The Goths – Ancient Rome’s Migrant Crisis

Posted originally on Jan 26, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


The globalists refuse to declare the migrant crisis an “invasion,” but we have history’s guidance to show us what happens when an unsustainable number of people enter a nation. The Goths, a non-military group considered migrants, are a perfect example. These men, women, and children sought refuge within the Roman Empire. This was not an invading army but rather a fleeing population seeking safety from the Huns. The Goths, long-time foes of the Romans, appealed to be admitted to Roman territory due to the threat they faced and needed to seek asylum. This event led to significant consequences and marked a turning point in the history of the Roman Empire.

The great Gothic migration involved hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children. While, to some degree, the growing unrest in the East pushed them southward, there is also little doubt that the border defenses of the Roman Empire had also been seriously weakened by the political instability and economic pressures that were building within Rome itself. Of course, the rumor of great plunder and riches available in Roman territory acted like a magnet much in the same way as the rumors of streets paved in gold in America prompted great European migrations during the 19th and early 20th centuries or the outdated stereotype of the American Dream.

Maximinus I 235 238AD AE Sesterius R

By 238 AD, the Gothic position was so threatening to the Roman Empire that Emperor Maximinus was forced to pay them vast amounts of tribute, similar to how countries currently pay all expenses for migrants. While his aim may have been to buy time, this demonstrated weakness on the part of the Romans, who were still in the middle of internal political struggles for power. Internal imperial rivalries ultimately defeated Maximinis. Within less than four years thereafter, the Goths began a series of raids along the Danube.

PHILIP I AR Antoniniany Aequitas

A decade later and Philip I attempted to quell the influx of migrants, but died while battling his successor, Trajan Decius. Rome was simply decaying gradually from internal struggles, which weakened the economy and constantly pitted one legion against another in a struggle for power. We see internal struggles today throughout the West as politics continue to divide the people. The Romans did not consider the Goths to be a force that would threaten the entire Empire, but rather more as a barbarian force looking for plunder rather than power.

Dacia Map

Trajanus Decius declared the Goths an enemy and attempted to force them out of the empire, only for the masses to return a year later. The Goths were prepared this time and formed several strategic alliances with enemies, such as the Dacian Carpi. This led to a full-scale invasion, and the Roman Empire suddenly found itself besieged as war raged on in Moesia, Dacia, and even in Thrace, while the main body of the Gothic invasion was preparing a descent into the region of the Black Sea.

After many battles, the Goths emerged as the new masters of the entire Danube territory, all the way to the Black Sea. Trebonianus Gallus emerged as the new Emperor who could do nothing to reverse the Empire’s humiliating defeat. The Goths now turned to Illyricum and Thrace, burning and plundering their way across the region. By 253 AD, the Goths set sail along the Black Sea, headed straight for Asia Minor, which was wide open and waiting to be plundered.

Aurelian Walls 2

The Roman Empire was declining until Emperor Aurelian came to power and began restorative efforts, including anti-immigration policies. He not merely launched defensive measures, he moved on the offensive against the Goths and demolished them through a series of battles. The Goths were driven out of the Balkans and into Dacia. Aurelian also greatly restored the Black Sea defenses, which helped those regions rebuild their economies as well. However, Aurelian failed to pursue the barbarians into the Roman province of Dacia, pulling back and establishing the new border once again along the natural border as originally defined by Augustus – the Danube.

Aurelian Gold Bust

Aurelian’s decision to redraw the borders left Dacia in the hands of the Carpi and the Goths. Once the Goths were contained, they began to divide into two distinct groups – Ostrogothic and Visigothic kingdoms. These groups would evolve into powerful states that would ultimately bring down the Roman Empire in the West.

Those in favor of the Gothic migration stated that the newcomers would increase tax revenue and benefit the Roman economy. It was a humanitarian crisis and Rome’s responsibility to solve. Instead, the unsustainable influx of Gothic refugees contributed to the eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire. The event marked a turning point in Roman history and was part of a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of invasion, civil war, plague, and economic depression. History always repeats.

Astronomical Sanctimony – New York City Mayor Sues 17 Charter Bus Companies Trying to Stop Illegal Aliens from Reaching His Sanctuary City

Posted originally on the CTH on January 4, 2024

This latest action by Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams is remarkable.  Even the leftist media are stunned at the action being taken by Mayor Adams in order to stop illegal aliens from reaching his sanctuary city.   The ideological hypocrisy is off the charts.

