Russia to Test Missile off the Coast of California Tomorrow

Posted originally on May 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Missile Launch Ship

Putin keeps trying to warn the American Neocons that they are playing with World War III, which will be nuclear. They issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) that they will be firing missiles in a test just off the coast of northern California coast, thereby alerting pilots of Russian missile launches to LAND / IMPACT in the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center ((ARTCC). This will begin tomorrow and continue for 10 days. This is 300 miles offshore in international waters.

What Putin does not get is that our wonderful Neocons care nothing about the country, the people, and certainly not the economy. The Climate Change zealots in the White House agree with them and think reducing the population may be the only way to reach their NET ZERO target for CO2. He keeps warning – is this what you really want? They do not back down and want war so bad they can taste it in their sleep.

The first week of June in a Panic Cycle and the climate change nuts are punching for restrictions on travel this summer and the date is June 6th is what they are shooting for. They want to curtain your summer vacation this year to reduce CO2. If they can throw in war – fantastic! The only question they indeed to ask after World War III – Did we get enough of them to save the planet?

Germany and Japan to Hold Joint Naval Exercises

Posted originally on May 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Japan and Germany announced plans on May 6 to hold joint naval exercises to “maintain the rules-based international order.” Despite forming an alliance over the last world war, the two nations have never coordinated naval efforts, which leads one to believe they are planning for a massive international conflict.

Germany and Japan joined forces during World War II to fight off the Soviets. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that not Russia but China is the new prominent threat – well, a new threat to Germany as the Chinese and Japanese have a long history of brutal warfare and generational hatred.

War with China

“We are observing these developments with concern,” the defense minister said, emphasizing China’s significant responsibility for global peace and stability. He also noted that China is a partner for Germany, underscoring the importance of leveraging these ties. The two nations have already performed joint air force exercises as well, and Germany plans to deploy a supply ship and aircraft to the Indo-Pacific region in 2024, a move that will certainly put China on defense.

Pistorius believes that Russia’s attack on Ukraine was a “turning point” that should encourage nations to come together to disband unfriendly nations. “Our military experts tell us that Russia would theoretically be able to attack NATO territory in five to eight years. Regardless of whether Moscow would take this risk or not, we must be prepared for anything,” he announced.

No, Italy was not invited to join this time around. This alliance would have raised eyebrows a few decades ago. Japan was prohibited from having a military after World War II, leading to the establishment of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) in 1954. Technically, they are a “non-military organization” but one of the top 10 most funded agencies in the world for military purposes. Japan relies on protection from the West, but the West is now helping Japan to become a major military power once again.

Germany increased military spending by 9% from 2023 to 2022, spending $66.8 billion on military efforts. The year 2024 marks the third consecutive year that Germany has spent more on its defense as it works to strengthen its position as a major military power in Europe. The nation is still failing to meet its 2% NATO obligation, paying only 1.5%, but has announced that they will be in compliance by next year – right on time for when things begin to heat up.

Putin Sworn in on ECM May 7th Target

Posted originally on May 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

The Daily Mail

Putin was inaugurated in the Palace of the old Czars. He at least proved that he (1) could walk, (2) did not require an Easter Bunny to guide him, and (3) he could read a complete sentence. I suppose that, in contrast to Biden, it is rather stunning. But in truth, at least Putin does make the decisions in Russia compared to our unelected people really running the White House

Germany Announces it Will Send 35,000 Troops to Ukraine

Posted originally on May 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

5 6 24 Germany to_deploy_35_000_troops

May 7th is Shaping up to be the Declaration of War Against Russia

Right on the Double Directional Change

DAX D Array 5 6 24


Russia Now Responds This War is US, UK & NATO vs Russia – Not Ukraine

Posted 0riginally on May 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Russia_Warns_Ukraine_s_F_16s_Will_Be_Treated_as_Nuclear_Threats 5 6 24

Russia is changing its game. I have been warned that Putin has been under pressure to deal with the real threat to Russia, the US, the UK, and NATO. Ukraine is just a mercenary soldier who is expendable as far as the West is concerned. Nobody cares about Ukrainians. They are just there to kill Russians. As I have warned, nobody in Washington has EVER expected Ukraine to win. The real powers, the US, the UK, and NATO, are all stepping up the game, and they are preparing for World War III and want to destroy Russia utterly.

The game is changing here on May 7th. All I can pray is that Ukraine does not do something really stupid because, on May 7th, Putin will be inaugurated.

