North Korea Engages in Biowarfare?

Posted originally on Jun 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

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North Korea’s qualms with its southern neighbor have long been a petty battle. North Korea floated 1,000 balloons filled with trash and fecal matter to South Korea last month. What began as a disrespectful practical joke could turn into a false flag for war. The South Korean Unification Ministry has reported that the balloons were filled with parasites, which could be considered an act of biowarfare.

This is not to say that South Korea will declare war or consider this an act of war. We are on the brink of the next global conflict and simply any threat to the allies of the West could be used as the false flag to justify war. South Korea is a “longstanding partner” of NATO, but not a member. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol was the first South Korean president to begin attending NATO summits as it moves closer to potentially joining the alliance.

NATO and South Korea founded the Individually Tailored Partnership Programme last year to collaborate on cybersecurity and disbarment efforts. North Korea’s recent alliance with Russia is of great concern to NATO and its presence is now felt in the Indo-Pacific region.

Did North Korea intentionally send parasites in those balloons? No one knows, but scientists are studying the fecal matter to understand disease prevalence in the hermit kingdom. Defectors from North Korea are commonly treated for parasites, and it is well-known that the citizens are facing a famine and are forced to forage for whatever food they can find. Nothing happens in North Korea with the approval of Kim Jong-Un. Was this a case of pettiness or an attempt to show the South that it could penetrate their airspace? It would not matter for the Neocons could easily declare it was an act of biological warfare to claim the enemy had fired the first shot.

North Korea and Russia Join Forces

Posted origially on Jun 20, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

If there is one country that the West and Japan fear more than Russia, it is North Korea. Dictator Kim Jong-Un repeatedly threatens nuclear warfare, but that is his last grip on power as he knows his nation would be overtaken instantly if the threat did not exist. North Korea rolled out the red carpet for Vladimir Putin’s visit, where the two nations pledged to protect one another if attacked.

North Korea gave Putin the royal treatment during his visit, the first time Putin had gone to the hermit kingdom in 24 years. Putin’s picture was displayed around the nation alongside Jung-Un’s, which is a massive sign of respect in North Korea as the dictator’s picture must be displayed throughout households and public centers. He is upheld as a diety rather than a politician. Putin rode in the motorcade with Kim Jong-Un, parading around Pyongyang. Putin is desperate for allies as all of NATO has turned against Russia. Yet, North Korea has more to gain from this partnership.

The hermit kingdom has only China as a trading ally and partner as it has been exiled from the global economy. North Korea has been facing an ongoing famine and agriculture composes over 21% of the nation’s GDP. Farming and all other industries are completely controlled by the government. The nation could never be successful with or without open trade. Nearly half (44.7%) of North Korea’s GDP is derived from industrials such as cement and steel, but few are willing to open trade lines as they are sure to anger other nations due to international sanctions.

Kim pledged “full support and solidarity with the struggles of the Russian government, military and the people” and will help Russia “to protect its own sovereignty, safety and territorial stability.”

“Situations continue to be complicated and ever-changing, but I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that we will continue to strengthen and closely engage in strategic communication with the (Russian) leadership,” Kim added. Putin said that Russia would also act to protect North Korea if it were invaded, opening new opportunities for false flags. North Korea has allegedly been supplying Russia with arms, but Moscow really needs soldiers.

There is nothing more that Russia could do to anger the West. Perhaps Putin would have hesitated to call upon North Korea for help before, but he has nothing to lose now as the West is clearly moving to mobilize against Russia.

Putin’s Final Plea for Peace

Posted originally on Jun 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

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Russian President Vladimir Putin is once again offering Ukraine the option to end this senseless war. Putin said that he would order an immediate ceasefire and call a truce if Zelensky 1) withdraws troops from four annexes regions, and 2) declines any invitation to join NATO.

