Does Trump Want to Damage Ukraine?

Posted originally on Mar 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


The media is very calculated with how it spins stories to shape the public perception. Donald Trump has said that his first piece of legislation, if elected, would entail ending the war in Ukraine immediately. One would think people would cheer for the end of a war that has claimed thousands of lives. Instead, the media is painting Trump as a former Soviet communist in disguise who wants Ukraine to lose the war.

The Atlantic published a propaganda piece entitled, “Why Is Trump Trying to Make Ukraine Lose?” The article goes on to say that Republicans are flying to Mar-A-Lago to take instructions from the former president before implementing policies that block aid to Ukraine. The author states that Trump is hell-bent on “damaging Ukraine” without a clear motive.

“In the week that the border compromise failed, I happened to meet a senior European Union official visiting Washington. He asked me if congressional Republicans realized that a Russian victory in Ukraine would discredit the United States, weaken American alliances in Europe and Asia, embolden China, encourage Iran, and increase the likelihood of invasions of South Korea or Taiwan. Don’t they realize? Yes, I told him, they realize.”

The author goes on to say that the collective of the European Union, 27 countries and counting, donate more to Ukraine than America. This is false, especially when looking at America’s backing of NATO.

The article speculates widely on Trump’s anti-Ukraine motives, with fantastical theories from wanting a piece of Russia’s lucrative oil market to damaging what remains of Joe Biden’s reputation. Liz Cheney receives praise for understanding the severity of the situation in Ukraine and promoting the anti-Russian ideology of her father. This is one of countless articles condemning anyone who believes the war in Ukraine is unjust and believes domestic policies should outweigh foreign interests.


Trump is described as an “isolationist,” which to the left means not adhering to the globalist ideology of sacrificing one’s own nation under the premise of a centralized, one-world ruling power. It would be more appropriate to describe Trump as a nationalist who ensures his own nation is strong before offering help to others. You cannot pour out of an empty cup.

We saw groundbreaking diplomatic relations under Trump. He was the first US president to cross the DMZ zone into North Korea, he maintained peaceful relations with Putin, and although he had quarrels over trade with China, the CCP respected him as the leader of the free world. We experienced four years of peace.

Stretching America’s resources thin does not embolden our enemies. This was never our war. The US would not be “discredited” for backing away from an endless war and focusing on its own borders, a topic never discussed by far-left Democrats. Money is power, and sending blank checks to Ukraine further deepens America’s national debt, which continues to make record highs.

There were no discussions of war under Trump’s presidency. Trump does not have a grudge against Ukraine nor does he want to see it fall. His entire campaign is to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” by redirecting the nation’s resources back to America. Desiring a strong America is now seen as problematic by a portion of the population who does not understand the severity of fanning the flames of war.

The Ukrainian people have nothing to gain in this senseless war. Tens of thousands of soldiers are dead, with the replenishment rate so high that Zelensky has resorted to conscripting 16-year-old boys. Zelensky ordered soldiers to their deaths, all to pretend he was winning for fear that the money would stop flowing. I received a lot of backlash for declaring that Ukraine cannot win this war. A Ukrainian victory was never the objective for the neocons like Liz Cheney. It does not matter how much money we send to Ukraine, as the outcome will not change. All we can do is decide how many more people must die fighting an impossible war before the vultures swoop in to claim what remains.

Tucker interview with Putin

Posted originally on Feb 10, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Tucker v Putin

I paid very close attention to Tucker’s interview with Putin. I found Putin honest but curiously restrained. He could have easily gone off on the interference in the Russian 2000 election, his request to interrogate Bill Browder and the fake dossier manufactured for Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirator, the grandfather of the Neocons, John McCain. When Tucker was pressed about talking to American presidents, he explained that they really do not make the decisions – it is the Deep State where he carefully avoids naming anyone.

Clintons Russia Coup

Then, I have seen people claiming everything Putin said was propaganda. Sorry – he was very honest. I have the declassified documents from the Clinton Administration, and Russia was offered the chance to join NATO. That was why the old hardline Communists, who saw that as Russia’s surrender to America, attempted a coup against Gorbachev. That is when Yeltsin stood on the tank and pleaded with the military not to fire on the people. The military stood down, the coup collapsed, and Yeltsin became the new head of state. These are facts that cannot be disputed. The West has perpetually sought to take over Russia since the days of Napoleon because it is perhaps the richest country on the planet insofar as natural resources are concerned.

