Free Vodka and Beer for the Homeless in San Francisco

Posted originally on May 23, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


California is a socialistic cesspool of failed policies that funnel money through inefficient charities. I recently reported that the state, which boasts the largest homeless population in the United States, failed an audit that found nine agencies misused $24 billion in government funds intended to combat homelessness. Now, new reports state that San Francisco alone has been spending $5 per year on alcohol for the homeless.

The “managed alcohol program” states that it aims to keep homeless people physically dependent on alcohol out of jail or the hospital systems by providing them with “controlled doses” of beer and vodka. The program apparently has only served 65 clients, but the public sector has found a way to spend an astounding $5 million annually on a bar tab for the homeless.

The audit I originally referenced found that all of California’s efforts to combat homelessness have miserably failed. In fact, homelessness has shot up by 56.7% since 2015, when a number of these programs were first implemented. It’s almost as if these non-profits could not survive if they were to actually focus on recovery and rehabilitation efforts instead of fueling addictions.

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These people are not receiving medical care, and yes, alcohol withdrawal can be fatal but these individuals are simply receiving free drugs funded by the state in order to boost California’s homelessness problem. It would be akin to giving free lines of credit to people with gambling addictions – utter nonsense.

So, while families struggle to afford food and healthcare, Pelosi’s city of San Francisco is prioritizing the money pit that is the public sector. America’s public sector is multiplying under Biden-Harris and there are countless useless agencies spending our tax dollars on worsening our communities for profit.

Derek Johnson-Trump Is The Commander In Chief,People Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: May 20, 2024 at 10:32 pm EST

Eliminating Cash in Australia ASAP – Number ONE Anti-Free Speech in the World

Posted originally on May 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Macquarie Bank ends cash 5 10 24

Macquarie Bank has announced it will Abolish Cash and it warns customers to prepare for the new CASHLESS WORD to ensure the government knows everything about you and what you are buying or selling. Macquarie has just over $250 billion in assets. They have informed clients that.

“Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all Macquarie banking and wealth management products, including pension and super accounts.” 

Australia is way ahead of the game with its socialistic agendas. They have been obsessed with taxes and have even gone as far as stalking children on their way to school and checking the school to see how they are being paid. This is real Hitler stuff. The Swiss created numbered accounts because Hitler forbade a German from having any account outside Germany.

Australia Censorship

Australia has turned so far to the LEFT they have become the NUMBER ONE censoring free speech in the world, all to keep their agenda moving forward. As an Australian resident, you are taxed on your worldwide income. This means you must declare all income you receive from foreign sources in your income tax return.  The government wants two years in prison for anyone who paid for anything with more than $10,000 in cash. Australians have been blocked by Amazon from buying anything from their US site because the government has effectively imposed a tariff of 10% on anything an Australian may purchase under $1,000 from the internet overseas. The government directed Banks to hand over any information on the unexplained wealth of a convicted person in Australia. The socialists are insane down under. They want to impose that when you die, nothing goes to your children – it all should belong to the government.

Macquarie Bank is carrying out the final straw – the end of all CASH – that evil thing that keeps socialists up every night worrying about what you might have under the mattress. Cyclically, the Australia Act 1986 effectively terminated the ability of the British Parliament or Government to make laws for Australia or its States. That is the true date for Australian Independence cyclically. We are looking at how this present socialist government will collapse post-2032, but the process may begin by 2027. By 2037, we should see a completely new government for their ideas will bring the government crashing down the same as they brought Communism down in 1989-1991.

Defending Your Human Right to Freedom of Expression

Published originally on Rumble By Gen Greenwald on May 10, 2024 at 11:27 pm EST

Beam Me Up Scotty is Here!

Posted originall on May 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Beam me up, Scotty!

At last, the dream of teleportation is becoming a reality. All we need is someone on another planet or starship to save us from this human catastrophe these idiots are creating. In a recent experiment that seems straight out of a Star Trek episode, an international team of researchers has achieved a remarkable feat in the field of quantum teleportation.


In this new study, published in the journal Science Advances, scientists from the University of Turku in Finland and the University of Science and Technology of China have developed a new method of quantum teleportation that overcomes this noise and achieves a high success rate. They managed to perform near-perfect quantum teleportation despite the presence of noise that normally interrupts the transmission of quantum states. The key to success is the use of multipart hybrid entanglement, which amounts to a controlled entanglement of the qubits with their local environment.

Before we get to beaming out living beings, imagine you have written a secret message on a piece of paper. You can then use teleportation to send this message to someone far away without anyone else seeing it. That will send the CIA, NSA, and Google up the wall—OMG, what is it about? With quantum teleportation, instead of physically sending the paper, you would create an exact copy of the message in another location while destroying the original message.

Quiet Earth Eliminating humanity

Of course, if the Biden Administration gets its hands on it, they will use it to create hybrid transgender people incapable of reproducing to save the planet from human beings and CO2. Schwab’s perfect world – the quiet Earth.

