The Comedy Continues

Sadly today not many will understand this and with common core it will be even worse!

Real Climate Science

If you put your thumb over the end of the hose, the pressure at all points behind your thumb increases. Yet the water continues to flow the same direction. How can that possibly be?


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8 comments on “The Comedy Continues

    • No if the opening is plugged there is no flow and the pressure builds. What he is trying to show is that in some of the climate work they are saying is that the flow is stopped (pressure builds) and the the flow continues; which is not possible!


  1. Sure, if the velocity decreases the pressure (temperature) increases.

    Where do the warmers say that the flow is stopped and the flow continues?

    I can understand that they say the flow is blocked in a particular pathway and the flow goes around it. Obviously I am missing something.


  2. In climate its thermal flows and it has to do with radiation from the sum coming in and IR going out through a thermal buffer the water in the atmosphere. There is a bit of complex physics here that I fear I an not capable of fully explain properly here in short comments. Some of my work that is posted here goes into this a bit. but its intermixed with re-post — sorry!

    The water flow analogy that was mentioned is not really what is happening with the heat (its kind of an inside joke) so in a sense its a bad example that maybe the question would be better answered on Real Science


    • Not that I disagree, but your “thermal buffer” is the ocean. It absorbs SW and primarily cools by evaporation.

      The atmosphere is a rounding error by comparison.


  3. The :process in question is the “Greenhouse effect” which is in the atmosphere. Obviously the oceans hold more heat that the atmosphere but that is a different process than the one which the “warmers” and the “deniers” argue over. The argument concerns the amount of heart contained in the atmosphere and the interaction between it and the land/ocean interface.

    There is a good book “Evidence-Based Climate Science” edited by Don Easterbrook which addresses the issue that i would recommend if you are interested in the details.


    • Centinel,
      “The argument concerns the amount of heart contained in the atmosphere and the interaction between it and the land/ocean interface.”

      Precisely. It is the details of the ocean/atmosphere interaction. The ocean absorbs short wave radiation and cools primarily by evaporation. The net IR radiation is often Zero.

      Atmospheric downwelling radiation is a trivial component.

      Buy an IR gun and take a few measurements out on the ocean.


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