Tom Cotton Decides Against 2024 Presidential Campaign

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on November 7, 2022 | sundance 

Interestingly, after visiting Washington State, Arizona and Nevada to campaign in support of 2022 republican senate candidates, Senator Tom Cotton – a previous Sea Island conference attendee – has announced a decision not to run for higher office in 2024.

Is it possible Senator Cotton’s visits gave him more exposure him to the MAGA base and provided additional insight into what & who voters support?

Arkansas –  U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, who has been considering a run for president in 2024, will not seek higher office in the next election cycle, according to reports on Sunday.

A source close to the senator confirmed to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on Sunday that the Dardanelle Republican will not run for president in 2024. Politico first broke the story.

A leading factor behind Cotton’s decision was his two sons, who are 5 and 7. Both were born after Cotton joined the Senate in January 2015. Cotton served in the House of Representatives for one term before defeating U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., in the 2014 election.

Cotton will not be up for reelection to the Senate until November 2026.  (read more)

Outstanding Monologue by Tucker Carlson – Deconstructing “Democracy is at Stake,” the Narrative

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on November 4, 2022 | Sundance

Fox News host Tucker Carlson doesn’t always align the granular details in a way that I will always agree with; however, in this monologue he accurately and brilliantly deconstructs the “Democracy at Stake” narrative. Tucker Carlson simply nails this.

This big picture monologue on the distinct difference between what authoritarian minded Democrats and media call “democracy”, and what true democracy actually is meant to represent, is brilliantly presented. WATCH:


A Tribute to Git R Done

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on October 20, 2022 | Sundance

Sometimes the knights in shining armor appear as crews’ wearing jeans, overalls and steel toed boots.

It doesn’t take an emergency beacon to activate them, just a need… and they come.  Purposefully, without condition, ready to move, activate and respond.  They throw the gear bags, kiss the ladies & babies, and head out. The rest is figured out upon arrival.

Superior Construction, came from Jacksonville, Ajax Paving from Fort Myers, Honc from the Cape and trucks with subs from just about everywhere. There’s both a unity and similarity that flows when callouses are clasped and the melding of purpose comes together.  Few words are needed, because it’s a task centered outlook, let’s git r’ done – no quit.

I asked Richard to put this together. {Direct Ruble Link} The drone video is from FAI photography. The song is by Lucy Thomas.  The message, well, given all of the critics who say America’s best days are behind, perhaps they need to pause a little bit and remind themselves what we are capable of.  Enjoy:


What has been accomplished in two weeks of 24/7 reconstruction is nothing short of remarkable.  Then again, this is the Christian America we know well.  The truckers, pullers, spreaders, drivers, welders, machinists, heavy equipment operators, tugboat operators, barge haulers, diggers, pumpers, tradesmen, all of them, just people.

Damn good people at that.

People who represent what makes our nation unique.  The invisible, salty, mostly scruffy and beautifully comfortable about it, yet critical network of blue-collar crews that keeps it all operating.  God, how I cherish them so.

At the core of our American purpose is a decency and unity.  Critics don’t like to talk about it, but American workers are fundamentally good. When something seems impossible, for blue-collar Americans ‘impossible‘ is just another starting point, if you get out of the way. Don’t lose sight of that.

No other nation on earth was ever conceived on the principle of allowing people to manifest their own destiny, while keeping government out of their lives.  The vision, the premise and the purpose, was to allow you the freedom to determine your place in life; and even, at any time, change that determination and strike off in an entirely new direction.

Our labor and aspirations would not be pre-determined by caste, tier, creed or social status; but rather by our personal vision for our own future.  The right of self-determination.

This election is a time to reflect on the value of work; the great personal benefit of endeavors achieved; the pride in accomplishment -regardless of scale- amid this thing we call life; and all of these considerations have absolutely nothing, not-one-thing, to do with the money we assemble in the process.

What is the current value of a former seed that became a tree nurtured toward its continued maturity over decades?  What was that seed worth at the time it was planted?  We can only see the value in hindsight many years later.  What value lay in the blood at Fort McHenry?

The job, per se’, was simple.  Hold the flagpole in place.  Keep that representative flag held high, no matter the cost.  And yet, that cost, my God THAT COST, could it ever be quantified appropriately?   A simple yet consequential task that expressed the fullest measure of devotion to the underlying premise, freedom.  America!

