Bannon Calls Out The Globalists’ Crimes Against The American People

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 22, 2025 at 11:00 am EST

Pushing the Envelop for War

Posted originally on Jun 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Russia v USA 2

Rather than being pesimistic, our future depends on understanding who is doing what. It has been the Neocons in the Biden Administration who have lived their entire lives hating Russians, and Victoria Nuland, Antony Bliken, and Merrick Garland are all Jewish who trace their roots to Ukraine and profess that their families suffered in the persecutions of Jews by the Russians. All three have weaseled their way to the top of the food chain, and with the absentee president, they have pushed the entire world to the brink of World War III. NOT A SINGLE member of Chongess will even dare to investigate what is happening. Nobody will stand up to defend our people or the future of our children and grandchildren.

Migration Crisis 2024

The report is $35

The Democrats have flooded the country merely to retain power, and they do not charge about the people or the nation – it is just about retaining power. This 2024 will be a joke, and NOBODY will accept the outcome regardless of who wins. The days remaining in the like-expectancy of the United States are numbered. As I outlined in the special report on the Migrant Crisis, this will backfire on the Democrats, for the unskilled people they are flooding the country with will turn on Americans exactly as took place in ancient Rome when Emperor Valens did the same thing as Biden and opened the border. When they turned against the Romans, there was a huge battle, and even Emperor Vales was killed in that battle by the migrants.

The 2020_Coup 2

The report is $10

I have laid out how the 2020 election was REALLY stolen – inside Congress, not by voting machines or people who counter votes twice. I have put this out for $10 because I fear they will do this again. Everyone would understand how it was really done using even COVID Rules that Pelosi imposed so not more than 53 people were allowed on the floor when any challenge must be debated before the full Congress. They may be preparing to use Bird Flu to support mail-in ballots, and the same scheme appears ready to replay.

Sateillite System

The Global Positioning System (GPS) was launched on February 22nd, 1978. A nuclear explosion in the lower atmosphere would destroy all the satellites we use, even for targeting. Such a blast may even prevent future satellites from deploying for up to one year. The Neocons have their fake media out there saying Putin is desperate, and they have the audacity to say his nuclear weapons are old and would not operate. Everything they say is to make it sound that the West can easily defeat Russia.

Reagan in quest of peace

Once upon a time, we had leaders who sought world peace. This book has a special place in my library. It was a great honor to have been called in by the Reagan Administration on economic concerns. I can tell you that the Neocons then OBJECTED to Reagan’s meeting with Gorbachev, and they advised him, “You can never trust a Russian.” If the Neocons ran the world, it would be in ashes by now. I have NEVER met people with hatred in their souls. They are consumed with hatred and should NEVER be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power.

All I can say – get off your ass. At least write to your PRETEND representative and ask why nobody is interested in peace anymore.

It’s Outrageous – Nothing Will Change, But Lessons Will Be Learned

Posted originally on the CTH on June 19, 2024 | Sundance 

One of the reasons why YOU are part of The Last Refuge, is that together we accept things as they are – not as we would prefer them to be.

This means you, me, and the larger CTH community, does not have the ability, nor the desire, to pretend.  As a consequence, they, DC, essentially hates us.  Hence, you understand the origin of TLR name.

So, summarizing this story today from the video below. {Direct Rumble Link}  House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has Biden documents…. 3+ million of them…. that were never on the laptop…. that originated within a 2016 FBI investigation of Burisma Holdings in a semi-related fraud case, that the House Oversight Committee is now is sharing with John Solomon… who is generating a brand-new Tick Tock “BOOM” clock, that can be promoted by Bannon.

FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP


Of course, they could just upload the 3,000,000 pages to a public searchable website, and then let people dig, review, share and discover while pouring sunlight on the entire set of events….  But, then again, that might eliminate Solomon’s “tick tock” time on Hannity.

I digress.

I’m outraged, OUTRAGED I tell ya.

Forgive me!

NATO Chief Seeks to Punish China Over Free Trade with Russia

Posted originally on Jun 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Stoltenberg Jens NATO

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg proposed sanctioning China over its support for Russia amid the Russia-Ukraine war. Unlike the West, China has not directly provided countless aid packages to Russia, but China has kept trade open and exchanged technology with Moscow. Stoltenberg believes China must face “consequences” for not aligning with NATO.

The West is theoretically not at war with Russia or China. NATO is on the offensive, completely stepping over boundaries and harassing foreign nations to instigate World War III. Then they tell the public and mainstream media to announce that they are merely protecting their own people from our enemies who have done absolutely nothing to earn such a title.

