Russia Set to Outpace All Advanced Economies – Sanctions FAILED

Posted Apr 18, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Putin Xi

Sanctions and the removal of Russia from SWIFT have not deterred the Russian economy. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that Russia’s economy will grow more in the next year than any other advanced economy.

The IMF believes Russia’s economy will grow by 3.2% in 2024, in comparison, the US is expected to grow by 2.7% while Europe’s top economy, Germany, is expected to grow by a mere 0.2%. Cutting off Europe from Russian energy backfired in a major way. Foreign investments have been pouring into Russia from the rest of the world, which is eager to join the rank of “advanced nation.”


Trade between China and Russia has spiked to $240 billion in the last year alone. World leaders have learned absolutely nothing from the previous three years. US President Joe Biden just announced new tariffs against China on steel, aluminum, and shipbuilding supplies that will be potentially raised to 7.5%, triple the current rate for steel and aluminum. “The president understands we must invest in American manufacturing, but we also have to protect those investments and those workers from unfair exports associated with China’s industrial overcapacity,” Lael Brainerd, director of the White House’s National Economic Council. The president of the US and other world leaders simply do not understand how the economy operates. Brainerd believes China is simply overproducing, and these tariffs will cause China to change its policy as it wishes to continue trade with the US, its previous top trading partner.

Trade War 2

China does not need the US to excel at trade. China’s adopted capitalistic style of business is causing nations to line up to sell to China in the same manner that they once did to the US. Now, Americans are strapped for cash, and its consumer population is declining. Biden just made it less appealed for nations like China to sell to the US. Germany is failing to grow because it continued its mercantile system of business where it feels it must increase manufacturing. German manufacturing may be of higher quality than that of China but China’s middle class is growing, and with it, so are the number of consumers amid a population of nearly 1.4 billion people.

Russia does not need the US, Canada, or Europe for trade either, as they have a precious natural resource that is in higher demand than supply. The world needs energy and fossil fuels and cannot operate without them. As hard as the climate change zealots try, they cannot eliminate the world’s dependence on fossil fuels. Instead, the West is imposing regulations and taxing its people in an effort to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, but the demand is not there, and the infrastructure does not exist. There is no reliable alternative to fossil fuels on a wide scale.

Russia does not need to adhere to the G7 nation’s price capping regulations. Russia has effectively been selling oil to nations like India who then turn around and sell it to the West at a premium. Pettiness is poor business, and simply attempting to ostracize a necessary trade partner from the global market has backfired in a major way. Now nations like those under BRICS are trading freely without Western interference and it is becoming overtly apparent that sanctions do not work.

WarRoom Battleground EP 510: Continued Lies On Russian Disinformation

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Apr 10, 2024 at 05:00 am EST

Russia Deems South Korea an Unfriendly Nation

Posted Apr 8, 2024 by Martin Armstrong

World War III

Russia’s ties to North Korea have strained its relationship with South Korea. South Korea has placed sanctions on Russian entities and individuals, with Russia responding by deeming South Korea an “unfriendly nation,” or in other words, an enemy.

“This is an unfriendly move by Seoul and is deeply regrettable. The imposition of – I emphasize – illegitimate sanctions will have a negative impact on relations with Russia,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated. South Korea has said that Russia violated the Security Council resolutions by engaging in arms trade and military cooperation with its northern neighbor in a move that “threatens peace and stability not only on the Korean Peninsula but around the world,” per an official statement. South Korea has demanded that Russia immediately cease all military cooperation with North Korea, but Russia is keeping its strategic alliance.

The Security Council measure in question was implemented in 2017, banning trade on weapons with North Korea and limiting trade on fuel. Moscow insists it is keeping its commitment but then stated that the sanctions simply failed. “It is clearly seen that endless sanctions are completely useless for achieving the designated goals. They lead to a financial and economic blockade of an entire state with all the ensuing consequences for the population,” Zakharova said.

Russia has not confirmed if it is supplying oil to North Korea in exchange for military support, nor is it responding to rumors it has helped to provide the hermit kingdom with previously blocked $9 million in frozen funds. There is no evidence that Russia helped North Korea unblock these funds aside from the New York Times’ anonymous source who allegedly works for the CIA. This is quite a small sum of money in the scheme of things as well but they are looking for anything they can use against Russia.