Putin is effectively attempting to prevent World War III. He knows that a global conflict will erupt instantaneous if Ukraine joins NATO thanks to Article V. His comments were given ahead of the summit in Switzerland in which world leaders are allegedly going to discuss peace talks. The option for peace has ALWAYS been on the table.

The West has been the instigator, and every word from Austin’s mouth is an outright lie no different from the Weapons of Mass Destruction. It was Victoria Nuland, who has a Ukrainian heritage, who selected the interim given and directed them to start this civil war to attack the Donbas. His famous call said it all – the Neocons were waging war against Russia – “Fuck the EU!” she boldly said. Now Blinken is a ruthless Neocon who has openly said that the Russians persecuted his family because they, too, were Jewish like Nuland and from Kiev. He is in charge, and these people have usurped American foreign policy to use that for personal vendettas against Russians. There is NOBODY in Washington willing to stand up and defend our country, for they fear the Neocon’s wrath.

2019 Zelensky win Russia Hopeful

Zelenskyy had run of peace and then did exactly the opposite. Many Ukrainians now see him as a traitor to their country. They cannot seek peace for that decision come only from Washington and Blinken since Biden is not mentally competent to even stand trial. Russia was hopeful that he was serious and end the civil war that Kiev began on instructions from Victoria Nuland.

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To ensure Putin would come to the aid of the Russian in the Donbas after Nuland instructed Liev to attack them. He told the press the day before that Ukraine would rearm with nuclear weapons violating every treaty on the books to make sure Putin invaded.

Zelensky did not tell people about invasion

Zelenskyy told the Washington Post, who learned that he had all the info and knew when Russia would invade thanks to American intelligence. They asked why he did not warn the civilians. He said it would have cost him $7 billion in capital flight. He has proven time and again he is just lining his pockets at the expense of his people. When there was a peace deal, Boris Johnson ran to Ukraine to make sure Zelenskyy killed the deal. He was instructed that there would be no peace with Russia.


Before Zelenskyy gets his golden parachute and is whisked off to Miami as a reward for following Neocon orders, over 1 million Ukrainians will be dead. On the May 7th ECM turning point, two Ukrainian military officers tried to assassinate Zelenskyy. He claimed it was a Russian plot. No way. There are many Ukrainians who have said if he was on fire, they would not urinate on him until he was dead. He is a disgusting traitor to Ukraine, and history will remember his vile actions for posterity.

Zelenskyy has even called for nuclear war. These people hate Russians, and they want to unleash genocide and kill every last one of them. The Ukrainians were never prosecuted for all the killings they did of Polish, Jews, and Russians in ethnic cleansing with the Nazis because the CIA exonerated and protected them because they hated Russians.

I cannot stress the importance of the Minsk Agreement enough, in which Russia was ensured by numerous world leaders that the people living in annexed areas that were traditionally Russian would have the opportunity to vote on whether or not they wished to be part of Russia. Russia patiently waited for the elections and did not act. Then, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that the Minsk Agreement was purely a sham to buy time to build up Ukraine’s military.

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Trust has been annihilated. All we hear is of Russia’s “unprovoked full-scale invasion,” but the truth of the matter is that the West forced Russia’s hand. They never intended to honor their promises to Russia, and Russia felt compelled to act on behalf of the ethnically Russian people living in those regions. A simple election could have prevented tens of thousands of deaths. The neocons had other plans.

Ukraine called Putin’s potentially final attempt at peace negotiations “manipulative” and “absurd.” Zelensky is too deeply indebted to the West to back out now, and he was initially installed as the puppet president to carry out the plans of the neocons who are hell-bent on conquering Russia. I have explained countless times that Ukraine simply cannot win this war. We are rapidly moving toward World War III, and the decisions made at these upcoming summits will have drastic effects on the future of civilization itself.