Mayor Adams has brought a lawsuit [SEE pdf HERE] against the charter bus companies who are transporting the migrants who crossed the southern U.S. border.  Adams is relying on a 19th century New York State law that prohibits anyone from assisting in the relocation of a person, to New York, who cannot sustain themselves.

From the lawsuit: “Section 149 of the New York Social Services Law requires that “[a]ny person who knowingly brings, or causes to be brought a needy person from out of state into this state for the purpose of making him a public charge  . . .  shall be obligated to convey such person out of state or support him at his own expense.”

[Source pdf Link]

(Via CBS New York) – In a stunning and unexpected move to stop Texas Gov. Greg Abbott from shipping busloads of asylum seekers to New York City, Mayor Eric Adams has filed a lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies used by the Lone Star State.

He wants the bus companies to reimburse the city for the hundreds of millions of dollars it’s cost to shelter them.

Just call it the Empire State strikes back, with a bold counter punch to Abbott.

“New York City has and will always do our part to manage this humanitarian crisis, but we cannot bear the cost of reckless political ploys from the state of Texas, alone,” Adams said.

[…] The mayor sued the bus companies who, since the spring of 2022, have been used by Abbott to ship asylum seekers to New York, with officials showing them maps, giving them bar-coded bracelets with their destinations clearly marked, and then checked by drivers to make sure they land in the city.

The suit seeks $708 million to compensate the city for the cost of shelter, food and health care.

“These companies have violated state law by not paying the cost of caring for these migrants,” Adams said. (read more)

Biden Suing Texas to Stop Them From Deporting Illegal Aliens

Posted originally on Jan 3, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Biden’s controlled Justice (JustUs) Department has sued the state of Texas regarding their new state law that would authorize local police and judges to arrest and remove undocumented immigrants. The Biden Administration is flooding the nation with illegal aliens. It (1) intends to grant citizenship by executive order to rig the 2024 election, and (2) it will require them to join the military to fight China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, just to mention a few.

The Texas statute is due to go into effect in a matter of months. Biden is claiming that this Texas law is unconstitutional, allocating powers to local officials that have been reserved for the federal government. However, the Supreme Court ruled in HARRIS V. McRAE, 448 U.S. 297 (1980) that the Constitution is NEGATIVE, not POSITIVE. That means there is no obligation by any state to provide services to illegal aliens any more than to citizens.

Biden has turned the Constitution upside down. Texas and any other state are NOT under any obligation to provide anything to illegal aliens. They should all get a free bus ticket to Washington, DC. Let the Congress members fight their way to get home and to work, stepping over all the people living on the streets. The Supreme Court was confronted with an abortion case, and the issue was whether the state should pay for it as a right. The holding is very clear and correct. The Constitution is NEGATIVE, and as such, it is a RESTRAINT upon government – not a POSITIVE instrument that compels the government to provide any social benefits whatsoever as some entitlement.

To all our readers in Texas, get a hold of your state representative and tell them NOT to provide anything to illegal aliens whatsoever. Hand them a free bus ticket to Washington, DC. That’s it.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson on Illegal Alien Impact, “Our local economies not designed for this type of Crisis”

Posted originally on the CTH on December 27, 2023 | Sundance

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is discussing the impact of illegal alien arrivals in his town.  “We have reached a critical point in this mission that absent real, significant intervention immediately, our local economies are not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis,” he states.

Mayor Johnson demands the federal government give his sanctuary city federal money from lesser impacted states, as an offset to Chicago expenditures for their illegal alien population.  Additionally, Johnson is very angry at Texas Governor Greg Abbott for sending busloads of illegal aliens to Chicago. [Prompted to 05:15, WATCH]

Here’s a radical thought… CLOSE THE BORDER!

Illegal migration into the United States is supported, no Demanded, by Biden

Have you ever boiled milk?  It happens slowly at first, then suddenly all at once….  Slowly AT First (SAF)!

Currently the influx of illegal, unvetted, unchecked and undocumented migrant arrivals into our country is happening at the rate of more than 200,000 every month.  That’s three college football stadiums of unknown characters arriving and disbursing each month.   These statistics are just the recorded intercepts and releases, this statistic does not include those who found a way through without presentation at the border.

This scale of influx has been happening for almost three years now.