Kim Jong un Rocket

Even world leaders are under the invisible hand where they are only looking out for their self-interest. It would not be in the self-interest of Russia to allow North Korea to run amuck in the Korean Peninsula or attempt to wage World War III by attacking its southern neighbor. North Korea has long been in survival mode and only exists because other nations are afraid that Kim-Jung Un will launch nukes into the abyss if cornered. This seems more to be a strategic trade partnership for these shunned nations.

“South Korea apparently lacks the immunity to protect itself from Washington’s external influence,” Zakharova added to her earlier comments, as South Korea followed the US in implementing sanctions. What do all these nations have to gain by involving themselves in the dispute between Ukraine and Russia? All of this is being done at the request of NATO and the West, who are demanding all their allies fall in line and blindly support this endless war despite the clear economic consequences.

Russia Begins Mass Deportations After Terrorist Attack

Posted originally on Apr 3, 2024 by Martin Armstrong

Russia is not taking any chances after the senseless terrorist attack that claimed 144 lives. The four men arrested for the attack were from Tajikistan, and ISIS is now claiming responsibility. No one in charge believes that ISIS is responsible for these attacks but Russia is taking precautions and beginning a mass deportation is Islamic migrants.

President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, claimed the men who carried out the attack have “no nationality, no homeland and no religion.” President Putin believes that Ukraine and Western intelligence is responsible for the attack. Russia supports Iran. Why would they carry out a mass shooting on Russian soil of all places? The West is desperate to create a false flag to claim that Russia is the oppressive enemy so they can send in NATO.


Zelensky basically said that Russia deserved this mass shooting incident. He is attempting to instigate Moscow to act. “They (Russia) came to Ukraine, they are burning our cities – and they are trying to blame Ukraine,” Zelensky said one day after the attack. “Putin and his thugs are just trying to blame somebody else… It has happened before. There have been blown-up houses, shootings, explosions, and they always blame others,” Zelensky later stated without empathy. “They sent hundreds of thousands of terrorists here, on Ukrainian soil, they are fighting against us and don’t care what happens in their country.” Ukraine’s military intelligence (HUR) believes Russia carried out the attack on its own citizens in an effort to blame Ukraine.

Now, look at how Russia responded with the trial. All four men appeared in the courtroom in horrible condition, badly beaten. One man was forced to stand trial while in a coma. There were videos of Russian forces cutting off one man’s ear and forcing him to eat it. Russia is making a clear statement that anyone who carries out any act of terrorism will receive no grace. The Russian people want migrants who do not mesh with their own society out of their country.

The Tajikistan embassy warned its citizens to stay in their houses. Kyrgyzstan is warning its citizens not to travel to Russia. Russia is cracking down on migration and making it more difficult to obtain work permits.

Buses filled with migrants were spotted en route to St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo International Airport shortly after the attack. Hundreds of migrants have been places in temporary detention centers and/or deported.

There are cries of human rights abuse, stating that Russia is acting unfairly toward a collective group when only a few are responsible. The issue is that Russian culture does not align with the culture of these migrants. Worse, their motives are unknown and no one knows who they are truly reporting back to be it the CIA or ISIS. We see terrorists sitting comfortably in courtrooms in other nations, given the opportunity to prove innocence despite clearly carrying out horrific atrocities. Russia will not allow that to happen. They are taking no chances and putting their citizens first

Russian Day of Mourning – Death Toll Climbs to 137 as Nation Grieves

Posted originally on the CTH on March 24, 2024 | Sundance

According to the latest information from Moscow, the death toll in Russia has climbed to 137, with more than 150 people still being treated for serious injuries as a result of a terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall theater in Moscow

Today is a National Day of Mourning across the nation.  Events at cultural institutions were canceled and closed, flags were lowered to half-staff, and television entertainment and advertising were suspended. A steady stream of people brought flowers adding to a massive makeshift memorial near the burned-out concert hall.  The entire region is still in a state of shock. [CBS NEWS Report]

Dear God, bring these grieving families to Your throne of comfort. Their pain is unimaginable as they anguish the loss of their wives, husbands, children and loved ones.

Father of mercy and comfort wrap Your loving arms around them. Help them to breathe and overcome the choking knot of despair in their throat. Please provide strength for their continued faith in You even through this unfathomable pain. Lavish them with Your love, and fill the void in their crushed and broken hearts.

In Jesus’ powerful name, I believe and pray.


Дорогой Господь, приведи эти скорбящие семьи к Своему престолу утешения. Их боль невообразима, поскольку они переживают потерю своих жен, мужей, детей и близких.

