Ramaswamy on the Democrat’s Nikki Haley

Posted originally on Jan 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

The rumor, which may be very real, is that the tons of money she has is also tainted by George Soros. The Democrats and Neocons are pushing for Haley because if she did beat Biden, they do not have to postpone World War III.

The rumor, which may be very real, is that the tons of money she has is also tainted by George Soros. The Democrats and Neocons are pushing for Haley because if she did beat Biden, they do not have to postpone World War III.

Vivek Ramaswamy Suspends Campaign and Endorses President Donald Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on January 15, 2024 | Sundance 

Vivek Ramaswamy Suspends Campaign and Endorses President Donald Trump

January 15, 2024 | Sundance | 331 Comments

Following a disappointing 4th place finish in Iowa, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy announced he was suspending his campaign for the presidency and has endorsed President Donald Trump. WATCH:


(Des Moines) – “There’s no path for me to be the next president, absent things we don’t want to see happen in this country,” he said in a speech announcing that he was suspending his campaign after coming in 4th place in the Iowa Caucuses.

Ramaswamy said the next president must be an “America First” president. He said he would throw his support behind former President Donald Trump.

As he announced he was ending his bid, Ramaswamy had 8,093 votes, or 7.7%, in the Republican caucuses with 91% of votes reporting. (MORE)

President Trump Calls Out Vivek Ramaswamy, “Very Sly” but “Vivek is not MAGA”

Posted originally on the CTH on January 14, 2024 | Sundance 

Good to see this. Good timing also.

Vivek Ramaswamy has been promoting and presenting himself as the ‘safe alternative’ to President Trump while simultaneously pushing a constant talking point that “they will never let him win.” At a certain point the linguistic programming starts to be too obvious. I’ve said it a thousand times, and I will repeat it again: trust your instincts.


“Very sly”…  It would appear to me that President Trump can see it, sense it and notices it also.

If Vivek Ramaswamy was authentic to his words, if he really wanted to advance the America First movement, he would accept the futility of his position and endorse Donald J. Trump.  His unwillingness to do that says more about him, about his [¹]’glowing‘ motives and intents, than anything else he might say.

What you are doing speaks so loudly, I cannot hear a word you are saying.

[¹] I have stayed generally neutral on Ramaswamy for a reason.  However, he is now sending the exact signals I would expect to see if an intelligence community operator was nearing the end of his usefulness.  It’s called ‘Linguistic Programming‘.  ie “they will never allow,” etc. (MORE)

Vivek Ramaswamy States Christie Exit Was Part of Larger Control Agenda – Predicts DeSantis to Become Haley Partner

Posted originally on the CTH on January 10, 2024 | Sundance

In this video [see below], presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is essentially describing the “splitter strategy” CTH has discussed and outlined in granular detail for years.  Essentially, a process where the billionaire donors, hedge fund managers, corporations and multinationals – what we define as the Sea Island group (SIG), control the private corporation known as the RNC.

On this facet of his commentary, Ramaswamy is correct.  However, from there he gets things wrong.

Yes, as we have said, the Chris Christie exit is part of the continuum.  Remember, within mutually aligned motives the candidate doesn’t need specifically to be an active participant; they only need to be looking out for their individual interests, usually financial.

When the ‘time to exit’ tap on the shoulder is received, it comes via a key backer saying, “there’s no longer a path.”  The money stops, and the candidate suspends their campaign.  That’s how the process works.

Did Christie get that tap on the shoulder, at the specific time needed to retain the “never Trump” effort, thereby creating further support for Nikki Haley?  Yes, absolutely – again, that’s how it works.

The SIG moved all their poker chips to Nikki after they realized the weird behavior of DeSantis meant he was no longer a viable option.  When Brian Kemp began creating distance with DeSantis, that’s when the shift to Haley began.

Immediately preceding the shift to Nikki Haley, and specifically because DeSantis was not gaining traction, the evangelical brothers Mike Pence and Asa Hutchinson also received their tap on the shoulder and withdrew from their Iowa effort.

Within the plan of the SIG, Pence/Hutchinson were only camped in Iowa to pull a coalition of evangelicals together to hand them to DeSantis.  But that part of the effort never gained traction.  As a consequence, the SIG shifted to New Hampshire, where their allied Democrats could assist.