Several years ago, Florida Power and Light won the prestigious international Edward Demming Award for excellence in multi-platform engineering, efficiency, superiority and total quality in the process of energy management.

However, the scruffy rednecks did not blow every PhD intellectual out of the water with slide rules, CAD programs, articulated and quantified quality improvement processes and engineering acumen. They did it with hard hats and dirty fingernails.

Because they lost the award, the jaw-agape Japanese spent 6 months visiting and reviewing FPL and later published a 1,000-page study essentially saying FPL “wasn’t really good, they were just lucky.”  You see, the reviewers couldn’t actually quantify the reason why the Florida-based energy company was so successful.  In response the FPL field leadership laughed, took out magic markers and wrote on the back of their hard hats: “WE’RE NOT GOOD, WE’RE RUCKY.”

A few years later, every single Kuwaiti oil field was blown up by Saddam Hussein. Global analysts and think-tanks proclaimed it would take 5 years to cap them all off and restart the Kuwait oil pumping industry. Well, the Kuwaiti’s and Saudi’s called Texans, who had them all capped and back in working order in 6 months.

We are a nation that knows how to get shit done.

A few more years pass, and the Northern Chile mine workers were trapped two miles underground. The eyes of the world began to tear as the word spread. Most began to whisper no one could save them. Who did they call for help? A bunch of hick miners from USA coal country who went down there, worked on the fly, engineered the rescue equipment on site, and saved every one of them.

Yup, that’s our America. Ingenuity born from freedom.

Across the pond a half-breed Islamic whack job, armed with an AK-47 and a goal to meet his virgins, began opening fire on a train in France. The scruffneck Americans on board didn’t run to the nearest safe room and hide themselves amid baguettes and brie. They said, “let’s go”, and beat the stuffing out of that little nut with a death wish.

Legion d’Honneur or not, that’s us. That’s just how we roll.

Lady Liberty can stroll along the Champs-Elysées with a swagger befitting Mae West because without her arrival, they’d be speaking German in the Louvre. Yet, for the better part of the past decade, a group of intellectual leftists have been teaching our children that it’s better to be sitting around a campfire eating sustainable algae cakes and picking parasites off each other; because ‘save the planet’, or something similarly minded. It would appear, they hate the outcomes and inequities from freedom.

So, we get to today, and right now those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation are waging a full-frontal assault against our constitutional republic. The bombardment seems overwhelming.

Leftist city and state leaders have abandoned rule of law in favor of supporting a mob effort to destroy our sense of national unity. Political activists, left-wing ideologues under the guise of democrats, and a host of media allies are conducting information warfare on behalf of their objective. Big tech social media companies are attempting to remove the voices of those who are fighting back.

There is a great deal of purposefully driven anxiety and fear amid our nation as this multi-faceted internal war takes place. However, there is a primary element to this effort that each person can shield themselves from, and act to counter.  We are, yet again, in Fort McHenry.

Do not let your sense of self succumb to this assault. Do not let them win the battle for your peace of mind.

It might, heck, -check that- it does seem overwhelming at times. But that is the nature of this collectivist strategy.  That is the purpose of this bombardment. We must hold strong and push back against their lies and manipulations. If you look closely at their attack, it is weak and much of it is psychological bait. Do not fall into the trap of despair.

When we share the message, “live your best life”, it is not without purpose. Every moment that we allow the onslaught to deter us from living our dreams, is a moment those who oppose our nation view as us taking a knee. Do not allow this effort to succeed.

You might ask yourself how I can, one person, a flea looking into a furnace, retain an optimistic disposition while all around me seems chaotic and mad.

That’s the point; it ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way. There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.  We cannot comply our way out of tyranny.

Every second that you live your life with thankfulness for the abundance within it; every moment that we CHOOSE to engage with fellowship; every day that we accept guidance from God – however you define him to be; and every moment we cherish this time to be a beacon of optimism; is a moment that we withstand that barrage and hold the flag in place. It is a genuinely patriotic position not to succumb to the attack.