Отец милосердия и утешения, обними их Своими любящими объятиями. Помогите им дышать и преодолеть удушливый узел отчаяния в горле. Прошу Тебя, дай им силы для их непоколебимой веры в Тебя, даже несмотря на эту непостижимую боль. Одари их Своей любовью и заполни пустоту в их раздавленных и разбитых сердцах.

Во имя Иисуса Христа я верю и молюсь.



“People came to a concert, some people came to relax with their families, and any one of us could have been in that situation. And I want to express my condolences to all the families that were affected here, and I want to pay tribute to these people,” Andrey Kondakov, one of the mourners who came to lay flowers at the memorial, told The Associated Press.


I can pray.

That is what I can do.

He listens.

Putin Wins Transparent Russian Reelection, Biden Calls it a Dictatorship – Zelensky Cancels Ukraine Elections, Biden Calls it a Democracy

Posted originally on the CTH on March 18, 2024 | Sundance

It really is a transparently obvious contrast that highlights how far the west has fallen. Russia holds transparent elections and Vladimir Putin wins 87% of the vote, resoundingly being reelected; yet Biden calls it a dictatorship. Meanwhile Ukraine cancels all elections, Zelensky declares the political opposition party unlawful; yet Biden calls it a democracy.

The totalitarian areas and liberty areas are ideologically inverting as a direct outcome of western governments deliberately cleaving the globe. What they call “globalism” is actually a fracturing of the international compact. This reality is now transparent and obvious to the ordinary person, and the Ukraine vs Russia example stands as direct evidence of just how abusive the Western government gaslighting has become.

(Via Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin won a record post-Soviet landslide in Russia’s election on Sunday, cementing his already tight grip on power in a victory he said showed Moscow had been right to stand up to the West and send its troops into Ukraine.

[…] The outcome means Putin, 71, is set to embark on a new six-year term that will see him overtake Josef Stalin and become Russia’s longest-serving leader for more than 200 years if he completes it.

Putin won 87.8% of the vote, the highest ever result in Russia’s post-Soviet history, according to an exit poll by pollster the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM). The Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM) put Putin on 87%. First official results indicated the polls were accurate. The United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and other nations have said the vote was neither free nor fair due to the imprisonment of political opponents and censorship.

Communist candidate Nikolai Kharitonov finished second with just under 4%, newcomer Vladislav Davankov third, and ultra-nationalist Leonid Slutsky fourth.

Putin told supporters in a victory speech in Moscow that he would prioritize resolving tasks associated with what he called Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine and would strengthen the Russian military.

“We have many tasks ahead. But when we are consolidated – no matter who wants to intimidate us, suppress us – nobody has ever succeeded in history, they have not succeeded now, and they will not succeed ever in the future,” said Putin. (read more)

The average Russian person doesn’t hate the average American person, not even close.  However, it is fair to say the aggregate Russian government presents a general outlook of spite toward the American government as a direct result of the domestic gaslighting, fraud and institutional lying that shapes the views of most U.S. citizens.

Internally our USA national pride is being eroded as our abusers gleefully continue their efforts.  Some Russian voices really understand this dynamic and feel almost a sense of pity toward the average American.  We are losing something very valuable, and the leftists/communists really don’t care because they hate our country.  President Donald Trump is correct to keep pointing this out, “they hate our country.”

The most hypocritical elements of this abuse cycle are not just evident today, the overall “western” response during the COVID-19 scam was a case study in projection.

Vladimir Putin did not arrest moms in playgrounds in Michigan during the COVID hype.

Russian police officers did not arrest paddleboarders off the beach in Malibu.

The FSB didn’t fill skate parks with sand, or shut down restaurants, or destroy the livelihoods of middle America.

It wasn’t the Kremlin police arresting people in New York City for going to restaurants without authorization papers.

It wasn’t the Russian police firing rubber bullets into the crowds in Melbourne, Australia, because the people refused to wear masks.

It wasn’t Moscow who created “bubbles” in New Zealand demanding a person apply for a permit before visiting their elderly parents, or arresting people for going to McDonalds and trying to navigate through police checkpoints and roadblocks.

It wasn’t the armed Russian military who set up involuntary detainment facilities in Australia and then called them quarantine camps- where if you crossed the arbitrary yellow line painted on the porch of your detainment cabin, you would be arrested and thrown into solitary confinement.  It was western political leadership called “democratic” premiers and national democratic leaders of the Scott Morrison administration.

