Taiwan’s Defense Strategy – US Protection

Posted Jun 11, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

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Taiwan’s new administration under President Lai Ching-te has been extremely vocal in its distaste for the One China policy. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) campaigned on the promise of sovereignty and patriotism. No other president has been this outspoken about China’s control over the small nation that clearly cannot defeat China independently. Yet there is one major reason that the new wave of politicians feels so bold as to provoke China through a strategic alliance with the United States.

“Taiwan independence is a dead end,” the Chinese Communist Party said in a statement when Lai Ching-te was elected. “Regardless of the pretext or the banner under which it is pursued, the push for Taiwan independence is destined to fail,” declared China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin.

Taiwan’s new defence chief Wellington Koo outlined their new defense strategy that primarily relies on protection from the US. Washington has taken a stance of “strategic ambiguity” in its speech, but action state otherwise. China has yet again warned the US to cease arms sales to Taiwan. Koo himself said that he would “not rule out using US military force,” while making is vague on whether the US has offered to fully protect Taiwan.

“As far as I know, Biden has maintained a strategic ambiguity approach, meaning he has not clearly stated whether to send forces or not,” Koo said after being questioned on whether Biden was backing away from Taiwan’s battle. Washington has remained elusive but is providing aid and arms to Taiwan. The US has ships patrolling the strait and has had countless Airforce interactions with China in that area over recent years. Biden also hit China with a new wave of tariffs to deter trade.

Defense Minister Koo has stated that Taiwan is already aligning with the US Indo-Pacific Strategy. “By enhancing our self-defence capabilities and integrating into the US Indo-Pacific strategy, Taiwan aims to become an effective deterrent. This focus on self-defence capabilities is the key priority for the defence ministry,” he said.

Taiwan.President Lai Ching te

William Lai Ching-te said a “proportional self-defence count-attack will be carried out,” once China makes the first move. As we have seen countless times in conflict, that first move could be made by either side and blamed on the opponent. The Art of War is akin to a Hunter Biden drawing where nothing makes sense and those in charge have no understanding of what they are doing. The US has been unsuccessful in every war venture since World War II. And frankly, the US didn’t have a need to involve itself in any battle since then but went to war based on false flags such as “weapons of mass destruction” that were never found.

So the West is considering reissuing frozen Russian assets to Ukraine. China has carefully watched the West aid Ukraine over the last few years, and sees it is willing to take on the economic repercussions of a foreign war. China sees the West becoming involved in Israel’s battle that also seems to have no end in sight. Leaders like US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claim that the US certainly can fund multiple wars, but the truth of the matter is that America is broke. Our adversaries see that we are wearing ourselves thin and striking will be far easier than before.

Taiwan’s New President Speaks Out Against One China Policy

Posted originally on May 22, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Taiwan President Lai Ching-te is beginning his reign by condemning the One China policy and calling upon Beijing to allow the nation to be an independent democracy. A “glorious era of Taiwan’s democracy has arrived,” the president stated in his inaugural address, adding that Taiwan is an “important link [in a] global chain of democracies.”

Lai of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is a strong proponent for sovereignty and is rallying up patriotism among his citizens. While most of the nation’s 23 million citizens agree, threatening the One China policy will come at a cost. Taiwan could never defeat China without help, which they are already openly receiving from the West.

“Taiwan independence is a dead end,” the Chinese Communist Party said in a statement. “Regardless of the pretext or the banner under which it is pursued, the push for Taiwan independence is destined to fail,” declared China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin. Beijing has called Lai a “troublemaker” and has threatened to prosecute him for his statements. China is warning the West not to interfere, yet the West has already begun sending Taiwan military aid. China’s Commerce Ministry recently issued sanctions against the US for selling arms to Taiwan in what they believe is a threatening act.

Former President Tsai Ing-wen was cautious when dealing with China. The new president can speak out against China in a more profound manner because he knows he has the support of the West, with the neocons eager to wage yet another war. Taiwan has ramped up defense spending to $20 billion; the West has begun propaganda campaigns citing that China, akin to Russia and Ukraine, will continue nation-building if their grip on Taiwan is not loosened.

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“So long as China refuses to renounce the use of force against Taiwan, all of us in Taiwan ought to understand, that even if we accept the entirety of China’s position and give up our sovereignty, China’s ambition to annex Taiwan will not simply disappear,” Lai said.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he looks forward to working with President Lai “across Taiwan’s political spectrum to advance our shared interests and values, deepen our longstanding unofficial relationship, and maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.” China has called this message dangerous, and President Xi is aiming for a “reunification” with Taiwan to promote the “natural rejuvenation” of China.

The drums of war, especially an escalation of tensions with China, have been booming since the May 7 turning point. China will not act unless provoked, and the West is beginning to chip away at China’s patience by siding with Taiwan over a matter that can only end through warfare.

American Special Forces in Taiwan for Permanent Training

Posted originally on Mar 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

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Specialists from the US Army are training Taiwanese soldiers in what is described as a permanent arrangement rather than on a rotational basis, including on an island just six miles from the Chinese coast, according to Taiwan’s United Daily News (UDN). This is the clever way to claim that the US is NOT stationing troops there in Taiwan, but they are there ONLY for training purposes, as was the case in Ukraine. The training regimens were being planned and supervised by the 1st Special Forces Group, an airborne unit, under the provisions of last year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was signed into law in December 2022.

There are also reports that American troops are there in Israel as well.