If you allow yourself to be drawn into crisis and despair, you allow them to win. If your center of normal is based around this overwhelming onslaught, you will eventually concede liberty in favor of peace. Once we stop living in liberty, we no longer have peace.

It is time to hold that flagpole again. To remember the reason the seed was planted. To cherish the tree of liberty.

We must withstand this onslaught, any onslaught, and rally to the origin of our true national spirit. We must rally to a standard of Americanism and accept this is not that. In essence, we must individually take a stand. Purposefully, deliberately and with forethought, we must engage those around us to get rid of this sense of foreboding.

This approach is how we win the larger battle. Again, it seems simple, but keeping that flag standing tall requires the heart of a lion and dirty fingernails.

All around us, in every tribe and region, there are people who need you to show them the strength that you have. Strength of spirit. Strength of fellowship that you will not relent from expressing. Lead your children, your children’s children, and the children of community with an unwavering and steadfast example.

No matter what noise is shouting from the loudspeakers we must withstand it; you must withstand it. We must make eye contact and remain joyful.

We cannot allow despair to be the status quo; and we cannot allow a generation to experience a world without joy.

Our nation needs more people like you, right now. Don’t wait… engage life. Resolve to get optimistic however you need to do it. Then let that part of you shine right now. This is how we fight.

Hold up that flag; give the starter smile. Rally to the standard you create and spread fellowship again. God knows we need it.

When I hear President Donald Trump say, “Let’s Make America Great Again”, I also hear the familiar echo “cowboy up” people.

Git ‘r done.

It’s high time we stop being embarrassed about our exceptional American nature, and start being proud of it again.

Because when it matters most, when it really counts, when it’s really needed, there’s a whole bunch of people all around this world of ours that are mighty happy when swagger walks in to solve their problems.

Yeah, let us recommit to “Make America unapologetically Great Again”.

Swagger on, MAGA.  NO QUIT! 

Rumble Video Group and Creator SteveWillDoIt Donates a Convoy of 12 Trailers and Generators to Displaced Families in Southwest Florida

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on October 16, 2022 

Rumble CEO @Chris Pavlovski and Rumble Video Creator @SteveWilldoit stepped up in a major way to help survivors of Hurricane Ian today by sending a convoy of 12 travel trailers and generators into Southwest Florida to support a dozen displaced families.  This is a blessed contribution to the recovery effort.

The convoy traveled to Fort Myers where they will be transferred to a dozen families who have lost their homes, providing a temporary housing solution that is much needed.  Just an awesome job by the Rumble Video company and a content creator for the platform.

Thousands of people are displaced from their homes in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Pine Island, Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel Island.  There isn’t an empty hotel room within 100 miles of Lee County as families struggle to find housing.

There are tents set up in parking lots in the South Fort Myers area as temporary shelters for those unable to find alternative housing.  This type of private sector support is very much needed and appreciated.  Rumble is headquartered in Longboat Key Florida, and CEO Chris Pavlovski extends his belief in civic stewardship with generous support for those families most severely impacted by the recent storm.  Awesome Job.  #FloridaStrong

Video of the convoy arriving, below:

A message from Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski on the day Rumble became a public offering, September 23rd:

Words, Terms and Slang learned from British Television

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on October 7, 2022 | stella |

The United States and Great Britain are two countries

separated by a common language.

This famous quote, commonly attributed to George Bernard Shaw, highlights the differences between two countries where the language is the same (or similar!) to your language. It could also apply to Australia or Canada.

I admit to being a devotee of British dramas, mysteries, and comedies, and occasionally I come across a term that I don’t understand, and have to look it up. Favorites tv shows are Downton Abbey, Foyle’s War, Midsomer Murders, and Agatha Christie Mysteries. Then there’s Miss Fisher Mysteries, an Australian production. Here are some of the terms/words/phrases I’ve run across. Any that you’ve heard and been perplexed by?

Jumped up (adjective) – denoting someone who considers themselves to be more important than they really are, or who has suddenly and undeservedly risen in status: “she’s not really a journalist, more a jumped-up PR woman.” Heard on more than one program, but especially on Downton Abbey, when Violet’s maid calls Dr. Clarkson a “Jumped up old sawbones.”  I love this one, and will attempt to include it in my own vocabulary.