We are beyond the point then the unsecured border is the issue…. With tens-of-millions of unknown migrants seeded throughout the nation, we are now in the consequence phase.   We are now in the consequence phase.  Repeated, intentionally because so many people just don’t understand what those consequences will mean.

The “fundamental transformation” is proceeding without any impediment.  However, now we see various voices in the uniparty politic starting to position themselves, their statements, their expressions, in such a manner as to avoid blame for a situation that is about to explode.

The Supreme Court Sees the Politics – Jack Smith Denied Request to Leapfrog Appeals Court

Posted originally on the CTH on December 22, 2023 | Sundance 

As we stated yesterday, following the Smith request, the Trump attorney response, and the Smith re-response, the transparency of the special counsel motive is obvious.  For the Supreme Court to accept the request of Smith, would be for the Supreme Court to pretend the political motive was unknown.

The Supreme Court did not pretend and was curt in their retort: “The petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment is denied.”

Special Counsel Jack Smith argued in his petition to the court, the speedy resolution of Trump’s claim of presidential immunity is of an urgent national interest.  The motive was/is a transparent speedy timeline effort to influence the 2024 GOP presidential primary race.  The court, heck, the entire world can see it.

Arguments on the presidential immunity issue, within the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, are set for January 9, 2024.  The decision of the 3-judge panel will come thereafter. Depending on the outcome, Donald Trump can then ask for a full panel appellate court review.  If the Circuit Court appeal results in a non-favorable outcome, the next step is the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, the DC trial of Donald Trump is frozen awaiting a determination on the original issue of presidential immunity.

Senate Blocks Foreign Border Spending Package

Posted originally on Dec 8, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


The Senate has prevented the US government from sending billions to aid foreign wars in a 49-51 vote. Republicans demanded that protections for the US border be implemented in the latest $111 billion spending package. The nation is spending billions on the illegals entering the country and those requesting a secure border are asking for a fraction of what the Biden Administration sent to Ukraine alone. Biden is now threatening to send American troops to Ukraine if he cannot send a blank check.

Biden continued with the claim that Putin wants to build the Russian empire and will not stop at Ukraine. “We’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops,” Biden declared. Now some say Biden was merely stating that America would be forced to act if Russia attacked a  NATO nation. The truth of the matter is that Biden is threatening to kill American men and women if he does not secure funding. National Security spokesperson John Kirby reiterated Biden’s threats. “America will not only spend money, but also shed its own blood,” he claimed. “If you think the cost of supporting Ukraine is high now just imagine how much higher it’s going to be not just in National Treasure but in American blood if he [Putin] starts going after one of our NATO allies… we [will] take our Article 5 commitments very seriously,” said Kirby.

Invasion is Here

Senator Bernie Sanders actually sided with the GOP over this issue as he did not want to send Israel “no-strings-attached money.” Sanders believes Netanyahu is a far-right extremist but does not believe the war can simply end. Rather, he does not believe America should focus on funding foreign wars at this time. “The problem with saying it is, it is not going to happen, because in Hamas, you have a corrupt terrorist organization that has stated before the attack on October 7, and after the attack on October 7, that their goal is to destroy Israel and engage in perpetual warfare,” Sanders continued. “To simply say ‘cease-fire,’ in my view, would be to provide false hope to anybody. I don’t know how you have a cease-fire with a group who says we don’t want a cease-fire.”

As for the Biden Administration, the situation at the US-Mexico border has never been worse. Americans want American taxes to go toward securing our own border and we deserve to have representation.

Biden Administration Fines Chattanooga Trucking Company $700,000 For Checking Employment Eligibility for Job Applicants

Posted originally on the CTH on December 2, 2023 | Sundance 

It is slightly unfair to say this is a Biden issue, because the minefield of verifying employment eligibility has been a weaponized DOJ process since Eric Holder entered the picture as Attorney General.   Both wings of the UniParty support the intentional conflict in employment law.  The civil rights division of the DOJ now uses a Lawfare concept called “disparate impact” to target any employer who would require employment eligibility verification as a contingency for a job.

Essentially, if you have a work eligibility screening process that disproportionally hits any protected category of person (ie. race, color, national origin, etc.), then the practice creates a “disparate impact” and is therefore unlawful.  Example: 100 people apply for a job; 50 of them are Latino. All of the applicants must provide work eligibility documents to process their I-9 form.  If more than half the denied applicants are Latino, the demand for the documents creates a disparate impact and is therefore illegal.

