Is trump Captain America?

Barack Obama a person that we elected twice has succeed in doing more damage to the Constitutional Republic we live in then has been done by all our enemies since the Revolutionary War! This president with the encouragement and active help of his party the Democrat party has systematically unraveled many if not all of the checks and balances that were so important in preventing the takeover of the federal government by a single faction of the country. Worse they were helped by the progressive faction of the Republican Party so we now find ourselves facing the combined weight of the Washington elitists in reducing us to economic slaves to them. I for one to not want that for my family nor your or any family in the country and even if we are not of the rich and famous we do outnumber them and it is our country not theirs.

We are Vulgarians who are traditionally defined as an unrefined person, especially ones with newly acquired power or wealth. But we are also Americans who by hard work and perseverance made this country and made it the best country ever created. So what if we were not Royalty, or Roads Scholars that didn’t batter since we were making something that had never been done before, a country where it was proved that the common man could rule himself better that those that thought they could by just wanted to have the power.

But we did find a champion to fight for us and that Champion was Donald J. Trump — is he perfect, no of course not, he is human just like the rest of us that carry the original sin. But he is a Christian and a strong leader and his heart is in the right place. Further he wants to fix the wrongs that have been done to all of us and to the Constitution. And he beat hillary fair and square mostly because she was an absolutely horrible candidate.

So four years ago we elected Trump to the shock of the entire world and in a very short period of time and despite both parties working against him by the end of 2019 the US economy was at full employment and every worker from middle manager’s to the lowest paid worked was earning more than ever before. The economy and the stock markets were breaking records continuously and Trump was even on the path to a middle east peace agreement.  Trumps economy  was so good that the deep state had to stop him because he was making what they claimed was impossible look super easy. Well, if you actually knew what you were doing maybe it was. 

Trump is a real Captain America and has the full support of this former U.S. Army Captain and I worked as hard as I could to get him elected the second time! But despite all the work and energy the his supporters but a series of very strange events transpired  in the wee hour on the morning and votes were changed from Trump to Biden ballots appeared out of thin air, and  we ended up with more ballets than register voters.  Despite all the corruption the deep states efforts it was still close because the real ballets had Trump wining in a landslide. Meaning the deep state had to go all out to the point it was obvious what they had done. Both parties participated in the fraud and although there is still some hope I don’t think anyone in the republican party has the cajones to stand up to the evil power trying to take over the country now.

Well there is always hope and what we need now is a new political party and it should be the MAGA party!

I f the MAGA party takes a 1/3 of the republican party and a 1/4 of the demarcate party  it could end up being the most powerful political party ever formed in this country.  We need to start this new party now this month January 2021 so we can dominate the House take a a good fraction of the Senate.  We do not have a choice and baring an outright civil war this is the only peacefully way to get back out country.

Eric Clapton and Van Morrison have apparently joined the MAGA party — listen to STAND AND DELIVER and see what you think. I thing this should be the official MAGA theme song.

Therefore in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence which started us down this path we rededicate ourselves to the founding principles … “and for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Day #3 – Ted Cruz Mistress Crisis…

Lots and lots of smoke here I wonder if the flames will be bursting out soon …

All Governments are Always Dishonorable

Paine-Common Sense

QUESTION: Marty; It seems like government always has some covert agenda. The exposure of the FBI lying about being unable to hack the iPhone Apple is just typical. The global warming issue clearly seems to be a tax agenda. They taxed cigarettes saying they were trying to help society. When revenues declined, they want to tax electronic cigarettes. These people are always after us one way or another. I suppose this will never change will it?


ANSWER: No. I think Tomas Paine, who inspired the American Revolution with his writing entitled “Common Sense,” says it all. Nothing that government does is ever honorable. Even the war on drugs was about targeting the anti-war movement in the 1970s. Government outlawed what was in common use (e.g. marijuana) so that they could lock up users under the drug laws when, in fact, it was for political reasons. John Ehrlichman served 18 months in prison after being convicted of conspiracy and perjury for his role in the Watergate scandal. Before he died, he gave an interview and stated bluntly that the war on drugs was really against political activists. We are still facing upheaval over marijuana and countless people are imprisoned for weed at a tremendous cost to society. These laws are a detriment to those people who try to move into the mainstream even for employment.