Did the House Ban the New Testament?

Posted originally on May 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

The internet is in an uproar after the House of Representatives passed an antisemitism bill that outlaws a few common Christian beliefs based on verses found in the New Testament. No – the New Testament has not been banned. However, the ban is a new attack on both freedom of religion and free speech that may particularly target the Christian community. The Christians are merely the first in line, as this bill is the precursor for future legislation that simply outlaws numerous widely held religious beliefs.

Now the bill, passing 320-91 in the House, was presented as a means to prevent antisemitism in the wake of the University pro-Hamas protests. This particular law expands what is considered antisemitism, as there are already laws in place preventing individuals and businesses from targeting citizens based on their religious affiliations. “Right now, without a clear definition of antisemitism, the Department of Education and college administrators are having trouble discerning whether conduct is antisemitic or not, whether the activity we’re seeing crosses the line into antisemitic harassment,” Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y. stated. This bill has been primarily supported by Republicans, which some have found surprising (besides those who understand AIPAC lobbying) due to certain clauses within the bill.

“From the River to the Sea” and other phrases that call for the eradication of Israel will be prohibited. Cosplaying as Hamas or a terrorist organization should already be grounds for threatening harassment. Imagine if people were dressing up as ISIS and parading around on college campuses after 9/11? Absolutely despicable behavior.

The First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause forbids the government from creating legislation that prohibits the free exercise of religion. The First Amendment also protects our right to free speech, but we cannot threaten or cause harm to others simply because of their race, gender, or religion as reaffirmed by the Fourteenth Amendment. States are required by the Fourteenth Amendment to abide by the Equal Protection Clause and prevent blatant discrimination, but there are loopholes that do not protect religious practices that could be seen as criminal, such as polygamy.


So where does Christianity come into play amid this bill? Afterall, Jews and Christians share the Old Testament story as do other Abrahamic religions. Jesus himself was a Jew, descendant of former and shared prophets, who worshipped in the Synagogues. The Christians believe Jesus came as the final prophet, Son of Man, so that those who seek him may find eternal life, while the Jews are still waiting on their final messiah. The problem many are finding within this bill is that it prohibits anyone from claiming that Jews were responsible for killing Jesus.

Pontious Pilate, King Herod, and the Roman authority responded to the pharisee’s repeated warnings that a mortal was claiming to be the Son of God, disturbing the peace, speaking blasphemy, and, most important to Rome, creating a following and potentially civil unrest. The pilot asked the crowd, primarily Jews, whether he should spare Jesus or a criminal named Barabbas. Jesus was crucified with the phrase “King of the Jews” above his head.

Would this new bill prohibit the verses found on this incident from publication? While that is unlikely, there are deeper implications. For you see, this has nothing to do with the Jews or any religious protections. The Republicans would not be championing this bill or ostracizing their Christian voter base if that were the case. This bill is a means for the government to usurp power by preventing religion from superseding government authority. If they pass this measure, what’s to say they won’t outlaw religions or religious texts that criticize homosexuality, for example, or questioning the government as a secondary authority.

America was once unified as a primarily Christian nation. As a relatively new nation, we were unable to keep that shared moral value. Governments have a long history of wiping out religion to usurp control. China for example only allows five religious groups to register with the CCP, and we know where Mao stood. The former Soviet government confiscated churches and banned all religion – the government was to be the highest power.

Schwab Lenin

Marx called religion the “opium of the masses,” and governments have had a long and treacherous road with religion as a rivaling authority. We know Klaus Schwab has a bust of Lenin in his office, and simply put, the new world order cannot occur with religion in the way. It is too divisive and does not abide by the agenda to create the few haves and a mass of have-nots. The governments would love to tax religious institutions and prevent people from paying any form of a tithe. The entire woke agenda goes against absolutely every prominent religion, but it is easiest for government to paint the majority, the Christians, as intolerant.

Church and state were designated to be separate entities. Yet the government may always override the church or religion. In this case, the government is slowly making provisions that enable them to prevent religious ideas from threatening their authority. Every time the government is permitted to take a bit of power, they continue pulling that rope until they override any potential threats.

4.29.24: Worldwide submission, They will not win, Correspondent dinner mess, B2 Barr back, Pray!4.29.24: Worldwide submission, They will not win, Correspondent dinner mess, B2 Barr back, Pray!

Posted originally on Rumble By And We Know on: Apr 21, 2024 at 12:01 pm EST

Chris Stigall: The Pro-Hamas Riots Happening on Campus Are Based on Lies

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 3, 2024 at 3:30 pm EST

Chris Stigall: It’s Time to Get the Federal Government Out of Education & Stop the Indoctrination

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 3, 2024 at 3:30 pm EST

Harnwell: The Judeo-Christian West Was Stabbed In The Back in The 1960’s And We’ve Never Recovered

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Apr 30, 2024 at 08:40 pm EST