Under this line of thinking, the NATO alliance could punish anyone who dissents from their global autocratic authority. “Beijing cannot have it both ways. At some point — and unless China changes course — allies need to impose a cost. There should be consequences,” Stoltenberg said at the Wilson Center in Washington. He honed in on China trading microelectronics with Russia that has improved Russia’s satellite proficiencies. China and Russia have agreed to an open partnership, yet China is not involved in this war.

Should NATO also punish India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and others for continuing to trade with Russia? NATO has absolutely no authority to demand that other nations shun Russia from the global economy. They know that these proposed sanctions would not deter China from conducting business with Russia. Instead, these “consequences” will cause China and all other non-NATO nations to back away from trading with the West entirely. Will they do the same to nations who continue to trade with China once they redirect their focus to Taiwan? Will they force “consequences” upon nations who do not support Israel?

The Neocons are decimating the economies of western nations by deterring trade. There is no common sense in the boardrooms as the only objective is to fan the flames of war by any means necessary. China already stepped away from Western trade in a major way and now they are actively provoking China to take retaliatory measures.

NATO has zero reason to back Ukraine on paper as it is not a member. They do not plan to offer Ukraine membership at the upcoming Washington summit, but Stoltenberg said they will place the framework to “build a bridge” to future membership. Stoltenberg congratulated NATO members for contributing more to the alliance this year than ever before. This global force is a danger to civilization itself as it aims to propel us into a global conflict from which there will be no turning back.

Biden’s Neocons all Personal Ties to Ukraine

Posted originally on Jun 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Bidens Neocons

The White House has been usurped by Neocons, who all have personal family ties to Ukraine and Russia and were all Jewish whose families were persecuted during the hatred of the Jews back around 1905. This presents a MAJOR conflict of interest when there is a concerted push to go to World War III, and the West is the instigator. The press mischaracterizes Putin’s warning. Is this where you want to go, as it threatens that he is the aggressor? The mainstream media is so evil anymore; they have abandoned their role as independent journalists. A three-year-old could Google and look up who started this war, and it was Kiev on the command of Victoria Nuland.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is not just a disgrace to his office but a threat to our future. He is clearly a traitor by every possible means, intent on election rigging and interference to ensure that we go to war as decreed by the Neocons who really run the White House. Garland was the chief judge of the D.C. Circuit, which, along with the Second, are the two most corrupt court systems in this country, being highly politically motivated.

Looking closely, you will see a sinister connection between Garland, Victoria Nuland, and Anthony Blinken. In the case of Garland, his mother was Shirley (née Horwitz; 1925–2016), and his father was Cyril Garland (1915–2000). He was raised as a Conservative Jew, and like Victoria Nuland, they, too, changed their family name to hide their background. The family name had been changed from Garfinkel several generations earlier. Merrick’s grandparents left what is now Ukraine, fleeing antisemitic pogroms as was the case with Blinken. Two of his grandmother’s siblings were killed in the Holocaust.

Neocon Couple Kagan Nuland

Victoria Nuland is really of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Her family changed their name to try to hide their Jewish ethnic background. She really would be Nudelman, not Nuland. She is actually the daughter of Yale bioethics and medicine professor Sherwin B. Nuland, who changed his surname from Nudelman to Nuland. She retained her family name, Nuland, to perhaps further hide her Jewish/Ukrainian connection by marrying Robert Kagan. Ron Paul plainly wrote: Victoria Nuland exemplifies the neocons who have led US foreign policy from one disaster to another for the past 30 years while evading accountability. 

Blinken Anthony

Anthony Blinken also has family ties to Ukraine, which also introduces a conflict of interest regarding anything to do with Russia. He was born in 1962, the son of Donald M. Blinken, who was born on November 11, 1925, in Yonkers, New York. Anthony’s Grandfather was Moritz (Maurice) Blinken (1900-1986), who was born in Kiev and married his wife, Ethel Horowitz (1903-1997).

Anthony’s grandfather and mother were of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, which is significantly different from the Spanish Sephardic Jews. All Reform and Conservative Jewish congregations belong to the Ashkenazic tradition. I knew Edmond Safra, who was a Sephardic Jew. His family disapproved of his marriage to Lily because she was an Ashkenazi Jew.