Russia and Ukraine Recruiting Female Prisoners

Posted originally on Jun 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Both Russia and Ukraine have seen tens of thousands of soldiers die amid this seemingly endless war. Russia has begun seeking new recruits by turning to female inmates and foreigners. The New York Times reported that 30,000 were voluntarily serving Russia’s armed forces at the beginning of the war. Now, Russia is promising a form of freedom to female inmates who agree to join the war effort.

Russia sent military recruiters to female prisons last year. The nation already implemented a program to pardon male inmates in exchange for serving in the war, but this is the first time Russia has called upon women to do the same.  Tens of thousands of men have agreed to join the war in exchange for a pardon. Russia is now offering women a pardon in exchange for only on year of military service and a monthly salary of $2,000, which is over 10 times the nation’s minimum wage.

Now, the New York Times reported that conditions in Russia’s prisons are extremely brutal. Prisoners are expected to remain silent for up to 12 hours per day and are forced to perform physical labor even in the winter climate. Still, the majority of female inmates have opted to remain behind bars rather than fight in the war.

Ukraine needs even more recruits than Russia and plans to mobilize up to 20,000 inmates, but under 5,000 have signed up thus far. Russia has a population of 144 million whereas Ukraine is composed of only 38 million. “There is competition between military commanders to hire (prisoners) since there is a lack of manpower, so they really want to have access to these people,” Justice Minister Denys Maliuska told Reuters. Ukraine has plans for prisoner-only brigades, which one may find concerning. Unlike Russia, Ukraine will not allow prisoners who have committed certain offenses to serve just yet. “They (will be) in the media spotlight, and if there is a single deserter or a single crime, that would be the type of thing in the media that would be bad PR for us,” Maliuska said.


They do this during drafts throughout the world. They offered US prisoners the option to serve in Vietnam, for example, but only men were enticed with that offer. Women are likely to be targeted for military service during the next draft.

Ukrainian women are already forced to sign up for conscription, whereas Russia has not yet called upon its women to serve. Zelensky has simply refused to entertain any peace talks or do the unthinkable and actually honor the Minsk Agreement. The West has just provided Ukraine with another aid package, and it looks as if they will soon provide them a loan with frozen Russian assets. Both sides are desperate for manpower and will need to look beyond their own nations for willing fighters.

Honoring The Fallen | Patrick K O’Donnell On Remembering The Civil War And All We Lost

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 27, 2024 at 04:00 am EST

The Sound Of A Whizzing Bullet | Patrick K O’Donnell Recounts Stories Of The 82nd Airborne Division

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 27, 2024 at 04:00 am EST

Patrick K O’Donnell And Steve Bannon Discuss The Breathtaking Tradition Of The Tomb Of The Unknown

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 27, 2024 at 01:00 pm EST

Patrick K O’Donnell On The American Woman Who Honored America’s Lost

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 27, 2024 at 01:00 pm EST

Patrick K O’Donnell Breaks Down The French-Mexican Effect On The Civil War

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 27, 2024 at 01:00 pm EST

Russia to Test Missile off the Coast of California Tomorrow

Posted originally on May 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Missile Launch Ship

Putin keeps trying to warn the American Neocons that they are playing with World War III, which will be nuclear. They issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) that they will be firing missiles in a test just off the coast of northern California coast, thereby alerting pilots of Russian missile launches to LAND / IMPACT in the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center ((ARTCC). This will begin tomorrow and continue for 10 days. This is 300 miles offshore in international waters.

What Putin does not get is that our wonderful Neocons care nothing about the country, the people, and certainly not the economy. The Climate Change zealots in the White House agree with them and think reducing the population may be the only way to reach their NET ZERO target for CO2. He keeps warning – is this what you really want? They do not back down and want war so bad they can taste it in their sleep.

The first week of June in a Panic Cycle and the climate change nuts are punching for restrictions on travel this summer and the date is June 6th is what they are shooting for. They want to curtain your summer vacation this year to reduce CO2. If they can throw in war – fantastic! The only question they indeed to ask after World War III – Did we get enough of them to save the planet?