Episode 3704: MSNBC Meltdown Over The Facts Of Project 2025

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 22, 2024 at 07:00 pm EST

The Western Mainstream Press – Just Want War

Posted originally on Jun 23, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

1 _Nigel_Farage_criticised_for_saying_West_provoked_Ukraine_war

COMMENT: Marty: Hello from the UK across the pond. Nigel Farage has come out and said what you have been reporting all along – that the West started this war. You can certainly tell you are friends.


Ukraine Attacks Donbas 4 23 2014

REPLY: It is interesting how little intelligence exists in the mainstream media. There are just no independent thinkers and certainly no investigative journalists left. Mainstream has chased them all out. Or is it that they are just taking orders like the Nazis insisted at Nuremberg? All you have to do is look at the press reporting in 2014. It was the UNELECTED government installed by Victoria Nuland and her Neocons, who then directed them to attack the Donbas to draw in Putin.

Here, the Associated Press states at the beginning, “Ukraine’s acting President,” meaning unelected since the Ukrainian people NEVER voted for war. Ukraine had just gone through a revolution, but when the Donbas wanted to split from the Ukrainians because they hated Russians who had lived in the Donbas and Crimea for hundreds of years. The media never looked at the facts or the truth and has constantly promoted World War III.

May 2 2014 Odessa Trade Unions House

The very next month, in May 2014, the Ukrainians began to attack Russians on the street, beating them and killing them. They wanted all Russians dead, and the Western Press turned a blind eye.  The hatred in Ukraine of non-Ukrainians goes back to the ethnic cleansing they engaged in when they were Nazis. They hate Russians, along with all other minorities they hate and do not trust. Make no mistake about it: if Russia loses, the Ukrainians will massacre all Russians in the Donbas territory, and the Western Press will never report anything. The West ignores the fact that the Ukrainians carried out a massacre of ethnic Russians who lived in Odessa as soon as their 2014 Revolution, and that is what started this entire civil war that the Western Press will not address.

Odessa Massacre May 2014

The 2014 Odessa Massacre of Russian-speaking civilians where killed by the Ukrainians on the streets. When the civilians fled for safety into the Trade Union Building, the nationalist Ukrainians burned them alive. That was the turning point. It revealed that the Donbas had to separate, for the Ukrainian hatred of Russians was out to annihilate every last one of them – not their submission to Kiev. Victoria Nuland told them to call it an anti-terrorist action because they sought a democratic solution to vote for their freedom.

This 2014 Odessa Massacre is ignored by the Western Press because they are too busy promoting World War III. For the first time in history, an organized massacre of civilians was carried out and even filmed by numerous people. The West was silent and cheered the deaths of Russian civilians. This has been documented in extraordinary detail, and the Ukrainians did not even fear any negative consequences in world opinion.

2019 Zelensky win Russia Hopeful

Zelensky ran promising PEACE. That is what the average Ukrainian wanted. Ukraine is the plaything of Neocons, and they do not care if every Ukrainian dies as long as they take at least one Russian with them.

2022_05_22_15_01_49_Ukraine_Crucifies_Russian Soldier

I have videos that are too horrible even to post that were captured from Ukrainians who filmed their war crimes. They were crucifying Rusdian and burning them alive.

Ukrainian organs_harvested od children

I have refrained from reporting what many are starting to document. Ukrainian Neo Nazis are harvesting organs from Russian children in the Donbas and have been selling them even into Israel. This is starting to come from many sources.

Ukraine 1.1 Million Dead

The real number of deaths from UKRAINIAN sources is 1.1 million, I am told, and AGAIN, this comes from Ukraine – not Russia! In fact, a local TV news operation reported the real number, and Zelensky again made them take it down as he did with the head of the EU. They suddenly reported it was a typo. The Neocons are completely destroying Ukraine, and they have ZERO regard for Ukrainian lives as they will with Americans or Europeans.


Anyone who dares to criticize Ukraine is called a Putin supporter. This is their standard tactic so that they can do as they like, paint Russia as evil, and lead the world into complete destruction. Everything we have achieved since World War II will be lost – PERIOD! People have to start demanding their stupid world leaders stop supporting this insanity and HONOR the Minsk Agreement. Ukraine was NEVER a nation. The People in the Donbas and Crimea are Russian, and they have always been Russians.

