Monkeypox – Old Virus, New Vaccine

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted May 25, 2022 by Martin Armstrong

The US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is already developing a vaccine for monkeypox. Although the disease may seem novel, the first reported outbreak in monkeys occurred in 1958, and the first human infection was reported in the 1970s in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). According to the Centers for Diseases and Prevention (CDC), the virus is transmitted to humans through direct animal-to-human or human-to-human contact. Before they change the transmission guidelines, I will report what they stated on their website:

“Transmission of monkeypox virus occurs when a person comes into contact with the virus from an animal, human, or materials contaminated with the virus. The virus enters the body through broken skin (even if not visible), respiratory tract, or the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth). Animal-to-human transmission may occur by bite or scratch, bush meat preparation, direct contact with body fluids or lesion material, or indirect contact with lesion material, such as through contaminated bedding. Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, so prolonged face-to-face contact is required. Other human-to-human methods of transmission include direct contact with body fluids or lesion material, and indirect contact with lesion material, such as through contaminated clothing or linens.”

The disease can reportedly occur through sexual encounters as well. This is NOT an airborne virus – masks and lockdowns would be useless. Cases of the virus are appearing throughout the world, but again, this virus was never limited to one continent. In 2003, 47 cases of monkeypox were reported in the US after pet prairie dogs became infected after being housed with small animals imported from Ghana.

BARDA plans to release JYNNEOS, a smallpox vaccine, to treat monkeypox cases by 2023. The company has already produced almost 13 million freeze-dried doses of the vaccine that are expected to be manufactured in 2024 and 2025.

President and CEO of Bavarian Nordic Paul Chaplin said, “We are pleased to announce the exercise of the first options under our contract with the US government to deliver a freeze-dried version of the smallpox vaccine with an improved shelf-life, which will be manufactured at our new fill and finish facility. This marks a significant milestone in our long-standing partnership with the US government to ensure availability of life-saving vaccines for the entire population.”

The European Medicines Agency approved the medication to treat monkeypox in 2013, and the FDA quietly approved its usage in 2019. Since this seems to be a rare illness, why are they planning to manufacture millions of doses to save “the entire population?” The media has only just begun reporting cases of the virus, and it would not be surprising if they pushed yet another unnecessary vaccine on the global population for profit and control.

Prayers – Rush Limbaugh Announces He Has Advanced Lung Cancer – Video…

Oh no.  Mr. Rush Limbaugh just informed his radio audience he has advanced lung cancer.

Video segment 01:43 WATCH: (prompted just hit play)

Chinese Take Out!


China’s President Xi Jinping has warned that the ‘coronavirus’ is spreading even faster than before. Millions are quarantined in several cities. Was it a bio-weapon released by accident? Did it occur when the virus mutated and jumped among various animal species?

The Chinese eat a great variety of animals, which can be found in ‘wet meat’ markets throughout the country. Various viruses can mutate and jump among species and then get transferred to humans. The Chinese authorities themselves say it could have originated at a seafood market where illegal transactions of wild animals were occurring.

Such wet markets offer a mix of a great many species including crocodiles, ostriches, donkeys, kangaroos, snakes, badgers, peacocks, camels, salamanders, wolves, koalas, dogs, cats, turtles and incredibly enough, bats! Apparently some people in China will eat just about anything. Worse, the animals involved are often mistreated or even tortured (to bring out the flavor). It’s sick behavior and while it may not be scientific, there’s a certain amount of karma involved when nature strikes back with viruses.

China also caters to some very weird and abusive superstitions and traditions such as ‘tiger penis soup,’ which is supposed to increase virility. Thankfully, the authorities in China have outlawed such an evil ‘harvest,’ but the black market remains.

China is also well known for being one of the most polluted countries on Earth. The communist dictators have no respect for the freedom of their own people and certainly no respect for their own environment. Their disrespect toward nature has brought about the deadly coronavirus.

