The Greatest Threat is Always from Within

Armstrong Economics Blog/Opinion Re-Posted Aug 30, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Do you think the Neocons are more dangerous than Russia or China?


ANSWER: Absolutely. In Chess, you face your adversary. You know your enemy, and you try to unravel his strategy. In geopolitics, the greatest danger is always the enemy within your own ranks. For a handful of silver, it was a Greek who showed the path for the Persians to come behind the Spartans through the hills and annihilate them from behind in the Battle of Thermopylae. Judas also betrayed Jesus for a handful of silver. History has proven countless times that your greatest enemy always emerges from within.

Any politician who now supports Ukraine and spouts out the BS we will be next is unworthy of any public office, including sanitation cleaning toilets. They have NO place in politics and should NEVER be allowed to take the White House, regardless of their party. The Neocons have created endless wars on their own theory that democracy should dominate the world. Their version of democracy is really tyranny, for we have no right to vote on taxes, vaccines, lockdowns, or war. We are drafted with not right to vote and ordered to die on a foreign battlefield because of their theory in which we have no say whatsoever.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Aug 22, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Tucker Carlson Interviews Col Douglas Macgregor on Ukraine-Russia War

Posted originally on the CTH on August 22, 2023 | Sundance 

Tucker Carlson sits down for a sobering discussion with Col Douglas Macgregor about the war in Ukraine and the current status of the conflict. {Direct Rumble Link}

As Carlson outlines the looming possibility that NATO is going to have to enter the war because the Ukraine military is slowing being degraded, Macgregor outlines the technical and strategic issues the U.S/NATO forces would have with a war in eastern Europe.

After outlining the strategic flaws and problems the U.S. would face in a direct confrontation with Russia, the discussion then shifts to ask the obvious question: What comes now? What are the goals and objectives for Russia, now? WATCH:

Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Is Officially a Failure—It’s Time to Reevaluate. Trump Indictments Boost Already-Significant Primary Lead. Covering the Republican Debate LIVE From Milwaukee | SYSTEM UPDATE #134

Glen Greenwald posted originally on Rumble on:Aug 21, 7:00 pm EDT