North Korea Engages in Biowarfare?

Posted originally on Jun 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

North Korea ECM 2

North Korea’s qualms with its southern neighbor have long been a petty battle. North Korea floated 1,000 balloons filled with trash and fecal matter to South Korea last month. What began as a disrespectful practical joke could turn into a false flag for war. The South Korean Unification Ministry has reported that the balloons were filled with parasites, which could be considered an act of biowarfare.

This is not to say that South Korea will declare war or consider this an act of war. We are on the brink of the next global conflict and simply any threat to the allies of the West could be used as the false flag to justify war. South Korea is a “longstanding partner” of NATO, but not a member. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol was the first South Korean president to begin attending NATO summits as it moves closer to potentially joining the alliance.

NATO and South Korea founded the Individually Tailored Partnership Programme last year to collaborate on cybersecurity and disbarment efforts. North Korea’s recent alliance with Russia is of great concern to NATO and its presence is now felt in the Indo-Pacific region.

Did North Korea intentionally send parasites in those balloons? No one knows, but scientists are studying the fecal matter to understand disease prevalence in the hermit kingdom. Defectors from North Korea are commonly treated for parasites, and it is well-known that the citizens are facing a famine and are forced to forage for whatever food they can find. Nothing happens in North Korea with the approval of Kim Jong-Un. Was this a case of pettiness or an attempt to show the South that it could penetrate their airspace? It would not matter for the Neocons could easily declare it was an act of biological warfare to claim the enemy had fired the first shot.

North Korea backs Russia

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Sep 14, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Kim Jong Un traveled to Moscow to show Russian President Vladimir Putin his support. North Korea is completely dependent on China after the hermit kingdom was shunned from global trade long ago. Russia’s support could prove vital to North Korea as reports of famine and hardship have made their way out of the secretive country.

Kim Jong Un said Russia will secure a victory over “evil” forces. “Russia is waging a sacred fight against the West,” he said, adding that North Korea will work together with Russia to “fight against imperialism.” Three generations of dictators have been focused on demolishing the West, accumulating military supplies, and militarizing the nation in preparation for an inevitable attack. The entire Korean peninsula will be up in arms if China, Russia, and North Korea begin performing military exercises together.

North Korea has nothing to lose, a dangerous enemy indeed, and needs this partnership with Russia more than Russia needs North Korea. Absolutely no one is willing to trade with the strict dictatorship, and they are wholly reliant on China. The nation only exists because it has nuclear powers that it threatens to use frequently. Russia will likely ask for military bases, equipment, and fighters. North Korea is seeking advanced Russian technology as the nation has faced numerous embarrassments after failed military tests. In particular, North Korea wishes to launch spy satellites but has failed on numerous occasions.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the details will be kept confidential. This partnership gives the West another reason to point its finger and say, “Those are the bad guys.” A grand-scale war is increasingly becoming inevitable.