It wasn’t the Russian intelligence services who monitored Facebook accounts in Canada and questioned people who dare speak about the concept of liberty or raise concerns about totalitarian dictates.

It wasn’t Vladimir Putin who declared a national emergency in Canada, then arrested his political opposition for protesting in downtown Ottawa.   And it certainly was not the Russian government who confiscated the bank accounts of dissident citizens who dared to raise their voices in support of truck drivers.  It was Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

It wasn’t Russia who hired state-sponsored hunters to track down unvaccinated citizens in Austria, fine them and confiscate their wages if they did not comply with vaccines.

It wasn’t Vladimir Putin who blocked those citizens from shopping in supermarkets forcing citizens into a black-market just to scrounge for food and essential medicine.  It was the government of Austria.

It wasn’t the police in Moscow who set up vaccine checkpoints in Paris and demanded formerly free citizens to show their authorization papers to sit outside at a cafe table.

If Western leaders like Joe Biden think they have some credibility to stand in their G7 assembly and talk about the value of democracy, they would be well served if their handlers mentioned how their insufferable ‘gaslighting’ was now falling on deaf ears.

Few things raise the anger of people to a level where foul language is the better option than the physical violence that might surface without it. However, this level of hypocrisy and pretense is surely pushing the boundaries.

To all the leaders of various “western democracies” who will now clutch their pearls as the backlash from the citizens starts to come full circle, you did this to yourself.

No one is to blame other than Biden, Trudeau, Ardern, Morrison, Macron, Johnson et al and the leaders of NATO, all political abusers, who suddenly demand the support of the citizens they abuse in order to fend off their new enemy, Vladimir Putin.

My last point on this Russian election.  You might remember when the people of Egypt voted after the NATO alliance and Obama/Clinton group helped install the Muslim Brotherhood (Mohammed Morsi).  The USA meddled in the politics of Egypt, removed Hosni Mubarek and installed an Islamic extremist.

The Egyptian people were horrified by what Morsi was doing and begged General al-Sisi to help them.

Much like Vladimir Putin, Egyptian candidate Fattah Abdel al-Sisi won the next election with over 80% of the vote.

The freedom and liberty inversion continues…

…. And it’s strange how few people can see it.

A Report on the Fall of Communism Published 1990

Posted originally on Mar 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

1990 Report

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I know you knew my father. He had always been a big supporter of your work. He would do his part in homeschooling me part-time and show me your work on how the world functions. He passed, and I greatly appreciate your kindness in paying your respects. I’m sure he smiled from above, knowing you took the time to remember him.

I scanned this report of yours from June 1990, just a few months after you forecast the fall of Communism at the end of 1989. You have been teaching the world for a long time. I think it is time the world recognized you.

Thank you


1990 Report Conclusion

REPLY: Thank you so much. I have tried to collect all the reports issued over the last 45 years. I will always remember your father and hope he can see I am smiling back at him. Good people are hard to find these days.

A European Pearl Harbar Event?

Posted originally on Feb 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Lithuiana PM Warns of Pearl Harbor Moment

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong: Nobody has sources like you. You warned that the West would create a false flag to start the war that they need. It took maybe one to two weeks for the news that Russia put nuclear weapons in space, and here, our leading politician came out and said there was going to be a sneak attack in Europe that would be our Pearl Harbor moment. I have come to understand why you are always right. It is because people do react the same way no matter what decade or century.


Thank you for the knowledge.

REPLY: Yes, we are approaching the ECM fate of May 7th, but also the ECM date on the Ukraine war – April 20, 2024. It is getting interesting from a research perspective but dangerous from a human perspective. If you really expected a Pearl Harbor Moment, which was also a deliberately created event to the US into WWII, you would think as head of state, you would seek peace rather than war. Nothing these people do anymore makes sense.

Russia is Getting Stronger – Not Weaker

Posted originally on Feb 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Russia More Powerful than ever

Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled the new strategic long-range Tu-160M nuclear-capable bomber on Thursday, in a move likely to be seen in the West as a pointed reminder of Moscow’s nuclear capabilities. This is a new giant swing-wing type plane, where the pilots posted on the side “MY POMPEII,” referring to the destruction of Vesuvius.  NATO has codenamed it “Blackjacks” but this bomber is what Russia would deploy in the event of nuclear war to deliver weapons at long distances.