Macron Needs War Before the EU June 9th, Election as Does Biden

Posted originally on May 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Macron_not_ruling_anything_out_when_it_comes_to_Western_troops_in_Ukraine 5 3 24

Emmanuel Macron is desperately trying to take Europe into World War III. The EU elections are June 9th, and the Right is well ahead in most of the polls, which is unsurprising as Europeans are starting to wake up to the cost of Climate Change. Like Biden, Macron seems to need a war, fearing a loss of power on June 9th. Presidential elections are not scheduled in France until April 11th, 2027. Macron is not eligible to run in the 2027 elections since he is limited to two consecutive terms in office.

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When we look at the 68% disapproval rating of Macron, we see the natural response of any politician is to find an external enemy. The once peace-loving Macron now champions World War III to stay relevant like NATO.

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Macron fears that France’s right is expected to make sizable gains in June’s European elections. They may be able to reshape EU politics overall as it could influence the making of any new coalition in the European Parliament and weaken pro-EU forces, which would be a true cry for freedom. All centralized governments ultimately fail. That was the difference between Lenin and Stalin and why the Soviet Union was unsustainable.

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Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in France on Sunday, May 5th, 2024, just in time for our turning point on May 7th on the Economic Confidence Model. This is a state visit hosted by Emmanuel Macron, who will try to threaten and intimidate him into backing Russia in the conflict over Ukraine. The arrogance of the West threatens anyone who supports Russia when they are pouring in everything they have to destroy Russia with covert plans to take over the country as they always have. Xi’s arrival for the visit marked 60 years of diplomatic relations between France and China, beginning with his first trip to Europe in 2019, which will also see him visit Serbia and Hungary.

Pentagon Chine is number one enemy

China would have to be really stupid, for once the plan is to destroy Russia, they will then turn on China. This is Julius Caesar’s strategy – divide and conquer. Macron is no Richard Nixon, and he offers nothing but threats. This war would be over in 24 hours if the West honored the Minsk Agreement that they negotiated in bad faith to buy time for Ukraine to kill as many Russians as possible.


Putin has made a direct threat of World War III against the real players here in the War, which are the USA, UK, and NATO – Ukraine is just the expendable mercenary conscript. Putin keeps warning, thinking that the West will back down, but they refuse to see any peace. He has stated that if Ukraine destroys the bridge connecting Crimea and Russia, there will be “an indestructible blow of retaliation” to Ukraine’s allies. My concern is Putin keeps stating his red line, and the West keeps telling Ukraine to cross it in hopes that Putin will strike anybody in NATO.

2014 War Cyclew 2011 Conference

When I stood up at the 2011 World Economic Conference and delivered the forecast for war would begin in 2014, it seemed farfetched to many. But this model has been uncanny, and we are headed into the peak of war in 2027.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

Posted originally on the CTH on May 1, 2024 | Sundance

Aleksandr Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter, and Amazon won’t sell his books. Tucker Carlson talked to him in Moscow.

Watching this interview while sitting in a kitchen in Russia is a little odd, however, what Dugin explains does seem to lineup with my perspective as an American in Russia.  The explanation for why leftists (progressives) in the USA seemingly reversed their entire worldview about Russia in a decade does seem to make sense.

I have shared that modern Russian social society is much more traditional than the expressed Western value system you find embodied in progressives.  Russia is far more nationalistic and less globalist; meanwhile, the USA has moved far closer to globalism and is less nationalistic.  Within this shift, the change in democracy also reconciles.

As Dugin notes, Western democracy is no longer about the majority of the citizens; the national identity has been erased in favor of governing rules by a minority.  The commonality of sex (two genders) has been erased in favor of multiple-gender identity, expanded individualism, which is simply a reflection of the fractured bond of commonality.  It is an interesting conversation.  WATCH:

It should be noted before people in the USA and English speaking “West” start running around with romantic images of Russia, that the Russian people do not think about such issues… AT ALL.  The average Russian thinks about social politics about as much as the average American, which is to say – not much at all.

However, all of that said, someone asked me about COVID-19 in Russia and what was the general sensibility of the issue.  I have had some rather fascinating discussions thanks to that question.

I never thought I would find a population more cynical about COVID-19, the “pandemic of ’20/’21” and the vaccine protocol than Americans on average.  I was wrong.  In my conversations with Russians about it, the average person in Russia was far more cynical than the average American.

I’m not sure why, but a larger than 50% group of the Russian people did not buy into the fear and hype.  From the conversations I have encountered, more than half the population didn’t trust the claims by the Western medical establishment.