Ramaswamy is correct in the statement that the billionaire donors within the SIG want a head-to-head between President Trump and Nikki Haley, but only because that’s all that remains of the collapsing roadmap.  Where Ramaswamy is wrong is that when Haley loses, the SIG/Never Trump group will shift to supporting Biden (Newsom).  That’s the UniParty.  Ultimately, in the big picture, the foundational effort is not about supporting DeSantis or Haley, it’s about stopping Trump.

The hubris of Vivek Ramaswamy in this video then makes everything else he says ridiculous, and also explains why he cannot gain traction.

Who is Ramaswamy to say, “our America-First movement“?  As if this is something he created. :::spit:::  Right there, in that statement, is where we notice who Ramaswamy is.   He is trying to co-opt the MAGA Trump movement for his own motives and intents.

There is only one person who holds the allegiance of the American working class and the America First movement.  That person is President Donald Trump.  President Trump alone will decide later who will take that pragmatic economic-based MAGA movement forward – after his four-year term.  This is not that time.

At CTH we accept things as they are, not as we would pretend them to be.

If Vivek Ramaswamy was authentic to his words, if he really wanted to advance the America First movement, he would accept the futility of his position and endorse Donald J. Trump.  His unwillingness to do that says more about him, about his [¹]’glowing‘ motives and intents, than anything he might say about Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.

WATCH 01:33 minutes:


[¹] I have stayed generally neutral on Ramaswamy for a reason.  However, he is now sending the exact signals I would expect to see if an intelligence community operator was nearing the end of his usefulness.  It’s called ‘Linguistic Programming‘.  ie “they will never allow,” etc.

Vivek and Ronna Trading Blows Over Effectiveness of RNC

Posted originally on the CTH on November 9, 2023 | Sundance

The RNC doesn’t exist to win elections; they exist to raise money, but someone forgot to explain to Vivek Ramaswamy what we have discussed for more than a decade.  For some apparent reason, Vivek Ramaswamy chose the November 8th debate as an opportunity to decry the RNC as an electioneering organization.  His message was quite truthful, albeit difficult to accept if you are a professional Republican.  WATCH:

Ronna McDaniel then went onto Fox News to declare that messaging and state electioneering are the responsibility of the candidates and state party.  As told, the RNC does not consider statewide elections an important element of Republican Party politics. WATCH:


Ramaswamy Pledges to Cut Government by 75%

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Sep 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has pledged to cut the federal government by 75% if elected president. In fact, he said he wants to reorganize the entire federal government. Ramaswamy is confident he can cut the size of government in half during his first term, followed by an additional quarter during his second. This is the most extreme proposal to decrease government thus far. Could he do it?

“If they want to sue me, let them sue me. We’ll take that to the Supreme Court. I’ve studied the current Supreme Court. We win six to three on my view of the Constitution and the laws of this country,” Ramaswamy told supporters at an event in New Hampshire. “We codify that into judicial precedent so the next guy that comes along after me is not going to have his hands tied in the same way. That’s how we drive real change in this country.”

This would result in a decrease of 2.2 million civilian government employees. Ramaswamy is looking to target the IRS, Department of Education, FBI, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission. We can certainly do away with the 87,000 additional IRS agents that Biden installed. When Elon Musk took over X, formerly Twitter, he decreased the workforce by 80%. His reasoning? “Turns out you don’t need that many people to run Twitter. If you’re not trying to run some sort of glorified activist organization, and you don’t care that much about censorship, then you can really let go of a lot of people turns out,” Musk stated.

The US government has become more dystopian under Biden than any other president. He has created countless groups that add no value to America and are merely there to spy on, censor, or tax the American public. The federal government is overinflated with countless agencies and positions that we simply do not need. It is a burden on the taxpayers, and state and local government pensions were never properly funded.

Around 30% of the government workers in question are eligible to retire in the next five years. Although Ramaswamy said he wants to start on day one in office, and while I think it is a good idea, he will never have that chance because they would never allow him to become the president.

Sunday Talks, Vivek Ramaswamy -VS- Chuck Todd, As Media Push Racism Narrative

Posted originally on the CTH on August 27, 2023 | Sundance

The Jacksonville shooter, Ryan Christoper Palmeter (21), was subject to Baker Act detention in 2017.  Palmeter would have been approximately 15 or 16. He was obviously an unstable and mentally challenged individual who presumably left a manifesto expressing his intention to kill black people.  The media are quick to jump on the typeset and report a racist shooting resulting in 3 deaths.

