America to Welcome 4000 Released Haitian Inmates?

Posted Mar 5, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Haiti has been in ruin for many years, largely in part to widespread corruption and political instability that has led to various gangs claiming control over the control rather than any secure government. Haiti is consistently on every humanitarian watch list with over 2.5 million residents living in extreme poverty without sufficient food, water, or shelter. The 2021 assassination of President Jovenal Moise worsened the already dire situation for the Haitian people, and the country is now in complete disrepair.

Haiti is under a state of emergency after gangs released 3,700 inmates from two separate prisons over the weekend. The attack occurred on Saturday and media outlets reported that the prison doors remained open on Sunday with no attempts to seek those who fled. The military, police force, and whatever remains of the government are all working together behind the scenes.

Former President Jovenal Moise was assassinated in 2021 when a group of men disguised as US DEA agents entered his personal residence and opened fire. An actual DEA agent later pleaded guilty to conspiring with members of Colombian and Haitian gangs to carry out the execution. Moise’s own wife faced charges for the former president’s death. Members associated with the former president’s murder are also involved in the recent jailbreak. “All of us, the armed groups in the provincial towns and the armed groups in the capital, are united,” said the former police officer, who is thought to be behind several massacres in Port-au-Prince, as reported by BBC.

No one has replaced Moise as president and Haiti has not had an official election since 2016. Prime Minister Ariel Henry was installed upon Moise’s assassination, claiming he would hold an official election in the near future. Henry recently visited Nairobi to broker a deal to send Kenyan multinational security forces to Haiti to reclaim the nation from the violent rogue gangs, a move that is thought to have sparked the prison riots. Henry has refused to step down despite violent protests and the gangs are willing to go to any length to retain power.

The US embassy in Port-au-Prince is warning American citizens to flee the nation immediately, while the French embassy suspended all visa services. The number one spot for fleeing Haitians is the United States of America, with 731,000 reported Haitian migrants entered the country in as of 2022. Haitians are now the 15th  largest migrant population residing in America. Haitians compose the majority of migrants passing through the notorious Darien Gap between Panama and Colombia, with the number of crossings multiplying each year.

Around 15,000 Haitian migrants entered America in a five-day period in 2021. Mexico’s governor pleaded with America to curb the swell of migrants, leading to Antony Blinken announcing a $4 billion aid package that has done absolutely nothing.

Criminals are pouring in America. The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), a separate entity from ICE, reported a 19.5% increase in arrests of Haitian migrants from FY23 compared to FY22. As reported on the government’s own website:

"ERO arrested 73,822 noncitizens with a criminal history; those arrested had an average of 4 charges and convictions per individual, including more than 33,209 charges or convictions for assault, 7,520 for weapons offenses, 1,713 for homicide-related offenses, and 1,615 for kidnapping. Removals also included 3,406 known or suspected gang members, 139 known or suspected terrorists, seven human rights violators, and 108 foreign fugitives wanted by their governments for crimes including homicide, rape, terrorism and kidnapping. Also in fiscal year 2023, ERO conducted 142,580 removals to more than 170 countries worldwide."

Biden implemented fast-track visa programs to allow Haitians to enter America, but thanks to open border policies, there is NOTHING to prevent every prison escapee, gang member, or anyone else from walking into America and claiming asylum. If Haiti were ever actually to impose law and order, the gang members could legally enter US territory and receive a free taxpayer-subsidized life. Their lives in US prisons would be a major improvement compared to their current lives in extreme poverty. This is why we see countless videos of unaccompanied military-aged men traveling alone from Haiti to America, where they can continue to commit violent crimes without prosecution.

The Family Divide

Posted originally on Mar 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Family Break Up

COMMENT: Martin,

I am at least thankful that my family is not divided over Trump, and they are starting to believe Socrates’ forecasts for 2032.

Oddly, my youngest son, who is often loud and obnoxious, will vote for Trump because he does not want war.  However, he doesn’t like Trump because Trump is not as “reverent” as he would like in a president.  My daughter-in-law told asked him, “Oh, you don’t like him because he is too much like you to be president”?

Everyone had a laugh over that, even my son.


REPLY: Well they do say you hate in others what you hate in yourself.

I dofind this interesting that inside the USA it seems to be Trump. In Europe, it seems to be COVID and Climate Change. The net result is still the same. This does seem to be part of the Civil Unrest Cycle.