Additionally, fewer than half the population of Russia appear to have accepted the vaccine.  We are told the vaccine compliance rate for the first injection in the USA was around 65 to 70%.  It does not seem like 70% of Russians took the vaccine; it seems that Russia had a much lower compliance rate based on responses to the question.

I’m not exactly sure why the biggest segment of the Russian population didn’t fall for the COVID-19 pandemic hype; perhaps their cynicism against “institutions” of a totalitarian state helped them on this subject, I don’t know.  However, the most frequent response is the average Russian just didn’t believe COVID-19 was as dangerous as the various health agencies were saying it was.

The government of Russia pushed the vaccine, perhaps not as aggressively as the USA and other Western countries, but they did push it hard.  However, it appears much less than half the population followed the govt advice.

I’ll have more later on some granular Russian dynamics as they appear to present.

It really is bizarre being here in Russia.  There are zero Western tourists or travelers in this country.  The only tourists and/or foreigners Russia has seen for over two years are all from Asia (mostly China).   When the average Russian hears my American voice speaking English, the immediate reaction is shock, followed by extreme curiosity – it’s wild.

There’s nothing to be fearful about or worried about.  Everywhere seems to be safe, orderly and exceptionally well cultured; maybe even a little annoyingly so.  The polite and unwritten social rules are followed by everyone with a general compliance unlike anything I can remember seeing in the USA.   Everything from how you cross the street to obeying social standards on subway travel is extraordinarily polite and mannerly; factually it’s a little weird.

Do not romanticize Russia in your mind’s-eye; there are major issues here, and the quality of life in the average USA neighborhood is much higher.  However, on the cultural part of polite social norms, most Russian social life is like a step back into the 1950’s USA with perhaps a bigger dose of visible counter-culture evident.

The USA boomer generation would recognize the shallow coldness behind the eyes of Russians who avoid eye contact and appear to be task oriented in life.  Oddly, if you grew up as a USA Gen-Xer, socially current Russia is probably more like the place of your fond memories, and going to a large shopping mall is like stepping back in time 30 years.  If, however, you have a gen-Z or ‘zoomer’ in the familial crew, they would think modern social Russia is backwards and too regimented.

From what I can tell, those Western (generational) viewpoints are entirely due to the speed of transition that Dugin notes from the rising of Vladimir Putin to the leadership of Russia.

There ain’t no welcoming room for Barack Obama, Bill Ayers, Cass Sunstein, Samantha Power and/or any of the progressive crew here.  Russian patriotism is probably at the highest generational point in a long time, and I doubt President Putin is going to miss the opportunity to perma-ban all the Western corporations that exited Russia after the sanctions came along.

The reality of the Western sanction regime is really going to take an entire series of articles to explain.  T-mobile cell phone service works here (go figure, no blocks at all), as long as you don’t interface your device with Russian internet wifi, which is really funny.

Yes, you can connect to all the banned Western stuff through the cell phone network (value of a yellow phone in Russia), and simultaneously you can connect and access all of the banned stuff the USA government controls and stops Americans from seeing/using if you have a grey zone originating phone and cell phone number.  lolol

It really is bizarre how an individual person can operate, in this fragmented communication world, once they teach themselves the tools and techniques.   Perhaps the most stunningly obvious difference between Yellow and Grey – anyone with a passport can open a bank account in Russia. The RU banks even have their computers set up to plug in to your device and upload apps, because the Apple/Google app stores don’t permit it (sanctions).

There is a lengthy learning curve, but it is well worth the time figuring out how to navigate the financial matrix the West has constructed.   The sanctions against Russia are stunningly irrelevant, and were not designed to keep Russia out of the western financial system. The Sanctions were created to keep Americans, Canadians, AU/NZ, Japan and EU locked into the West.

Russia Responds Precisely on Target

Posted originally on Apr 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

ECM Ukraine Russia War

Nearly $300 billion worth of confiscated frozen Russian assets have been set to the side by the West. Some of the world’s leading decision-makers have been urging the powers that be to release these funds into Ukraine, arming Russia’s enemy with the private wealth of its own citizens. Russia has finally responded to these threats near our critical turning point during the week of April 19/20, 2024.

Russian authorities released a statement to say that they are fully prepared to implement retaliatory measures.