—Ben Garrison


Coronavirus Cases Rise Globally – First U.S. Cases Detected…

The Coronavirus was first first diagnosed in China less than a month ago. On Thursday (U.S.) / Friday (Beijing) the Chinese government stated they have confirmed cases of 830 patients and the death toll has risen to 25.

The virus has infected more than a dozen people outside China around the world, mostly in Asia. However, the first U.S. case has been reported in Texas who traveled to the epicenter of the outbreak, Wuhan City, China.

A total of 18 million people are now under quarantine in China.

(Via CNBC) […] Local authorities in China have quarantined Wuhan and Huanggang, which have a combined population of 17 million. Including Wuhan where the virus was first identified, travel bans were in effect Thursday for at least eight cities.

[…] The previously unknown, flu-like coronavirus strain is believed to have emerged from an animal market in central Wuhan city.

A group of scientists said late Wednesday that they may have a breakthrough in discovering the original source of the virus, declaring that snakes, particularly the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra, may be responsible for the outbreak. The scientist used samples of the virus from patients and determined the genetic code. (read more)

Interestingly, a China researcher on Twitter, Ben Tallmadge, often a great source of granular details for all things China, has been providing information about China developing biological weapons specifically in the city of Wuhan.

Citing a story from July 2019, Tallmadge draws attention to a level-4 biological lab in Canada that was infiltrated Chinese spy scientists and a biologic agent was removed.  What makes this aspect interesting is the location where the Chinese spies returned after they were caught; Wuhan City, the exact place where the Coronavirus started.

A year earlier, in July 2018, China inaugurated Wuhan biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) lab in the city.  It is the only level-four biological research facility in the country.  The Wuhan lab was built precisely to look into dangerous pathogens like the novel Coronavirus; which again is reported to have originated from Wuhan City.  This just doesn’t seem like a coincidence.

In July 2019, there was a considerable protest in Wuhan City because the Chinese government was building a massive incinerator in the event a biologic element escaped the facility.  Again, this doesn’t seem like a coincidence.


At Shanghai airport- 



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Remember last July thousands in Wuhan protested against the incinerator being built in their city?

Have the Chinazis been plotting the Coronavirus outbreak?




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85 people are talking about this


What makes this additionally alarming is that the Chinese government generally has a history of playing-down the level of any internal threat within their society.

The scale of open activity by the Chinese government reflects a genuine public concern considerably beyond what they are normally willing to admit.

You can read more details and assembled media reports [HERE] in an ongoing thread that Tallmadge is compiling.

“Make no mistake, this is an emergency in China. But it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one,” Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters on a conference call following a second emergency meeting on the disease on Thursday. The emergency committee members were “very divided,” a WHO official said, coming to a split vote for a second time. While the disease is spreading through human-to-human contact in China, Tedros said it’s not yet spreading in other areas of the world where people have flown to after visiting China.

The virus causes severe illness in about a quarter of the people who become infected, he said, killing people who generally have other underlying health conditions.

WHO is not recommending any broader restrictions on travel or trade at this time. Physicians recommended basic hygiene, including washing hands with soap and water and avoiding touching eyes, nose or mouth. (link)


Biblical Swarms of Locusts Threaten Food Supply to a New Virus that Kills

Many people have been writing in highlighting things around the world that all seem to be taking place with this turn in the ECM. One is the sudden swarm of Locusts into Kenya that the UN has warned presents an ‘extreme danger’ to wipe out the food supply.

Others have written in about this new disease spreading rapidly out of China. This has prompted travelers from China to be screened at US airports for a mysterious new virus that has killed 2 and sickened dozens.

I want to thank all the people writing in and observing what is taking place on a global scale. This is good that many have begun to see that we are indeed all connected in this world.


Chronic Wasting Disease Spreading

Most people have never heard of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) but it is a highly contagious neurological disease affecting deer, elk and moose. CWD causes a characteristic spongy degeneration of the brains of infected animals. This results in emaciation, abnormal behavior, loss of bodily functions and death. The risk of CWD transmission to humans remains unknown. However, in a test conducted to determine if nonhuman primates were susceptible to CWD, two squirrel monkeyswere inoculated and contracted the disease.

