Social Justice Warrior Murdered – Family & Friends Apologize to Killer

Armstrong Economics Blog/USA Current Events Re-Posted Oct 6, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Ryan Thoresen Carson, 32, was a self-proclaimed liberal social justice warrior. He worked as a campaign manager for the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) and was a vocal supporter of reverse racism. Carson frequently took to social media to claim that crime was decreasing across New York. Besides, anyone breaking the law is simply a victim of systemic racism who should not be held responsible for their actions. Carson took his white guilt to the grave.

Carson and his girlfriend were waiting on a bench at a bus stop in Bedford-Stuyvesant when a failed member of society approached them. The misunderstood man, at no fault of his own apparently, approached Carson and said, “What the F are you looking at?” He then repeatedly stabbed Carson to death and let him bleed out on the sidewalk. The victim of systemic racism then spit on Carson’s girlfriend before kicking his dead body for good measure. Hopefully, the man (sorry for assuming gender) can be reimbursed for his knife, and the police don’t waste resources investigating this simple misunderstanding that happens so frequently that it has become a part of city life. Carson’s family and friends are now coming out to apologize for Carson’s entire existence as a straight white male.

“I was present once when he literally talked a guy out of mugging him,” Carson’s friend said. “He gave him some money.” “I know he would have wanted people to use his death as a means to talk about structural wrongs in the city,” another friend told the press. “I’m absolutely positive that he would immediately see that this was a person who was suffering from a lack of resources in our community, who probably needs better mental health support, possibly housing, possibly drug support, drug treatment,” a third friend said. “What he would want to avenge his death is for us to fix how broken this city is.”

These are the people voting for far-left policies. We wonder why politicians gain support as their cities burn down in flames. Far-left liberalism should be listed in the DSM-V as a serious mental illness. These people genuinely believe crime is a conspiracy, and any crime that does take place is solely due to socioeconomic standings or race. The man who took Carson’s life was not “suffering from a lack of resources.” He was a murderer who used his own free will to take the life of an innocent bystander and will likely re-offend if he remains in society. Blaming this on race in and of itself is racist, as HUMAN BEINGS do not act this way.

Social Justice Fallacies

Armstrong Economics Blog/Economics Re-Posted Sep 23, 2023 by Martin Armstron

The Death of Mainstream Media?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Press Re-Posted Aug 21, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong; Being a European and looking in the window of America, how can Americans hate Trump so much and overlook Biden and Hunter? America is becoming the laughingstock of the world. They want to imprison Trump and let this senile man and his corrupt sun corrupt the world and create a war that will destroy Europe. If Biden allows all your illegal aliens to flock into your country to vote, we should also have a right to vote since your President seems to dictate to the world.

ANSWER: Our media cannot ignore the corruption of Hunter. They pretend it has nothing to do with his father and then claim the American people do not care. They want the death penalty for Trump, and CNN will rejoice.

In the revolt against Henry VI and the corruption of the Deep State, Shakespeare said the first thing we do is kill the lawyers, who were the king’s prosecutors. This time someone may be writing about this collapse in government and saying the first thing we do is hang the journalists. I strongly suggest that anyone who has children working for these news organizations, they better find a different job. They may not want to be looked upon with the same disdain in the years ahead.

We can see what CNN did to Warner Brothers. Their shares collapsed from $78.14 to $9.49 – that was an 87.8% decline! This is like Great Depression. There was a shake up, and they have been trying to move back. But with the volatility rising from 2024, honest reporting remains an unattainable dream.