Blinken’s Great-Grandfather Meyer Yankelevich Blinkin (1879 – 1915) was from Kiev, then the Russian Empire who, according to Antony Blinken himself “fled pogroms in Russia” which were a violent riot that was aimed at massacring and expelling the Jews in Kiev in 1905. Meyer fled Kiev when he was 25 years old in 1904. His two grandsons, Alan Blinken and Donald Blinken, served as U.S. ambassadors to Belgium and Hungary, respectively.

Civilization Rule of Law

Garland’s tenure as attorney general has shown a very serious abandonment of the rule of law for political gain. He was eager to appoint a special prosecutor to tear Trump apart, who has declared he will continue to prosecute Trump through the election and even if he wins. When it came to Biden, Garland reluctantly put in a special prosecutor and then prohibited him from investigating anything to do with kickbacks, his family, and Ukrainian connections.

However, what Garland has done systematically over the past six months has shaken the rule of law to the point foreign nations have lost all faith in the American Justice System, and Biden was a joke at the G7 meeting. Garland’s failure to order a special counsel to look into the extensive evidence of corruption surrounding the Bidens is clearly a biased decision that should warrant his own impeachment for obstruction of justice, which he loves to put others in prison for. The testimony in the Biden impeachment hearing provided ample evidence that Biden lied repeatedly about his knowledge of this corruption and his interaction with these foreign clients.

Garland has been so obvious in his haphazard inconsistency in these investigations. First, Special Counsel Robert Hur found that Biden knowingly retained and mishandled classified material. However, he concluded that Biden’s age and diminished faculties would make him too sympathetic to a jury. It was less sympathetic than pathetic, given that this is the same man who is running for re-election to lead the most powerful nation on Earth. Even more obvious, Garland has not made efforts to reach a consistent approach in the two cases by dropping charges based on the same crimes by Trump in Florida and Biden for the very same act.

Second, Garland has allowed Special Counsel Jack Smith to maintain positions that seem diametrically at odds with past Justice Department policies. This includes Smith’s statement that he will try Trump up to (and even through) the next election. Smith has sought to abuse the law by seeking a sweeping gag order against Trump to deny him free speech protections by gagging Trump from criticizing the Justice Department or Smith. When it comes to Trump, Garland claims Smith is independent but denies that to anyone to investigate the Bidens.

Garland’s most outrageous political act has been the claim of executive privilege to withhold the audiotape of the Hur-Biden interviews. He put Bannon in prison for asserting executive privilege and Smith insists that Trump has none.


The Biden Administration is a hand-puppet, and What is interesting is that Special Prosecutor Smith was a director of investigations for the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, which many are starting to see is also politically compromised by the Neocons.

Saudi Arabia to Fund Ukraine?

Posted originally on Jun 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Never ashamed to beg, world traveler Zelensky landed in Jeddah to meet Saudi de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi Arabia has become the world’s leading oil exporter. Saudi Arabia has positioned itself relatively neutral, working with both Russia and Ukraine in recent years. Saudia Arabia has not stated whether it would join 90 other countries in Switzerland for upcoming peace negotiations, but Zelensky’s impromptu visit is raising eyebrows.

“In Saudi Arabia, I had a meaningful and energetic meeting with His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. We discussed bilateral relations between Ukraine and Saudi Arabia, noting the good progress on previous agreements and our teams’ effective cooperation. We will keep working together,” the Ukrainian president stated, later adding, “”Ukraine is grateful to Saudi Arabia for its support. We value His Royal Highness’ willingness to help restore peace sooner.”

Zelensky has been meeting with world leaders in recent weeks ahead of the summit in Switzerland. Saudi Arabia’s participation could be key in negotiations on behalf of Ukraine. Saudi Arabia invited 40 world leaders, including China, to a summit last August to discuss the war in Ukraine. Saudi has an opportunity to position itself as a stronghold and world leader in its unique “multi-polar” diplomatic approach to the war.

Saudi Arabia has benefitted from the war. It imports massive volumes of Russian oil at a discount and has been able to maintain crude exports amid OPEC+ mandated cuts. Saudia Arabia imported 2.86 million tons of oil from Russia in the first half of 2023 alone, importing only 1.63 millions tons for the entirety of 2022 in comparison. The nation has imported around 193,000 barrels per day from Russia in June, marking a 10x increase from last June. Saudia Arabia joined the BRICS partnership last January and its trade with Russia far surpasses its trade with Ukraine.