CWD belongs to a group of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Within this family of diseases, there are several other variants that affect domestic animals: scrapie, which has been identified in domestic sheep and goats for more than 200 years, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle (also known as “mad cow disease”), and transmissible mink encephalopathy in farmed mink.

CWD is in North America in deer, elk, and moose. There are now several rare human diseases are also TSEs. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) occurs naturally in about one out of every one million people worldwide. Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (v-CJD) has been associated with the large-scale outbreak of BSE in cattle herds in Great Britain.

Preliminary testing warns that it is possible for CWD to infect humans. So far that has not taken place. Hunters might not want to be eating venison these days and should consult the environmental agencies of the state you are in. It has now spread to Pennsylvania and even New Jersey.

Cheeto-Child Discusses Donald Trump as a Wartime President…

In 2016 a bipolar, manic-depressive named Glenn Beck covered himself in mashed up Cheetos snacks to give a visible picture to his audience of just how vile presidential candidate Donald Trump was. Mr. Beck carried out these various episodes of unstable behavior; at increasing levels of severity; for around a year.

At the same time he was shoving his face into Cheeto dust, Mr. Beck was prayerfully declaring to the world how candidate Ted Cruz was the anointed one, chosen by God and displayed to Beck in his dreams. This is not the behavior of a stable mind, or person holding a stable disposition.  A new generation of political followers should beware.

People forget exactly how loopy and unstable Beck is. He now discusses President Trump as a wartime president during the great cultural war of 2020.

Release of the documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth. 

Margaret Mead once wrote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

This week a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens, led by Polly Tommey, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Brian Burrowes, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Dr. Brian Hooker are trying to change the world with the release of their documentary film, VAXXED II: The People’s Truth.  The film, which simply features parents talking about the reactions of their children to vaccines, including autism, paralysis, and death, has so threatened Big Pharma that the theaters showing the film must remain secret until the day before a showing.

This is not just a fight against Big Pharma.  It also involves a fight against Big Tech, as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are attempting with all of their billions of dollars to censor vaccine safety information across all their platforms, just as they are doing with political content supportive of President Trump.  Big China is also part of this axis of evil as a major portion of the vaccines and pharmaceuticals are being produced in China.  Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big China are part of an unholy alliance which is harming people all over the world, including Chinese citizens.

Big Pharma brings you your evening news, with estimates of anywhere from 40-60% of advertising revenues coming from Big Pharma.  Just watch an hour of your favorite news broadcast and count the number of Big Pharma commercials.  This includes the new outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, as well as Fox News.  Nobody escapes my condemnation.  Not Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and certainly not Jason Chaffetz, who was EXTENSIVELY briefed on CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, the subject of the first documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.

President Trump also comes in for substantial criticism, as his statements prior to becoming our Commander-in-Chief, were supportive of getting to the bottom of these questions, and claimed he wanted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to head a Vaccine Safety Commission, a promise which three years later remains unfulfilled.  Parents want answers, and they want unbiased scientists, not industry shills to do the research.  It truly is a “FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE,” and this small group of thoughtful, committed citizens deserve to have their film shown in the White House theater.  Anything less will probably result in a massive loss of support for a second term for our President.

A  guest post by an autism parent

Elijah Cummings, Corrupt Democrat Who Weaponized IRS to Target Catherine Engelbrecht, is DEAD…

Elijah Cummings is dead.  He was 68.

Cummings Corrupt Legacy Here

News reports indicate his death was due to a toxic infection, possibly a severe strain of Treponema pallidum that was dormant and reanimated following surgery.

Defeating Tomophobia: The Future of America Depends on It

Published on Jun 10, 2019

There are many ways Progressives might defeat Conservatism and destroy this country. But there’s one which you can personally prevent. Yes, you! Bill Whittle explains how defeating tomophobia among Conservatives is crucial to the pursuit of happiness. In fact, the future of America depends on it. Firewall is a production of the Members at We invite you to consider joining the ranks of these happy warriors.