The American Neocons control the media as well as NATO. When Ukrainians vote to separate from Russia, that is legitimate. But if Russians vote to separate from Ukrainians, it is rigged by Putin. I’m sure the Russians in the Donbas want to live under Zelensky. The only way Russia loses is for Ukraine to exterminate every Russian in the Donbas. This goes back to the ethnic cleansing under the Nazis.

So, when you pay your taxes, you might as well cut out the middleman and send the check to Zelensky.

Bill Maher Questions Media Constructed Pro Biden Polling

Posted originally on the CTH on June 22, 2024 | Sundance

During his Friday broadcast on HBO, apparently Bill Maher started to catch on to the issue of fake media polling. Maher questions how Biden could be losing big percentages of his core constituency (by demographic), yet suddenly be polling ahead of Trump. It just doesn’t make sense.

Bill Maher: “45% of Hispanic voters prefer Biden, compared to 39% for Trump. Last time, he won 59%. That was 2020. So, he’s lost 14 points there. He went to Morehouse, he said, ‘What is democracy if you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?’ That seems like pandering to me. Black voters under 50, he led by 80 points in 2020. Now, by 37, still a lot, but he’s lost 43 points off the key constituency.”

“Student loans, he’s forgiven $144 billion in student loans, only 36% of student debt holders like it. I mean, If you can’t win the people you’re pandering to — I mean, I get it, politics is somewhat about pandering. That’s not even an insult. You’re supposed to do what people want to a certain degree, also be a leader, but if you’re not winning these groups, and he’s lost 8% off women since 2020. And yet, I read in the polls, he’s pulled ahead this week. Explain that to me.”

There’s nothing to explain.  Media polling has always been manipulated in order to advance a specific narrative.  Obviously, with the Trump New York Lawfare case now concluded with the outcome desired, the media intent is to give the appearance that Trump support has diminished.

Media polling, like the outlets who pay for it, is generally a fake construct.

The Most Obvious Political Gaslighting Effort in Modern History

Posted originally on the CTH on June 5, 2024 | Sundance 

There are not even enough words to describe this level of manipulative lying and trying to reframe reality.  Any person who tries to support this insufferable effort should be ridiculed and shamed immediately.

[Source Link]

Joe Biden’s first day in office he reversed all of the border security measures President Trump had put into place – specifically, the remain in Mexico policy.  Now, with massive backlash starting to permeate the American electorate as the consequences of lawlessness are hitting hard, Joe Biden pretends he is not to blame for an unsecured border.

This is the biggest attempt at political gaslighting in modern history.

Chris Stigall: The Pro-Hamas Riots Happening on Campus Are Based on Lies

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 3, 2024 at 3:30 pm EST

Ep 3339a – It’s Time To End The Endless, Fed Structure Change Coming

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: Apr 26, 2024 at 8:00 pm EST

Joe Rogan Interviews Tucker Carlson

Posted originally on the CTH on April 20, 2024 | Sundance

Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sit down for a discussion about red-pill events, issues and some topics of not usually discussed consequence.

In the bigger picture Rogan and Carlson discuss the falsity of the politics, including the lying by every information institution amid the GREAT PRETENDING ERA of modern time.  Carlson admits his “awakening” came about as a result of Donald Trump achieving victory in the 2016 election and the institutional backlash from the intelligence and law enforcement apparatus.

Overall, the interview and podcast discussion appears to be 3-hours long and hits on a variety of subjects including aliens, spirituality, religion, politics, science and current socioeconomic events.  There is something in this interview for everyone. WATCH:

If you have watched, feel free to draw attention to the part you find the most enjoyable.  If you can cite the time stamp from the video above it will assist others in expanding the conversation.

The Truth About Fake News

Posted orginally on Apr 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Economist 4 13 24 Cover_Story_The_next_housing_disaster

The Economist’s editor-in-chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, wrote that global warming would damage a tenth of the world’s residential property by value. They reported that this includes “many houses that are nowhere near the coast. From tornadoes battering Midwestern American suburbs to tennis-ball-size hailstones smashing the roofs of Italian villas, the severe weather brought about by greenhouse-gas emissions is shaking the foundations of the world’s most important asset class.” 

Once upon a time, the Economist was a respected magazine. Today, there is no point in advertising there because, clearly, the people who believe these articles are brainwashed and hopeless unless you are pitching green investments that always lose money. Can you imagine that now 10% of all real estate will be damaged by global warming?