Covenant Logistics and Transport Management Services LLC, “routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizens by requiring lawful permanent residents to show their Permanent Resident Cards (known as green cards) and by requiring other non-U.S. citizens to show documents related to their immigration status,” according to the DOJ filing.

(via AP) – […] That violates a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which says employers must allow workers to present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to related to the worker. (read more)

Not a lot of people understand the issue of “disparate impact” and the exact reason why the DOJ and Dept of Labor created the novel legal theory.  The DC system, Republicans and Democrats, support illegal aliens holding jobs in the USA – Democrats for ideological reasons, Republicans for their corporate owners.

This issue has existed for 15 years and is the primary reason why illegal aliens find it so easy to work in the USA.  Essentially, employers are in a no-win situation.  If you hire illegal aliens, you are breaking the law.  However, if you disqualify applicants based on their employment eligibility status -and a disparate impact issue exists- then, you are also breaking the law.

(AP) – Chattanooga-based Covenant Transport and an affiliate will pay the U.S. government $700,000 after investigators found the companies violated an anti-discrimination provision against workers who are not U.S. citizens.

The U.S. Department of Justice said in a release Monday that Covenant and its affiliate Transport Management Services LLC routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizen workers when checking their permission to work in the United States.

That violates a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which says employers must allow workers to present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to relate to the worker.

Instead, federal investigators found that between January 2020 and at least August 2022 Covenant and Transport

..routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizens by requiring lawful permanent residents to show their Permanent Resident Cards (known as green cards) and by requiring other non-U.S. citizens to show documents related to their immigration status.

Employers are required to let workers present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to relate to the worker.

Under the terms of the agreement, Covenant and Transport will pay $700,000 in civil penalties to the United States, train their employees on the INA’s anti-discrimination requirements, revise their employment policies and be subject to monitoring by the department.

Employers cannot discriminate against non-U.S. citizens by demanding specific or unnecessary documents from them to prove their permission to work,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “The Justice Department is committed to ensuring compliance with our federal civil rights laws so that non-U.S. citizens with permission to work can contribute their talents to our workforce. (read more)

There are approximately 50 million illegal aliens working inside the USA.

Confronting this issue in the 2024 election will bring out all the aligned enemies, so it’s best for Trump to avoid it.

Migrants Disappointed in America Re-Posted Nov 16, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


Those who were not told to enter America but actually fled here for a better life are now realizing that the American Dream died long ago. The Chicago Tribune interviewed a man from Venezuela who said he’d prefer sleeping on the streets of his original socialistic hell than ours.  “The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore,” he told the paper. “There’s nothing here for us … we just want to be home. We didn’t know things would be this hard. I thought the process was faster.”

The migrant reported that he wanted to work but had been unable to obtain a permit. He has been unable to enroll his child in school. “If we’re going to be sleeping in the streets here, we’d rather be sleeping in the streets over there,” he said. Yet, over 20,000 migrants have entered Chicago since August of 2022.

The only people to blame are the politicians who claimed their cities would be sanctuaries for migrants. The Democrats have been playing this game for many years. Chicago issued an executive order on March 7, 1985, declaring their city a sanctuary for migrants. The measure prohibited authorities from investigating “citizenship or residency status of any person.” Now this was done back then to protest the Reagan Administration for cracking down on illegal immigration. There was no plan in place for how these cities would house a mass  influx of migrants; the politicians simply wanted to gain votes by opposing the other party. It was not until 1992 to that Chicago opened a loophole where illegal immigrants could actually be questioned for serious crimes. Former Mayor Rahm Emanuel, an Obama appointee, later declared Chicago to be “the most immigrant-friendly city in the country.”

Illinois’ Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker, along with every other politician in a blue state overrun with migrants, has placed the blame on the federal government. “The humanitarian crisis is overwhelming our ability to provide aid to the refugee population. Unfortunately, the welcome and aid Illinois has been providing to these asylum seekers has not been matched with support by the federal government. Most critically, the federal government’s lack of intervention and coordination at the border has created an untenable situation for Illinois,” the governor penned in a letter to President Biden.

Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. The desire to oppose Reagan in the 80s, followed by every GOP leader after him, led Democrats to vote for open borders continually. They used the migrants as political props to garner support from their base who does not consider the economy when voting.