It would be in Saudi Arabia’s best interest for this war to continue. Saudia Arabia surpassed Russia for oil exports to China in 2023. The West is willing to buy marked up oil from Saudi Arabia simply to say they did not purchase it directly from Russia. The Saudis are focusing on domestic interests, similar to India, and are willing to arm and trade with both sides.

G7 Dancing with Russian Assets and Poking the Bear

Posted originally on Jun 13, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

G7_Leaders_Reach_Deal_to_Unlock_Frozen_Russian_Assets_for_Ukraine 6 13 24

The G7 (Group of Seven) leaders reached an agreement on June 13th to utilize frozen Russian assets in their continued support of the war in Ukraine. However, they dance very carefully with the bear. They are NOT handing the actual assets to Ukraine – the most corrupt country perhaps in the world. The Pandora Papers revealed that Ukraine had the highest number of politicians from any country with a secret offshore account. Even Forbes Magazine said that Ukraine owes it to the West to clean up the outrageous corruption. Foreign Policy Magazine asked how deep does the corruption in Ukraine run? The joke in the US is that Biden Administration has created more billionaires than any other administration in history. They all just so happen to be in Ukraine. Others are asking should they just send their income tax directly to Zelenskyy?

Dollar Black Hole

The G7 will provide the black financial hole we call Ukraine with a loan using frozen Russian assets as collateral. The corruption is so pervasive, and accountability is ZERO, so they have wisely concluded not to actually turn over Russian assets for Putin would then be justified to just confiscate ALL assets held by Western countries and private/public corporations to compensate what is a violation of international law – which nobody cares about anymore.


The total sum is unclear at this time, but the United States has committed $50 billion thanks to Blinken, who has family tied to Ukraine, the same as Victoria Nuland.  The risk will be shared among the other G7 nations, and this risk is substantial, for Ukraine will no longer exist as a country when this is over based on our computer models. Zelenskyy is too busy stuffing his pockets to actually care about his people or the future. He is banking on NATO invading Russia and extinguishing it as a country so he can then seize all the assets of Russia for Ukraine.

What most people do not understand is that the removal of Russian banks from SWIFT did NOT include the ones that Europe pays for energy. They do not want to talk about that publicly, and others are pretending that all these transactions are going through crypto. Behind closed doors, if the US tried to remove those banks from SWIFT, Europe would be in revolution, for the continent would go dark, with no food, light, heat, or industrial production.

Neocon Couple Kagan Nuland

Victoria Nuland is really of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Her family changed their name to try to hide their Jewish ethnic background. She really would be Nudelman, not Nuland. She is actually the daughter of Yale bioethics and medicine professor Sherwin B. Nuland, who changed his surname from Nudelman to Nuland. She retained her family name, Nuland, to perhaps further hide her Jewish/Ukrainian connection by marrying Robert Kagan. Ron Paul plainly wrote: Victoria Nuland exemplifies the neocons who have led US foreign policy from one disaster to another for the past 30 years while evading accountability. 

Blinken Anthony

Anthony Blinken also has family ties to Ukraine, which also introduces a conflict of interest regarding anything to do with Russia. He was born in 1962, the son of Donald M. Blinken, who was born on November 11, 1925, in Yonkers, New York. Anthony’s Grandfather was Moritz (Maurice) Blinken (1900-1986), who was born in Kiev and married his wife, Ethel Horowitz (1903-1997).

Anthony’s grandfather and mother were of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, which is significantly different from the Spanish Sephardic Jews. All Reform and Conservative Jewish congregations belong to the Ashkenazic tradition. I knew Edmond Safra, who was a Sephardic Jew. His family disapproved of his marriage to Lily because she was an Ashkenazi Jew.

Blinken’s Great-Grandfather Meyer Yankelevich Blinkin (1879 – 1915) was from Kiev, then the Russian Empire who, according to Antony Blinken himself “fled pogroms in Russia” which were a violent riot that was aimed at massacring and expelling the Jews in Kiev in 1905. Meyer fled Kiev when he was 25 years old in 1904. His two grandsons, Alan Blinken and Donald Blinken, served as U.S. ambassadors to Belgium and Hungary, respectively.

This is most likely why Zelenskyy married a Christian, baptized his children, and only said he was Jewish after becoming president. He would even make jokes about confiscating assets from Jews and Russians before becoming president.

For him to admit that his family was persecuted by Russians certainly colors his judgment, and it appears that this connected Jewish/Ukrainian group has weaseled their way to the top and directed US foreign policy against Russia for personal animosity. They have always been promoting World War III and appear to have very deep hidden roots that should not be allowed to influence such policies.