2009 Ginsberg Eugenics

People have no idea how they are being manipulated. Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a woman’s activist. She explained that Roe v Wade had NOTHING to do with women’s rights. It was all about reducing the population. Bill Gates’ father was the head of Planned Parenthood, and they were set up in minority areas to reduce the population of predominantly blacks. To hide the racism and reduce popularity, they called it women’s rights, and then all the female groups got behind it when they had no idea they were being played for fools.

McCain Climate Change

Then, take climate change. There is NO WAY we could ever get to Net Zero. This all started by the Neocons to replace fossil fuels with nuclear power, and this was to undermine the Russian economy. McCain did not care about the environment. These people are masters at SWITCHING LABELS TO HIDE THEIR REAL AGENDA. Remember when Obama wanted to invade Syria? He could care less about the people of Syria, it was all about running a pipeline through Syria to cut off the income for Russia on selling fuel to Europe.

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The US orchestrated the blowing up of Nordstream, and in return, they promised Germany to keep their mouth shut, and the US taxpayer would pay for a pipeline from Nigeria to Europe. Nigeria would also be the first test for CBDCs, and everything was going well until there was a coup in Niger where the pipeline had to go through. Victoria Nuland jumped on a plane because this was messing up the Neocon scheme to cut off the energy income for Russia again. This has always been an economic war to destroy Russia. Putin was a gentlemen and did not want to get into a blame game.

Economist The_real_message_of_Vladimir_Putin_s_chat_with_Tucker_Carlson

Mainstream media refused to air the interview with Putin. When I read the review by the Economist, which was unsigned by the author, hate and bias seethed through every line. I thought I was reading Karl Marx. The Economist did not present a review of the interview; it was a typical propaganda piece that did nothing but insult Tucker and Putin and never dealt with any facts.

Zelenskyy Johnson

Perhaps they were upset that their former Prime Minister Johnson went to Ukraine to tell Zelensky he was not allowed to sign a peace deal and fight until the last Ukrainian died. That was not fiction. The Ukrainian Press even reported it. Britain was interfering in the politics of Ukraine and had sentenced countless Ukrainians to their death. I was shocked by the Economist’s unprofessional review; there was just hatred in every line. They seemed to be trying to distract their readers from the raw truth about Johnson.

“A Trumpist provocateur and host on Fox News until he was sacked last year, Mr Carlson gave Mr Putin lots of chances to stir up American politics. For a supposed sorcerer of electoral interference, the president did a poor job. Might a different administration in Washington help mend relations with Russia? “It is not about the leader,” Mr Putin said disobligingly. Invited, more than once, to blame nato for the war—a bogus explanation favoured by American isolationists—he repeatedly blathered about history. Mr Carlson looked, now and then, like a man who has drifted into a reverie over whether he left the oven on.”

The response to the interview by the White House and NATO confirms what Putin has said. He is willing to talk, but they refuse. There is no risk to national security by a peace deal and simply honoring the Minak Agreement, and the Russians who have lived in the Donbas for centuries decide their fate.

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

The West lied about everything. They negotiated the Minsk Agreement in bad faith only to buy time for Ukraine to raise an army and take on Russia directly. We will spend $1 trillion on this war because this is all about destroying Russia from the outset. I was asked to put in $10 billion in 1998 to fund this takeover of Russia. I refused.

Zelensky_Pursue_Nuclear_Weapons_2 23 22

The day before, Zelensky stood up and announced he would seek to rearm Ukraine with nuclear weapons pointed at Russia. If I recall, the US had the Cuba Missile Crisis over Kruschev’s attempt to put nukes in Cuba. Putin mentioned that in a speech to the people that night as one of the reasons to justify entering the Donbas.

Zelensky did not tell people about invasion

Zelensky claimed he did not warn the people about an invasion when he knew when it would take place, claiming it would have cost him $7 billion, but he was told not to inform the people. The Neocons wanted as many civilians killed as possible to paint Russia as ruthless. They needed that to sell the war to Congress, which they started.

Kruschev map Brezhnev

I have said from the start that Putin was a historian. He rejected the idea that he should conquer Ukraine and take out Kiev, just as the US did to Iraq. When Putin launched the move to protect the Donbas, he told the Ukrainian people not to fight; we are brothers. Ukraine was never a country. They joined Hitler, who promised them he would create a country for them. Ukraine was the first to push for the demise of the Soviet Union. Kruschev assigned Crimea to Ukraine because he grew up there and was in charge of rebuilding Kiev during World War II. His successor, Brezhnev who was born in the Donbas.

Kaganovich Lazar 1893–1991

Stalin’s right-hand man who proposed and took the food from Ukraine was Lazar Kaganovich (1893-1991), a Ukrainian. Even the New York Times reported quoting a Ukrainian woman: “I am from the Ukraine, and I know the ‘order’ Kaganovich enforced there — it was genocide.” He killed millions of Ukrainians and thought it was retaliation for prejudice against Jews.