All Sir Garnet – Said by Thomas Barrow on Downton Abbey (suspected things were not “All Sir Garnet”). This is a one-time British army slang term meaning that all is in order or everything’s OK. It’s a memorial to one of the most famous soldiers of the latter nineteenth century, Sir Garnet Wolseley, later Viscount Wolseley.

Cheeky – Playfully impertinent. “Did you just whistle at that old lady? You cheeky monkey.”  Mrs. Patmore calls a local merchant a “cheeky devil” for flirting with her.

erysipelas – Erysipelas is an infection of the upper layers of the skin (superficial). Erysipelas results in a fiery red rash with raised edges that can easily be distinguished from the skin around it. Mentioned on Downton Abbey, when Isobel Crawley mistakenly diagnoses Mr. Moseley’s rash as erysipelas, when it really is a rash caused by an allergy to rue.

King Canute (Cnut, Knud) – King of Denmark, England and Norway, together often referred to as the Anglo-Scandinavian or North Sea Empire. After his death, the deaths of his heirs within a decade, and the Norman conquest of England in 1066, his legacy was largely lost to history. The medieval historian Norman Cantor has stated that he was “the most effective king in Anglo-Saxon history”, although Cnut himself was Danish, not British or Anglo-Saxon. Cnut’s name is popularly invoked in the context of the legendary story of King Canute and the waves, but usually misrepresenting Cnut as a deluded monarch believing he had supernatural powers, when the original story in fact relates the opposite and portrays a wise king. Mentioned by the dowager Countess Violet Crawley on Downton Abbey.

Agony Aunt –  The writer of an advice column, like Dear Abby. In Downton Abbey, Violet’s butler (Septimus Spratt) writes the Agony Aunt column in Lady Edith Crawley’s ladies’ magazine.

Blue crested hoopoe – The rare bird that the bird watchers argue about in an episode of Midsomer Murders is a Blue Crested Hoopoe – which doesn’t exist. A Hoopoe does, which is a colorful bird found across Afro-Eurasia, notable for its distinctive “crown” of feathers. It is the only extant species in the family Upupidae.

Casu marzu – Also seen on Midsomer Murders. Literally translating into English as “rotten/putrid cheese”, is a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese, notable for containing live insect larvae (maggots). Although found in the island of Sardinia, a variety of this cheese is also found in the nearby Corsica, where it goes by the name of casgiu merzu.

Parvenu – a person from usually a low social position who has recently or suddenly become wealthy, powerful, or successful but who is not accepted by other wealthy, powerful, and successful people. The word is borrowed from the French; it is the past participle of the verb parvenir (to reach, to arrive, to manage to do something).

Don’t tell the world about it – Heard more than once, but Lady Flintshire says it when her husband mentions aloud that their days of personal servants are over because of their reduced circumstances.

Blighty – a wound suffered by a soldier in World War I that was sufficiently serious to merit being shipped home to Britain: “he had copped a Blighty and was on his way home”. Mentioned by Lady Cora Grantham’s maid, speaking about Thomas Barrow’s war injury.

Mumsy – drab or dowdy; unfashionable.

h’aporth -As in “you daft h’aporth”. Half penny worth. A silly or foolish person.

Other widely used words and terms:

Toff – Upper Class Person

Punter – customer or user of services (more specifically, of businesses which “rip off” the customer). Occasionally refers to a speculator, bettor, or gambler, or a customer of a prostitute.

Bob’s Your Uncle – There you go!

Bits ‘n Bobs – Various things

Her Majesty’s Pleasure – To be in prison

Knackered – phrase meaning “extremely tired,” often uttered after a long, exhausting day; also see: “zonked.”

Slap And Tickle – making out, heavy petting or [!]

Starkers – completely naked.

Tickety-Boo – phrase for when everything’s going great.

Gutted – a British slang term that is one of the saddest on the lists in terms of pure contextual emotion. To be ‘gutted’ about a situation means to be devastated and saddened. For example, ‘His girlfriend broke up with him. He’s absolutely gutted.’

Gobsmacked – a truly British expression meaning to be shocked and surprised beyond belief. The expression is believed by some to come literally from ‘gob’ (a British expression for mouth), and the look of shock that comes from someone hitting it.