Russian Yasen-Class Nuclear Submarine “Kazan” Along With 3 Warships Arrive in Havana, Cuba

Posted originally on the CTH on June 12, 2024 | Sundance

Today, June 12th, is Russia Day, a national holiday in the Russian federation.  The symbolism of the intentionally timed events happening today seems to be lost on most western media.

A Russian Yasen-class nuclear submarine named “Kazan” arrived in Havana, Cuba today after piloting through the Florida straits.  Watching a massive nuclear submarine sail into Havana is something extraordinary considering all the provocations taking place between the USA and Russia surrounding the conflict in Ukraine.

Additionally, in a counteraction to provide clarity to the intents and economic purposes of the Biden administration (DoS, CIA and IC), today the Treasury Dept announces new 2nd round sanctions against Russia.   However, in comparative terms, the physical appearance of a nuclear-powered Russian submarine and a set of accompanying warships carrying hypersonic cruise missiles approximately 30 miles from the USA mainland, is a little more dramatic than western saber rattling about sanctioning two Russian banks, Sberbank and VTB.

The Russian submarine fleet, and specifically the Yasen-class submarine group, is the tip of the spear against any military force the USA might choose to deploy in Eastern Europe.  Russian President Vladimir Putin is essentially signaling the people behind Joe Biden that he is willing to participate in the provocation approach.

The USA provoked Russia by moving NATO ever closer, including inside Ukraine.  Now we see Russia provoking NATO by moving a nuclear capable fleet into position just a few miles from the USA coast.  This follows the recent EU election where one of the key messages from the crushing of the pro-war leftists, was an EU citizenry rebuking the possibility of war with Russia.

The EU populists know Ukraine is a proxy fight driven by the United States and they do not want to participate.  The European Union leadership wants war and leftist policy, the European Union citizens want peace and increased national sovereignty.  The two EU political preferences are diametrically in conflict.

NATO and the proverbial western financial system (WEF group) want to block Russia, China, Iran and the growing economies from impeding with their carbon-trading schemes.  The dollar-based digital currency is the largest operational hurdle in the process of creating a system of control based on energy use.

Digital identities and digital currencies are the predicate for digital control of the population.  Thus, if you chase the Russian sanctions to their origination point, the motive you will find was/is essentially “the west” building a wall around the dollar-based global trade and finance system.  Conflict with Russia set up the justification.

Yes, that is correct; we are heading straight into another banker’s war.

Hillary Releases Merchandise Ahead of Endorsement

Posted originally on Jun 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong


The Democrats are preparing to switch out the only candidate they have permitted to run. The mainstream media has begun reporting on Biden’s faults in a calculated move to prepare the public for the big switch. The Democrats believe Hillary Clinton is the only one who could beat Donald Trump. She secured the popular vote in 2018, and they know she is not merely aligned with the establishment but is also one of the ringleaders. Why else would a “former” politician begin releasing merchandise?

Hillary took to social media amid the Trump witch hunt trial to boast that she was right all along. “Turns out she was right all along” has become Clinton’s new catchphrase and reminds the public why they simply cannot stand this smug woman. Her merchandise features her new phrase along with an image of her sipping tea.

“We recently had some new merch made based on a phrase I hear a lot. The design happened to be finalized today. With your purchase, you’ll support Onward Together groups defending democracy… and get a pretty great mug to sip tea from,” Hillary Clinton wrote in a post to Instagram.

Clinton is also poking fun at her past illegal activities that Trump attacked her on to downplay their seriousness. “But her emails,” is another catchphrase that people can purchase on hats, shirts, tote bags, or mugs. She also has released a number of items highlighting abortion as she believes that one-issue voters will automatically vote her in. “It shouldn’t be harder to obtain an abortion than an AR-15,” one of her slogans says. “None of us should accept a future in which our daughters and granddaughters have fewer rights than we do,” another reads.

Similar to how Joe Biden demanded all black Americans cast a vote for him, saying their entire race would be in question if they didn’t vote blue, Hillary wrongly assumes all women will vote for her. She came out the other week to blame women voters for her last election loss, stating that they expected her to be “perfect” and let her down. “They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect. They were willing to take a risk on Trump — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief,” she told a news outlet.

Forget wars or the cost of living crisis – why doesn’t half of the population want abortions above all else? Clinton is completely out of touch with the average American.

