boil can be lanced and the puss drained.

The Truth Has No Agenda.  However, this sunlight is progress.

Supreme Court Bombshell Decisions Due June 13th

Posted originally on Jun 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Supreme Court BW

The Supreme Court has 28 decisions still remaining, and there are a lot of really important cases that will shape history. The next opinion day will be June 13; this 2023-2024 term ends on June 28th. Buried within these 28 cases is the only one regarding deference to agencies known as the Chevron decision. Many hope that will be overruled, which will be a victory for the private sector, as well as the rulings on the abortion pill mifepristone. However, the political game changer will be former President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity. The court heard oral arguments in Trump v. United States on April 25.

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It’s going to be a real legal mess, to say the least. I noticed that we had a Directional Change show up for announcement day – June 13th. That is very unusual, for it is the FIRST time I have ever seen the computer highlight on a Supreme Court announcement day. The Panic Cycle on the 17th is also showing up in the Euro.

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However, the FOMC meeting at the Federal Reserve is on the 11-12th. When we look at the 30-year bond, we can see a Panic Cycle and a Directional Change for the 12th. The computer has been able to forecast even FOMC meetings. Interestingly, we also have a panic cycle showing up on the 12th in some European markets. Add to this mess, we have the EU elections on June 9th.

The decision, especially on the Trump Immunity case, may have the biggest impact. Many people thought that the Supreme Court would remand it and instruct the district court to parse what is and what is not an official act. If the Supreme Court was going to do that, it would have a quick decision. This opens the door to two possibilities.

(1) The court will state that Trump has virtually absolute immunity. That is probably the wisest decision that would wipe out all cases against Trump. If this is NOT done, then there will be a very dangerous precedent, and you can bet that denying that immunity to Trump can then be used against Biden and even Obama if he intervenes in the current election. Granting virtual absolute immunity will save the USA from weaponizing the DOJ and transforming the nation into a banana republic. You can bet WHATEVER they have done to Trump, the other side will do to Biden et al.

(2) The Special Prosecutor has NO jurisdiction to do what he is doing. He was not appointed by Congress nor confirmed. He was a special appointment by the DOJ, and he actually does not even fall under prosecutorial immunity himself. That would be a valid decision that would end the Washington and Florida cases.

Chief Justice for 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Tells Clerk to Trash All Further Complaints Against Judge Cannon and Make it Public

Posted originally on the CTH on June 3, 2024 | Sundance

When the extreme leftists cannot get their way by manipulating the legal system through Lawfare, they come unglued.

The tribal leadership of Norm Eisen, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann and the larger Lawfare community have been waging an open media campaign against Florida Judge Aileen Cannon because in the Jack Smith documents case Judge Cannon is not giving them what they want.

It’s somewhat personal to the Lawfare crew because from the outset it has appeared that Eisen, McCord and Weissmann write the briefs and motions that Jack Smith files with the court.  If the Lawfare effort is being rejected, dismissed or diluted by Judge Cannon, the Lawfare tribe takes it personal and make appearances on leftist media networks, broadcasts and social media telling their followers to file judicial complaints against her.

In response to what the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals calls an “orchestrated campaign,” Chief Judge William Pryor of the 11th CCA has published a blistering order [SEE HERE], informing the clerk of the court not to accept any more complaints and to trash them.

[SOURCE pdf]

Making matters worse for the Lawfare pearl clutchers, Chief Justice Pryor tells the court’s clerk not to even respond to the complaints, just publish this order.  In the larger message the 11th CCA is essentially telling the Lawfare activists to knock it off, and this approach can have profoundly negative implications for Jack Smith’s ability to use the appeals court as a tool to target Judge Cannon.

“The Chief Judge for the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is putting an official end to the THOUSANDS OF COORDINATED COMPLAINTS against Judge Aileen Cannon. Democrats are totally hysterical when they can’t control a courtroom (or a SC Justice like Alito).”  ~ Mark Mendlovitz

Raheem Kassam: Beware Nikki Haley’s “Silly Buggers” Who Plan To Sabotage Trump At RNC

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 24, 2024 at 08:00 pm EST

We Won! Now They’re Panicking | EP #195 | Winning the MNGOP Senate Endorsement | Royce White

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 20, 2024 at 09:00 pm EST

Maria Bartiromo Questions Rep. Russell Fry About Lack of Action from Government Weaponization Committee

Posted originally on the CTH on May 10, 2024 | Sundance 

There’s something that sometimes starts to give the appearance of being contrived when, after all this time, DC pundits suddenly start getting angry on the TV and talking about what people want to see happen.

In this video segment Ms Maria Bartiromo gets very angry with South Carolina Republican Representative Russell Fry who talks about the political attacks against President Trump. Congressman Fry outlines the problem, yet provides no solution. WATCH:


Kash Patel – The House Is To Rotten It Must Be Cleaned, Trump Can Drain The Swamp

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: May 1, 2024 at 10:00 pm EST

Calling Out Republican Leaders By Name Who Voted to Prioritize Foreign Countries Over America

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: Apr 24, 2024 at 1:00 pm EST