In a pattern that is all too familiar, every Sunday talk show leads with this Jacksonville racist killing story as their lead.  The white male killing black people storyline is the apex narrative for corporate media.  There is no media narrative that achieves a higher level of promotion than a white racist mass shooter.

As would be expected, NBC’s Chuck Todd grills Vivek Ramaswamy about the Republican support for racist white men and asks why it is only white people who target and kill black people.  This is the media frenzy in its fullest form.  WATCH:


ps. Palmeter is the first 21-year-old in modern US history with zero social media presence. Odd.

Ramaswamy Gets Weird in Iowa – People Stare Uncomfortably as Republican Candidate Starts Rapping, Yes Rapping!

Posted originally on the CTH on August 12, 2023 | Sundance 

Things are a little weird in Iowa as one of the candidates thought it would be a great idea to start rapping on stage, and then things get really uncomfortable.  There are moments in every eco-chambering campaign where the responsible voice in the room says, “no – just no” and protects the candidate from the big stupid.

I’m not exactly sure what the goal and objective is here, but (a) Ramalamadingdong did not have that voice in the room; and (b) apparently no longer wants to be considered as a viable candidate.  Nothing else quite explains this level of cringe.  WATCH:






Ramaswamy has Near Fatal Plane Accident

Armstrong Economics Blog/Conspiracy Re-Posted Aug 9, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

There is a price to pay for going against the global elite. I reported how GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy sued the World Economic Forum and won. Shortly after, his plane lost oxygen mid-flight and was forced to make an emergency landing. “Due to an unexpected cabin depressurization issue in his plane, Vivek Ramaswamy was forced to return to campaign headquarters this morning,” the press release stated.

I am not saying that this was an assassination attempt by the global elite or American intelligence agencies. I do find the timing odd. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been pleading for Secret Service protection to no avail. We all know that John F. Kennedy Jr., 38, died in July 1999 after he allegedly lost control of his plane and crashed into the ocean near Martha’s Vineyard. Kennedy was an experienced pilot, and the circumstances surrounding the crash remain peculiar.

Are the other presidential candidate in danger as well? Ramaswamy has openly discredited the New World Order and shares ideas that are considered dangerous by the mainstream media. I must also mention that Ramaswamy began openly discussing his personal belief that the US government began funding Ukraine due to Hunter Biden’s special interests there. This is now only a conspiracy, but it would not be unimaginable if it were true.

The Least Popular GOP Presidential Candidate

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics R-Posted Aug 8, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

No one took Chris Christie seriously when he was the governor of New Jersey. People accuse him of turning voters to Obama in 2016 since he debated so poorly. Christie was disliked in New Jersey, so much so that he flipped the state blue when he left. He recently traveled to Ukraine to show that he stands with a new forever war and is a willing puppet of the deep state. Still, he is the least popular candidate in the Republican Party.

Trump continues to stand as the top GOP presidential candidate with a 71% favorability rating. Florida’s Ron DeSantis holds second place at 63%. All other candidates have ratings beneath 50%, with Ramaswamy edging 48% as 23% stated they have never heard of him in general. Former Vice President Mike Pence is the second least favorable candidate, with a rating of 39%. This is no surprise since Trump is in the lead, and his supporters dislike Pence after he turned on the former president. Christie and Pence also have a big common interest not shared by Trump or DeSantis.

Chris Christie managed to score a 45% unfavorable rating. He still qualifies for the first Republican primary debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on August 23. It will be hard if not impossible to recover in the public eye, and his attempts to gain support have failed. Who would want to lend money to a candidate who is this far behind in the polls? He took his time in Ukraine to criticize DeSantis, Trump, and Ramaswamy for giving people a “false choice” by saying America has no choice but to fight alongside Ukraine in this needless war.

Interestingly, the two least popular candidates are pushing the Ukraine agenda and were formerly major Trump supporters (obviously, as one was his VP). Now they claim Trump is unfit to serve and Christie even said Trump may spend the election trying to stay out of jail. These men had nothing but praise for Trump for years until they decided that they wanted his spot. Pence and Christie both visited Zelensky early to show support at the beginning of their campaigns. The Republican Party has become the party of peace, and opposing the war is considered radical by the liberals. Considering the surplus of issues Americans face every day, no one is going to be impressed by a candidate who champions foreign policies that have no benefits for our own nation.