The super PAC supporting her merchandise is the same one that she personally created in 2016 when she was a presidential nominee. Donald Trump has every outlet imaginable creating merchandise in his favor because he is extremely popular with the people. Hillary is using her own political organization, Onward Together, to begin campaigning.

“Onward Together is an American political action organization founded by Hillary Clinton the former U.S. Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to fundraise for progressive political groups including: Swing Left, Indivisible, Color of Change, Emerge America, and Run for Something.”

Onward Together supports the establishment, primarily women within it. The group has raised $63 million for Democratic establishment candidates and progressive organizations. To support those narratives, it donates to partners like Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood. As you can see in the video above, Onward Together would like to position itself as a group that helps those skeptical of government, yet it is represented and supported by the deep state.

Hillary Clinton simply will not accept that the American people do not want her to be their president. It will not prevent her from attempting to run for POTUS yet again this November.

Lindsey Graham on the Real Reason Behind Ukraine

Posted originally on Jun 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

What happened to the story that “Putin attacked Ukraine unprovoked, and Ukraine was just defending itself, etc”? Now, suddenly, the problem is the natural resources in Donbas, not Ukraine itself. The first victim in war is always the truth. These people have NEVER told the truth about any war EVER!!!!!!

Crimia Gas 1

I have stated before that there is a huge natural gas reserve under Crimea. All the Neocons are doing is constantly trying to conquer Russia and bankrupt it so they can invade, and it has been the same scenario constantly. Obama wanted to invade Syria, and Putin came to their aid. this was all about a pipeline they wanted to put through Syria to cut off Russian energy sales to Europe. The Neocons orchestrated the blowing up of Nord Stream. That undermined Germany and Europe – but as Victoria Nuland famously said, “Fuck the EU.

The question of Palestinian reserves was confirmed back in 2019. I covered the gas reserves in Syria’s occupied Golan Heights in 2017 involving Genie Oil. Obama wanted to invade Syria all for pipelines. What the press reports never connects the dots. Obama was pushing for a pipeline through Syria to stop Russia from supplying energy to Europe. This has been a war against Russia for decades.

The Neocons after blowing up Nord Stream, promised to pay for a pipeline from Nigeria to Europe. When the Niger coup took place, that is why Victoria Nuland was on a plane to Niger. US taxpayers fund the Neocon dreams of war. We blow up Nord Stream and then pay for a pipeline from Nigeria.  The deal with Nigeria was that they had to be the first Digital Currency guinea pig, and the US taxpayer would fund a pipeline from them to Europe to cut off energy sales from Russia.

Now Lindsey Graham has come out and admitted that the “resources” under Crimea are worth $10 to #12 trillion, and this is again to stop Russia from gaining that natural gas.

As I said before, I was solicited to put in $10 billion to take over Russia back in 1999. I refused. The story was that I would earn 10x that amount. They were looking at the vast wealth of natural resources. Make no mistake, this is a conquest agenda to strip Russia of all its assets. Napoleon and Hitler attempted the same for the same reasons. In 1917, Russia had the largest gold reserves EVER in the world. They hid them so the Communists would not get them. To this day, nobody knows where they are.

Ukraine War Wealth

Our sources are saying that the Ukrainian casualties, civilian and military, will most likely exceed 1 million. As I said before, nobody expected Ukraine to win. This has been all about weakening Russia, and then NATO will walk in. NOBODY cares anything about the Ukrainian people. This is not about protecting the poor Syrians from chemical weapons from the government. It was about a pipeline. It is always a lie. I was in Japan when there was a huge protest against sending troops to the Gulf War. The people BLAMED their military, who always were also NEOCONS, for bringing Japan to destruction. All I ever heard was an apology for their government. One day, the West will wake up and come to the same conclusion. We are being betrayed by the enemies within.

In his Face the Nation Interview, Lindsey Grahm said the same shit I was told back in 1999 – get Russia’s wealth. He said:

“It’s now time to give them the F-16s, let them fly the planes, long range artillery to hit targets inside of Russia. Go after Putin’s assets, wherever they’re at, all over the world. Go on the offensive. I think this summer, Ukraine will regain military momentum.”


“But what did Trump do to get the weapons flowing? He created a loan system. They’re sitting on 10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in- in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe. I don’t want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China. If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that 10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China. This is a very big deal how Ukraine ends. Let’s help them win a war we can’t afford to lose. Let’s find a solution to this war. But they’re sitting on a gold mine. To give Putin 10 or $12 trillion for critical minerals that he will share with China is ridiculous.”