Sun 1892 Fakes News

The entire problem has infected the media for centuries. Donald Trump did not suddenly invent Fake News. Here is an article from the New York Sun published on September 3rd, 1892. The Sun charged its competitor, the New York World, with “manufacturing news in its own office purporting to be cable news of interviews with prominent scientists in Europe.” The article states it cannot be condemned for it “strikes at the vital point in the character of a newspaper… Of all unfortunate and foolish things a newspaper may do, that of destroying public confidence in itself is most unfortunate and most foolish, and it can accomplish this end in no other way more quickly or more completely than in the matter of ‘fake’ news.”


The first time I heard about corruption in the media was in a GRADE SCHOOL history class in the early to mid-60s. The teacher explained that the media created the Spanish-American War, which manufactured news to sell newspapers. You needed sensationalism to sell newspapers. The Hearst model was all about selling sensationalized stories to sell papers – not necessarily the truth.

Raymond Henry Jarvis

The New York Daily Times had significant circulation among conservatives during the mid-19th century since its founder, Henry Jarvis Raymond (1820-1869), was often known as the Godfather of the Republican Party. He became its first Chairman and was elected to the US House of Representatives. Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, said: “The Times, I believe, is always true to the Union, and therefore should be treated at least as well as any.”

Ochs Adolph Simon

In August 1896, Chattanooga Times publisher Adolph Ochs (1858-1935) acquired The New-York Times, implementing major changes to its basic structure making it a merchant’s newspaper. At first, Ochs wanted to steer the paper to be the antithesis of the competition like the New York World that was focused on the sensation sales model. Ochs was trying to sell his newspapers to people who wanted real news and information to enable them to invest money. The Wall Street Journal did not begin until 1889. In 1910, Ochs made a political realignment whereby he rejected the Republican Party and moved more progressive as Marxist Socialism became popular. This went to the NY Times, becoming a political agenda.

1970 Climate Change

There is just no more integrity in mainstream media, and when you really look at its history, one can argue it has ALWAYS been about fake news—because fake news sells. They are businesses and, at the end of the day, need a profit. A few decades ago, I asked a major movie producer why all the movies about love projected happily ever after. He said people want to leave the theatre with a smile—not crying. I think that explains the problem. The sad part is the press interprets the First Amendment to mean they are free to twist the truth in any way they like for profit.

3.15.24: Dead Cat Bounce? March madness, TikTok censorship, GOV controlling information? Pray!

Posted originally on Rumble By And We Know on: Mar 15, 2024 at 2:47 pm EST

Google and Election Interference

Posted originally on Mar 20, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Anyone with access to the internet from 2019 to 2020 can tell you that Google did, in fact, meddle in the 2020 US Presidential Elections in favor of then-candidate Joe Biden. Media Research Center found that Google interfered 41 times over the last 16 years, which is a drastic underestimation. Google continues to interfere in politics by using its algorithm to favor pro-Biden and anti-Trump results; even its failed AI system, Gemini, refused to criticize the Biden regime.

The issue is that Google is the most popular search engine. “Google” has become a verb; “Google” [insert search criteria here] for information. Not many realize that the information they are seeking on Google is censored, filtered, and deliberately presented to users in certain areas to align with its interests. Google heavily lobbies governments globally, but has an extreme sway over politicians within the establishment on the right and left.

“MRC researchers have found 41 times where Google interfered in elections over the last 16 years, and its impact has surged dramatically, making it evermore harmful to democracy. In every case, Google harmed the candidates – regardless of party – who threatened its left-wing candidate of choice,” MRC Free Speech America vice president Dan Schneider and editor Gabriela Pariseau co-authored. Again, Google targets ANY anti-establishment candidate, but the study found that the search engine pushes “electoral victory [for] the most liberal candidates, regardless of the party, while targeting their opponents for censorship.”

Armstrong Propaganda

This has been going on for many years, and the public is unaware that they have been subconsciously deceived. Google tried to protect Hillary Clinton in 2016 by suppressing unfavorable search results, and it protected Barack Obama in 2008 similarly. Google interferes in elections and business globally and has partnered with the World Economic Forum and other globalist cabals. The forces are doing everything in their power to remove our access to information amid this private wave where the public has lost all trust in the establishment.

Millions of people use Google daily to access information that is heavily censored and skewed in favor of left-leaning establishment politics. You can try it for yourself to see what search results appear when attempting to look up information about a particular situation or candidate. Google is not only altering information, but it is collecting your data while doing so.

 I will explain in an upcoming blog post how Google and META bought the entirety of Congress. DuckDuckGo, Brave Search, and other search engines are far superior to Google. Bing, Google, and Yahoo, three of the most popular search engines, have all been compromised.