What is very clear and acknowledged behind the curtain is that there has never been a time of worse relations between the world’s two biggest nuclear powers, including during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The West appears to be led by mindless politicians who do as they are told by the Neocons for nobody is interested in any peace negotiations. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, has repeatedly warned of the risk of a nuclear conflict with the West since 2014. That seems not to bother any Western leader, for the Neocons keep swearing that it is just scare tactics and that Russia will never resort to nuclear weapons even as NATO invades Moscow. Nobody in any leadership role even seems to have common sense.

Fiona_Hill Politicao 12 12 2023

The Neocon who also is always pushing for war is Fiona Hill. Politico asked: “What happens to the West if Putin wins?” She responded:

We’ll be at each others’ throats. There’ll be no way in which this is going to turn out well. There’ll be a lot of frustration on the part of people who thought that this was the easier option when we reel from crisis to crisis. There’ll also be the shame, frankly, and the disgrace of having let the Ukrainians down. I think it would create a firestorm of recrimination. And it will also embolden so many other actors to take their own steps.

2024_02_23_15_41_30_Nato_can defeat_Putin

NATO is a highly dangerous organization whose only purpose is war. They were created to defend against Communism. When Communism fell, they never changed their position and maintained that Russia still wanted to conquer Europe. Of course, if that is not true, then we no longer need NATO. They must keep up beating their war drums, or else they lose their purpose and revenue as members divert it elsewhere.

NATO F16s 2024
NATO_Gives_Ukraine_the_Go_Ahead_to_Cross_Putin_s_Red_Line 2 23 24

At first, we would provide F16s only to defend Ukraine. Now, after getting approval on those terms, they use the bail-and-switch routine as NATO now says Ukraine can fly directly into Russia to wage war as they pray for an excuse to start World War III. Even Newsweek has reported NATO grants Ukraine permission to invade Russia, knowing full well that Putin will be forced to respond. This is precisely what NATO wants – it is begging for Putin to PLEASE attack so we can start World War III ASAP. They want to create WWIII before the US election.


NATO is headed into a major crisis by January 17th, 2027. What is most interesting is that the turning point 2022.746 was precisely September 30th, 2022, which was the very day when Putin declared the annexation of four Russian regions of Ukraine that were supposed to have been under the Minsk Agreement, which was signed September 5th, 2021 that the West negotiated in bad faith. That was 73.1 years into the NATO ECM. The Minsk Agreement came in 2021, which was precisely on the 72-Year Revolution Cycle.

Tribune POINT_Ukraine_can_win_here_s_how_and_91_more_pages_Personal_Microsoft_Ed

Nobody seems ever to ask, what if Russia loses? Medvedev made it very clear:

“Attempts to restore Russia’s 1991 borders will lead only to one thing – a global war with Western countries with the use of our entire strategic (nuclear) arsenal against Kyiv, Berlin, London, and Washington. And against all other beautiful historic places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad.” 

2024_02_23_Hill Ukraine_can_no_longer
ECM Ukraine 8.6 R

When we look at the duration of wars, we see that World War I (1914-1918) was just under four years. World War II lasted on two fronts, Germany and Japan, so the combined war effort was from 1939 to 1945. However, the war with Germany lasted 5.679 years, whereas the war with Japan lasted 3.691 years. The Korean War lasted 3.087 years.

Ukraine_Hryvnia Q Array 2 24 24

We have a Double Directional Change in April coinciding with the major ECM turning point of April 20th, 2024. There is no way Ukraine will defeat Russia. Indeed, behind the curtain, that has been known from day one.  Ukraine has been used to weaken Russian forces for the ultimate confrontation with NATO. Nobody cares how many Ukrainians die—the more, the merrier, since that will serve as the justification for World War III. We will then commit countless people to die as revenge for Ukraine’s loss.

Ukraine_Hryvnia M Tech 2 24 24

Even looking at a chart of the currency, the Greenback keeps rising. There is no hope for Ukraine long-term. The Neocons have lied to them, and now over 1 million are dead, and millions have fled to Europe.

Alexei Navalny – behind the curtain

Posted originally on Feb 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

2024 1 18 Jamie_Dimon_tells_Dems_to_be_respectful_of_MAGA_supporters

COMMENT #1: “Tucker picked the wrong side. Guess Tucker won’t be going back to Russia for a while.” citing:


COMMENT #2: Tucker is supporting a criminal, and you should not publish anything this guy says.