As the Country Divides – so do Families

Posted originally on Mar 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Dividing Families

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, My son voted for Biden because he said Trump he thought was an asshole. We hardly talk any more for he is among the brainwashed. He will not change his mind, for he then has to admit he has been wrong. It has gotten to the point I am changing my will and he gets nothing. A few of my friends are in the same boat. This has divided the nation, but it is also destroying families.


REPLY: I have friend who no longer talk to their children and they are European and that is over climate change and COVID. This is the hated that is a deliberate psychological war tactic that they have used against our own people. Who cares if Trump is arrogant as long as he keeps the world at peace, protects our privacy, and stands up against the Deep State? This is becoming a vote for Trump or Victoria Nuland – because Biden is not there. Families are being broken up, and there is no going back.

Jack King Marty Armstrong

My old partner, Jack King, out of the blue one day said to me if anything happens to him, make sure his children get nothing and everything was to go to his second wife. I do not know if it was a premonition, but three weeks later, Jack died of a heart attack while scuba diving. It was Jack who opened Japan. I had to honor his wishes. So, I have seen this far more often than one might think. I am in a similar position with someone else. Blood is not always thicker than water.

Twain on a fool

You cannot argue with a fool, for they will always claim to say what they know, but it takes wisdom to know what you are saying. Mark Twain said it best. It is far easier to fool someone, as your son has been brainwashed, but it is virtually impossible to reverse his thinking to convince him that he has been fooled. To a large extent, I see this in trading. People will hold onto a loss because they cannot admit they made a mistake. That is why it is a maxim in trading – NEVER marry the trade. Unfortunately, it may simply be irreversible. I have witnessed this too many times.


As I have been trying to explain, the LEFT has been engaging in psychological warfare. The routinely demonize an opponent like Sadam Huesain, Putin, and they used that tactic of Trump. So you sone has been brainwashed and it’s no different that you still see people wearing masks and driving alone in their car. They have been psychologically damaged.

WEF Schwab You Will Own Nothing

Karl Marx and his followers view the family as a tool of capitalism. They believe its primary functions are to reproduce the workforce, pass down private property (maintaining class inequality), and act as a consumption unit to support the capitalist economy. It was more than just the state owning everything – you will own nothing and be happy as the World Economic Forum is pushing.

What this entire agenda is designed to do is to break up the family unit. This means that WEF, and Marxists, see society as being structured along class lines. Destroying the family unit ends the inequality for parents cannot then pass on anything of wealth to their children. There were some trying to push in Australia that upon your death, everything goes to the States – not your heirs. That did not go down very well. But it shows there are those out there with that mentality.

Marx insisted that institutions generally work in the interests of the elite bourgeoisie class, who have economic power over those of the much larger working class or proletariat. In Marxism, he attributed nothing to innovation and maintained that the bourgeoisie gains their wealth purely by exploiting the proletariat’s labor. For this reason, there is an inherent conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in Marxism. Communism failed because innovation comes from free thinking. When you suppress individuality, the entire economy stagnates.

Nevertheless, no matter how often they fail, they are at it again because they are fools who never learn from their mistakes. What they are doing is the deliberate act of dividing the country and at the core they have been using Wokeness and demonizing Trump to destroy the family unit which they see as the foundation of the Communist state. Marx himself wrote:

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie.”

Marx advocated the confiscation of all property to destroy the family by simply abolishing the right to own property.

“The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”

Gallup Poll is Democracy Working

The refusal of your son to objectively admit that he made a mistake in voting for Biden, which is only human. If he refuses to reconsider the facts and events since 2020, this warns that he is too far gone and likely unsalvageable. I know this is hard to swallow. Gallup Poll back in 1984 found that 61% of Americans were satisfied with U.S. democracy. It was nearly as high, at 60%, in 1991. Now in 2024, it is down to just 28%.

2032 Sixth Wave

Welcome to 2032

The Dismantling of the Nuclear Family

Posted originally on Feb 29, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Government prtend to be family

Nations like Canada and the United States have deemed terms like “mother” or “father” offensive. Canada began demonizing the nuclear family structure in 2018, when Service Canada urged public employees to “use gender-neutral language or gender-inclusive language.” A new memo by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken revealed that public employees may no longer use terms such as “mother” or “father,” also deeming them to be offensive. Why does the family structure threaten governments?