Taking The Piss – Given the British tendency to mock and satirize anything and everything possible, ‘taking the piss’ is in fact one of the most popular and widely-used British slang terms. To ‘take the piss’ means to mock something, parody something, or generally be sarcastic and derisive towards something.

Dodgy – In British slang terms, ‘dodgy’ refers to something wrong, illegal, or just plain ‘off’, in one way or another.

Scrummy– One of the more delightful British slang terms in this list, ‘scrummy’ is used as a wonderfully effusive term for when something is truly delicious and mouth-wateringly good (Heard on The Great British Baking Show.)

Kerfuffle – A rather delightful and slightly archaic word is ‘kerfuffle’. ‘Kerfuffle’ describes a skirmish or a fight or an argument caused by differing views.

Tosh – A nifty little British term that means ‘rubbish’ or ‘crap’.

Wanker – Possibly the best British insult on the list, it fits a certain niche for a single-worded insult to lobbied out in a moment of frustration, anger, provocation, or, of course, as a jest amongst friends. ‘Wanker’ fits the closest fit by ‘jerk’ or ‘asshole’, but to a slightly higher value.

Brilliant – not a word exclusively in the British lexicon, but has a very British usage. Specifically, when something is exciting or wonderful, particularly when something is good news, ‘brilliant’ can mean as such.

Barmy – Crazy, insane.

Chin-wag – A chat or brief conversation.

Collywobbles – Nervousness; butterflies in the stomach.

Peckish – Slightly hungry.

Tosser – A contemptible idiot.

Twee – Overly dainty, delicate, cute, or quaint. “Her bunny-themed tea set is so utterly twee.”

Blimey – (informal) an exclamation of surprise. (Originally gor blimey, a euphemism for God blind me, but has generally lost this connotation.)

Bubble and Squeak – dish of cooked cabbage fried with cooked potatoes and other vegetables. Often made from the remains of the Sunday roast trimmings.

By-election – special election.

Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Discusses Border Security, the Attacks from Liz Cheney, and The New Republican Party

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on September 26, 2022 | sundance

Kari Lake is running an excellent campaign for governor of Arizona in advance of the November election.  In this interview with Maria Bartiromo, Ms Lake discusses her perspective on the border control collapse as well as the attacks against her from lame-duck congresswoman Liz Cheney.

After losing her Wyoming primary challenge, Liz Cheney has now promised to campaign on behalf of Democrats against Kari Lake in Arizona. WATCH:


President Trump CPAC Introduction Video

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on August 7, 2022 | sundance 

This was the introduction video for President Donald Trump before his CPAC speech. {Direct Rumble LinkEnjoy

It’s the Family You Remember

Armstrong Economics Blog/Opinion Re-Posted Aug 7, 2022 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: GREAT idea to take the family to Yellowstone!!

I am 79 yrs old and my dad took the family there when I was in secondary school. He and mom were school teachers so they had all summer off. Not that far a drive from the east side of New Mexico.

Strongly urge everyone to take the time for holiday adventures with the family to create some memories. On our death bed we will not recall a list of work-related events, but family memories.


REPLY: Yes. The family trips were the memories that endure. Even before my mother died, I had taken all the old 8mm films my father took and converted them to disk. She wanted to see them to relive her life before she passed. I remember the family trip to Europe for the summer. This was me watching an artist painting St Mark’s Square in Venice. That is what endures when all else fades away.

Nature v Humans

Armstrong Economics Blog/Opinion Re-Posted Aug 7, 2022 by Martin Armstrong

Sorry, I took a break with the family and went to Yellowstone National Park. My father took me there 60 years ago and it was so spectacular. I always remembered being there as a kid. So I suppose it is a family tradition now knowing that probably my grandchildren will take their children there. So, while empires, nations, and city-states rise and fall throughout history, despite the climate zealots that blame everything on humans as if we are a plague that should be exterminated, nature endures.

Even the Bisen are not afraid of cars. If they decide to eat the grass on the side of the road and block traffic, they have the right of way. Yellowstone is off the grid. Cell phone reception is very spotty and if you stay at the famous Old Faithful Inn, there is no air conditioning or Wi-Fi. So prepare to ruff it. You are really disconnected from the world.