I have written about Coxley’s Army that marched on Washington following the Panic of 1893. How did they end the political march? They arrested Coxley for walking on the grass. This is government. They can arrest you for countless laws at any time. A friend was driving to Florida from New Jersey. In Virginia, the police pulled him over and gave him a ticket because the frame on his license plate had the dealer’s name, which 99% of new cars have. They have a law that nothing can obstruct the view of the plate. Of course, they do not arrest people for walking on the grass, but do something like exercise your First Amendment right to free speech or freedom of assembly and they will arrest you for some other reason and deny it is political.

There is no honor in government and no justice in federal court. It is impossible when former prosecutors become judges as politicians appoint them. Just look at the chaos over appointing a justice to the Supreme Court. Everyone wants someone who will interpret the Constitution unfairly and skew it to what they want it to mean. The legal professionals should be the only ones to nominate judges — not the government. Anyone who has been a former prosecutor should be disqualified. Further proof that government is always dishonorable is the fact that judges will throw you in prison on contempt if you do not bow to them and refer to them as “Your Honor.” Anyone who demands to be called “honorable” has never earned such a title.

The Press & The Politicians Are The Problem

White House Dinner 1996

The elitist press are starting to realize that they are the problem. “Trump voters are a coalition of the dispossessed. They have suffered lost jobs, lost wages, lost dreams. The American system is not working for them, so naturally they are looking for something else. Moreover, many in the media, especially me, did not understand how they would express their alienation. We expected Trump to fizzle because we were not socially intermingled with his supporters and did not listen carefully enough. For me, it’s a lesson that I have to change the way I do my job if I’m going to report accurately on this country,” wrote David Brooks of the New York Times who had endorsed Obama.

This is why I call the people the “great unwashed” because politicians and journalists are disconnected from reality, and combined, they will absolutely bring about the collapse of the United States. We will, no doubt, see the USA ultimately split into at least four separate nations that are divided but still “united” as states. It has been set in motion by this elitist, socialistic bullshit, and the people are stupid enough to listen to whatever they preach as they line their pockets. I am not writing about this from afar. I have even attended the White House Correspondence Dinner where the president came and delivered a speech. So I have been inside, but I am also on the outside for I read the tea leaves of the economy; not what Harvard professors teach.

The elite press and the political class preach to us from their ivory towers, but would never dare mingle with the great unwashed. They are clueless as to how the American dream has collapsed into a nightmare, and negative interest rates are the last straw. From the perspective of someone like Larry Summers who says behind close doors, “If these bastards won’t spend everything they have, well damn it, we will force them by charging them a tax to save!”

Then we have the elitist class of analysts who regurgitate whatever the political elite want to hear. Since they are too busy kissing ass, they too never bother to look outside the window in their ivory towers.

The hoard of people they have conjured up to try to prevent people from turning up at Trump rallies demonstrates two things. First, these people stand for nothing and are using force and violence to try to intimidate others not to vote for Trump. That is a very serious statement and it warns that this country really is on the brink of civil war. Secondly, the “haves” get everything from government, demand high taxes, and rib those who have anything they want. They are against those who are disenfranchised and are turning to Trump because Hillary and Cruz offer the more of same and no change. The media will now use its manipulation to try to convince people not to vote for Trump so they can keep their bullshit political analysts and friends in power.

The last time we saw these types of polarized differences was in the decades that led to the Civil War. During that time, there was a banking crisis created by Andrew Jackson that led to the massive collapse of state banks and the sovereign debt defaults by states during the 1840s. When the Supreme Court upheld slaves as “property” to supposedly prevent violence by alienating the South, it proved to be the final straw that caused everything to erupt.

With negative interest rates, rising taxes, and a crisis in pensions, the American dream is finished. The elitist press have not quite figured that out yet. They are too busy attacking Trump to help their political friends. I have been at such dinners; I have watched it first hand. Sorry – it’s game over. Yes my name is published in the list of attendees at Table 143, the guest of Bill Kristol, Weekly Standard.