Nations aligned with the World Economic Forum are moving to dismantle the nuclear family. First, they want to obscure the roles of men and women, often not recognizing women at all. Canada, for example, began urging the public sector to use gender-neutral terms like “parent.” “This avoids portraying a perceived bias toward a particular sex or gender,” Service Canada claimed.

FBI Report Family

The United States followed suit by demonizing all language with an associated gender, such as “son” or “daughter.” This is why Obama commonly used the term “folks” when addressing the public, as “ladies and gentlemen” ruffles the feathers of a select few. Moreover, they are slowly dismantling our personal identities. If you ask a person to describe him or herself, they may begin by saying their age, gender, parental status, and other aspects that people use for self-concept and personal identity. But now, identifying as a mother, daughter, father, or son is somehow offensive.

The extreme side of equality equates to a collective identity. Unlike other older nations where everyone has the same religion, morals, and concept of community, the Build Back Better crowd believes everyone should conform to their model of neutrality that strips one of their individual identity.

Decal Family

These governments are not pandering to the tiny fragment of the population that identifies as transgender; rather, they are slowly removing our personal individual identities at the most basic levels. The pride of being a mother is no longer permitted; you are disregarded as a “birthing person” in some Orwellian dystopian mentality. Anyone can breastfeed, the world health agencies have declared. Most importantly, your child should honor thy government over thy “mother” or “father.”

The far left has been discouraging women from having children because they produce too much carbon to exist while permitting an influx of refugees. Overpopulation is not the problem. Do you think a warmongering neocon like Antony Blinken is worried about offending someone with the wrong terminology? This is outright psychological warfare targeted at Generation Alpha, who will only learn a distorted version of government-directed reality.

Superbowl 2024

Posted originally on Feb 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

2020 AFL Array Y

COMMENT: Marty, I just wanted to thank you for your 2020 forecast on the future Superbowls. The double-directional change in 2022 was on target, and we saw the AFL team win two years in a row. Everything is cyclical, right down to football. Socrates even got the viewership correct, forecasting a six-year decline from 2015.

All the best, always to Socrates


2024_AFL Y Chart
2024_NFL Y Chart

REPLY: That is a very true statement. Be it disease, war, politics, or sports, everything has a cycle to it. What is interesting is that the viewership appears to have peaked in 2024. Does that mean Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s winning romance will end? Or does it suggest that we may see war when people are less likely to view sports? It might be the latter.

The idea behind the indicator is that a Super Bowl win for an NFL team from the American Football Conference (AFC) predicts a stock market decline (a bear market) in the coming year. On the other hand, a win for a team from the National Football Conference (NFC) foretells a rise in the market or a bull run in the upcoming year. Well that so-called indicator was wrong last year.

Superbowl 2018
2020 Viewership Array Y
2024 Viewership Y


DEI Ignores Demographic Composition of USA

Posted originally on Jan 18, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Diversity! Equality! Inclusivity! All of these power words intended to provoke an emotional response ignore logic entirely. America is a melting pot, but it is still a predominately White nation. We must look at the statistical composition of America to understand why DEI and other race-based initiatives are detrimental.

Let’s check in with the US Census Bureau. The most recent data from 2023 shows the demographics of America by race on a percentage basis as follows:

  • White alone, percent: 75.5%
  • Black or African American alone, percent: 13.6%
  • American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent: 1.3%
  • Asian alone, percent: 6.3%
  • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent: 0.3%
  • Two or More Races, percent: 3.0%
  • Hispanic or Latino, percent: 19.1%
  • White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent: 58.9%

The US Census Bureau considers Arabs to be White and not a protected class.

As for the LGBTQ+ community, around 7.2% of Americans identify as something other than heterosexual. A bit over 1% of Americans identify as transgender. Based on birth assignment and biology, 50.47% of the population is female (XX) and 49.5% is male (XY).

Companies are increasingly setting numerical diversity goals or targets to address “underrepresentation” and promote diversity in the workforce. They can manipulate the data as they see fit.


For example, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman Arvind Krishna warned staffers that their bonuses depended on racial hiring quotas. Asians are only 6.3% of the nation, but Krishna said the company did not want to hire more Asians. Countless people have admitted they were forced to choose a diverse candidate over the more qualified one. This is blatant discrimination and prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Using racial data to influence hiring decisions is illegal. The Supreme Court has taken on individual cases but has yet to condemn DEI as a whole. DEI and racial hiring initiatives are inherently racist and bad for business. Companies should aim to hire the best and brightest to succeed.