NPR Tucker_Carlson_s_two_hour_interview_of_Russia_s_Vladimir_Putin

Even NPR stooped to new low levels. They preferred to slander Tucker and denigrate Putin rather than listen to anything and preferred sending millions of people to die for their propaganda. They wrote:

“The right-wing television provocateur Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin in Moscow in an exchange fueling both the Russian president’s anti-Ukrainian rhetoric and Carlson’s drive for renewed relevance in his post-Fox career.”

NY Times Putin_Calls_on_U.S._to_Negotiate_on_Ukraine_in_Tucker_Carlson_Interview_The_

The New York Times was more restrained than the Economist. Perhaps because there was no American who told the Ukrainians that they should keep fighting until there were no Ukrainians left. Still, those of us who have access behind the curtain know that the US Neocons ordered Johnson to kill the peace deal. The NY Times had a political slant suggesting that Putin was adopting Trump’s talking points. wrote:

“President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has worked for decades to win allies in the West, using his spy agencies to interfere in elections and deploying diplomats to build links with Kremlin-friendly politicians.

On Thursday, the world witnessed a new, verbose chapter in those efforts: Mr. Putin’s two-hour interview, taped in a gilded hall at the Kremlin, with one of America’s most prominent and most divisive conservative commentators.

Speaking to Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, Mr. Putin called on the United States to “make an agreement” to cede Ukrainian territory to Russia in order to end the war. He sought to appeal directly to American conservatives just as Republican lawmakers are holding up aid to Ukraine on Capitol Hill, echoing the talking points of politicians like former President Donald J. Trump who say that the United States has more pressing priorities than a war thousands of miles away.”

Variety Magazine was at least balanced. They did not degrade themselves by calling Tucker a failed journalist or Putin a madman. CNBC could not help themselves and just had to comment: “Carlson has consistently repeated falsehoods, misinformation and conspiracy theories, and he has been a vocal critic of U.S. support of Ukraine.”

Reuters was at least professional, which is very hard to find these days. They reported that “Putin devoted a substantial part of the interview to complaining that Ukraine had been on the verge of agreeing a deal to end hostilities at talks in Istanbul in April 2022, but backed away, he said, once Russian troops withdrew from near Kyiv.” I had contacts there in Kyiv, and I was concerned for their safety. There was a column of tanks parked outside the city, and I asked daily, “What are they doing? ” I was told they were just sitting there as a show of force. They reported that he had no interest in invading Poland or Latvia. I have heard that from my sources, and it appears to be propaganda from NATO to keep their funding flowing to remain relevant. Politico was not as biased as many. Still, they tried to paint Putin in a dark light rather than to encourage some negotiation. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dying for a territory grab that Russians have occupied for hundreds of years. If Kiyv had a right to independence from Russians, then why does Donbas, who are Russians, have the same right to freedom?

Aljazeera on Tucker Putin Interview

Aljazeera was the only one who seemed to focus on Russia being invited to join NATO. They reported fairly without calling people names, pointing out Putin’s claims Clinton flip-flopped on Russia joining NATO. Most of the Western Press ignored that because it did not suit their predetermined agenda.

2022_The Plot to Seize Russia Overview

I got my hands on all the declassified documents from the Clinton Administration. NOTHING that Putin said was propaganda or a lie. All of the documents from the Clinton Administration form his version. The Western Media is so intent on putting out the propaganda from the Neocons that they are pushing us into World War III. There is no Western leader who is even interested in peace. They are all pushing for war ASAP because they will (1) get to default on all their debts, at least held by enemies, and (2) they can use a population reduction to reduce the unfunded liabilities. Nobody seems interested anymore in honest investigative journalism.

Goring Herman on War

They see their job to drag the common people into war, telling them they will be attacked any day now. The common people in the US, EU, Canada, China, and Russia do not want war. That is always the scheme of leaders – not the average person who stands nothing to gain and everything to lose. Yet, mainstream media keep the propaganda preaching war with every article they write, often quoting Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law, who runs the Institute for the Study of War.

The West is Sacrificing Ukraine to Invade Russia?

Posted originally on Jan 11, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

The former Prosecutor General and ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Yuriy Lutsenko, has publicly come out and said that Ukraine lost 500,000 soldiers, killed or seriously wounded, since the beginning of the Russian special military operation/invasion. When I reported this months ago, of course, I got the hate mail accusing me of pushing Russian propaganda. That number has since exceeded 1 million. Zelensky will not seek peace because the Neocons and NATO say, “NO WAY!” They are sacrificing Ukrainians on this Neocon Altar of Hatred. NATO is using Ukrainians as cannon fodder to kill as many Russians as possible.