Ted Cruz Mistress Crisis – Apparently There’s Video…

This is getting to be a real soap opera … Is that the intent?

Scott Walker Predicts Open Convention Nomination for Someone Not Currently Running…

Even if Cruz wins in Wisconsin Trump still goes to the convention with more then he needs. Trumps base are mostly the middle class that have been hurt by the movement of production to China and the next ten states and eight of them will go to Trump. By the end of that run with West Virginia Trump will only need 100 more delegates so California will put him over the top.

Quinnipiac National Poll – Donald Trump Beats Ted Cruz and John Kasich in Head-To-Head Matchups…

So let me gt this right! We have a poll that states Trump beets Cruz and Kasich together or separate. Then we apparently have Jeb (GOPe) throwing his support to Cruz indicating that the GOPe supports Cruz over Trump and Kasich while the Poll shows that only Ksich can beat Hillary. So either they don’t want to beat Hillary or they don’t want trump to win because he really can beat Hillary. So which one is it?

Judge Jeanine: GOP Establishment, Your Free Ride Is Over

Published on Mar 20, 2016

Opening Statement: Why party leaders may choose to attack the biggest vote-getter in Republican Party primary history. Fox News: Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro

Brandon Tatum Attends Trump Rally – Discovers Protesters are actually Nasty, Violent, Radical Professional Activists…

A VERY HIGH PERCENTAGE OF LIBERALS ARE FULL OF HATE AND ANGER. In contrast most of the rest of us are not we are just living be the golden rule —“Do on to others as you would have them do on to you.”

Republicans for Hillary Because Trump is not a Conservative? Really?

Hillary Laughing

Republicans for Hillary is starting to emerge under the pretense that Donald Trump is not a “conservative” if you can believe that one. There have been secret meetings behind closed curtain among the Republican elite. The story they will spin is Trump is not a conservative and his anti-Mexican comments would hurt the party so support Hillary. That is about as far from the truth as anyone can get. We all know that whatever anyone says while running for President has little chance of ever happening. Ronald Reagan they said was a hawk who would start World War III. The real issue behind the curtain is simply that Trump is an outsider who would threaten their cushy jobs. Hillary is by no means a “conservative” and on that score, she is far worse than anything Trump has had to say. So what is really the story here?

It is simply that Trump is an outsider. I have written many times that John Boehner was a dictator. He threw off of every finance committee anyone who supported Ron Paul. It had nothing to do with the people they represented. His forced resignation was the start of this civil unrest within the Republican Party. But because they have banned mirrors on Capitol Hill, everyone else is the problem and never the member of the “establishment”. I wrote how if Boehner was made dictator he would NEVER shut down any agency or reduce government. This is all about maintaining the status-quo.

So now we have emerging the split. There are Republicans “for” Hillary starting to shape up inside the Republican Establishment. They will no doubt change the rules because the way they rigged them to stop Ron Paul’s name from even being introduced because he had won delegates, that means ONLY Trump’s name can be introduced for nomination. We are watching the pretense of a Democracy crumble and fall. What they do not get even now, this is not about Trump. He just appears to be the choice of the “silent majority” as the lessor of two evils. The bankers will be pouring heaps of money on Hillary for they too do not want to be on the side who does not own the White House. That is the HUGE THREAT to the “establishment” Trump represents. He would be far more “conservative” than the pretend Republican “conservatives” who have gone along with making government bigger and bigger. This has nothing to do with “conservative” but everything to do with the special interests who own them. They want Hillary before Trump any day. This is going to make 2016 very interesting for it is a real battle I suspect they will conjure-up anything if not some staged assassination and blame it on a Mexican who they pay very well. Then like the Kennedy assassination, pay another to kill him who will be conveniently dead before trial of natural causes. Hey, they know what works.

Note: (Kennedy was against expanding the military establishment and this has been argued was the motive to eliminate him for his debate on funding the military created a Gold Panic in 1960 which revealed his understanding of the issue that the decline in the dollar & ultimately Bretton Woods was caused by military expansion. This was a warning of Eisenhower upon leaving office in his Farewell Address of January 17th, 1961 to beware of the “military establishment”).