DEI in America – Open Racism

Posted originally on Jan 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) protects “the fair treatment and full participation of all people”, mainly groups “who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination.” In other words, DEI is akin to Affirmative Action on steroids. It permits the open discrimination of White and Asian straight males, plain and simple.


Google has been providing its employees with DEI civil rights training for many years. A video from 2017 from a Google DEI training seminar has gone viral. This was BEFORE George Floyd and the rise of race politics. “This white anxiety is a public health crisis,” the DEI trainer told those hoping to be employed by Google. He then brings up America’s opioid and mental health crisis and teaches that it is no different than someone voting Republican.

“Increasingly white working class folks who are, you know, using heroin, using over the counter opioids, but they’re political opioids. Turning to a candidate who says “you vote for me and I will take away your pain, I will bring back those jobs, I will make your life better” that’s a form of an opiate as well.”

So Google has been training employees to believe Republicans are merely political junkies.


This line of thinking clearly impacted Google’s search results. We saw what they did during the 2020 US Presidential Election, from censorship to a skewed algorithm that favors far-left views. Harvard published a top-down DEI strategy described in five stages: aware, compliant, tactical, integrated, and sustainable. These words are utterly meaningless, but DEI is precisely why they waited so long to oust former Harvard President Gay amid plagiarism scandals and pro-Hamas protests.

Bill Ackman wrote a piece on X that explains the situation well:

"I came to learn that the root cause of antisemitism at Harvard was an ideology that had been promulgated on campus, an oppressor/oppressed framework, that provided the intellectual bulwark behind the protests, helping to generate anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate speech and harassment. Then I did more research. The more I learned, the more concerned I became, and the more ignorant I realized I had been about DEI, a powerful movement that has not only pervaded Harvard, but the educational system at large. I came to understand that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion was not what I had naively thought these words meant."

He went on to say:

"Under DEI, one’s degree of oppression is determined based upon where one resides on a so-called intersectional pyramid of oppression where whites, Jews, and Asians are deemed oppressors, and a subset of people of color, LGBTQ people, and/or women are deemed to be oppressed. Under this ideology which is the philosophical underpinning of DEI as advanced by Ibram X. Kendi and others, one is either an anti-racist or a racist. There is no such thing as being “not racist.” Under DEI’s ideology, any policy, program, educational system, economic system, grading system, admission policy, (and even climate change due its disparate impact on geographies and the people that live there), etc. that leads to unequal outcomes among people of different skin colors is deemed racist."

Companies are NOT employing Asians under DEI rules. “DEI initiatives often focus on Black and Latino communities, but exclude AAPI [Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders] professionals from considerations” because there is a perception that there are “too many Asians,”’ the Association of Asian American Investment Managers (AAAIM) noted. It does not matter that Asians are, in fact, a minority group because the far-left has deemed their race too successful and prominent in business.

White House Pride

Every search result for “DEI” will explain that it was paramount in the wake of George Floyd’s death that sparked the Black Lives Matter riots, but this program clearly began long before. Companies are no longer focused on hiring the best and brightest. Why? Because their major donors demand it.

Wokeism Is About To Get Someone Killed (Ep. 2164) – 01/12/2024

Posted originally on Rumble By Dan Bongino  on:Jan 12, 11:00 am EST

WarRoom Battleground EP 449: Victories In Ohio; Taiwan Election Coverage Continues

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons Wardroom on: Jan 11 9 PM EST

CNN Report on Claudine Gay Resignation – This Spin You Have To Watch To Believe

Posted originally on the CTH on January 2, 2024 | Sundance 

There are times when the words that come from the mouth of the Moonbats at CNN just need to be emphasized, so we can all laugh.  This is one of those times.

Appearing on CNN to discuss the resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay, “journalist” Matt Egan takes parseltongue spin to new levels of professional obfuscation.

During his review of Gay’s plagiarism, Mr. Egan notes Mrs. Gay has not been “accused of stealing ideas,” she has been accused of “copying other people’s writing without attribution.”  Yes, he actually said that.

…”We should note that Claudine Gay has not been accused of stealing anyone’s ideas in any of her writings. She has been accused of sort of more like copying other people’s writings without attribution. So, it’s been more sloppy attribution than stealing anyone’s ideas.”


Someone should tell Matt Egan that “copying other people’s writings without attribution,” is actually plagiarism. 
