More Funds Go Missing in Ukraine

Posted originally on Jan 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

EU political corruption

Ukraine hosts one of the most corrupt governments in the world. The West and NATO have provided Ukraine with billions in funding but have been unable to track where the money is spent. They do not investigate where the money is spent because they also lack ethics and are only concerned that the war wages on. It comes as no surprise that Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has uncovered a major arms corruption scheme.

An arms dealer by the name of Lviv Arsenal and five senior members of the defense ministry are being questioned for a secret deal worth around $40 million. Defense officials expensed a purchase for 100,000 mortar shells in August 2022 but never received a single shipment. “According to the investigation, former and current high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defence [sic] and heads of affiliated companies are involved in the embezzlement,” it said.

Ukraine’s prosecutor general claims that all stolen funds have magically returned to the military’s budget.


Then, the SCU announced that two lawmakers from the Opposition Platform – for Life Party orchestrated a heist involving 32 merchant ships to the tune of $2.1 million. The political party was banned from Ukraine for pro-Russian policies, and countless crimes are now being attributed to anyone affiliated with this party. The SBU claims that these two men illegally transferred these merchant ships through a shell company before removing them from Ukraine and stripping them for parts. The men then used the parts to assemble new ships to hide their source.  The pro-Russian group later repurposed the vessels for their own business endeavors. Again, the SBU seized all stolen assets and announced to the public after doing so.

These are merely two examples of corruption in Ukraine revealed in a single week.

Zelensky routinely puts on a charade where he pretends to address the corruption and bribery. In August 2023, Zelensky fired all regional military commissars and replaced his defense minister. “This system should be run by people who know exactly what war is and why cynicism and bribery at a time of war is high treason,” the president stated.

According to a poll, Ukrainians consider corruption the country’s second most serious problem, behind only the Russian invasion. The country is still ranked as one of the most corrupt in Europe, and its Corruption Perception Index was 33/100 in 2022, ranking 116 out of 180 countries. If Zelensky were to “drain the swamp,” no one would be left in the US-funded Ukrainian government.

Ukraine Desperate to Start WWIII ASAP

Posted originally on Jan 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

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Ukraine is desperate. It cannot win on the battlefield, and Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law, who runs the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), is the source of all the propaganda that keeps painting Russia as weak to get the West to attack it. Ukraine is now using drones and long-range missiles, violating the air space of NATO with no concern, and attacking an oil refinery in Finland. Now, they attacked a refinery in southern Russia. It was the Ukrainians that destroyed Nord Stream. The hardliners in Russia say they are correct and they should have nuked Kyiv.

They are now so desperate they are trying to get Russia to attack NATO air space because Ukraine has free access. Even Jamie Diamond has admitted that Trump was correct about NATO – terminate it.

These people are absolutely desperate to start World War III, and people like Nuland will never go on the front line. She is like the terrorists who send kids to blow themselves up when they would never do that. Sources have confirmed that if war with NATO unfolds, it will turn nuclear. The standard strategy would be to have a sub off the coast of Europe and take out NATO headquarters. Brussels if not also Frankfurt, before anyone could respond. This is the world Nuland and her ISW are trying to create. This woman should be in prison.

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The three timing periods during which there is a risk of Ukraine succeeding in creating World War III as early as 2024 to help the US elections are Jan/Feb 2024, July, and Sept 3/4, 2024. This tends to be highlighted by the timing arrays in gold and the Dow.

Troubling Confirmation – Ukraine Intelligence Officer Confirms Fundamental Outline of Russian Claim Surrounding Airplane Shoot Down and Killed POW’s

Posted originally on the CTH on January 25, 2024 | Sundance 

On Wednesday, Russia claimed an IL-76 transport aircraft carrying 65 Ukrainian POWs was shot down en route to a POW exchange in the Belgorod region.

Western media, particularly those with a vested anti-Russia narrative, expressed skepticism of the Russian statement, including the claim that Ukraine had shot down the plane.  However, the BBC has an outline [SEE HERE] based on a conversation with a Ukrainian intelligence official that seems to directly corroborate the Russian statements.

Oddly, but perhaps not unexpectedly, the BBC article is framed to retain the skepticism; however, if you read the article carefully, what you will notice is the details are generally confirmed.

Yes, there was a prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine military that was supposed to take place in Belgorod on Wednesday, at the exact time the plane was shot down.   Yes, for some unknown reason the prisoner exchange did not take place as the POWs never arrived.  Yes, there was a previous POW exchange that took place in this exact same Belgorod location, and yes, a Russian IL-76 aircraft was previously used to transport the Ukraine POWs.

(Via BBC) – … [Ukraine Intelligence Officer] Andriy Yusov stressed that Russia had provided no proof to back its claims there were. “There is no clear information about prisoners of war. There are only statements by Russia, of a political and propagandist nature,” he said. “Who or what was on board needs to be clarified.”

Mr Yusov, who is the first Ukrainian official interviewed by the BBC since the incident on Wednesday, accused Moscow of “hiding” information, with limited images from the crash site – including of any dead.

Here’s where the article seems to confirm the Russian story:

“Russian air defence was working against them. Belgorod is also potentially within the range of Ukrainian air defence systems.” … “On the prisoner swap, he confirmed an exchange had been planned on Wednesday “around lunchtime”. But it was meant to take place in the Sumy region, west of Belgorod.” … “He said the two sides implemented a ceasefire in Sumy, as agreed. “Unfortunately, the exchange did not happen.” … “On 3 January, during the previous swap, he said Ukraine was informed that Russia would use a plane. On Thursday, Ukraine’s Air Forces chief stressed that the country had the right to defend itself against attack by Russia and would continue to do so.”  (link)

If you take out all the narrative engineering from the article, then just take those excerpts from Ukraine intelligence in total, they seem to confirm everything Russia outlined about the transport of 65 Ukrainian POWs to Belgorod.

Why would Russia have to tell Ukraine again how the POWs would arrive, when they already told them the first time – and they were simply repeating the same process.

The plane never arrived, and the 65 POW exchange never happened, because Ukraine shot down the Russian transport plane.