Brain Dead

REPLY: I really feel sorry for these people, for they have been brainwashed by the standard psychological warfare tactic they use all the time on everyone. Jamie Dimon came out and warned the Democrats that they are attacking ALL of Trump’s supporters and are attributing to everyone the personality traits of Trump. This is how they get people to hate others; it is the standard tactic always deployed in the war. They demonized Sadam Hussain to justify invading Iraq. They did that with Qadaffi and tried to demonize Assad in Syria by just invading that country, all for a covert pipeline. Russia could do that to ALL Americans and attribute to us the traits of the Democrats and Joe Biden – the hand puppet of the Neocons.

Alexey_Navalny_dies_prison 2 17 24

The Western Press has already decided, as CNN reported, that Putin killed the jailed “Russian opposition figure and outspoken Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny, who made global headlines when he was poisoned with a nerve agent in 2020, has died aged 47, the Russian prison service said.” Navalny is now the excuse many use to launch World War III. I am hearing from Europe as well as America. Once again, the truth is nowhere to be found.

What the Western press omits is that  Navalny was also an OPEN SOCIETY. While the corruption in Russia took place on a grand scale before Navalny graduated from school in 2001, he did buy into the propaganda against Putin launched by Berezovsky and crew when their attempt to blackmail Yeltsin collapsed in 1998 and has been propagated ever since. I laid out the truth behind all the assassinations that people attributed to Putin when, in fact, the benefactor was Berezovsky, who even called me when I refused to invest $10 billion into their scheme to take over Russia.

Because of the 1998 Russian Financial Crisis in the midst of the Russian Bond Crisis August/September 1998, Yeltsin had to shift the leadership. He tried to reinstate Viktor Chernomyrdin (1938–2010) as Prime Minister, but the Duma rejected his appointment on September 7th, 1998. There was a rising sentiment to return to Communism, for capitalism had obviously failed. A very serious crisis was unfolding, and Yeltsin was forced to nominate Yevgeny Primakov (1929–2015), who was a right-wing conservative and anti-oligarchy communist at heart who was appointed Prime Minister September 10th, 1998. Primakov was moved from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to Prime Minister in the wake of Russia’s default in August 1998.

Galina Starovoitova 1946 1998 Assassinated 11 20 98

Within a matter of weeks of Primakov coming to power, on November 20th, 1998, Galina Starovoitova (1946-1998) was preparing for the State Duma elections that were to be held the next year in December 1999. Galina tried to prevent the old communists from coming to power and was against the oligarchs. Galina opposed the direction of Russia moving from a communist to an oligarchy state and made this part of her political platform in “Democratic Russia.”

I believe Galina knew the nature and covert scheme of Primakov and the shifting sentiment to return to the USSR. I believe that, in fact, Galina’s assassination was to remove the head of the Democratic movement in the Duma that would have been the major obstacle to the rise of power of Primakov and the restoration of Communism under his vision of the USSR. Galina was gunned down in the entryway of her apartment building in St. Petersburg on November 20th, 1998. At first, the spin was she was really a puppet of a “Western financier,” who was supposed to be me simply because her son worked in my London office. She had checked my references with Margaret Thatcher before consenting to her son working in my firm. I had far more insight into Russia than most assumed.

The press refuses to reveal that they have been spreading the Berezovsky propaganda. It was on July 25th, 1998, when Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin (born in 1952) as director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence agency of the Russian Federation. I believe this was done because of Galina Starovoitova’s (1946-1998) criticism of the FSB and to prevent another FSB coup, as they had pulled off against Gorbachev. Putin had worked for the KGB from 1975 until August 20th, 1991. He left because the head of the KGB, Vladimir A. Kryuchkov (1924–2007), was behind the major coup of 1991, arresting Mikhail Gorbachev and trying to return Russia to the USSR, which Putin opposed. Putin resigned in 1991 and entered civil service to support an old friend who was moving to be mayor of St Petersburg. However, more significantly, on October 1st, 1998, Vladimir Putin became a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. This is why Yeltsin turned to Putin BECAUSE he knew he was against the communists and did NOT want to return Russia to the days of the USSR.

Geoff Kitney, writing for the Herald in Berlin, characterized Galina’s death a turning point in Russia’s fight to establish a post-Communist society. Indeed, Galina’s death was a significant turning point. It was clearly the attempt of the old guard and their reminiscent dream of Communist power they saw slipping away. It was very clear, that her death was an ordered assassination by the hardline. The fact that the spin claimed Galina was a puppet of a Western Financier, meaning me, was indicative of a communist who was Primakov, who was also the enemy of Berezovsky and his Seven Oligarchs attempting to take over Russia.