The West needs this war to provide the excuse to default on their debts, and they then intend to usher in Bretton Woods II with the end goal of total control, introducing CBDCs

Yevgeny Dickii, former commander of the Ukrainian ground forces ‘Aidar’ battalion, has come out warning if Zelensky’s draft of another 500,000 Ukrainians fails, the country could disappear.

“Ukraine could quickly disappear if people on the home front do not understand that conscription is a necessary measure.” 

NATO Gifts Ukraine $5.5 Billion in Patriot Missiles

Posted originally on Jan 4, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


NATO announced that has purchased 1,000 Patriot missiles to prolong the war in Ukraine. The total purchase amounts to $5.5 billion as each missile costs around $4 million (batteries not included). NATO is bypassing the wishes of independent nations who wished to cease funding the war.

Defense contractors are celebrating this endless war. Raytheon, a US defense contractor, designed these surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems in 1969. The first missile was produced in 1976, deployed in 1984, but there was a lack of demand during times of peace. Boeing and Lockheed Martin have helped Raytheon redesign these weapons into undetectable killing machines. The US Army only has 1,100 Patriot launchers, and the production rate has been about 500 annually. One thousand Patriot missiles is a tall order.

(Sebastian Apel/U.S. Department of Defense, via AP)

It is such a tall order that they are now opening a new manufacturing plant in Germany. “Europe will produce 1,000 Patriot air defence missiles itself. This shows that European cooperation ensures concrete successes,” Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren touted. NATO realizes that there will be an increased need for these weapons in the coming years. Moving production to Germany eliminates the reliance on American manufacturing, especially in the event of a Trump victory this November.

Zelensky was the keynote speaker at the annual Future Force Capabilities Conference and Exhibition hosted by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) in 2022. Boeing Defense, Space & Security; L3Harris Technologies; Raytheon Technologies; BAE Systems; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Huntington Ingalls Industries; General Dynamics; and Northrop Grumman were all in attendance. The US government has deemed NDIA a nonprofit organization, but it blatantly lobbies for war.

NATO has done everything possible to trigger Russia and escalate the war in favor of the Neocons and the military-industrial complex. The Neocons simply want to see the demise of Russia and China for their Communist pasts, and the military-industrial complex is bankrolling on mass murder. Building a facility in Germany is NATO’s way of telling Russia that they have not given up on their dreams for World War III even if independent national governments wish to cease funding the war.

Biden Says US Troops will Fight Russian if Ukraine Loses

Posted Jan 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

White House Logo

On Friday, President Biden, the hand puppet of the Neocons, warned that the US Military might find themselves in a direct conflict with Russia should they defeat Ukraine – which they will. Biden released a statement written by the Neocons that said the standard propaganda of how fantastic Ukraine is doing, claiming it successfully intercepted a number of the missiles and drones launched by Russia thanks to the American-provided air defense systems.

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Draft 500000 12 19 23

Over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died, all for a territorial grab where they would massacre the Russian civilians who live in the Donbas, and the West entered into the Minsk Agreement, agreeing to allow them the right to a free election. At the same time, Ukraine built an army to wage war against Russia under the command of the Neocons. This is why Zelensky needs to draft another 500,000 more people to die for the Neocons.

Lyndsey Graham brags about how the Ukrainians will fight to the last man. We have reached that point all for what?

Here is that last person told to die for the Neocons. This is a video from the front lines showing Zelensky has even sent unarmed people with Down Syndrome to the front lines to be killed. Zelensky sacrifices his own people for a handful of silver from the Neocons.

Lyndsey Graham is a sick individual, and if he were on the street doing this, it would be hate speech that they want to imprison people for and regulate the internet. This is why Graham supports Biden in this war that has no end other than the destruction of the United States in World War III.

Ukraine Has Lost the War
Great Reset Agenda

Biden added that unless congressional lawmakers take “urgent action in the new year,” the U.S. will not be able to continue to provide Ukraine with “weapons and vital air defense systems.” Throwing more money into Ukraine will not change the outcome. HONOR the Minsk Agreement, and the war would end in 24 hours. That has NEVER been the objective. They need this war to cover up the collapse of the monetary system of borrowing year-after-year with NO INTENTION of paying anything back.

The war will be used as the excuse to justify Digital Currency, track every aspect of your life, and usher in the new world order where they will regulate who can even have air conditioning under the pretense of Climate Change.

2024 Totalitarianism