Murder and Rape Legal for Lawless Migrants

Posted Feb 27, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Laken Riley was a 22-year-old student on the Dean’s List at the Augusta University’s College of Nursing in Athens, Georgia, with a bright future ahead of her. She went for a run on a popular trail during the day and never returned home. Her body was found discarded in the woods and investigators, Democrat lawmakers, and the media have done everything to conceal the identity of her murderer. Laken Riley is one of countless victims targeted by illegal migrants who are above the law.

Initial reports of her murder did not include the assailant’s identity or migration status. Jose Antonio, 26, of Venezuela, entered the US through the El Paso, Texas, border passing that Texas Governor Abbott has attempted to secure. There is surveillance video footage of Antonio attacking Riley, but it was omitted from initial reports as the media continues to side with the criminals both in office and on the streets. Numerous media outlets described Antonio as an “Athens resident.” The Associated Press had the audacity to release a devious article entitled“The killing of a nursing student out for a run highlights the fears of solo female athletes,” suggesting that women “can try to say safer while exercising.” Riley notified her friends that she was going for a run and when to expect her back. She brought her phone and left during the broad daylight.

There is nothing that citizens can do to remain safe when illegal, unvetted aliens have more rights than law-abiding citizens.


There are countless stories of migrants committing crimes only to be released back out into society. Disgraced DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas believes that crimes committed by migrants “should not be politicized.” Mayorkas uttered this statement after a human smuggler killed a 71-year-old grandmother and her 7-year-old granddaughter. “All [DHS] had to do was make one phone call to El Salvador to know he was an MS-13 gang member on the list,” Angel Families said.

Angel Families is a new term used to describe families of victims murdered by illegal migrants. An organization by the same name is demanding that the Biden Administration uphold its oath to protect Americans from foreign invasion. “Our Goal is for this to happen before it takes hundreds of thousands of lives. Our American citizens deserve protection from illegal aliens and support from our politicians,” the organization stated.

The federal government is not imposing US laws on non-US citizens living on US taxpayer funds. It is now on individual states to implement legislation to protect their citizens. Even then, the federal government under Biden-Harris is pushing back on every single attempt to impose law and order.

Where are the feminist groups? The bleeding heart virtue-signaling liberals are in a state of cognitive dissonance where they cannot accept the reality that the illegal migrants pose a grave danger to society.

Mass deportation is the only answer, but that will never happen so long as the establishment remains in power. The cost of open border policies has risen to hundreds of billions, but no price tag can be placed on a human life.


Biden Administration Fines Chattanooga Trucking Company $700,000 For Checking Employment Eligibility for Job Applicants

Posted originally on the CTH on December 2, 2023 | Sundance 

It is slightly unfair to say this is a Biden issue, because the minefield of verifying employment eligibility has been a weaponized DOJ process since Eric Holder entered the picture as Attorney General.   Both wings of the UniParty support the intentional conflict in employment law.  The civil rights division of the DOJ now uses a Lawfare concept called “disparate impact” to target any employer who would require employment eligibility verification as a contingency for a job.

Essentially, if you have a work eligibility screening process that disproportionally hits any protected category of person (ie. race, color, national origin, etc.), then the practice creates a “disparate impact” and is therefore unlawful.  Example: 100 people apply for a job; 50 of them are Latino. All of the applicants must provide work eligibility documents to process their I-9 form.  If more than half the denied applicants are Latino, the demand for the documents creates a disparate impact and is therefore illegal.

Covenant Logistics and Transport Management Services LLC, “routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizens by requiring lawful permanent residents to show their Permanent Resident Cards (known as green cards) and by requiring other non-U.S. citizens to show documents related to their immigration status,” according to the DOJ filing.

(via AP) – […] That violates a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which says employers must allow workers to present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to related to the worker. (read more)

Not a lot of people understand the issue of “disparate impact” and the exact reason why the DOJ and Dept of Labor created the novel legal theory.  The DC system, Republicans and Democrats, support illegal aliens holding jobs in the USA – Democrats for ideological reasons, Republicans for their corporate owners.

This issue has existed for 15 years and is the primary reason why illegal aliens find it so easy to work in the USA.  Essentially, employers are in a no-win situation.  If you hire illegal aliens, you are breaking the law.  However, if you disqualify applicants based on their employment eligibility status -and a disparate impact issue exists- then, you are also breaking the law.

(AP) – Chattanooga-based Covenant Transport and an affiliate will pay the U.S. government $700,000 after investigators found the companies violated an anti-discrimination provision against workers who are not U.S. citizens.

The U.S. Department of Justice said in a release Monday that Covenant and its affiliate Transport Management Services LLC routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizen workers when checking their permission to work in the United States.

That violates a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which says employers must allow workers to present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to relate to the worker.

Instead, federal investigators found that between January 2020 and at least August 2022 Covenant and Transport

..routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizens by requiring lawful permanent residents to show their Permanent Resident Cards (known as green cards) and by requiring other non-U.S. citizens to show documents related to their immigration status.

Employers are required to let workers present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to relate to the worker.

Under the terms of the agreement, Covenant and Transport will pay $700,000 in civil penalties to the United States, train their employees on the INA’s anti-discrimination requirements, revise their employment policies and be subject to monitoring by the department.

Employers cannot discriminate against non-U.S. citizens by demanding specific or unnecessary documents from them to prove their permission to work,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “The Justice Department is committed to ensuring compliance with our federal civil rights laws so that non-U.S. citizens with permission to work can contribute their talents to our workforce. (read more)

There are approximately 50 million illegal aliens working inside the USA.

Confronting this issue in the 2024 election will bring out all the aligned enemies, so it’s best for Trump to avoid it.