“We also have a prepared answer,” Valentina Matviyenko, the speaker of the Russian upper house of parliament, was quoted as saying by state news agency RIA. “We have a draft law, which we are ready to consider immediately, on retaliatory measures.” While the precise retaliatory measures have not been stated, it is safe to assume that Russia will begin to confiscate Western assets. “And the Europeans will lose more than we do,” Matviyenko, who is a member of Russia’s powerful Security Council, said.

The response also comes ahead of the critical target of May 7, which also happens to be the next Russian election. The computer selected the date many years ago. The people want a strong leader who will fight to return what is rightfully theirs. The West has never technically been at war with Russia and Russia has been overly patient in awaiting a response. As it seems the funds will be released in the slush fund which is Ukraine, Russia has been forced to respond.

ECM Russia 1991 Pi

It is unclear how much Russia holds in foreign assets. Russian Parliament speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said he believes that Russia would be justified in seizing these assets, especially after the US House of Representatives recently voted on legislation that will expand the illegal seizure of private Russian assets. Russia noted that Europe has more to lose than America because Europeans have more invested in Russia. Europe holds the majority of Russian assets, freezing around $224 billion in assets compared to the $5 to $6 trillion held by the US.

Now Volodin is prepared for more than mere economic warfare. In January, he stated that Russia was prepared to unleash a “global catastrophe” upon all unfriendly nations for creating this proxy war in Ukraine. “Arguments that the nuclear powers have not previously used weapons of mass destruction in local conflicts are untenable. This is because these states have not faced a situation in which the security of their citizens and the territorial integrity of their countries were threatened,” he stated in January 2024. He then stated on Telegram: “With their decisions, Washington and Brussels are leading the world to a terrible war … foreign politicians making such decisions need to understand that this could end in a global tragedy that will destroy their countries.”

EU Rebuild Ukraine with Russian Money

Now, the amount frozen surpasses Ukraine’s entire GDP, but world leaders are using it as a ruse to cover up the fact that their own nations are in a liquidity crisis. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen falsely claims that sending off these assets to Ukraine would “incentivize [Russia] to come to the table to negotiate a just peace with Ukraine.” She knows that Moscow has been prohibited from seeking a peace treaty since this war began. Putin went on a live stream that was broadcast around the globe and said he would welcome a call from Zelensky at any time to arrange a peace treaty.

The wise have been pouring money out into anything tangible. Everything from collectible cars to art, antiques, coins, and stamps have been rising. Geopolitics have collided with plans for the Great Reset, and private assets will be used on the economic battlefield.

In this wholesale confiscation of private assets, these politicians are using the excuse of Ukraine to implement a completely new normal procedure – the confiscation of billions without asking who the funds belong to and whether there is a connection to the Ukraine war. There is no check or balance for where the money is spent or sent.


For all intents and purposes, the people who lost their life savings are mostly private citizens who have been victims of circumstance. They did not fund Russia’s invasion or have a say in their government’s decisions. Russia now states that they view this as a complete violation of international law as an act of war and they are willing to play the same dirty game.

This will change world trade entirely. People will be wary of international investments in places where they too may face illegal seizures. Why would, say, someone in China continue investing in Europe and the US when hostilities are building with Taiwan? These politicians simply fail to see the longterm damage that their policies create.

The West deliberately pushed Russia to suspend servicing their debts to Western lenders in preparation for their own excuse to suspend their own servicing of debts. As usual with sanctions, not only the person against whom the sanctions are directed, in this case, Russia, is harmed but also this has undermined the entire world economy ensuring its collapse in the years ahead. In this context, it cannot be stressed enough that sanctions historically have never worked and they know that they are generally pointless.

There is absolutely no question that we are headed into a very serious sovereign debt default. Western governments have been engaging in a Ponzi scheme, and the house of cards comes crashing down when they can no longer sell new debt to redeem the old. They need this war as an excuse to cover up their fiscal mismanagement, and they will then start all over again with digital currencies.

Russia Tests an Undetectable Supersonic ICBM

Posted originally on Apr 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Russia New Test

Russia tested a new missile last week that has many concerned that this is a new supersonic version of a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on April 12th, 2024, that is capable of attacking NATO and the USA undetected. The Russian Ministry of Defence only claimed this was part of “state testing of prospective missile systems, as well as confirmation of the stability of missiles in service.” This has caused chatter down the line when the Neocons are pushing for war.

4.19.24: What Patriots understand intel collection? Digital Soldiers winning, Mayorkas/Hollywood exposed, Pray!

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: Apr 19, 2024 at 8:34 pm EST