2022_The Plot to Seize Russia Overview

Navalny was against corruption that was created by the oligarchs – not Putin. His nemesis was Borris Berszovsky and his Seven Oligarchs, who were trying to seize control of Russia and were behind blackmailing Yeltsin with the whole Bank of New York scandal. If you look at all the assassinations I documented in the Plot to Seize Russia, it was part of the plan for Berezovsky to blame Putin in his attempt to seize control of Russia – backed by the American Neocons. Eventually, Berezovsky’s bodyguard said MI6 killed him after he wrote his begging letter to Putin apologizing and asking him to please allow him to return to Russia. When Edmond Safra was assassinated on December 3rd, 2999, that is when they created the contempt to prevent any trial in my case because they then realized this would create a political nightmare.

Nemtsov Boris 19059 2015

Boris Nemtsov (1959-2015) was involved with Hermitage Capital Management, the company I was being solicited to inject $10 billion. Nemtsov was named in a 1999 RICO suit Avisma Titano Magnes v. Dart Management. That lawsuit alleged that Bank Menatep, owned by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, one of Berezovsky’s Seven oligarchs, had a controlling interest in titanium producer Avisma. They forced Avisma to sell its titanium below market price to offshore companies that they secretly controlled. They then sold the titanium at market prices, funneling the profits back to the defendants and Bank Menatep.

Bill Browder of Hermitage Capital Management said that Nemtsov was his “indispensable ally” in pushing his Magnitsky Act, which indeed in itself created countless enemies by targeting private individuals in some revenge scheme. Plenty of people have criticized Putin, who has not been assassinated. In the Plot to Seize Russia, I went through all the assassinations, and they pointed to Berezovsky, whom I was warned not to get involved with. When I refused to invest $10 billion into Hermitage Capital Management, Berezovsky called me to try to pursue me to join the scheme where they would have all the riches of Russia from gold, platinum, diamonds, and oil flowing through their hands.

Three weeks before Nemtsov’s assassination, on February 10th, 2015, he wrote on Russia’s Sobesednik news website that his 87-year-old mother was not afraid Putin would kill him. Interestingly, she was scared because the former oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky (born in 1963) was granted a pardon by Putin in 2013 and given a passport; hence, he fled to London. There was no explanation as to why he should fear Khodorkovsky.

However, the BBC interviewed Nemtsov on February 10th, 2015, 17 days before his death. He again repeated what he said in the Sobesednik newspaper. When asked if he himself feared for his life, he answered: “Yes, not as strongly as my mother, but still …” Following that interview, on February 25th, 2015, the Sobesednik posted an extended version of the original interview. There, Nemtsov added: “I am just joking. If I were afraid of Putin, I wouldn’t be in this line of work.” This does not support the West’s propaganda that Putin kills everyone.

Navalny Alexei Pencil

In addition, Nemtsov’s mother was also afraid of the anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny (1976-2024), who was the same activist who uncovered Voronenkov’s corruption. Did his mother understand more than what she was saying? Why was she afraid of one person who was part of the Yeltsin entourage and the other claiming to be against corruption?

Of course, on March 12th, 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a Resolution, and the Senate passed it on June 10th, 2019. The Resolutions were non-binding but were intended to hold Russian President Vladimir Putin accountable for his country’s actions, including a measure condemning the Russian leader and his government for their alleged roles in covering up the 2015 assassination of Putin’s political opponent, Boris Nemtsov. Anyone who ever criticized Putin has been alleged to have been assassinated even though they were of no serious consequence.

Alexei Navalny was after the corruption – but that was the Oligarchs, and Berezovsky had a long list of assassinations, even how he managed to get a hold of stock to build his empire. But the truth does not matter. They have attributed so many assassinations to Putin to cover up the connections of the West with Berezovsky and the Seven Oligarchs. Perhaps one day, the press will tell the truth instead of egging us on into World War III by attributing all Russians to the fake personality propaganda against Putin that was manufactured by Berezovsky and his Seven Oligarchs trying to strip mine Russia for untold wealth. I had a front-row seat to this saga.

Like the Weapons of Mass Destruction that never existed in Iraq, wars are routinely created on lies.

See the Plot to Seize Russia